Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational Program

Modern mass media



Educational program promotes the acquisition of knowledge in certain areas of modern media, collection, processing, analysis and reporting of information on topical issues in the field of economic and social development of society, allow competently analyze and comment on various social, political and economic situation, teach writing, editing and design periodicals, making films of different orientation.






After the end of the study subjects of the educational program "modern mass media" students must:


Know and understand:

  • methods of designing web-site;
  • legal and ethical rules governing the relation of man to man, society, the environment in the annex to the profession;
  • Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the foundations of international law;
  • mechanisms for creating media ;
  • a set of special theoretical and practical skills for the collection, processing and dissemination of information;
  • the history of the country in particular and journalism in order to improve the quality of feed materials;
  • prominent Kazakh and foreign journalism in historical perspective and in the present;
  • global trends and national characteristics in modern journalism ;
  • history of the world of journalism ;
  • genres of journalism and journalism ;
  • evaluation criteria of journalistic text in Kazakhstan and abroad;


Be able to:

  • use methods of social sciences and humanities in various areas of their professional activities;
  • analyze works of local journalists and publicists;
  • analyze the work of foreign journalists, publicists, political scientists, economists, sociologists and futurists;
  • analyze events in Kazakhstan and abroad;
  • work in the areas of political and ethnic conflicts;
  • Identify the key initiators of information warfare;
  • prepare information and analytical materials, using traditional and modern genres of journalism and journalism;
  • create international media groups and work in them;


Have the skills to:

  • gathering information about ordering editorial or personal initiative;
  • Treatment of journalistic tools ;
  • creation of journalistic material in print, radio and television ;
  • edit various types of text;
  • ownership of computer programs needed in the creation of journalistic work ;
  • creation of literary works ;
  • conducting interviews , interviews with scientists , art, politics , and economic sphere , as well as other rating figures of Kazakhstan and foreign countries;
  • investigative journalism ;
  • use the software for digital video editing on the sound processing and mixing ;
  • graphic processing photos and video , as well as design ;
  • computer audio processing audio content ;
  • desktop publishing in various formats ;


Catalog of disciplines educational program


Catalog of disciplines educational program describes the contents of each discipline separately indicating prerequisites and details, number of credits, occupations, information about the leaders of the program.


basic disciplines

Религиоведение/Дінтану/ Religion studies- 1 credit

Course Outline : The concept of religion. Its main attributes are : belief in the supernatural , cult , religious experiences . Supernatural as divine . His revelation through the definition of man in the world : the riddle of the universe , the mystery of life , the mystery of human consciousness , the problem of evil , the problem of "overcoming " death. Concept of God . God as a creative principle , God as the Absolute, God as a Person . Attributes " divine ." Notions of religious experience : theology and science of it. The main form of communication with the " divine " : the cult of prayer , meditation , etc. The essence of religion and its function in human culture . Value and meaning- aspects of religion . Religion as culture- phenomenon. Truth in religion : understanding the specificity of its natural , speculative religions and religions of Revelation. The concepts of good and evil in the different types of religions. Beauty as an expression of the Divine in the world. Relationship and complementarity of these concepts in the religious consciousness 

Postrekvizity Philosophy

Types of classes : practical .

Program Manager: Bondarenko A U

Социология коммуникативных отношений/ Коммуникативтік қатынастардың әулеметі/Sociology of communicative relations - 2 credits

Prerequisites: Sociology .

Course Outline : Communication and Sociology in the methodology of scientific knowledge of social reality. Object, object , function of sociology communicative relations . The emergence and development of communication. Communication and public opinion in sociology. Audience as an object of sociological research. Features of the method of content analysis . Features rating measurements. Interactive media and interactive case studies . Study of the effectiveness of the media in communicative relationship. Communicative culture in journalism : the nature, characteristics, requirements for the form and content.

Postrekvizity : modern relations public relations.

Types of classes : practical .

Program Manager: Makanov J K

Делопроизводство на казахском языке/ Қазақ тілінде іс құжатын жүргізу/ Paper work in the Kazakh language - 1 credit

Prerequisites: Kazakh language.

Course Outline : Documentation . General rules for the preparation , execution, management structure documents. Document Classification : Organizational Documents ; Regulatory documents ; Background documents . Drafting various types of documents ( characteristic; orders ; contract ; employment contract ; reference , etc.) , filling out forms and samples for Dunn topics skill development correct translation in two languages ​​, reliable error-free filling samples securities business in the state language .

Types of classes : practical .

Program Manager: Kulbaeva M M

Основы публицистического творчества / Публицистікшығармашылықтыннегіздері /Basics of journalistic creativity / - 3 credits

Prerequisites: genre forms and functions of modern journalism .

Course Outline : The epistemological foundations of journalism. Task , the role of journalism in literature, art . The problems of time and space in journalism . Borders of documentary and fictional in journalism . Journalistic image. Study skills and techniques of writing nonfiction materials of different genres on the example of eminent publicists Kazakhstan and other countries . Formation and development of the Kazakh journalism. Prominent Kazakh journalists . Present status and development trends of newspaper genres.

In the discipline provides course work .

Postrekvizity : creative studio publicist.

Types of classes : practical , studio .

Program Manager: Ustemirova AS

Риторическая культура журналиста /Қоғамменбайланыстыңқазіргітехнологиялары / Moderntechnologiesofpublicrelations – 2 credits

Prerequisites: language and style of the media.

Course Description : The rhetorical culture in professional activities of journalists . Of speech and its role in business communication. Speech etiquette . Diction, especially when her work on radio and TV . Articulation : its features and methods of mining. Psychological aspects of verbal communication . Rhetorical devices . Verbal speech. Expertise conversation and controversy. Kinds of arguments and evidence structure . Nonverbal means of communication. Business written speech .

Postrekvizity : journalism and literature.

Types of classes : practical , studio .

Program Manager: Kungurova O G

Практикум по языку СМИ/ БАҚ тілі бойынша практикум/Workshop onlanguagemedia – 3 credits

Prerequisites: language and style of the media.

Course Outline: Practical stylistics. Styles of speech. Excess vocabulary. Verbal excesses. Errors in the use of the numeral. The use of words in a quantitative value. Prepositional-case combination. Reclamation and pejorative lexicon. The role of word order in the sentence. Verbal and syntactic homonymy, and its elimination.

Postrekvizity: style and editing.

Types of classes: practical, studio.

Program Manager: Khimich SM

Зарубежная журналистика / Шетелжурналистикасы / ForeignJournalism / - 3 credits

Prerequisites: history of Kazakh journalism.

Course Outline : The main directions of foreign media . Press USA, Europe, Southeast Asia, Central Asia . Features of the emergence and development of journalism and foreign countries with different social and political order . Experience of democracy and authoritarianism . Formation of the press as the fourth estate , the stages of formation of the global information space. Problems equitable nature of information exchange on a global scale . The new international information order .

Postrekvizity : creative studio publicist.

Types of classes : practical .

Program Manager: Makanov JC

Публицистика и литература/ Публицистика жәнеәдебиет/ Journalismand Literature/ - 3 credits

Prerequisites: basics of journalistic creativity.

Course Outline : The social role of literature. Methods of critical reflection artwork. Literary genera and species. Place in journalism of generic typology. Style and artistic method . Postmodernism in contemporary art. Artistic image. Literary work . Literary- critical activity in the media. Art direction, currents, schools . Assessment of the social significance of art. Genre of the essay and its implementation in the periodical press . Composition and ideological meaning of journalistic work.

Postrekvizity : creative studio publicist.

Types of classes : practical , studio .

Program Manager: Kungurova OG

Стилистика и редактирование / Стилистика жәнередакциялау/ StylisticsandEditing/ - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: Workshop on language media.

Course Outline : Accurate reproduction of thought, correct construction offers maximum use of the word with the meaning of lexical correspondences , records the proper use of words in accordance with the rules of the language. Development of practical skills of the use of theoretical concepts and expressions. Stylistic language system . The style of the text as an object of literary editing Psychological , logic aspects of editing. Work on the actual material . Editorial review and edit text.

In the discipline provides course work .

Postrekvizity : specificity editing journalistic texts .

Types of classes : practical , studio .

Program Manager: Chemistry SM

Медиадизайн / MediaDesign / - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: publication of newspapers , magazines, TV and radio programs .

Course Outline : The concept of media design as a complex system tasks. History of the development of design. Levels and principles of media design . Laws semantic composition. "Golden Section" . Digital technology . Typography , fonts, formats . Artistic design and modeling. The modular system design . Modern design concept header complex. Working with color . Particulars of advertising. Fotorgrafii , illustration, business graphics . Features Web design , Web graphics . Multimedia Publishing .

Postrekvizity : creating documentaries.

Types of classes : practical , studio .

Head of the program :

Маркетиговые коммуникации в журналистике/Журналистикадағымаркетингтікзерттеулер/ Marketingcommunicationsinjournalism/ - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: Internet journalism and new media.

Course Outline: The essence of marketing communications. The role of marketing communications in journalism. The history of advertising. Concept of advertising. Advertisement in the newspaper content and form. Advertising on television and radio. Organization of promotional activities. PR.

Postrekvizity: Media surveys.

Types of classes: practical, studio.

Program Manager: Zhusupova AM

Специфика редактирования журналистских текстов/ Журналистік мәтіндерді редакциялау спецификасы/Specificityofeditingjournalistictexts - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: style and editing.

Course Outline: General text editing media. Semantic structure of the text and edit it. Editor works on the language and style of journalistic texts. Text correction, operating in the field of media.

Types of classes: practical, studio.

Program Manager: Khimich SM

Фотожурналистика/ Рhotojournalism - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: journalistic skills .

Course Outline : contemporary periodicals and illustrate its character . Types illustrative publications. The combination of photographs and other visual materials on the pages of the modern press . Photo publication in a newspaper or magazine . Design options photograph. Photo information and its characteristic features. Fotopublikatsy species . Photos in advertising. Fotopublikatsiya and aesthetics polos.Zhanry newspaper photojournalism. Fotozametka . Photo. Be scenes . Fotokorrespondentsiya . Photostory . Photomontage.

Types of classes : practical , studio .

Program Manager: Khimich SM

Спортивная и детская журналистика/ Балаларжәнеспорт журналистикасы/ ChildrenandsportsJournalism - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: a master class in journalism.

Course Outline : Maintain. Background. Children journalism first half of the 19th century. Children's journalism of the late 19th - early 20th century. Becoming a child of Soviet journalism . Broadcasting for children. Radio station "Youth". TV journalism for children. Modern children's journalism and RK Rossii.Predposylki of sports journalism . Characteristics of sports and their reflection in the media. Rules for journalists working in covering sporting events. Adding to the rules of the new items , the removal of some existing or changes made under the influence of the media. Sports and TV. Internet and sports. Leading sports publications . Sports commentators .

Types of classes : practical , studio .

Program Manager: Syzdykova RM


Выпуск газет, журналов, телерадиопередач Газет-журнал, шығару телерадиохабар даярлау/ Release of newspapers, magazines, TV and radio programs– 3 3 Credits

Prerequisites: Television and Radio journalism .

Course Outline : Working in a university laboratory press, television . Learning practical skills to create newspapers, magazines, TV and radio programs . Creation of newspapers, magazines, television and radio programs from writing text , script , computer set up to design , filming , editing and output. Create promotional materials.

In the discipline provides course work .

Postrekvizity : technology for creating radio programs .

Types of classes : practical , studio .

Program Manager: Zhusupova AM,  Ustemirova AS

Творческая мастерская публициста/Публицистік шығармашылық шеберханасы/ Creativestudioof a publicist – 3 Credits

Prerequisites: basics of journalistic creativity.

Course Outline: Learning the creative laboratory known publicists Kazakhstan and abroad. Study experience, lessons learned skill. Analysis of creative ways known publicists, analysis of their journalistic work.

Postrekvizity: a master class in journalism.

Types of classes: practical, studio.

Program Manager:  Stadnichenko NI

Технология создания телерадиопередач/ Телерадиобағдарламасын жасау технологиясы/ Technology of creating themes for radio programmers - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: TV journalism.

Course Outline: Ctsenarny transmission period. Determination of space in the transmission of information and the program grid. Textual material on television and radio. Text and magnetic (fixed) information. Authorial and editorial eyeliner. Microphone folder microphone library.

Postrekvizity: creating documentaries.

Types of classes: practical, studio.

Program Manager: Zhusupova AM

Мастер-класс по журналистике / Журналистика бойыншашеберліксыныбы / Master class on journalism - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: journalistic skills.

Course Outline: Journalism as a special kind of creativity. Objective and subjective factors in the creative process. The collective nature of journalistic work. Audience of expectations and creativity journalist. Ways actualization creative personality. Theoretical and practical beginning of journalistic creativity.

Postrekvizity:. Analytical journalism.

Types of classes: practical, studio.

Program Manager: Stadnichenko NI

Создание документальных фильмов/ Деректі фильмдерді жасау/ Creating Documentary Films – 3 Credits

Prerequisites: technology for creating radio programs .

Course Outline : Prepare bridgehead. Getting Started . Drafting . Research themes of the future film . In search of a movie. Start of work on the first scenario . Completion of the first scenario . Estimate and contract . Preproduction . Selecting characters and equipment crew. How does the video director ? Directing interview. On the set. Installation . Create narration. Completion of work on the film . movie true or method "real movie." At the juncture of journalism and cinema. Historical and documentary films. Advertising and promotional films . Survival.

Types of classes : practical , studio .

Program Manager: Zhusupova AM

Аналитическая журналистика/ Аналитикалық журналистикасы / Analytical Journalism – 3 Credits

Prerequisites: media management.

Course Outline: The object and purpose of the course. Business Press: Status and Prospects. Analytical tools journalist. Features of formation of business journalism in Kazakhstan. Analytical Journalism: types of publications, especially analysis. Journalistic Excellence in coverage of economic issues. Trends and prospects in business journalism RK. Foreign business journalism.

Types of classes: practical, studio.

Program Manager Stadnichenko NI

Медиаисследование/ Медиазерттеу/Mediaresearch - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: media management .

Course Outline : Concepts Media Research . Defining the problem , objectives and methods. Methods of data collection in the media. Measurements in Media Research . Develop and implement a plan and direction research. content media research in the media. Type of media information and the sources of its receipt. Media- system and organization of media research . Defining the needs for media research in the media. Problem definition and formulation of media research purposes . The choice of methods of media research in the media. Experiments and their role in the implementation of the plan and Media Research. Development research. Market research and media marketing . Research Methods . Planning research program . Sources of information for theoretical studies. Types of questions .

Postrekvizity : modern technology public relations.

Types of classes : practical , studio .

Program Manager: Zhusupova AM