Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Administrative and legal activity 



One of types of professional activity of the bachelor in the specialty 5B030100, 050301 – the Law is organizationally – administrative activity in government bodies and the organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In this regard, in 2011-2012 academic year the new educational program – "Administrative and legal activity" was entered. 






The administrative law, in system of legal disciplines is professional branch, a compound link of system of the right of the Republic of Kazakhstan by means of which there is a regulation of the public relations in the sphere of public administration. 

The administrative law covers a wide range of the public relations which arise in connection with realization of management functions by it in the course of activity of executive authorities. Studying of the disciplines offered within an administrative and legal educational program is necessary first of all for those students who plan the future professional activity in the sphere of public administration, namely in the special government bodies which are carrying out executive and administrative activity. 


After the end of studying of disciplines of an educational program "Administrative and legal activity" students have to:


to know:

  • RK constitution, the existing administrative legislation, including ratified RK the international contracts concerning administrative law

to be able:

  • to be guided in RK current legislation, including in administrative law

to have skills:

  • it is correct to interpret and apply norms of administrative law to the concrete facts within legal practice

to be competent of features of specifics of activity, such bodies as:


  • judicial authorities ( local representative and executive);
  • bodies of prosecutor's office;
  • law-enforcement bodies (including in activity of a policeman)
  • highway patrol agencies;
  • bodies of national safety;
  • bodies of tax and customs service;
  • bodies on fight against economic and corruption crime (financial police);
  • bodies of judicial authority (on criminal and civil cases, in activity of economic, administrative, military, juvenile courts)



Catalog of disciplines of an educational program


The catalog of disciplines of an educational program contains the description of each discipline separately with the indication of pre-requisites and post-requisites, quantities of the credits, types of occupations, information on heads of the program. 



Basic disciplines


Religious studies – 1 credit

Pre-requisites: history of Kazakhstan.

Course summary: Religion as subject and object of a course of religious studies. Religion emergence. Structure and maintenance of religion as phenomena. Specifics of religious system of the Ancient East and Classical antiquity. Tengri, as early form of religious consciousness. Buddhism. Christianity, his origin and essence. Sacred book of Christians. Main currents in Christianity. Islam. Koran, Sunnah, Sharia. Main currents. Religious phenomenon in the modern world and Kazakhstan. 

Post-requisites: sociology. 

Types of classroom occupations: practical training. 

Heads of the program: Shaymerden G. I. Bondarenko Yu.Ya. 

Business etiquette - 1 credit

Pre-requisites: philosophy. 

Course summary: History of development of etiquette. Features of business etiquette in the different countries. Principles of etiquette of business relations. Formation of image of the businessman (clothes and appearance of the business man, business woman). Etiquette of business communication. Business communication, its types, functions and levels. Rules of business etiquette. Ethics of greetings, representations. Business meeting. Presentation. Ethics of business telephone conversation. Office etiquette. Etiquette of the head. Etiquette of the secretary. Daily etiquette. Souvenirs and gifts in the business sphere. Code of honor of civil servants of the Republic of Kazakhstan (rule of office ethics of civil servants). Code of ethics of the being trained. Formation of corporate image. The modern head and his role in formation of corporate image. Business rhetoric. Features of nonverbal means of communication. Main precepts of business etiquette. 

Types of classroom occupations: practical training. 

Head of the program: Bayakhmetova A.A.


Psychology of the competitive personality – 1 credit 

Pre-requisites: psychology of constructive communication 

Course summary: Personality. Constructive communication. Conflict. Technology of job search. Self-presentation bases. Development of the identity of the professional. Professional deformations of destruction of the personality and ways of their prevention.

Types of classroom occupations: practical training.

Head of the program: Elchishcheva O. V.

Office-work in the Kazakh language - 1 credit

Pre-requisites: Kazakh language

Course summary: Introduction. Name of official documents. Autobiography. Summary. Statement. Order. Characteristic. Receipt. Power of attorney. Contract. Labor agreement. Reference. Resolution. Letters of congratulations. Office letters.

Types of classroom occupations: practical training.

Head of the program: Irgizbayeva K.B.

History of state and law of foreign countries – 3 credits

Pre-requisites: state and right theory

Course summary: The history of state and law of foreign countries investigates emergence, development, functioning of the state and the right of the countries which have had the greatest impact on history of statehood, and also analyzes the contents is state – the legal processes developing in certain time and space

Post-requisites: history of political and legal doctrines, constitutional law of foreign countries, comparative jurisprudence, Muslim right

Types of classroom occupations: practical

Head of the program: Danekenova A.B.

Constitutional law of foreign countries – 2 credits

Pre-requisites:  state and right theory, history of state and law of foreign countries, constitutional law of RK, RK history of state and law

Course summary: Object of a subject matter and science of a constitutional law of foreign countries is the branch of a constitutional law of the certain states, tendencies of its development, the constitution and the constitutional and legal legislation of foreign countries, constitutional and legal institutes – bases of the constitutional system, a legal status of the person and the citizen, the organization of the central and local authorities and local government

Post-requisites: comparative constitutional law, comparative jurisprudence

Types of classroom occupations: practical

Head of the program: Ukin S. K.

History of state and law of the Republic of Kazakhstan – 2 credits

Pre-requisites: history of Kazakhstan, political science, cultural science, logic, ethics.

Course summary: Discipline course the history of state and law of the Republic of Kazakhstan analyzes the basic concepts and categories of history of state and legal life of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The role and value of this course in training of specialists consists that studying it gives the chance to create complete idea of history of state and law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, of the general and specific regularities of evolution of the state and legal phenomena in Kazakhstan, freely to be guided in problems of political and legal life of the past, the present and the republic future.

Post-requisites: constitutional law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, constitutional law of foreign countries, comparative jurisprudence

Types of classroom occupations: practical

Head of the program: Shunayeva S. M.

Administrative law of the Republic of Kazakhstan – 3 credits

Pre-requisites: theory of the state and right, constitutional law of RK

Course summary: The course "Administrative Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan" represents one of basic disciplines of the obligatory component, providing studying of integrally being combined categories of the public relations in the sphere of management and administrative and legal regulation of these relations

Post-requisites: public service of RK, administrative offenses

Types of classroom occupations: practical

Head of the program: Zhusupova G. B.

History of political and legal doctrines – 3 credits

Pre-requisites: state and right theory, history of state and law of foreign countries

Course summary: Within this course students are given typology, the main sources and an orientation of political and legal doctrines and their influence on society, the right, the state, an era. Legal and political doctrines, factors of their formation and development, nature of emergence of political and legal doctrines, influence on them of classes, social groups, historical and social processes.

Post-requisites: Muslim right, theory and management skill

Types of classroom occupations: practical

Head of the program: Akhmetkali G. V.

Professional ethics of the lawyer – 2 credits

Pre-requisites: state and right theory, philosophy, logic, psychology

Course summary: Studying of theoretical bases of the general ethics of the employee of the government law enforcement agencies and professional ethics of the lawyer in particular; the legal analysis of legal acts of state regulation of professional behavior of the lawyer in the course of execution of working duties by it; formation and development of professional ethics of the lawyer as legal science and subject legal matter; studying of problems of professional ethics of the lawyer.

Post-requisites: criminal law, criminal procedural law, civil procedural law, legal profession

Types of classroom occupations: practical

Head of the program: Akhmetkali G. V.

The international public law – 3 credits

Pre-requisites: constitutional law of RK, constitutional law of foreign countries

Course summary: Within the International public law it is studied: Formation development of international legal institutes in Kazakhstan, sources, the principles and subjects of IPL, the right of international treaties, the UN - the universal international organization, international legal responsibility, protection of human rights in IPL, etc.

Post-requisites: international private law, criminal law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, civil law of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Types of classroom occupations: practical

Head of the program: Kolpashnikova V. M.

The international private law – 2 credits

Pre-requisites: international public law

Course summary: Within the international private law fundamental questions of essence of civil legal relationship, subject structure, objects of the subjective civil rights are studied, and also such major institutes as property, obligations, a family law, the right of the international treaty are considered.

Post-requisites:  diplomatic and consular law, international humanitarian and migratory law

Types of classroom occupations: practical

Head of the program: Akhmetkali G. V.

The labor law of the Republic of Kazakhstan – 3 credits

Pre-requisites: State and right theory

Course summary: Concept, subject, tasks and methods of the labor law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Principles, system and sources of the labor law. Legal status of subjects of the labor law. Organizational and legal forms of regulation of employment of the population. Social partnership in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Concept and conditions of an execution of an employment agreement. Public service. Concept, types of the translations and their classification. Bases and order of cancellation of the employment contract. Guarantees and compensations. Concept and types of working hours. Order of definition of a mode and maintaining accounting of working hours. Types of time of rest and their classification. Concept and salary system. Principles of the organization of compensation, guarantee and compensation payments and surcharges. Discipline of work and methods of its providing. Liability, its types. Concept and principles of protection and safety of work. Concept, types and classification of labor disputes, order and ways of their permission. Concept, subjects, principles and sources of international legal regulation of work.

Types of classroom occupations: practical training.

Head of the program: Siminin Yu.G.


The land right of the Republic of Kazakhstan – 2 credits

Pre-requisites: State and right theory

Course summary: Concept, subject and problems of the land right of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Sources, principles and system of the land right. Ratio of the land right with forest, ecological and other branches of the right. Land legal relationship, their subjects and contents. Property right to the earth and right of land use, their types. Rights and duties of land owners and land users. Management of use and protection of lands in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Governing bodies of land fund, their competence. Kinds of a legal regime of lands. Legal regime of lands of agricultural purpose, feature of representation, use and protection of these lands, compensation of losses of agricultural production. Order of permission of land disputes, bodies of their permission. The importance of land resources in economic, social and political life of society.


Types of classroom occupations: practical training.

Head of the program: Aldabergenova A.I.


The ecological right of the Republic of Kazakhstan – 2 credits

Pre-requisites: Civil law of RK, Land right of RK

Course summary: Concept, subject, problems of the ecological right of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Scientific and methodological basis of interaction of society and nature. Objects and sources of legal regulation of interaction of society and nature. Property right to natural objects. Right of environmental management. Legal mechanism of protection of surrounding environment. Legal regime of use and protection of separate natural objects. Organizational and legal forms of environmental control. Legal responsibility for violation of the ecological legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Types of classroom occupations: practical training.

Head of the program: Maysatayeva A.Sh.

Problems of the theory of the state and the right – 3 credits

Pre-requisites: state and right theory, history of state and law of foreign countries, constitutional law of RK, constitutional law of foreign countries

Course summary: Problems of right understanding and right system in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Essence and problems of typology of the state. Collisions of rules of law and problem of their permission. Problems of legal relations. Lawful behavior and offense. Problems of legal responsibility. Problems of sense of justice and legal culture. Legality and law and order problems. Positive law and personality. Problems of the constitutional state.

Post-requisites: problems of the general theory of the right at the present stage

Types of classroom occupations: practical

Heads of the program: Ukin S. K.

Problems of a constitutional law of the Republic of Kazakhstan – 3 credits

Pre-requisites:  state and right theory, RK history of state and law, constitutional law of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Course summary: Problems of a constitutional law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Categories: "the constitutional law", "the organic law", "law in force", etc. Approaches to a definition "constitutional procedural law". Comparative constitutional law. Standard and legal sources. "Strategy of development of Kazakhstan till 2030" and others of messages of the President of the country N. A. Nazarbayev. Changes in the constitutional legislation.

Post-requisites: constitutional procedural law

Types of classroom occupations: practical

Heads of the program: Ukin S. K.

The international social and humanitarian relations within EurAsEC – 3 credits

Pre-requisites: international public law

Course summary: Subject and main categories. History of the Euroasian ideology. Main stages of evolution of the Euroasian idea. N. Nazarbayev's Euroasian ideas. History of creation of EurAsEC. EurAsEC as regional international organization. Main activities. Cooperation in the social and humanitarian sphere. The international treaties, concluded within EurAsEC.

Types of classroom occupations: practical

Head of the program: Taltanova I.K.

Main subjects


The tax right of the Republic of Kazakhstan – 2 credits

Pre-requisites: Civil law of RK

Course summary: Concept, subject, tasks, system and methods of the tax right of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Concept of taxes, collecting, duties and tax activity. Tax system of the state and its institutes; norms and tax legal relationship. Characteristic of institutes of the General part of the tax right: tax device of the state; tax obligation; management in the field of the taxation; tax planning; legal regulation of tax control; responsibility for violation of the tax legislation. Characteristic of institutes of Special part of the tax right: legal regulation of taxes, collecting, duties - sources of the republican budget; legal regulation of taxes, collecting, duties – sources of local budgets; legal responsibility for violation of the tax legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Types of classroom occupations: practical training.

Head of the program: Balgabayeva S. A.

The financial right of the Republic of Kazakhstan – 2 credits

Pre-requisites: Civil law of RK

Course summary: Concept of finance and financial system, financial activity of the state. Concept, subject, system and methods of the financial right of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Norms and financial legal relationship. Characteristic of institutes of the General part of the financial right: legal bases of financial activity of the state, legal bases of monetary part of the financial right, legal bases of financial activity of the state, legal bases of monetary system, management in the field of finance, legal bases of financial planning, a basis of legal regulation of financial control. Characteristic of institutes of Special part of the financial right: budgetary right, tax right, financial and bank right, financial and insurance right, organization of bank and insurance business in the Republic of Kazakhstan, financial and economic right.

Types of classroom occupations: practical training.

Head of the program: Maysatayeva A.Sh.


Criminalistics – 3 credits

Pre-requisites:  Among the sciences playing an essential role in formation of vocational training of workers of law-enforcement activity, the criminalistics studying and generalizing experience of fight against crime, developing means and methods of disclosure and investigation of crimes ranks high.

Post-requisites:  technique of investigation of separate crimes

Types of classroom occupations: practical

Head of the program: Kustavletova A.A.

Judicial expertology – 2 credits

Pre-requisites:  Criminal procedural law of RK

Course summary: Judicial expertology one of the criminal and legal subject matters studied in higher education institutions in "Law". This discipline assumes studying of the questions reflecting a theoretical material and practice of application of a technique of expert researches and registration of its results.

Types of classroom occupations: practical

Head of the program: Salamatova B. Z.

Public prosecutor's supervision in RK – 2 credits

Pre-requisites: Criminal law of RK, Criminal procedural law of RK, Law enforcement agencies

Course summary: The discipline "Public prosecutor's supervision in the Republic of Kazakhstan" is necessary for implementation further the highest supervision of law application, for studying of the main direction of public prosecutor's supervision, and also concept of system and a structure of bodies of prosecutor's office. Therefore the discipline is the main subject in obtaining information on activity of bodies of prosecutor's office.

Post-requisites:  bases quick search activity

Types of classroom occupations: practical

Head of the program: Dzhaksybayeva A.A.

Legal profession – 2 credits

Pre-requisites: Criminal law of RK, Criminal procedural law of RK, Law enforcement agencies

Course summary: The discipline "Legal profession" contains knowledge of essence, tasks, functioning and an order of formation of legal profession in the Republic of Kazakhstan, about the rights and duties of lawyers, etc. This discipline assumes studying of questions of the main activities of Bar and types of the legal help given by lawyers citizens and the organizations.

Post-requisites:  bases quick search activity

Types of classroom occupations: practical

Head of the program: Oleynik Yu.V.

Public service of foreign countries – 2 credits

Pre-requisites: public service and management

Course summary: Concept and basic principles of activity of public service of foreign countries. General provisions and legal status of public service of France. Legal status of civil servants of France. Public service of Germany and its structure. Legal status of civil servants of Germany. Legal status of civil servants of Germany. Order of receipt and service condition in Germany. Features of public service of Great Britain. Public service of the USA and its specifics. Formation of modern public service of the People's Republic of China.

Post-requisites: problems of public service and management at the present stage

Types of classroom occupations:  practical

Head of the program: Taltanova I.K.

Diplomatic and consular right-3 credits

Pre-requisites: state and right theory, constitutional law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, international public law, constitutional law of foreign countries.

Course summary:  Idea of diplomacy as special type of the state activity.  Specifics of a profession of the diplomat.  Structure and functional purpose of diplomatic and consular service of the states.  Concept and essence of norm of international law (contractual or based on customs).  The solution of the tasks resulting directly international relations.

Post-requisites: international humanitarian and migratory law

Types of classroom occupations: the practical

Heads of the program: Baytasova M. Zh.

Administrative process – 3 credits

Pre-requisites: state and right theory, constitutional law of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Course summary: Concept, principles and stages of administrative process. Administrative legal procedure. Administrative and procedural legal relationship. Participants of administrative process. Structure of administrative process. Types of productions.

Types of classroom occupations: practical

Heads of the program: Kolpashnikova V. M.

Administrative offenses – 3 credits

Pre-requisites: state and right theory, constitutional law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, administrative law of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Course summary: The administrative offenses encroaching on the rights of the personality. The administrative offenses encroaching on electoral rights of citizens. The administrative offenses encroaching on the rights of minors. The administrative offenses encroaching on property. Administrative offenses in the field of business activity. Administrative offenses in the field of trade and finance. Administrative offenses in the field of the taxation. Administrative offenses. Administrative offenses in the field of the industry, uses of thermal, electric energy. Administrative offenses in the sphere of architectural and construction activity.

Types of classroom occupations: practical


Head of the program: Zhusupova G. B.

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