Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Epizootologic cycle




Studying disciplines of this educational program will acquire comprehensive knowledge about tasks, basic principles of diagnosis, differential diagnosis, prevention and control measures against infectious diseases of different animal species, including immunization therapy, the order of seizure and destruction of animals, raw materials and products of animal origin, and carry out a set of concluding clamping actions.




After studying the disciplines of the educational program " Epizootologichesky cycle” doctoral candidates must:


  • especially dangerous infectious diseases of horses, cattle, pigs and poultry, characteristics of infectious diseases and their pathogens, geographic distribution, epizootiology, ways of infection and pathogenesis, clinical symptoms, methods of diagnosis and differential diagnosis, prevention and integrated control measures;

Be able and possess:

  • structure of research institutions (SRI) , planning, organization and nature of research, licensing, research , production experiments , evaluation of the reliability of research results, the introduction of methods of research, patents, inventions, innovative designs, types and forms of publication;
  • state and prospects of development of veterinary in Kazakhstan, the ctasks in the field of veterinary and environment, state veterinary control of very dangerous diseases, new drugs, biologics and their production technology, modern problems of veterinary servicing of animals, the order of seizure, destruction of animals, products and raw materials of animal origin presenting a particular risk to animal and human health and getting redress for seizures.


Catalog of disciplines of the educational program

Catalog of the disciplines of the educational program contains a description of each discipline separately indicating the prerequisites and postrequisites, the number of credits, types of classes, information about the heads of the program.


Basic disciplines

General immunology 3 –credits

Prerequisites: microbiology, virology
Course outline: Nonspecific resistance of the organism. Mechanisms of nonspecific resistance to infection. The role of individual structures, bodies and phenomena in non-specific defense of the body. Doctrine of antigens. Antigen- chief initiator of the immune response. Types of antigens in animals and bacteria. The composition and the basic properties of the antigens of bacteria. Central and peripheral organs of the immune system. Immunocompetent cells. The structure and functions of the thymus, lymph nodes, spleen, Peyer's patch lymphoid tissue and mucosal immune defences in an organism. Origin, circulation, structure and function of T- , B- cells, macrophages, neutrophils and other granule cells in the immune response, and their interaction. Immunological methods of diagnosis. Discovery, nature, and the use of veterinary immunological diagnostic methods ( RA , RP , RSK , IFA , ELISA ) . Doctrine of antibodies. Structure and function of classes and groups of antibodies. The use of antibodies in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment. Clonal antibody. Practical achievements in  immunology. Immunogenesis theory. Major discoveries in immunology and their application in biology, medicine and veterinary medicine.

Program manager: Piontkovskiy V.I.

Infectious and highly infectious disease of pigs – 3 credits  

 Prerequisites: microbiology, virology, pathological physiology and anatomy, economics and organization of veterinary, veterinary sanitation, etc.

Course outline: There will be described classical and african swine fever, viral gastroenteritis, dysentery, listeriosis, leptospirosis, reproductive and respiratory syndrome of swine, Teschen disease, swine vesicular disease, gemofileznogo polyserositis etc.

Characterization of pathogens, geographic distribution, epizootiology, ways of infection and pathogenesis, clinical symptoms, methods of diagnosis, prevention and control measures.

Program manager: Piontkovskiy V.I.

Profile disciplines

Infectious and highly infectious diseases of cattle – 3 credits

Prerequisites: microbiology, virology, pathological physiology and anatomy, economics and organization of veterinary, veterinary sanitation, etc.

Course outline: especially dangerous infectious diseases of cattle: murrain, vesicular stomatitis, blackleg, campylobacteriosis, contagious pleuropneumonia, swine fever, Lumpy skin disease, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, malignant catarrhal fever, leukemia, tuberculosis, chlamydia and other pathogens, geographic distribution, epizootiology, ways of infection and pathogenesis, clinical symptoms, modern methods of diagnosis, prevention and control measures.

Program manager: Piontkovskiy V.I.


Practical veterinary immunology – 3 credits
Prerequisites: microbiology, virology, pathological physiology and anatomy, economics and organization of veterinary, veterinary sanitation

Course outline: Problems and mechanisms for creating immunity to the effects of pathogens and their toxins and other alien substances, types of immunity, nonspecific factors of protection of the body (antigens, immunoglobulins, immune memory, immune tolerance, GCHZT, GCHNT, humoral and cellular immunity, the application of immunity reactions , specific immunoprophylaxis and immunotherapy of infectious diseases, biologics their characteristics and classification.

Program manager: Piontkovskiy V.I.

Infectious and highly infectious diseases of horses– 3 credits

Prerequisites: microbiology, virology, pathological physiology, pathological anatomy.

Course outline: Especially dangerous infectious diseases of horses (glanders, strangles, epizootic lymphangitis, brucellosis, vesicular stomatitis, infectious anemia, flu, rhinopneumonia, African swine fever, infectious encephalomyelitis).

Characteristics of pathogens, distribution, epizootiology, ways of infection and pathogenesis, clinical symptoms, methods of diagnosis, differential diagnosis, prevention and control measures.

 Program manager: Piontkovskiy V.I.
General principles of the pathogenesis of the infectious diseases – 3 credits

Prerequisites: pathonomia.
Course outline: General characteristics of the infectious process. Mechanisms of bacterial and viral infections. Damage caused by pathogens. General principles of pathogenesis. Cellular mechanisms of protection. Cellular factors. Clinical aspects of the infection process. Primary complex in the pathogenesis of infectious diseases. Generalized forms of infection. Development of the infectious process. The role of adaptive and compensatory syndrome in infectious diseases . Clinico and  pathogenetic characteristic periods of infection . The incubation period . Prodromal period. During the crisis period. Fever. Impairment of consciousness. Intoxication. The recovery period. Exacerbation and relapse. Complications. Outcomes of infection.

Program manager: Piontkovskiy V.I.

Infectious and especially dangerous infectious disease of birds – 3 credits
Prerequisites: microbiology, virology, physiology and pathological anatomy.

Course outline: Especially dangerous infectious disease of birds (B.Nyukasla, highly pathogenic flu, respiratory mycoplasmosis, infectious bronchitis, psittacosis, leukemia, B.Mareka, infectious laryngotracheitis, infectious bursitis of chickens, ducklings’ hepatitis). Characteristics of pathogens, distribution, epizootiology, ways of infection and pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, methods of diagnosis, differential diagnosis, prevention and control measures.

Types of classes: practical, laboratory

Program manager: Piontkovskiy V.I.
The main principles of therapy and prevention of infectious animal diseases– 3 credits

Prerequisites: Microbiology, epidemiology

Course outline: active tasks, and general principles of therapy (seratoterapiya, herbal medicine, probiotics, immunomodulators, antibiotics) and non-specific group therapy. General characteristics , classification transportation, and storage of biological products. The role of nonspecific and specific defence mechanisms . Humoral mechanisms of resistance. Cellular mechanisms of protection. Some specific mechanisms of resistance. Immunoglobulins. Cellular factors. Impact on the course and outcome of infectious diseases. Recent advances in medicine and biology, providing new opportunities for diagnosis, treatment and progress of specific prophylaxis .

Program manager: Piontkovskiy V.I.
Differential diagnosis of the infectious diseases of animals– 3 credits

Prerequisites: Microbiology, epidemiology
Course outline: Differential diagnosis of the most important infectious diseases in farm animals. Data will be presented by animal species with the description of characteristic clinical signs major epizootic data and pathological changes.

Program manager: Piontkovskiy V.I.