Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational Program

Public relations


Educational program promotes the acquisition of knowledge by type of communications, business communicative styles , types , levels and forms of communication activities , genre originality combined media texts and related PR- texts , drafting advertisements, building relationships with customers, the basics of planning in communication management. Introduce the functionality of the press services , characteristics and organization of press services of various kinds agencies , businesses , the main qualification requirements specialist press service, the principles of planning, management, methods of research and analysis . Teach networking in the economic, industrial and social relations with politicians , government officials and the public.

Graduates can work press secretary, moderator, press officer, specialist press service, a specialist in public relations, communications manager structure, speechwriter, advertising agent.



After the end of the study subjects of the educational program "Computer Networks and Telecommunications", students must:

Know and understand :

  • mechanisms of interaction with various media organizations and individuals ;
  • theory of mass communication ;
  • laws and regulations governing the media activity, as well as related information and communication industry in our country and abroad;
  • prospects for a new information order ;
  • key components of public relations designed for Kazakh and foreign audiences ;
  • principles of corporate web sites , as well as developing strategies for network image policy ;
  • functions and tasks of the specialist public relations work with the media in Kazakhstan and abroad;


be able to:

  • analyze the socio-political , socio-economic conditions in the dynamics , make predictions for the future;
  • study the structure of socio-economic phenomena in their entirety and to inform the society reasoned point of view;
  • model the information and communication processes and situations ;
  • Determine the ratings of Kazakhstan and foreign media ;
  • conduct PR-actions ;
  • create a " socially significant information " and " news motives" in PR- projects aimed at international audiences;
  • Establish international media groups and work in them ;

Have the skills to :

  • creating scenario materials in accordance with international rules of design ;
  • sociological and marketing research ;
  • establishment of audiovisual communication in public relations ;
  • creating web sites as a means of network information ;
  • organizing and conducting online forums and conferences ;
  • organizing and conducting press conferences, round tables, forums , press tours and other official media activities;
  • information modeling different situations ;
  • maintain information security;
  • producing television programs , radio programs, scripts, festivals, competitions and other projects.

Be competent:

  • in strategic planning and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • issues in relations with the international community.


Catalog of disciplines educational program


Catalog of disciplines educational program describes the contents of each discipline separately indicating prerequisites and post details, number of credits, occupations, information about the leaders of the program.


basic disciplines

Религиоведение/Дінтану/Religion studies– 1 Credit

Course Outline : The concept of religion. Its main attributes are : belief in the supernatural , cult , religious experiences . Supernatural as divine . His revelation through the definition of man in the world : the riddle of the universe , the mystery of life , the mystery of human consciousness , the problem of evil , the problem of "overcoming " death. Concept of God . God as a creative principle , God as the Absolute, God as a Person . Attributes " divine ." Notions of religious experience : theology and science of it. The main form of communication with the " divine " : the cult of prayer , meditation , etc. The essence of religion and its function in human culture . Value and meaning- aspects of religion . Religion as culture- phenomenon. Truth in religion : understanding the specificity of its natural , speculative religions and religions of Revelation. The concepts of good and evil in the different types of religions. Beauty as an expression of the Divine in the world. Relationship and complementarity of these concepts in the religious consciousness 

Post details Philosophy

Types of classes : practical .

Program Manager: Bondarenko UY

Социология коммуникативных отношений/ Коммуникативтік қатынастардың әулеметі/ Sociology of communicative relations – 2 Credits

Prerequisites: Sociology .

Course Outline : Communication and Sociology in the methodology of scientific knowledge of social reality. Object, object , function of sociology communicative relations . The emergence and development of communication. Communication and public opinion in sociology. Audience as an object of sociological research. Features of the method of content analysis . Features rating measurements. Interactive media and interactive case studies . Study of the effectiveness of the media in communicative relationship. Communicative culture in journalism : the nature, characteristics, requirements for the form and content.

Post details : modern relations public relations.

Types of classes : practical .

Program Manager: Makanov JC

Делопроизводство на казахском языке/ Қазақ тілінде іс құжатын жүргізу/PaperworkintheKazakhlanguage – 1 credit

Prerequisites: Kazakh language.

Course Outline : Documentation . General rules for the preparation , execution, management structure documents. Document Classification : Organizational Documents ; Regulatory documents ; Background documents . Drafting various types of documents ( characteristic; orders ; contract ; employment contract ; reference , etc.) , filling out forms and samples for Dunn topics skill development correct translation in two languages ​​, reliable error-free filling samples securities business in the state language .

Post details : professional Kazakh language.

Types of classes : practical .

Program Manager: Kulbaeva MM

Основы публицистического творчества / Публицистікшығармашылықтыннегіздері / Basicsofjournalisticcreativity/ - 3 credits

Prerequisites: genre forms and functions of modern journalism .

Course Outline : The epistemological foundations of journalism. Task , the role of journalism in literature, art . The problems of time and space in journalism . Borders of documentary and fictional in journalism . Journalistic image. Study skills and techniques of writing nonfiction materials of different genres on the example of eminent publicists Kazakhstan and other countries . Formation and development of the Kazakh journalism. Prominent Kazakh journalists . Present status and development trends of newspaper genres.

In the discipline provides course work .

Post details: creative studio publicist.

Types of classes : practical , studio .

Program Manager: Ustemirova AS

Паблик Рилейшнз в государственных органах / Мемлекеттiкқұрылымдардағықоғамменбайланыс/ PublicRelationsinstateinstitutions – 2 Credits

Prerequisites: media law and ethics.

Course Outline: The concept of public relations. Social relations between the authorities and social society. Methods of influence on the choice of citizens. Lobbying. The significance of service public relations in government .. OL - service in the higher authorities. Tasks and functions of PR - the service in government. Organizational structures OL - services.

Post details: political consulting.

Types of classes: practical, studio.

Program Manager:  Makanov JC

Создание PR-текстов/ PR-мятіндерді жасау/CreatingPR-texts – 3 Credits

Prerequisites: style and editing.

Course Outline: genre characteristic of PR-texts. Primary PR-texts. Secondary PR-texts. Research news genres. Factual genres. Research genres. Figuratively-news genres. Genre originality combined media text and related PR-texts. Studies in PR. Advertisements.

Post details: modern mass communications.

Types of classes: practical, studio.

Program Manager: Khimich SM

Зарубежная журналистика / Шетелжурналистикасы / ForeignJournalism / - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: history of Kazakh journalism.

Course Outline : The main directions of foreign media . Press USA, Europe, Southeast Asia, Central Asia . Features of the emergence and development of journalism and foreign countries with different social and political order . Experience of democracy and authoritarianism . Formation of the press as the fourth estate , the stages of formation of the global information space. Problems equitable nature of information exchange on a global scale . The new international information order .

Post details : creative studio publicist.

Types of classes : practical .

Program Manager:  Makanov JC

Политический консалтинг/ Саяси консалтинг / PoliticalConsulting – 3 Credits

Prerequisites: public relations in government .

Course Outline : Political analysis and forecast . Consulting political management. Consulting political crises . Political marketing and political advertising as to consulting. Elections in a democratic society electoral system . Image consulting public policy . Consulting recovery technologies political image . Consulting the use of media in the election campaign . Consulting group and interpersonal communication in the election campaign . Consulting campaign.

Post details : modern mass communications .

Types of classes : practical , studio .

Program Manager:  Makanov JC

Стилистика и редактирование / Стилистика жәнередакциялау/ StylisticsandEditing/ - 3 Credits

Prerequisites : Creating PR- texts.

Course Outline : Accurate reproduction of thought, correct construction offers maximum use of the word with the meaning of lexical correspondences , records the proper use of words in accordance with the rules of the language. Development of practical skills of the use of theoretical concepts and expressions. Stylistic language system . The style of the text as an object of literary editing Psychological , logic aspects of editing. Work on the actual material . Editorial review and edit text.

In the discipline provides course work .

Post details : a master class in journalism.

Types of classes : practical , studio .

Program Manager: Khimich SM

Медиадизайн / MediaDesign - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: publication of newspapers , magazines, TV and radio programs .

Course Outline : The concept of media design as a complex system tasks. History of the development of design. Levels and principles of media design . Laws semantic composition. "Golden Section" . Digital technology . Typography , fonts, formats . Artistic design and modeling. The modular system design . Modern design concept header complex. Working with color . Particulars of advertising. Fotorgrafii , illustration, business graphics . Features Web design , Web graphics . Multimedia Publishing .

Post details: creating documentaries.

Types of classes : practical , studio .

Program Manager: Kungurova OG

Теория и практика массовой коммуникации/ Бұқаралық ақпарат теориясы мен тәжірибесі/ Theoryandpracticeofmedia – 3 Credits

Prerequisites: modern mass communications .

Course Outline : The specificity of the mass as a subject . Media as a phenomenon . Characteristics of information flows. The structure of the information field . Mass and elite information . Mass information in a totalitarian society . Mass information in a democratic society . Mass communication in bourgeois society.

Post details : modern technology public relations.

Types of classes : practical , studio .

Program Manager: Kungurova OG

Деловая коммуникация/ Іскерлік коммуникация/BusinessCommunication – 3 Credits

Prerequisites: journalistic skills.

Course Outline: The essence of business communication. Communicants. Channels and means of communication. Feedback. Problem of perception in business communication. Communication barriers and ways to overcome them. Business communication styles. Persuasion and hearing. Written communication. The universal language of intercultural communication.

Post Details: modern technology public relations.

Types of classes: practical, studio.

Program Manager: Khimich SM

Имиджелогия/ Имиджелогия / ImageStudy – 3 Credits

Prerequisites: theory and practice of public relations.

Course Outline: Introduction to Philosophy of image. Theoretical aspects of self. Building a relationship with the client. Image strategy. Image of political power. Image of the corporation. Image presenter. Image-information on the Internet. Image - success technology.

Post details: Mass communication and modern relationships.

Types of classes: practical, studio.

Program Manager: Kungurova OG

Конфликтология/ Конфликтология / Conflictsstudy- 3 Credits

Prerequisites: business communication .

Course Outline : The concept of conflict. Types and conflicts. Intrapersonal conflict . Interpersonal conflict . Group conflicts . Structural conflicts . Labor conflicts . Prevention of conflict . Negotiating process. Economic conflicts . Political conflicts . Conflicts in the media field. Conflicts in the cultural sphere . Ability to manage conflict. Mediation as a conflict regulation technology .

Types of classes : practical , studio

Program Manager: Kungurova OG


Выпуск газет, журналов, телерадиопередач/ Газет-журнал, шығару телерадиохабар даярлау / Release of newspapers, magazines, TV and radio programs– 3 Creits

Prerequisites: TV and radio journalism

Course Outline : Working in a university laboratory press, television . Learning practical skills to create newspapers, magazines, TV and radio programs . Creation of newspapers, magazines, television and radio programs from writing text , script , computer set up to design , filming , editing and output. Create promotional materials.

In the discipline provides course work .

Post Details: technology for creating radio programs .

Types of classes : practical , studio .

Program Manager: Zhusupova AM, AS Ustemirova

Творческая мастерская публициста/ Публицистіңшығармашылықшеберханасы / Creativestudioof a publicist– 3 Credits

Prerequisites: basics of journalistic creativity.

Course Outline: Learning the creative laboratory known publicists Kazakhstan and abroad. Study experience, lessons learned skill. Analysis of creative ways known publicists, analysis of their journalistic work.

Post details: a master class in journalism.

Types of classes: practical, studio.

Program Manager: Stadnichenko NI

Современные средства массовой коммуникации/ Қазіргі бұқаралық коммуникация қуралы / Modernmeans ofmass communication – 3 Credits

Prerequisites: Sociology communicative relations.

Course Outline: The concept of communication. Communication activities and communication. Communication actions and their shapes. Types, levels and forms of communication activities. Communication activities. Communication channels. Variety of communication channels. Oral communication. Communication barriers. The evolution of social communications. Semiotics of social communication. Social information. Communication needs. Social and communication institutions. Social communication as subject and object of scientific knowledge.

Post details: theory and practice of media.

Types of classes: practical, studio.

Program Manager: Zhusupova AM

Мастер-класс по журналистике/Журналистика бойыншашеберліксыныбы / Masterclassonjournalism - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: creative studio publicist.

Course Outline: Journalism as a special kind of creativity. Objective and subjective factors in the creative process. The collective nature of journalistic work. Audience of expectations and creativity journalist. Ways actualization creative personality. Theoretical and practical beginning of journalistic creativity.

Post details: analytical journalism.

Types of classes: practical, studio

Program Manager: Stadnichenko NI

Современная пресс-служба/Қазіргі баспасөз қызметі/Modernpressoffice – 3 Creits

Prerequisites: business communication.

Course Outline: Mastering the science and art of PR. Work in the press office. Functionality press services. Peculiarities of the press services of various departments, the business structures. Objective and subjective reasons for the development of modern spokesman. Becoming civilized domestic system AVE. Basic qualifications specialist spokesman. Principles of planning, management, methods of research and analysis. Establish contacts in the economic, industrial and social relations, as well as with politicians, government officials and the public.

Types of classes: practical, studio.

Program Manager:  Makanov JC                     

Информационное сопровождение социального конфликта/Әлеуметтік қақтығастың ақпаратпен қамтылуы/Informationsupportforsocialconflict – 3 Credits

Prerequisites: Theory and practice of media.

Course Outline: Conflict as a science. The notion of conflict. Typology of conflicts. Stage of the conflict. Models of information support. Methods of objective and biased coverage of social conflicts. Sources of information when covering social conflicts. Information Agency of Kazakhstan. Blog as an indicator of sentiment society. Preparation and presentation of information. Ensuring the safety of journalists.

Types of classes: practical, studio.

Program Manager: Kungurova OG

Коммуникационный менеджмент/ Коммуникациялық менеджмент/CommunicationManagement – 3 Credits

Prerequisites: media management.

Course Outline: Conceptual Foundations of Communication Management. Planning framework in communication management. Communications model. Types of communications. Communication space as the dominant factor. Private areas of communication management. Communications program for a particular client.

Types of classes: practical, studio.

Program Manager: Zhusupova AM