Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Technology of transport processes



Studying the subjects of this educational program will provide knowledge for specialists working in the field of scientific production associated with the machines and apparatus of transport; warehousing; equipment for transport companies, service stations, transport garages and transport. Learning a set of subjects must provide in-depth training and development of future specialists in scientific matters, technological and industrial and technological activities, working directly in science and farms.






After the end of the study subjects of the educational program "The technology vehicles" students must:

 Know and understand:

  • methodology of scientific knowledge; 
  • the principles and structure of the organization of scientific activity; 
  • psychology of cognitive activity of students in the learning process; 
  • psychological methods and means to improve the efficiency and quality of education.

Be able to:

  • use this knowledge for the development and application of original ideas in the context of scientific research; 
  • critically analyze the existing concepts, theories and approaches to the analysis of processes and phenomena;
  • integrate the knowledge gained in the different disciplines to address research challenges in the new unfamiliar surroundings; 
  • by integrating the knowledge make judgments and decisions based on incomplete or limited information; 
  • apply knowledge of pedagogy and psychology of higher education in their teaching activities;
  • use interactive teaching methods; 
  • conduct information analysis and information-bibliographic work using modern information technologies; 
  • creative thinking and creative approach to solving new problems and situations; 
  • be fluent in a foreign language at a professional level, allowing to carry out research and to carry out the teaching of special subjects in high schools; 
  • summarize the results of the research and analysis in the form of theses, scientific articles, reports, analytical papers, etc.


  • computer receipt, storage and processing of information; 
  • System upgrade knowledge in the course of professional activities.


Catalog of disciplines of the educational program

Catalog of disciplines of the educational program contains a description of each discipline separately indicating the prerequisites and postrequisites, the number of credits, types of classes, and information about the leaders of the program.


Basic Subjects


Еngineering design – 3 credits

Prerequisites:  mathematics, physics, computer science, drawing.

Course Outline: program includes: general information about the design, mathematical modeling as a design method, the computational experiment and its planning and processing, computer-aided design, peculiarities of the design of agricultural facilities.

Types of classes: lectures, practical classes

Program manager: Benyukh O.A.


Transport engineering testing – 3 credits

Prerequisites: transportation machinery, cars.

Course Outline: Studies of transport and transport communication with testing machines. Types of testing transport equipment. Standards for testing in foreign countries and Kazakhstan. Technical support of different types of tests. The methods  of making  road tests.

Types of classes: lectures, practical classes

Program manager: Derepaskin A.P.


Profile subjects (majors)

Maintenance of supplies and saving of fuel and energy resources – 2 credits

Prerequisites: for studying the course "Operational materials and saving energy resources" a magistrate needs the knowledge and skills obtained in the study section of disciplines: chemistry, fuels, lubricants, design and theory, tractors and cars.

Course Outline: This discipline considers the problem of increasing reliability, durability and efficiency of the technology at the expense of the quality of fuel, lubricants and fluids, as well as their efficient use in operation. In addition, the ways and methods are mastered to ensure economical use of petroleum products during transportation, distribution, storage.

Types of classes: lectures, practical classes

Program manager: Gavrilov N.V.


Promising technologies and tools in plant growing - 3 credits

Prerequisites: mathematics, physics, descriptive geometry, engineering graphics, materials of construction technology, theoretical and applied mechanics.

Course Outline:. The directions of the development of agricultural machines and units at present. Ways of improving design and operation of agricultural machinery for large and small farms. Machinery for farms and individual farmsteads. Agricultural machinery of the best farms in the region and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Types of classes: lectures, practical classes

Program manager: Kushnir V.G.


Modern technologies and hardware in cattle breeding – 3 credits

Prerequisites: mathematics, physics, descriptive geometry, engineering graphics, materials of construction technology, theoretical and applied mechanics.

Course Outline: a set of tools for the production of livestock products and the creation of semi-finished product for further processing and recycling. Modern machines and equipment for animal husbandry in Northern Kazakhstan. Features of the production of certain types of products and animal keeping. Farms and their economically sound technical equipping.

Types of classes: lectures, practical classes

Program manager: Nurpeisov Zh.A.


Theory of business processes of transport equipment– 3 credits

Prerequisites: Device of  cars. Labor protection and techniques of Safety.

Course Outline: Introduction to ergonomics. Service areas. The dependence of the service areas on the types of operation. Methods and ways to reduce the energy intensity of loading and unloading. Trends in the development of the road transport ergonomics. Construction and / or improvement of the means of labor.

Types of classes: lectures, practical classes

Program manager: Gavrilov N.V.


Modern technologies and facilities for technical service and repair - 2 credits

Prerequisites: Reliability of transport equipment, power systems of transport equipment, basic technologies of production and repair of transport equipment.

Course Outline: Main trends and directions of development of modern technologies and equipment maintenance and repair of vehicles. Advanced methods of organizing and conducting the production process of repair. The leading companies in the production of advanced technical equipment and tooling for technical service and repair.

Types of classes: lectures, practical classes

Program manager: Nurushev S.Z.


Experimental research of engineering systems - 3 credits

Prerequisites: Mathematics, Physics, Theoretical and applied mechanics, Agricultural machines.

Course Outline: Principles of selection and combination of experimental and theoretical studies of technical systems. Advantages and disadvantages of the implementation of such methods of research. Equipment and instruments for experimental studies. Preparation for pilot studies. Theories and methods of their application.

Types of classes: lectures, practical classes

Program manager: Gaifullin G.Z..