Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Cattle breeding, innovative technologies of milk and beef production 




Studying the disciplines of this educational program will provide the knowledge which will allow improving the quality and reducing the loss of livestock products; to improve plan breeds of farm animals, biotechnology of reproduction and breeding of agricultural animals, innovative technologies of milk and beef production, the scientific principles of feeding of highly productive agricultural animals.




After studying the disciplines of the educational program " Cattle breeding, innovative technologies of milk and beef production” doctoral candidates must:

Know and understand:

  • basics of basic sciences in the specialty;
  • key innovative technologies of milk and beef production ;
  • the main achievements and development trends of technological processes in cattle breeding;
  • modern methods of experiments , modeling and analysis of technological processes;
  • basis of modern educational technology ;
  • methods for measuring parameters of individual processes of cattle breeding;
  • methods and tools of theoretical and experimental studies of technological processes in cattle breeding ;

Be able to:

  • use knowledge of basic sciences in practice to solve research, information and search, methodological problems;
  • plan, organize research activities for studying the technological properties of milk and beef and methods of their primary processing;
  • manage the existing processes on the basis of a systematic approach in the analysis of the quality of the products and raw materials;
  • use innovative methods and tools of research in practical, scientific and educational activities;
  • use new educational technologies in the educational process;
  • use knowledge of psychology and pedagogy of higher education in practical and scientific activities.


  • modern methods of technology of milk and beef production;
  • scientific methodology and scientific and theoretical analysis of agricultural science;
  • methods of pedagogical skills necessary to carry out independent educational and research activities;
  • computer methods of gathering, storing, processing and using information;
  • system of updating knowledge in the course of professional activities providing active search for new information.


Catalog of disciplines of the educational program


Catalog of the disciplines of the educational program contains a description of each discipline separately indicating the prerequisites and postrequisites, the  number of credits, types of classes, information about the heads of the program.

Basic disciplines


Ways and methods of improvement of planned breeds of farm animals – 3 credits
Prerequisites: Breeding and selection of farm animals

Course outline: Role of breeding in improving cattle. Contingency.  Evaluation of farm animals by genotype. Selection differential. The phenomenon of regression in the selection and heritability of traits. Character of trait and its heritability. Level of productivity and its heritability. Level of selection and heritability of traits. Evaluation of cattle origin. Collective assessment of animals and its features. Indexing in evaluating breeding cows. Using different methods of cross-breeding for animals  improvement.

Types of classes: practical, laboratory
Program manager: Naimanov D.K.

Features of cattle behavior– 3 credits
Prerequisites: morphology and physiology of farm animals

Course outline: Zoo- psychology methods - observation and experiment. The specific pattern of behavior and labile behavioral responses. The problem of anthropomorphism in the study of animal behavior. Differences between human and animal languages​​. Habituation.  Conditioned reflexes of the second kind. Differences between classical conditioned and operant reflex. Laws of learning. General characteristics of instinct. Fun activities of animals. Social organization of animals.

Types of classes: practical, laboratory
Program manager: Naimanov D.K.

Improvement of quality and reduction of losses of production of animal husbandry – 3 credits

Prerequisites: Innovative technologies of livestock products, improvement of the competitiveness of livestock products and raw materials.

Course outline: Increasing milk yield, milk fat, improvement of the fitness to machine milking and the creation of the milk type cattle. Improvement  of the exterior and meat qualities of animals. Shortening of the service period, dry period. Reducing losses of livestock products. Improving conditions of animal feeding, reducing nutrient losses of feed.

Types of classes: practical, laboratory
Program manager: Naimanov D.K.

Biotechnology of reproduction and selection of farm animals – 3 credits Prerequisites: morphology and physiology of farm animals

Course outline: Effective method of biotechnology of accelerated reproduction of valuable breeding animals, embryos transfer. Superovulation . Extraction and evaluation of embryos. Embryos transfer to recipients. Cryopreservation of embryos. Influence of embryo transfer on genetic progress of the population. The role of artificial insemination as a powerful accelerator of genetic progress in livestock. Organization of artificial insemination in dairy and beef cattle. Standards and requirements to the organization of reproduction beef herds . Stimulation, estrus synchronization and prevention of infertility. Using seeds divided by gender.

Types of classes: practical, laboratory
Program manager: Naimanov D.K.


Profile disciplines

Genetic bases of selection of farm animals – 3 credits
Prerequisites: breeding and selection of farm animals
Course outline: Problems of modern animal breeding and its methods. Main methods used in breeding. Relation of breeding with genetics. Mutation and population genetics. Regularity of inheritance and features of genetic material. The variability of the genetic material. Mutational process. Stability of the genetic material in ontogenesis. Modifications of the genes. Relationship of the modification and genetic variation. Creating a model of the breed. Heterosis. Using the mutation process in breeding.

Types of classes: practical, laboratory
Program manager: Naimanov D.K.

Problems of management of growth and development of  young farm animals – 3 credits

Prerequisites: breeding and selection of farm animals
Course outline: Influence of growth conditions on the individual development of cattle. Rearing system . Biological basis of the high productivity of animals. Physiological peculiarities of calves after birth. Growing calves in semi-open areas. Ways of providing dairy farms with highly productive young animals. Biological and technological features of rearing. Scientific bases of growing high yielding cows . Planning growth of young animals. Use of immunostimulants in rearing cattle.

Types of classes: practical, laboratory
Program manager: Naimanov D.K.

Innovative technologies of milk production – 3 credits
Prerequisites:  breeding and selection of farm animals

Course outline: Effective energy saving technologies in animal husbandry. Concept of highly concentrated feed for dairy cows.  Basic principles of control over productivity of cows. Increase of milk production in cattle during the transition from separate feeding to feeding with full- feed mixtures. Preparation of full- feed mixtures. Division of dairy cattle into physiological groups. Techno-economic indicators of feeding cattle with full feed mixtures . Techno-economic indicators of technology of keeping cattle in groups according to their physiological condition and more targeted feeding. Milk production strategy: free access to food, water, air. Increasing gross production and milk quality by loose housing of cattle. Production and technological problems of getting high quality milk. Increasing the productivity of cows by introducing the technology of herd reproduction management. Metabolism and fertility of dairy cows.

Types of classes: practical, laboratory
Program manager: Naimanov D.K.

Innovative technologies of beef production– 3 credits
Prerequisites:  breeding and selection of farm animals

Course outline: Biological features of cattle of meat breeds. Requirements to the production of beef. The role of selection and breeding work in the qualitative improvement of cattle of meat breeds. Direction of breeding. Meat productivity and quality of meat depending on genetic factors and feed. Meat quality. Usefulness of feeding. Evaluation of meat productivity. Using breeds according to zonal features. Selection and use.

Types of classes: practical, laboratory
Program manager: Naimanov D.K..

Scientific bases of feeding highly productive farm animals – 3 credits
Prerequisites:  morphology and physiology of farm animals, feeding farm animals

Course outline: The most suitable feeds for cows.  The need for good feeding. The importance of a balanced feeding. Full feeding farm animals. Features of  feeding  high-producing cows. Feeding heifers and heifers calving for the first time in the breeding barn. Features of  rational use of feeds on the complexes . Rationing of concentrated feed on complexes . Evaluation of food feed efficiency. Feeding cows and quality of dairy products. Physiological and biochemical control over full feeding . Efficiency of use of premixes in feeding dairy cows.

Types of classes: practical, laboratory
Program manager: Naimanov D.K.