Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Sanitary-ecological safety of food production





The study of subjects of this educational program will provide knowledge on the sanitary-ecological safety of cattle-breeding production, as well as to consolidate the theoretical knowledge and practical skills to control safety of dairy and meat products.





After the end of the study subjects of the educational program "Sanitary-ecological safety of cattle-breeding production” doctoral candidates must :

know and understand:

• theoretical foundations of pathogenic agents, toxic elements, genetically modified objects and other contaminants in food products;

• methods for the determination of pathogens, toxic elements, genetically modified objects and other contaminants in food products.

be able to:

• to provide state control in the field of food safety, veterinary and subject to sanitary inspection;

• to identify pathogens, toxic elements, genetically modified objects and other substances in food.

Be master of teaching and research work.




Catalog of disciplines of the educational program


Catalog of disciplines educational program contains a description of each discipline separately indicating the prerequisites and postrequisites, number of credits, occupations, information about the leaders of the program.


Basic disciplines


Санитарно–экологическая безопасность животноводческой продукции /Мал шаруашылық өнімдерінің ветеринариялық-экологиялық қауіпсіздігі /Sanitary-ecological safety of cattle-breeding production - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: veterinary- sanitary inspection of  cattle-breeding production.

The summary of a course: Modern requirements for veterinary and sanitary inspection. Modern methods of disinfection of manure. Quality control methods of disinfection. Modern methods of veterinary- sanitary inspection of cattle-breeding production.

Types of lecture occupations: practical

The head of the program: Kaumenov N.S.


Major disciplines


Иммунобиотехнология /Иммунобиотехнология / Immunity biotechnology - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: Microbiology and Virology

The summary of a course : technology preparation of vaccines and serums. Serological tests . Modern methods of diagnosing infectious diseases.

Types of lecture occupations: practical

The head of the program: B.A. Osipova


Дезинфектология/ Залалсыздандыру / Disinfection - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: Veterinary Care

The summary of a course : ways and means of destruction of pathogenic microorganisms. Development aspects of the theory and practice of disinfecting of various objects. The mechanism of action of disinfectants on microbial cell , and the destruction of living carriers and distributors (insects and rodents ) agents of many infectious diseases.

Types of lecture occupations: practical

The head of the program: A.N. Batyrbekov

Гигиена и санитария молока и молочных продуктов/ Сүт және сүт өнімдерінің гигиенасы мен санитариясы / Hygiene and sanitary of milk and dairy products - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: veterinary- sanitary inspection of food livestock sector and poultry

The summary of a course : hygiene milk production. Sensory evaluation of the quality of milk. Bacteriological assessment of the quality of milk. Sanitization of dairy equipment.

Types of lecture occupations : practical

The head of the program: Isabayev A.Zh.


Гигиена и санитария биотходов/ Биоқалдықтардың гигиенасы мен санитариясы/ Hygiene and sanitary of biology wastes - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: Veterinary Care

The summary of a course : disinfectants for disinfecting livestock facilities. Disinfection equipment. Disinfection of livestock farms and other farms. Health requirements for disposal of dead bodies, placentas, waste. Hygienic requirements for manure storage and decontamination. Veterinary and sanitary rules for disposal of manure. Disinfection and elimination of animal burial.

Types of lecture occupations: practical

The head of the program: Kaumenov N.S.


Таможенный контроль и досмотр/ Кедендік бақылау және тексеру/ The customs control and examination -3 Credits

Prerequisites : Theory and experimental methods

The summary of a course : customs control and  examination when moving food products, fish products of hunting and animals across the customs border of the Republic of Kazakhstan to different types of transports. Policies established by the documents in the cross-border movement of controlled state veterinary supervision of cargo. The rules and procedure of the customs union.

Types of lecture occupations : practical

The head of the program: A.N. Batyrbekov