Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Software protected telecommunication system



The educational program curriculum includes such disciplines as visual programming, programming languages​​, professional programming, computer graphics, programming on the Internet. Net- programming, automated enterprise management system, programming in php, programming sql server.




The graduates  of the educational program "Software secure telecommunications systems" must :


know and understand :


• languages ​​and programming techniques ;

• methods of designing web- site;

• the client software used to create web- pages ;

• basics of information security techniques to protect information from unauthorized access , damage or deliberate distortion ;

• networking and telecommunications technologies ;

• the general procedure of designing local area networks ;

• software for databases;

• software to create a virtual server ;

• the basic principles of the configuration of the real web- server.


be able to:


• design and operate specialized software and hardware for industrial use ;

• provide a system of databases and information security systems in finance and administrative bodies;

• design and manage local and corporate computer systems and networks;

• automate business processes ;

• create Web- representation for the various spheres of human activity .


master :


• the programming language used to design Web-based applications that are protected by automated systems;

• protection of information technology ;

• designing the structure technology web- site as an information system ;

• technology of creation, optimization , hosting on a server web- site;

• technology of distributed databases;

• in the principles , methods and means of interconnecting hardware and software for the creation of computer systems , systems and networks , as well as at the design stage ;

• the methods and means to ensure the security of objects of professional activity .



Catalogue of the educational program

 The structure of the educational program is determined by the model curriculum, syllabus and elective courses catalogue.


Basic Disciplines


Базовый иностранный язык / Базалық шетел тілі / Basic foreign language –  4 credits

Prerequisites: Foreign Language

Course Outline : The language for general purposes (Language for general purposes). English business language (English for business communication). Introduction to the language of the specialty (ESP-English for Specific Purposes).

Types of academic classes : practical

Program Manager: E. Timoshchenko


Языки и технологии программирования / Тiлдер және бағдарламалау технологиялар  / Languages ​​and programming techniques - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: An algorithmic and programming basics

Course Outline : The control structure of the language Delphi. Characters and Strings. Console Application. Arrays. Procedures and functions. Files. The data types defined by the programmer. Introduction to Object -Oriented Programming. Graphic features Delphi. Multimedia capabilities Delphi. Recursion. Debug the program. The help system. Examples of programs. The component programmer. Database. Create the installation disk.

Postrequsites: Tools of development programs

Types of academic classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: Z. Satmaganbetova


Компьютерная графика/ Компьютер графикасы/ Computer graphics- 3 Credits

Prerequisites : Computer Science

Course Outline : Types of computer graphics. Color models and types of raster images. Color matching and color management. Formats for storing graphic images. Rasterization, linearity and color separation. Fundamentals of screening. Editing and image enhancement. Sources of digital images. Entering the digital images.

 Postrequsites : Tools of development programs

Types of academic classes : practical, laboratory

Program director: Igor Ivanov


Системы баз данных/ Дерекқор жүйесі/ Database systems - 3 Credits

Prerequisites : Computer Science

Course Outline : The main components of the database system ( BDC ), modern database management system (DBMS) architecture, banking activity. The data model. Database for the PC. Technical specifications and features. Identification and structure of the teams. Creating a database file. The file structure . Populating a database. Navigation on the table. Database operations . View the database. Deleting data. Changing the data. Localization and retrieval of data in the database. Technology Rushmore. Working with multiple databases. The concept of workspaces. Contact form one -write- to - one. Contact form one -write- to-many. Working with variables. The team assignment. Saving variables. Loading variables in memory. Removal of temporary variables. Viewing variables. Arrays of variables. Description arrays. Working with a one-dimensional array. Working with a two-dimensional array. Procedure. External procedures. Internal procedures . Procedural file. Examples of programs. The reliability of the data. The control data sequence. Maintaining the unique files. Insurance up data. Teams query language SQL. Supplement base. Querying of the database. Examples of queries. Design of automated data processing systems based on database technologies, object-oriented and customer-oriented programming in the BDC, visual tools. Knowledge base. Data and knowledge base on the Internet. Delphi. The system compiler . Differences. Advantages and disadvantages. Components Delphi.

Postrequsites : Technology management of distributed databases

Types of academic classes: practical , laboratory

Program Manager: A. Bermagambetov


Профессиональное программирование /Кәсіби бағдарламалау/ Professional programming - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: Programming in Algorithmic Language

Course Outline : The visual development environment C + + Builder, algorithms to optimize the computational process, methods of accessing and manipulating databases, creating programs that work with global networks such as the Internet , the creation of programs that work with graphics.

Postrequsites : Tools of development programs

Types of academic classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: V. Ilnitsky


Технологии управления распределенными базами данных/ Таралған деректер қорын басқару технологиясы/ Management technologies of distributed databases - 2 credits

Prerequisites: Programming Technology

Course Outline : Introduction to distributed databases. Appointment of distributed databases. Database Architecture : physical, logical. Custom data types. Transactions and locking. Concept and lock transaction. Transaction management. Lock management. Lock levels. Isolation levels . Lock management in the request. The transaction log. Create a table. Indices. Creating the indices and keys in the SQL- Server. Using constraints  Using diagrams to design the database structure. Create views . Stored procedures. Triggers. Rules and defaults. IDs . Expression. Data types. Control Structures. Logical operators. Extracting data. Extracting data. Section SELECT. Section INTO. Nested queries. Data replication. The concept of data replication. Replication mechanisms. Replication model.  Transactional replication. Replication stored procedures. Roles and data protection. Permission for objects. Blocking access. Types of data backup. Development of a client application. Building a client application. Exceptions .

Types of academic classes: practical , laboratory

Program Manager: A. Akmoldina


.net-программирование / .net-бағдарламалау / .net-programming  - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: An algorithmic and programming basics

Course Content : C #. Net Framework. Basics of C # programming language. Classes and Objects.Inheritance, and polymorphism. Overloading operators . Structure. Interfaces . Arrays, indexers, and collection classes. Strings and regular expressions  Exception handling. Delegates and events. Creating Windows - applications. Access to data via Ado.net. Creating Web Applications with Web Forms. Web service. Assembly and version control.Interaction. Net and. Com

Types of academic classes: practica , laboratory

Program Manager: V.Sinitsyna


Вычислительные методы с применением ЭВМ/ ЭЕМ қолдану мен есептеуіш әдістер/ Computational methods using in computers  - 2 credits

Prerequisites: An algorithmic and programming basics

Course Outline : The concept of error. Determination of the absolute and relative errors of the approximate number. Actions on approximate numbers. Evaluation of errors result. Computational error ( a fatal error, the error of the numerical method and rounding errors ). Algorithms and flow charts for solving nonlinear equations. Development of algorithms for the solutions of nonlinear equations by the methods of bisection , chords , tangents and simple iteration. Examples . Derivation of error estimates . Conditions for the convergence of iterative methods. Statement of the problem of interpolation. Interpolation in the narrow and broad sense. The concept of finite differences. Table of finite differences. Step interpolation. The concept of the interpolation polynomial. The construction of the Lagrange interpolation polynomial. An error estimate for the Lagrange polynomial . Construction of the first and second Newton's interpolation formula  Evaluation of the function using interpolation polynomials. Being the first and second derivative of the function with the help of formulas constructed by interpolation formulas of Newton, Gauss. Algorithms for finding approximate values ​​of definite integrals by using rectangles and trapezoids , Simpson , the "three -eighths " Building block - schemes. An error estimate for the trapezoidal rule, Simpson . Approximate methods for the solution of ordinary differential equations. Formulation of the Cauchy problem. Approximate solution of a differential equation by Euler - Cauchy, Runge - Kutta and Adams.

Postrequsites : Database Systems

Types of academic classes : practical , laboratory

Program Manager: A. Baymankulov


Аппаратное программирование/ Аппараттық бағдарламалау/ Hardware programming - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: System Programming

Course Outline : Initial information about the assembler. Architectural features of MS. Modes of operation of the microprocessor . Intel processors in real mode. Organization of memory. Development of a simple program in assembly language . Creating a program in assembly language . The structure of the program in assembly language . Assembler syntax . Format of commands. Description of simple data types assembler. Addressing modes. Directive segmentation . Teams of data exchange. Transfer of control commands . Chained team. Logic team. The arithmetic instructions . Working with files, directories and disks. Characteristics of the file system MS-DOS. System Tools . Keyboard input terminal. System Tools . The output of text information on the terminal screen . System Tools . The output of image information to the terminal. Interrupt Controller . Processing of critical errors . Resident and installation programs . Manage RAM .

Types of academic classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: V. Sinitsyna


Операционные системы / Операциялық жүйелер / Operating System - 3 credits

Prerequisites : Computer Science

Course Outline : History of operating systems. Introduction . Mainframe operating systems . Multiprocessor operating systems . Basic functions of the operating system. Overview of computer hardware . Basic functions of the operating system. System calls. Processes and flows.Concept of the  process. The process model .Semaphores .Mutexes . Monitors. Main memory management. Virtual memory .Files . The file structure . Hierarchical catalog system . Principles of input output devices . The principles and objectives of the software IO. Interrupt handlers .Timers . Protecting dannyh.Programmnye firewalls information.

Types of academic classes: practical , laboratory

Program Manager:  O.Salykova


Модели и методы управления / Басқару модельдері және әдістері / Models and methods of control - 2 credits

Prerequisites: Computational methods using computers

Course Outline : Operations Research. Programming problem. Linear programming problem. Simplex method. Integer Programming. The transportation problem. Nonlinear Programming. Dynamic programming. Game theory. The method of network planning.

Types of academic classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: A. Baymankulov




3D графика и анимация/3D графика және анимация/3D graphics and animation - 3 Credits

Prerequisites : Computer Science

Course Outline : Types of surfaces. Simulation methodology. Modeling techniques. Polygonal modeling techniques. Subdivide operation for surfaces .Smoothing of the  surface and animation . Modeling with patches . Regular surface. Patching of the curves. The method of stitching patches Metaballs. Animate objects created using the method  of Metaballs. Timing and software. Editing curves,curves for use by the layout animation. Temporary tables Way / trajectory. The timing of the movement with the weight of the model. Compressing and stretching of  the character. Combination of various methods

Types of academic classes: practical , laboratory

Program Manager:  O.Salykova


Программирование в сети Интернет /Интернет желісінде бағдарламалау/ Programming in Internet - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: Internet Technology

Course Outline : Description language PHP. Built-in data types. Control structures . Procedure. Recursion. Lines .Arrays .Classes . The interface structure . The technology of distributed and local databases . The analysis of the merits . Design and operation of the database.

Types of academic classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: V.Sinitsyna


Программирование на Java/ Java-да бағдарламалау /Programing in Java - 2 credits

Prerequisites : Computer Science

Course Outline : The concept of Java. History of creation. The basics of object -oriented programming. Language vocabulary . Data types. Names. Packages . Announcement of classes. Type conversion . The object model in Java. Arrays . Operators and the structure of the code. Exceptions . The package java.awt. Threads of execution .Synchronization . Package java.lang. Package java.util. Package java.io. Introduction to Network protocols

Postrequsites : Programming the Web

Types of academic classes: practical , laboratory

Program Manager:   A.Bermagambetov


Настройка, ремонт, оптимизация и техническое обслуживание компьютерных систем / Компьютерлiк жүйелердiң күйге келтiру, жөндеу, ықшамдау және техникалық қызмет көрсетуi / Setting up, maintenance, optimization and maintenance of computer systems  - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: The organization of computer systems and networks

Course Outline : The composition of the PC. The motherboard and its repair and maintenance . Components of motherboards and their optimization . The major cities of the PC. Construction of RAM. Performance , productivity,  storage , caching memory. Dynamic memory . Comparative characteristics of a dynamic and forward-looking grades  memory. Specifications for the board. The components of the system board. Installing the motherboard to the PC case . Installing the system board. Tech Security  . Cables and connectors of floppy disks. The system of the PC. Pairing the device with the PC and the possible problems of connections. Configure PC components - monitor , memory, hard drives, processor. Performance testing of a  PC and peripheral devices. Typical possible faults of PCs and devices. Troubleshooting PC. PC maintenance . Replacement parts PC. Service drives the operating system. Cleaning your PC. Service of PC devices . Optimization of the operating system. Optimizations of PC components and assemblies . Modernization of the PC. PC maintenance .

Types of academic classes: practical , laboratory

Program Manager: P. Stavrianidi


Программное обеспечение в бизнесе / Бизнестегі бағдарламалық қамту / The software in the business - 3 credits

Prerequisites : Computer Science

Course Outline : Construction of accounting. Accounting principles . Main tasks and accounting rules . The concept of making configurations using basic objects such as component "Accounting" , a component of " Records management " component " Calculate ". Types of data used by the system . "Metadata" , the object metadata , object metadata , the form of the object metadata.

Types of academic classes: practical , laboratory

Program Manager: V.Sinitsyna


Компьютерные сети / Компьютерлік желілер / Computer Network - 3 Credits

Prerequisites : Computer Science

Course Outline : Basic terminology , definitions, principles of data networks. Access networks and communication media . The reasons for delays and losses in packet-switched networks . The protocol layers , the protocol stack Internet. Providers Internet (ISP). Application requirements . Web (HTTP), conditional GET, Cookies, Authentication . File transfer (FTP). MIME. E-mail (SMTP). Domain Name Service (DNS), Web- proxy (proxy), network load balancing (CDN), a network P2P. Principles of reliable data transfer (reliable communication link , the link with the distortions , the link with the distortions and losses , the link with distortion , loss and change -order delivery ) . Using TCP. Technology Ethernet. The address in the local network (ARP). Hubs (hub) and switches (switch). Networks built on the basis of switches (switched networks), the basic principles of network segmentation .  PPP.

Types of academic classes : practical , laboratory

Program Manager: G. Ismailov


Безопасность компьютерных систем / Компьютерлік жүйелердің қауіпсіздігі / Security of computer system - 3 Credits

Prerequisites : Computer Science

Course Outline : The subject of the course. Information security in the national security system . Basic concepts of information security. The analysis of information security threats. Methods and tools for information security .

Types of academic classes : practical , laboratory,

Интернет технологии / Интернет технологиялары / Internet technology

Prerequisites : Computer Science

Course Outline : The Basics of Internet technologies . Models of Internet communication . User access to the Internet. Technology access to the Internet. WEB - server at the Internet. Technology for production of WEB- resources. Internet search technology . Internet services . E-mail . Internet services . File Sharing . Protection of information on the Internet . Identification of users in the Internet. Technology create applications for the Web. Technology Internet client applications . Technology to create server Internet applications . Prospects for the development of Internet technology.

Types of academic classes : practical , laboratory classes

Program manager: I. Ivanov