Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Modern problems of  man biology and animals



This educational program allows to consider more deeply the questions connected with fundamental problems of man physiology and animals, age psychophysiology and a hronoBiology.

Objects of professional activity are wildlife areas, zoos, sanitary and epidemiologic and antiplague stations, the museums of the nature, the enterprise food and processing industry, managements and ecology departments at regional and regional akimats, departments of republican nature protection departments, schools, colleges, gymnasiums, etc.




In the course of training on an educational program "Modern problems of man biology and animals" undergraduates have to:


And to understand the nobility:

  • essence, mechanisms and regularities of processes of activity of live organisms (microorganisms, plants, animal);
  • modern problems of biology;
  • basic terms and concepts of man anatomy area;
  • the structurally functional organization of bodies and systems of a body of the person, including their microscopic and ultramicroscopic organization, taking into account age, sexual and specific features.


To be able:

  • to use methods of the analysis of the major connections of live organisms and methods of research of processes of their activity;
  • to use fundamental biological representations in the sphere of professional activity, including for statement and the solution of new tasks;
  • to apply scientific knowledge in the field of man biology and animals in educational and professional activity.


To own:

  • rules of labor protection and safety measures on production and to demand it from others;
  • methodological fundamentals of modern biological science;
  • knowledge of the structural and functional organization of bodies and systems of a man body, their age, sexual and specific features, factors of anatomic variability;
  • basic biological concepts, knowledge of biological laws and phenomena.



Catalog of disciplines educational program

Catalog of disciplines educational program contains a description of each discipline separately indicating prerequisites and post-requisites, number of credits, occupations, information about the leaders of the program.


Basic disciplines


Methods of search and biological information/Biologyna's structuring ң ақпараты құ растыру to the zhena іздеу әдісі / Methods of search and structurization of the biological information – 3 credits

Prerequisites: biology

Course summary:  Information culture of the modern scientist.  Bibiliografichesky search of scientific biological information.  Methods of search of scientific information on the Internet.  Integrative role of uniform scientific information space.  Scientific search engines.  Mathematical apparatus of modern biology.  Basic model of interaction.  Competition.  Selection.  "Life waves" and dissipative structures in mathematical processing of biological data.  Analysis of biological data with the help of the personal computer.  Statistical research in biology.  Publication of biological data as result of their structuring.  Modeling of dynamics of vegetable communities.  Statistical mistakes in biomedical researches.  Structuring within high-quality interpretation of data.

Types of classroom occupations: the practical

Heads of the program: Beyshova I.S.

Main subjects


Cellular biology / Zhasushala қ biology/Cellular biology - 2 credits

Prerequisites: evolyutsionny biology

Course summary: The discipline purpose – to deepen knowledge of masters gained in the field of cellular biology, acquaintance of masters with fundamental bases and modern ideas of structure, the molecular organization, executive and regulatory mechanisms of functions about - and eukaryotic cells.

Types of classroom occupations: the practical

Head of the program: Sultangazina G. Zh.


Environment and biological diversity / Қоршаған Horta to the zhena биологиялы қ әртүрліліктерді сақтау / Environment and and biological variety 2 credits

Prerequisites: :evolyutsionny biology

Course summary:  The discipline purpose – is acquaintance of undergraduates with the main problems on preservation and steady use of components of biological diversity, with development of strategy of environmental management and a legal basis of preservation of a biodiversity, with control methods on withdrawal of bioresources taking into account possible damage to a biodiversity;  with a contribution of Kazakhstan to the general global biodiversity preservations.

Types of classroom occupations: the practical

Head of the program: Sultangazina G. Zh.


Modern aspects of ecology of populations / Ekologiyala қ популяцияны ң қазіргі аспектісі / Modernaspectsofecologyofpopulations - 3 credits

Prerequisites: environment and preservation of biological diversity

Course summary: The discipline purpose - formations of a certain sum of knowledge of populations of different types of live organisms, skills to use them in the practical purposes, including in the solution of biological and ecological tasks. Types of live organisms are widespread not evenly, and separate groups of individuals — populations. In it the originality of species consists - they exist in the form of populations. Such properties as the number (density), birth rate, mortality, age, sexual, spatial, ecological structures and dynamics called by demographic indicators, are characteristic not for certain individuals but only for populations.

Types of classroom occupations: the practical

Head of the program: Beishova I.S.

Fundamental problems of man physiology and animals / Adam to the zhena жануарлар физиологиясыны ң фундаменталды қ мәселелері / Fundamental problems of manphysiology and animals - the 3rd credit

Prerequisites: man physiology and animals (bachelor degree).

Course summary: General, evolutionary, medical and ecological physiology, main theoretical concepts and actual directions. Evolution of the main functional systems of an organism. Ontogenesis of functional systems. Physiological regulation; coordination and adaptation of physiological functions to various environmental conditions, their system and molecular mechanisms. Elements of a pathophysiology and functional diagnostics. Elements of the theory of systems; mathematical and computer methods in modern physiology. Methods of experimental physiology, functional diagnostics, surgery, electrophysiology, skills of work with various laboratory animals.

Types of classroom occupations: :praktichesky

Head of the program: Sultangazina G. Zh.

Age psychophysiology / Zhassp_r_mder психологиясыны ң физиологиясы / Agepsychophysiology - 3 credits

Prerequisites: psychology

Course summary: Theoretical concepts and actual problems; physiological mechanisms of mental activity, physiological bases of touch perception and formation of feelings. Physiological aspects sheathe psychology, higher nervous activity, psychopathology; stress psychophysiology, age psychophysiology. Psychophysiological diagnostics of diseases of touch systems, defects of the speech and intelligence. Problems of individual distinctions, formation of the prepotent states defining mentality of the person. Problem of artificial intelligence. Methods of electrophysiological, morphological researches, testings of the psychological status of the person. Methods of mathematical modeling in psychophysiology.

Types of classroom occupations: the practical

Head of the program: Sultangazina G. Zh.

HronoBiology / Hronologiyala қ biology / Chronobiology - 3 credits

Prerequisites of discipline: Evolutionary biology.

Course summary: HronoBiology as the new interdisciplinary fundamental science studying zakonokmernost of implementation of processes of activity of an orgaknizm in time, has a great impact on researches in the field of physiology of the healthy and sick person. By organism consideration from positions of system approach there is a need of clarification of hierarchy of biorhythms, their interrelations and interaction that finds reflection in the concept of the temporary organization of biological systems. The rhythm is universal feature of movement of a matter, result of conflict of opposites: creations and destructions.

Types of classroom occupations: the practical

Head of the program: Beishova I.S.