Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Pathological cycle




Studying disciplines of this educational program will prepare highly qualified specialists in the field of Animal Pathology. It will allow doctorate students to master the skills of diagnosis, differential diagnosis of diseases of animals and birds on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of the etiology and pathogenesis of diseases, epidemiological situation and the results of diagnostic post-mortem autopsy and extensive laboratory and clinical research.





After studying the disciplines of the educational program "Pathological cycle” doctoral candidates must:


  • methods of pathological diagnosis, tools mission, pathogenesis, etiology of the disease;
  • study histological methods of research of pathological material for diseases of various etiologies;

Be able and possess:

  • practical methodology of autopsies of different species of animals;
  • differential diagnosis of diseases of agricultural, carnivorous animals and birds;
  • practical work in the field of forensic veterinary medicine;
  • educational activities of veterinary training profile.


Catalog of disciplines of the educational program

Catalog of the disciplines of the educational program contains a description of each discipline separately indicating the prerequisites and postrequisites, the number of credits, types of classes, information about the heads of the program.


Basic disciplines

General immunology– 3 credits

Prerequisites: Microbiology, virology
Course outline: Nonspecific resistance of the organism. Mechanisms of nonspecific resistance to infection. The role of individual structures, bodies and phenomena in non-specific defence of the body .

Doctrine of antigens. Antigenis the  chief initiator of the immune response . Types of antigens in animals and bacteria. The composition and the basic properties of the antigens of bacteria.

Central and peripheral organs of the immune system. Immunocompetent cells . The structure and functions of the thymus, lymph nodes, spleen, peyer's patch lymphoid tissue and mucosal immune defences in an organism. Origin circulation structure and function of T- , B- cells, macrophages , neutrophils and other granule cells in the immune response , and their interaction .

Immunological methods of diagnosis. Discovery , nature, and the use of veterinary immunological diagnostic methods ( RA , RP , RSK , IFA , ELISA ).

Doctrine of antibodies. Structure and function of classes and groups of antibodies. The use of antibodies in the diagnosis , prevention and treatment. Clonal antibody.

Practical achievements of immunology. Immunogenesis theory . Major discoveries in immunology and their application in biology, medicine and veterinary medicine.

Program manager: Tegza A.A.


Practical pathology anatomy - 3 credits
Prerequisites: For mastering the course "Practical pathological anatomy" it is necessary to have knowledge gained by studying the course pathology of animals, domestic, non-communicable disease, epizootiology, parasitology.

Course outline: discipline will allow improving the technique of autopsy, gain skills of competent autopsy and diagnosis in animals.

Program manager: Tegza A.A.

Cytology and histology -3 credits

Prerequisites: Morphology of animals.
Postrequisites: Practical pathological anatomy of animals.
Course outline:  Cell structure, animal tissues at the cellular level. The stages of development of the cells, their structure, and the structure of tissues, organs, regularities and conditions of the development of the microscopic structure of the organization of the animal, the structure of already formed organisms, its relationship with the function and the possibility of direct impact on it for the benefit of practice. Knowledge of these laws is needed to develop the effective ways of intervention in the life of the organism, which is important for the treatment of animals and increase of their productivity.

Program manager: Tegza A.A.

Modern methods of research in pathology – 3 credits

Prerequisites: General pathology

Postrequisites: general principles of the pathogenesis of bacterial infections

Research methodology . The concept of the modern methods and techniques of diagnostic tests . Methods of diagnosis of infectious diseases in animal pathology . Requirements for the organization of laboratory research . Biopsy . Biochemical analysis of blood . Biochemical diagnostic of blood parameters. Gastroscopy - or endoscopy ( esophago - gastro- duodeno - scopy ) -  histological methods. Colonoscopy . Computed tomography (CT) Wood's lamp - Fluorescent diagnostics . The overall clinical laboratory analysis of blood. The overall clinical laboratory analysis of urine. X-ray examinations . Flow cytometry . Polymerase chain reaction

Program manager: Tegza A.A.

Profile disciplines
Differential diagnosis of diseases of ruminants – 3 credits

Prerequisites: General pathology

Course outline:  The concept of the modern methods and techniques of diagnostic tests. Methods of diagnosis of infectious diseases in animal pathology. Organization of differential diagnosis using modern research methods. The essence of diagnostic studies. The essence of studies in the differential diagnosis.

Program manager: Tegza A.A.

General principles of the pathogenesis of bacterial infections – 3 credits

Prerequisites:General pathology

Course outline: General characteristics of the infectious process. Mechanisms of bacterial infections. Damage caused by bacterial pathogens . General principles of pathogenesis. Cellular mechanisms of protection. Cellular factors . Clinical aspects of the infection process. Infectious diseases: definition, classification. Infection without penetration of the pathogen into the host cells. Infection with the pathogen penetration of host cells. Primary complex in the pathogenesis of infectious diseases. Generalized forms of infection. Participation in the development of host infection. The role of adaptive- compensatory syndrome in infectious diseases. Clinico- pathogenetic characteristics of  periods of infection . The incubation period. Prodromal period. The crisis period. Fever. Impairment of consciousness . Intoxication . The recovery period.  Exacerbation and relapse.  Complications. Outcomes of infection.

Program manager: Tegza A.A.

Rare diseases of carnivores and fur-bearing animals - 3 credits 
Prerequisites:General pathology

Course outline: functional changes in the sick organism and morphological changes in the organs and tissues of carnivorous animals, laboratory and fur animals for various diseases. That is the doctrine of the laws of development of the disease (Greek rathos - suffering, sickness, logos - science).

Program manager: Tegza A.A.


Basic principles of treatment and prevention of infectious animal diseases -  3 credits

Prerequisites: General pathology

Course outline: Infection process . Primary forms of immunodeficiency . Secondary immunodeficiency states. Primary complex in the pathogenesis of infectious diseases. Generalized forms of infection. Participation in the development of host infection. The role of adaptive and compensatory syndrome in infectious diseases . Acute forms. Protracted and a progressive form. Chronic infections. Persistent infection. Latent forms. Carriage of infection. Clinical forms of the infection process of viral etiology. Mechanisms of viral infections. General principles of pathogenesis. The damaging effect of viruses. Parvovirus B19. Polio virus. Influenza virus . Measles virus. Herpes simplex virus . The role of non-specific and specific mechanisms of host defence. Participation of non-specific resistance factors in the development of host infection. Biological barriers. Humoral mechanisms of resistance. Cellular mechanisms of protection. Some specific mechanisms of resistance . Immunoglobulins . Cellular factors. Impact on the course and outcome of infectious diseases. Recent advances in medicine and biology, providing new opportunities for diagnosis, treatment and progress of specific prophylaxis.

Program manager: Tegza A.A.


Practical forensic veterinary – 3 credits

Prerequisites: General pathology

Course outline: This discipline forms the professional knowledge and skills necessary for professional activities. Discipline gives knowledge on the basics of procedural activities in the field of forensic veterinary expertise, familiarity with evidence and knowledge about the rights and responsibilities of veterinary specialists. It allows to master the skills to use the whole complex of veterinary knowledge in solving specific tasks of forensic veterinary, prepares doctoral students to work together with law enforcement, criminal , arbitral tribunal, insurance service , as well as the use of raw materials and products of animal origin.

Program manager: Tegza A.A.