Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Surgical cycle



Studying disciplines of this educational program will allow acquiring in-depth knowledge about the tasks, the basic principles of diagnosis, complex of treatment and prevention of surgical diseases in animals. Monitoring and forecasting of the outcome of current surgical diseases in various animal species.




After studying the disciplines of the educational program "Surgical cycle” doctoral candidates must:


  • topographical anatomy of tissues in animal species and age aspect;
  • theoretical justification and technique for surgical operations;
  • theoretical foundations of surgical pathology, principles of prevention and treatment;

Be able to:

  • arrange for surgery;
  • identify reasons, to establish a diagnosis and perform therapeutic and prophylactic measures in surgical pathology;
  • conduct medical examinations of animals, aimed at identifying surgical pathology;
  • surgically improve animal productivity; restore the physiological properties of the organism;
  • provide emergency assistance for acute injuries;


  • methods of surgical research, treatment and prevention to ensure the safety of animals with surgical pathology.
  • surgical techniques helping animals at a modern level considering the latest methods of immune-correction at pathologies.



Catalog of disciplines of the educational program 

Catalog of the disciplines of the educational program contains a description of each discipline separately indicating the prerequisites and postrequisites, the number of credits, types of classes, information about the heads of the program.


Basic disciplines


General immunology 3 -credits
Prerequisites: microbiology, virology

Course outline: Nonspecific resistance of the organism.  Mechanisms of nonspecific resistance to infection. The role of individual structures, bodies and phenomena in non-specific defense of the body. Doctrine of antigens. Antigen- chief initiator of the immune response. Types of antigens in animals and bacteria. The composition and the basic properties of the antigens of bacteria. Central and peripheral organs of the immune system. Immunocompetent cells. The structure and functions of the thymus, lymph nodes, spleen, Peyer's patch lymphoid tissue and mucosal immune defences in an organism. Origin, circulation, structure and function of T- , B- cells, macrophages, neutrophils, granule cells and so on in the immune response  and their interaction . Immunological methods of diagnosis.  Discovery , nature, and the use of veterinary immunological diagnostic methods ( RA , RP , RSK , IFA , ELISA ) . Doctrine of antibodies . Structure and function of classes and groups of antibodies. The use of antibodies in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment. Clonal antibodies.

Practical achievements of immunology. Theory of immunogenesis . Major discoveries in immunology and their application in biology, medicine and veterinary.

Program manager: Nametov A.M.

Modern innovative technologies of private surgery – 3 credits
Course outline: Private veterinary surgery studies all kinds of injuries, causes, contributing to their occurrence; considers reactivity of the species of animals, their body's responses to traumatic factors and infection , and some aspects of clinical immunology and the principles of etiologic and pathogenetic treatment, reflexology and other problems in a modern context.

Develops and recommends: general principles and methods of detection of surgical diseases (diagnosis); biological and clinical patterns of recovery of regenerative processes and recovery; internal and external conditions accelerating the recovery process , possible outcome ( prognosis ), principles of treatment of diseases caused by trauma, infection and metabolic disorders, rational nutrition and dietary conditions of sick animals, common methods of prevention of surgical diseases , organizational and technological principles of surgical work in industrial animal husbandry.

Program manager: Nametov A.M.



Profile disciplines

Modern innovative technologies of operative surgery - 3 credits

Course outline: Doctrine of surgery. Immobilization of animals using modern pharmacological agents. Surgical infection prevention and surgical work organization. Sterilization of instruments . Sterilization suture and surgical dressings and linen. Animal preparation for surgery. Preparation of the surgeon's hands and the surgical field . Isolation of the surgical field. Surgery room and work in it. Organization of work in the exit conditions. Anesthesia. Pain sensitivity. Anesthesia of large and small animals . Complications of anesthesia. Local anesthesia .

Separation of tissues. Bleeding and ways of stopping it. Compound tissues. Elements of plastic surgery. Injection, infusion and blood-letting. Moxibustion

(termokauterizatsiya ) . Desmurgy.

Operations on the head. Operations in the ventral neck region. Operations in the chest area. Operations in the abdomen. Operations on the urogenital organs. Operations on extremities .

Program manager: Nametov A.M.


Modern innovative technologies of the general surgery – 3 credits 
Course outline: General Veterinary Surgery studies all kinds of injuries, causes, contributing to its occurrence; reactivity of the species of animals, their body's responses to traumatic factors and infection, and some aspects of clinical immunology and the principles of etiologic and pathogenetic treatment, reflexology and other problems in a modern context.

Develops and recommends : general principles and methods of detection of surgical diseases (diagnosis ); biological and clinical patterns of recovery of regenerative processes and recovery; internal and external conditions, accelerates the recovery process, possible outcome ( prognosis), principles of treatment of diseases caused by trauma, infection and metabolic disorders, rational nutrition and dietary conditions of sick animals, common methods of prevention of surgical diseases, organizational and technological principles of surgical work in industrial animal husbandry.

Program manager: Nametov A.M.


Surgical immunopathologies – 3 credits

Prerequisites: immunobiology, morphology, pathology, pharmacology, microbiology and virology.

Course outline: Surgical immunopathology - theoretical foundations and application data of scientific achievements in the field of surgical pathology of immune -related to disorder of the immune system of an infected animal. Furthermore, the discipline gives knowledge of modern methods of immunomodulation and immunotherapy and surgical diseases.

The aim of the course is to provide doctoral students with theoretical knowledge and practical techniques, definitions immunodeficiency.

Specialization in Surgery (cardiology, microsurgery, allergy, oncology).

Program manager: Nametov A.M.

Reanimatology and intensive therapy– 3 credits

Prerequisites: surgery, therapy, morphology, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, microbiology.

Course outline: «Reanimatology and intensive therapy» studies the notion of reanimatology. Terminal states. Principles of treatment of terminal states. Emergency state in surgical practice. Emergency anesthesiology. Features and principles of operation of the emergency and intensive care for acute surgical pathologies. Learns the rules and methods of timely first aid and resuscitation of animals in which the pathology of various etiologies, threaten their lives or lead to a breach of productivity and efficiency. Furthermore, the discipline provides knowledge in basic reanimatology and emergency surgery.

Program manager: Nametov A.M.


Surgical infections– 3 credits

Prerequisites: Surgery, morphology, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, pathology, microbiology and virology.
Course outline:  The aim of the discipline "Surgical infection" - to provide doctoral students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for practical veterinarian. To do this, doctoral students should master aerobic and anaerobic infection, purulent infection, putrid infection, sepsis, preventing the development of surgical infection, the infection is treated, be able to organize and carry out mass preventive and curative surgical treatment of the infection.

After the end of this course doctoral students should be able to treat different (abscess, boil, sepsis, etc.) surgical infections. They must also possess a variety of methods of treatment and prevention of infection, master methods of surgical operations: a technique of separation and connection tissue, ready access and reception. Doctoral students should possess methods of applying or removing different kinds of dressings, know layering interposition tissues and organs in all areas of the body in animals and projection of finding their nerve blockade.

Program manager: Nametov A.M.


Veterinary traumatology– 3 credits
Prerequisites: morphology, physiology and biochemistry, pharmacology, pathology, microbiology and virology.

Course outline: Discipline "Veterinary Traumatology” presents methods, techniques common veterinary practice used in the treatment of injuries. It occupies a dominant role in the training of a veterinarian. Discipline studies the basic principles of treatment of injuries, their technique on individual organs and tissues taking into account both the nature of the injury, and condition of the animal. Many operations are the only way to preserve the life, efficiency and productivity of the animal. It is necessary to know not only how to perform a particular operation, but the cases when it should not be done in the presence of contraindications.

The purpose of the discipline is to give doctoral students the theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to practical veterinarian. For this a doctoral student should learn theclassification of injuries, overall action of trauma on the body, the degree of burns and frostbite, especially injuries of different animals, preventing the development of surgical infection, injury treatment, prevention of injury. A doctoral student should be able to organize and carry out mass preventive and curative surgical treatment of injuries.

Program manager: Nametov A.M.


Plastic surgery– 3 credits

Prerequisites: morphology, physiology and biochemistry, surgery, pharmacology, pathology, microbiology and virology.

Course outline: «Plastic surgery» in veterinary medicine is in its infancy, but it is very promising. Demand for specialists in the field of plastic surgery will increase every year. We hope to make a contribution to the development of this sector in veterinary medicine and give doctoral students theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to practical veterinarian. To do this, doctoral students m should master types of plastic surgery, suturing the wound on plastic and various types of dressings, biology of wound healing, prevention of development of surgical infections, treatment of plastic wound healing wounds and be able to organize and carry out mass prevention and treatment plastic surgery.

Program manager: Nametov A.M.