Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Horse breeding, innovative technologies in horse breeding




Studying disciplines of this educational program will provide the knowledge that will allow improving the quality and reducing the loss of livestock products; biotechnology of reproduction and breeding of horses, innovative technologies of milk and horseflesh production, and the scientific basis of feeding highly productive animals.




After studying the subjects of the educational program " Horse breeding, innovative technologies in horse breeding” doctoral candidates must:

Know and understand:

  • basics of basic sciences in the specialty;
  • key innovative technologies of milk and horseflesh production ;
  • the main achievements and development trends of technological processes in horse breeding
  • modern methods of experiments , modeling and analysis of technological processes;
  • basis of modern educational technology ;
  • methods for measuring parameters of individual processes of horse breeding;
  • methods and tools of theoretical and experimental studies of technological processes in horse breeding;

Be able to:

  • use knowledge of basic sciences in practice to solve research, information and search, methodological problems;
  • plan, organize research activities for studying the technological properties of milk and horseflesh and methods of their primary processing;
  • manage the existing processes on the basis of a systematic approach in the analysis of the quality of the products and raw materials;
  • use innovative methods and tools of research in practical, scientific and educational activities;
  • use new educational technologies in the educational process;
  • use knowledge of psychology and pedagogy of higher education in practical and scientific activities.


  • modern methods of technology of milk and horseflesh production;
  • scientific methodology and scientific and theoretical analysis of agricultural science;
  • methods of pedagogical skills necessary to carry out independent educational and research activities;
  • computer methods of gathering, storing, processing and using information;
  • system of updating knowledge in the course of professional activities providing active search for new information.


Catalog of disciplines of the educational program 

Catalog of the disciplines of the  educational program contains a description of each discipline separately indicating the prerequisites and postrequisites, the  number of credits, types of classes, information about the heads of the program.


Basic disciplines


Breeding in horse breeding- 3 credits

Prerequisites: Horse breeding, Breeding and selection of farm animals

Course outline: Scientific bases of breeding horses. Basis for the conservation and improvement of breeds of horses. Problems of improving the existing factory and indigenous breeds of horses and hatching new ones in CIS countries. Selection in horse breeding. Inbreeding in horse breeding. Linebreeding . Methods of breeding horses. Organization of keeping and feeding as a section of breeding work in horse breeding . Organization of breeding in horse breeding. Growing of pedigree foals. State activities in the development of horse breeding in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Drawing up long-term plans of selection and breeding work in  horse breeding farms.

Types of classes: practical, laboratory
Program managers: Muslimov B.M., Brel-Keseleva I.M.


Horse breeding and horse riding– 3 credits
Prerequisites: Horse breeding, Breeding and selection of farm animals
Course outline: Basics of riding for beginners. Features of professional treatment of the horse. Means and ways to control the horse. Types of equestrian sports. Paces, exercises and commands. Equestrian competitions. Clothing of riders. Horse riding lessons , hippotherapy elements, elements of valtizhirovki . Development of skills of the care of horses (cleaning, saddling, feeding). Study habits and character features of horses. Technique and rules of riding in the field.  Safety, basic requirements for logistics security, safety in the care of horses, requirements to the rider actions during the ride. Therapeutic riding, hippotherapy

Types of classes: practical, laboratory
Program managers: Muslimov B.M., Brel-Keseleva I.M.


Improvement of quality and reduction of losses of production of animal husbandry – 3 credits

Prerequisites: Innovative technologies of livestock products, improvement of the competitiveness of livestock products and raw materials.

Course outline: Increasing milk yield, milk fat, improvement of the fitness to machine milking and the creation of the milk type cattle. Improvement of the exterior and meat qualities of animals. Shortening of the service period, dry period. Reducing losses of livestock products. Improving conditions of animal feeding, reducing nutrient losses of feed.

Types of classes: practical, laboratory
Program manager: Naimanov D.K.

Genetics of a horse– 3 credits

Prerequisites: Horse breeding, Breeding and selection of farm animals
Course outline: Modern methods of genetics in horse breeding. Genetic basis of the evolution of the horse. Karyotype variability. Polyploidy. Inheritance of characteristics caused by the interaction of non-allelic genes. Character of the horse: genes or upbringing. Genetics of riding, half-blooded, trotting and heavy cargo horse breeds. Breeding and Veterinary Genetics of the horse. The effect of the environment on the horse population. Fitness of horses to the environment. Environmental studies in horse breeding.

Types of classes: practical, laboratory
Program managers: Muslimov B.M., Brel-Keseleva I.M.



Profile disciplines

Genetic basis of breeding in horse breeding– 3 credits
Prerequisites:  Horse breeding, Breeding and selection of farm animals
Course outline: Cytogenetics of the horse. Hereditary diseases and defects of the horse. Polymorphic systems of proteins, enzymes and group of blood of the horse. Inheritance suit. Inheritance of quantitative trait.  Breeding horses. Hybridization in horse breeding .  Linebreeding . Selection and recruitment . Conservation and utilization of indigenous breeds of horses.  Prospects for breeding horses in the future. Basis of the conservation and improvement of breeds of horses. The effect of the environment on the horse population. Study of the current status, genealogy, inheritance features of economically useful traits of small (gene pool) factory breeds of horses.

Types of classes: practical, laboratory
Program managers: Muslimov B.M., Brel-Keseleva I.M.

Productive horse breeding– 3 credits
Prerequisites: Horse breeding, Breeding and selection of farm animals
Course outline: The role and place of horse breeding in AIC and providing population with food.  Current state of productive horse breeding. The main trends in the development of productive horse breeding of different directions (meat, dairy). Organization and economic mechanism of producing horsemeat, kumys. Resource provision of productive horse breeding. Study of ecological purity of feed and mare's milk. Scientific support of the branch. Priority breeds of horses of meat and dairy direction. Systems of evaluation of the influence of genetic factors on productive and reproductive properties of dairy and meat horses.

Types of classes: practical, laboratory
Program managers: Muslimov B.M., Brel-Keseleva I.M.

Innovations in sport horse– 3 credits

Prerequisites: Horse breeding, Breeding and selection of farm animals
Course outline: Condition and prospects of sport horse breeding in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Exterior and interior features of sport horses . Physiological features of sport activities of the horse. Practical techniques for working with a sport horse. Bases of planning of horses’ athletic training. Preparation to compete in dressage. Preparation to compete in jumping . Preparation for field trials in triathlon . Additional training facilities . Means of restoring working capacity of horses. Using new and innovative techniques and hippodrome factory training and testing of breeding horses (intermittent hypoxic training). Development of individual training schemes and testing of breeding horses.

Types of classes: practical, laboratory
Program managers: Muslimov B.M., Brel-Keseleva I.M.


Innovative technologies in feeding horses – 3 credits

Prerequisites: Horse breeding, Breeding and selection of farm animals
Course outline: Modern feeding systems in horse breeding. Techniques of rational normalized feeding. Full feeding and its role in the prevention of metabolic disorders, reproductive functions, quality and quantity of the products obtained in horse breeding. Method of composing and analyzing individual rations and feeding systems in different directions of  horse breeding. Recipes of animal feed and premixes, feed mixtures used in feeding horses. Methods of zootechnical, veterinary and economic control of good nutrition. Study of ecological purity of feed and mare's milk.

Types of classes: practical, laboratory
Program managers: Muslimov B.M., Brel-Keseleva I.M.


Fundamentals of horse breeding and horse sickness– 3 credits
Prerequisites: Horse breeding, Breeding and selection of farm animals
Course outline: Current state and problems of the development of horse breeding . Breeding and horse breeding for working needs. Organization of technological works in horse breeding.  Fundamentals of production technology of horse breeding. Systems of care and maintenance of horses. Rules of riding and training horses. Fundamentals of topographic anatomy and physiological characteristics of horses. Major surgical diseases of horses. Rules of diagnosis , symptoms, prevention and treatment of domestic non-communicable , infectious and parasitic diseases. Domestic non-communicable diseases of horses.  Surgical diseases of horses.  Infectious diseases of horses. Parasitic diseases of horses.  Homeopathy in the treatment of horses.

Types of classes: practical, laboratory
Program managers: Muslimov B.M., Brel-Keseleva I.M.