Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Educational program "Selection and Seed"



The study of this discipline of the educational program will provide knowledge for use in the performance of such types of agricultural activities as organizational management, experimental and research, production and technological, educational (teaching), and project activities. 





After studying the subjects of the educational program "Selection and Seed"  graduates should: 

know and understand:

  • trends in the development of world agriculture and agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and ways to improve them;
  • modern progressive technologies of cultivation of agricultural crops;
  • monitoring the quality of the agricultural activities in the cultivation of crops
  • fundamental sciences relevant to the specialty 6M0801 - Agronomy (Botany, Plant Physiology, Soil science, Microbiology);
  • industrial and scientific achievements in the agricultural sector in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad;
  • modern progressive methods of agriculture;
  • economic aspects of production and processing of crop products;
  • history and philosophy of sciences;
  • basic and applied sciences of agricultural nature and regularities of their development;
  • achievements of national and international scientists in the field of agricultural science;
  • methods of teaching agronomic disciplines in vocational and technical schools, colleges and universities;
  • use knowledge of basic and applied sciences for solving research, information retrieval and methodological problems;
  • methodology of experimental work;
  • methods of making  programs and schemes of field, laboratory, vegetation lysimetric experiments;
  • planning phenological and other related observations in the field experiment;
  • undergraduate teaching pedagogy and psychology;
  • methods of teaching agronomic disciplines;

be able to:

  • use their theoretical and practical knowledge to solve current problems in various sectors of agriculture;
  • plan, organize and carry out production work;
  • work on the computer and other modern computer machinery;
  • work in a team;
  • perform phenological and other related monitoring of the growth and development of crops during their growing season;
  • control the factors and conditions of plants life in view of the weather conditions, and peculiarities of the problems under examination;
  • predict the future yields of main cultivated crops;
  • work with students and carry out educational and other kinds of work;



  • independent planning and conducting  research on current problems selection and seed;
  • method of creating and using models to predict  different processes and phenomena, while making the qualitative and quantitative analysis and synthesis;
  • pedagogical skill;
  • making research on various problems of agronomy;
  • analysis of the experimental materials and judgments of scientific hypotheses;
  • educational, instructional types of activities;
  • computer methods of record keeping and analysis of the quality crop production products;
  • the system of updating the knowledge in the process of professional activity that provides an active search, collection and use of new information;


Catalog of disciplines of the educational program


Catalog of disciplines of the educational program contains a description of each discipline separately indicating the prerequisites and postrequisites, the number of credits, types of classes, and information about the leaders of the program.



Basic Disciplines

Biometry - 3 credits 

Prerequisites: Botany, MEA, Plants Physiology

Course Outline: History and the emergence of biometrics. Formation of biometrics in biology and plant growing. Statistical methods in biometrics. Biometrics of crops. Genetics and Biometry. Phenotypic and modified variability, the role of environment. Practical significance and application of biometrics in agronomy.

Types of classes: practical lessons.

Program Manager: Kasyanov P.F. 

Profile disciplines

Agrarian landscape system of farming - 3 credits

Prerequisites: Botany, Plant growing, Animal feed production, Agro chemistry, Husbandry  

Course Outline: Multicomponent of husbandry system, the importance of each component in various agrolandscape conditions and their relationship to the effective functioning of the system.

Analysis of agrolandscape, climatic, organizational and economic conditions of the branch of production. Making up agro ecological land groups, reflecting their properties and quality to the extent of their water erosion and deflation, the degree of the expression of the secondary salinization, and other indicators.

        Environmental organization of land use and its forms: contour, contour-way, rectangular with associated elements that take into account the peculiarities of landscape. Agro-ecological zoning of arable land.

Types of classes: practical lessons.

Program Manager:  Zhempiisov  Sh.S.


Morfophysiological methods in plants selection  – 3 credits 

Prerequisites: Botany, Genetics, Selection and seed keeping of crops, Plants Physiology Course Outline: Fundamentals of morphophysiology of plants. Biological potential of crop yield. The value of morphophysiology in the implementation of the biological potential of plants. Morphological indicators contained in the genotype. The role of individual organs in the production process of spring wheat. Development of methods for the evaluation and selection of morphological traits for selection. Morphological basis for improving the efficiency of cereals selection.

Types of classes: practical lessons.

Program Manager: Kasyanov P.F.


Selection and seed-growing of fodder, olive cultures and potatoes  – 3 credits 

Prerequisites: Botany, Genetics, Selection and seed keeping of crops, Plants Physiology Course Outline: Selection of alfalfa. Selection of wheatgrass. Selection of linseed. Breeding rapeseed. Selections of  potatoes. Seed growing of fodder, oilseeds and potatoes.

Types of classes: practical lessons.

Program Manager:  Akxmet A.Z.

Selection and seedkeeping of grain crops of Northern Kazakhstan – 3 credits 

Prerequisites: Botany, Genetics, Selection and seed keeping of crops, Plants Physiology Course Outline: Selection of soft spring wheat. Selection of hard spring wheat. Selection of winter wheat. Selection of spring barley. Seed growing crops.

Types of classes: practical lessons.

Program Manager:  Akxmet A.Z.


Industrial seed-growing   - 3 credits 

Prerequisites: Botany, Genetics, Selection and seed keeping of crops, Plants Physiology Course OutlineSeed quality and yield. Organization of seed production. Variety as an object of seed growing work. Primary seed. Harvesting of seed crops. Post-harvest processing of seeds. Storage of seeds. Varietal and seed control.

Types of classes: practical lessons.

Program Manager:  Akxmet A.Z.