Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Modern botany 



This educational program allows graduates of a magistracy to seize methods of search and structuring information in questions of systematization of seaweed, systematization of the highest plants, the concept of physiology of plants.

Objects of professional activity are branch institutes, production, medical, pharmaceutical, agricultural, administrative, expert, nonconsumptive institutions, stations of protection of plants, selection and sortoispytatelny stations, etc. 




In the course of training on an educational program "Modern botany" undergraduates have to:

And to understand the nobility:

  • fundamentals of fundamental sciences within specialization;
  • main achievements and tendencies of development of modern botany;
  • the principles of formation and functioning of systems of various levels to have idea of the mechanisms defining stability of biological systems of different levels, of mechanisms of interrelation of an organism and Wednesday, of circulation of substances and energy transformation in the biosphere, of the bases for environmental assessment and the ecological forecast of economic activity of the person.

To be able:

  • to use technologies of professional activity of the biologist botanist;
  • on a scientific basis to organize the work, owns methods of collecting, storage and processing (editing) of information, including computer, applied in the sphere of its professional activity;
  • to acquire new knowledge, using modern information educational technologies.

To own:

  • skills and the principle of work with devices of the modern laboratory and production equipment;
  • skills and methods of anatomic, morphological and taxonomical researches of biological objects (preparation of object for research, fixing, it is sharp, coloring, microscopy, preparation, a sketch, work with a herbarium and a collection material, etc.);
  • different methods of researches: anatomo-morphological, cytologic, geobotanical, floristic, microbiological, cytochemical, mycologic, gerbarization and collectings.


Catalog of disciplines of an educational program

The catalog of disciplines of an educational program contains the description of each discipline separately with the instruction пререквизитов and post-requisites, quantity of the credits, types of occupations, information on heads of the program.


Basic disciplines

Methods of search and biological information/Биологияның ақпараты құрастыру және іздеу әдісі /   Methods of search and structurization of the biological information – 3 credits

Prerequisites: Biology (Пререквизиты: биология)

Course summary:  Information culture of the modern scientist.  Bibiliografichesky search of scientific biological information.  Methods of search of scientific information on the Internet.  Integrative role of uniform scientific information space.  Scientific search engines.  Mathematical apparatus of modern biology.  Basic model of interaction.  Competition.  Selection.  "Life waves" and dissipative structures in mathematical processing of biological data.  Analysis of biological data with the help of the personal computer.  Statistical research in biology.  Publication of biological data as result of their structuring.  Modeling of dynamics of vegetable communities.  Statistical mistakes in biomedical researches.  Structuring within high-quality interpretation of data.

Types of classroom occupations: the practical

Heads of the program: Beyshova I.S.

Main subjects

Cellular biology / Zhasushala қ biology/Cellular biology - 2 credits

Prerequisites: Evolutionary Biology (Пререквизиты: Эволюционная биология)

Course summary: The discipline purpose – to deepen knowledge of masters gained in the field of cellular biology, acquaintance of masters with fundamental bases and modern ideas of structure, the molecular organization, executive and regulatory mechanisms of functions about - and eukaryotic cells.

Types of classroom occupations: the practical

Head of the program: Sultangazina G. Zh.

Environment and and biological variety  / Қоршаған орта және биологиялық әртүрліліктерді сақтау / Environment and а biological variety- 2 credits

Prerequisites: Evolutionary Biology

Course summary:  The discipline purpose – is acquaintance of undergraduates with the main problems on preservation and steady use of components of biological diversity, with development of strategy of environmental management and a legal basis of preservation of a biodiversity, with control methods on withdrawal of bioresources taking into account possible damage to a biodiversity;  with a contribution of Kazakhstan to the general global biodiversity preservations.

Types of classroom occupations: the practical

Head of the program: Sultangazina G. Zh.

Modern aspects of ecology of populations / Ekologiyala қ популяцияны ң қазіргі аспектісі / Modernaspectsofecologyofpopulations - 3 credits

Prerequisites: environment and preservation of biological diversity

Course summary: The discipline purpose - formations of a certain sum of knowledge of populations of different types of live organisms, skills to use them in the practical purposes, including in the solution of biological and ecological tasks. Types of live organisms are widespread not evenly, and separate groups of individuals — populations. In it the originality of species consists - they exist in the form of populations. Such properties as the number (density), birth rate, mortality, age, sexual, spatial, ecological structures and dynamics called by demographic indicators, are characteristic not for certain individuals but only for populations.

Types of classroom occupations: the practical

Head of the program: Beyshova I.S.


Modern naprvleniye of systematization seaweed / Baldyrlar систематикасыны ң қазіргі бағыттары / Modern problems of systematization of seaweed - 3 credits

Prerequisites: environment and preservation of biological diversity

Course summary:  Theoretical aspects and modern directions of systematization, floristics, geography and ecology of seaweed.  Morphology, reproduction biology.  Phytoplankton and phytobenthos of sea and continental reservoirs.  Seaweed of soils.  Seaweed as indicators of a condition of an ecosystem.  Fundamentals of cytology, physiology, biochemistry and genetics of seaweed.  Paleoalgologiya.  Main stages of formation of flora.  Methods mikropaleoalgologiya, systematization, cytology of seaweed.

Types of classroom occupations: the practical

Head of the program: Sultangazina G. Zh.

Modern questions of systematization of the highest plants / Zhoary сатыдағы a s_md_kter систематикасыны ң қазіргі сұрақтары / Modernquestionsofsystematisationofthehigherplants - 3 credits

Prerequisites: evolutionary biology.

Course summary:  Introduction in systematization.  Creation of phylogenetic system.  Main stages of historical development of flora.  Classification of the highest plants.  The characteristic of the main taxonomical groups - department mokhovidny.  Plants with prevalence спорофита in life cycle.  Pteroid.  Seed plants.  Department gymnospermous (Gymnospermae), or Pine (Pinophyte).  Department angiospermous (Angiospermae) or magnoliyevy (Magnoliophlta).  Mikrosporogenez and микрогаметогенез.  Flower ontogenesis.  Formula and flower chart.  Inflorescences.  Fruits.  Systematization of the angiospermous.  Class two-submultiple (Dicotyiedoncae), or Magnoliopsida (Magnoliosidae).  Class monocotyledonous (Monocotyledoncae).

Types of classroom occupations: the practical

Head of the program: Sultangazina G. Zh.


Theoretical concepts of physiology plants / s_md_kter физиологиясыны ң теориялы қ концепциялары / Theoreticalconceptsofphysiologyofplants - 3 credits

Prerequisites: cellular biology.

Course summary: Main theoretical concepts and actual problems of physiology of plants. Ecological physiology of plants. Mechanisms of photosynthesis, transport of substances, breath, power and plastic metabolism, reproduction and development of plants. Cellular and genetic engineering of plants. Physiology of various groups of plants. Evolution of functional systems. Hormones of plants. Immunity of plants. Biological methods of protection of plants from pathogenic influences. Classical and new methods of physiology of plants; cultivation of cages and fabrics, cellular biotechnology.

Types of classroom occupations: the practical

Head of the program: Султангазина G. Zh.