Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Sanitary and environmental safety at the livestock enterprises




The studying of subjects of this educational program will receive knowledge in the field of health and environmental safety of livestock enterprises as well as to consolidate the theoretical knowledge and practical skills for the prevention of communicable and non-communicable diseases.





After the end of the studying of subjects of the educational program "Sanitary and environmental safety on livestock enterprises" doctoral candidates must:


know and understand:


• theoretical framework for prevention of contagious and non-contagious pathogens;

• Modern methods of diagnosing diseases and its prophylaxis;


be able to:


• to carry out diagnostic analysis  in the field of communicable and non-communicable diseases;

• to select the appropriate research methods, and based on them to develop new methods and principles of approaches in the diagnosis of diseases;

• to carry out the research work.



• the skills of research work;

• the skills of economic analysis of economic activities of enterprises




Catalog of the disciplines of the educational program

The catalog of disciplines of educational program contains a description of each discipline separately indicating the prerequisites and postrequisites, number of credits, occupations, information about the leaders of the program.


Basic disciplines


Санитарно–экологическая безопасность животноводческой продукции /Мал шаруашылық өнімдерінің ветеринариялық-экологиялық қауіпсіздігі /Sanitary-ecological safety of cattle-breeding production - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: veterinary- sanitary inspection of cattle-breeding products.

The summary of a course : Modern requirements for veterinary and sanitary inspection. Modern methods of disinfection of manure. Quality control methods of disinfection. Modern methods of veterinary- sanitary inspection of animal products.

Types of lecture occupations: practical.

The head of the program: Kaumenov N.S.


Major disciplines


Иммунологические методы диагностики инфекционных болезней/ Жұқпалы ауруларды диагностикалаудың иммунологиялық әдістері / Immunlogicalе methods of diagnostics of infectious illnesses - 3 Credits

Prerequisites : biochemistry, microbiology, virology, immunology, epizootiology

The summary of a course : theoretical and practical basis of the using of modern immunological methods of diagnosis of infectious diseases. Immuno- fluorescence method. Immunoblotting. Polymer and chain reaction and its varieties.

Types of lecture occupations: practical

The head of the program: B.A. Osipova


Средства дезинсекции и дератизации в ветеринарии /Ветеринариядағы дезинсекция мен дератизация құралдары/ Means dezinsekcion and deratization in veterinary - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: Veterinary Care

The summary of a course : mechanical methods and dezinsekcion. Chemical and biological processes and dezinsekcion. Characteristics of chemical agents used for dezinsekcion and deratization.

 Types of lecture occupations: practical

The head of the program: Kaumenov N.S.


Гигиена и санитария мяса и мясных продуктов/ Ет және ет өнімдерінің гигиенасы мен санитариясы / Hygiene and sanitary of meat and meat products - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: veterinary- sanitary inspection of food livestock sector and poultry

The summary of a course : Care of animals. Technology of the slaughter of animals. Physically -chemical evaluation of the quality of meat. Bacteriological assessment of meat. Sanitizing of equipment of slaughterhouses.

Types of lecture occupations : practical

The head of the program: A.N. Batyrbekov


Токсикология ядовитых веществ/ Улы заттардың токсикологиясы/ Toxicology of poisonous substances - 3 Credits

Prerequisites : pharmacology, toxicology and toxicological analysis.

The summary of a course: poisonous substances and their classification, chemical toxicity, forage toxicosis. Poisoning of animals caused by poor quality forages (fitotoksikoz (poisoning of animals of poisonous plants), animal fodder poisoning affected mushrooms, poisoning caused by toxins of animal origin). Defeats animals of  poison (poisoning polihloribenzodioksin (dioxins) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).

Types of lecture occupations : practical

The head of the program: B.A. Osipova


Ветеринарное предпринимательство/ Ветеринариялық кәсіпкерлік/ Veterinary business - 3 Credits

Prerequisites : Modern  Problems of Veterinary Sanitation

The summary of a course : legal regulation of veterinary business. State registration and licensing of veterinary business. Taxation in the veterinary business.

Types of lecture occupations : practical

The head of the program: A.N. Batyrbekov