Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Technical maintenance of vehicles




Graduates of this educational program will work in enterprises and organizations of various legal forms , carrying out technical operation of vehicles , design and technology , research and development organizations , regardless of ownership and departmental affiliation , including those created on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan enterprises with foreign investment.





At the end of the study of the  subjects of the educational program " Technical maintenance of vehicles," students must :

 know and understand :

  • the organizational structure of enterprises and organizations of various legal forms , carrying out technical operation of the vehicle ;
  • construction vehicles ;
  • software- oriented methods and methods of their use in the analysis and improvement of production ;
  • basics of the legislation and the regulatory framework of the industry;
  • foundations of a market economy;
  • methods of engineering analysis and decision engineering and management decisions;
  • basis for certification and licensing of businesses, service personnel;
  • the materials used in the construction of vehicles and their properties ;
  • the properties and characteristics of the use of alternative fuels;
  • the status and use of scientific achievements in the profession;
  • methods of work and communication with staff recruitment and placement.

be able to:

  • allocate hardware- oriented methods of analysis of technical, technological, organizational, economic and social issues ;
  • use the best industry , inter-industry and international experience ;
  • identify the features of environment design, manufacture , maintenance and operation modes of transport equipment;
  • implement data analysis of the mechanisms of wear , corrosion, loss of structural strength ;
  • use legislation and technical regulations in force in transport, including road safety , working conditions , environmental issues ;
  • be based on social and psychological foundations of management team.

 own :

  • knowledge of the technical operation of motor vehicles;
  • the basics of industrial relations and management principles with regard to technical, financial and human factors;
  • methods of technical control in the current production of quality processes , materials and finished products.


Catalogue  of disciplines of the educational program


Catalogue of disciplines of the  educational program contains a description of each discipline separately indicating the prerequisites and postrequisites ,  number of credits , occupations , information about the managers of the program.


Basic disciplines

Сызба геометриясы және инженерлік графика/Начертательная геометрия и инженерная графика/Descriptive geometry and engineering graphics  - 2 credits

Prerequisites: drawing , math

Course Outline : The main goal of teaching "Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics" is the study of different methods of image spatial forms on the plane , the formation and development of spatial representations associated with studies of geometric properties of shapes and surfaces on the set images. Aims and objectives of teaching , its role and importance in the training of specialists . The list of subjects prior to the study of the discipline . The list of related disciplines and their relationship to a given discipline.

Postrequisites : diploma design

Types of academic classes: lectures,practical

Program Manager: A. Baimagambetova

Материалтану. Конструкциялық материалдар технологиясы / Материаловедение. Технология конструкционных материалов / Materials study. Structural Materials research - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: Physics , strength of materials .

Course Outline : Fundamentals of metallurgical properties of metals. Materials science. Materials of construction . Technology of metal . Forging, rolling, drawing . Methods for the production of castings . Technology of construction materials cutting. Physical basis of metal cutting . The kinematics of the cutting process . Machining parts on lathes. Classification of lathes , their characteristics .

Postrequisites : logistics service , telematics in road transport.

Types of academic classes: lectures,practical

Program Manager:  N.Khasenov


Религиоведение / Дінтану/ Religion studies - 1 credit

Prerequisites: study of the subject " Religion " presupposes a knowledge of history. Kazakhstan , philosophy, natural history , anatomy , physiology , chemistry, physics.

Course Outline : . Religion as a subject and an object of religious studies course . The emergence of religion. The structure and content of religion as a phenomenon. Specificity of the religious system of the ancient East and the Ancient World . Tengrianism as an early form of religious consciousness. Buddhism .Christianity , its origin and essence. The sacred book of the Christians. Main Currents in Christianity. Islam. The Quran , Sunnah , Shariah . The main flow. Religious phenomenon in the modern world , and Kazakhstan. The course of discipline " religion " gives a systematic understanding of the content and the role of religion in  the society, the world's faiths .

Postrequisites : philosophy .

Types of academic classes: lectures,practical

Program Managers :  G.Shaimerden ,Y. Bondarenko


Начертательная геометрия и инженерная графика/ Сызба геометриясы және инженерлік графика/ Descriptive geometry and engineering graphics - 2 credits

Prerequisites: drawing , math

Course Outline : The main goal of teaching "Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics" is the study of different methods of image spatial forms on the plane , the formation and development of spatial representations associated with studies of geometric properties of shapes and surfaces on the set images. Aims and objectives of teaching , its role and importance in the training of specialists . The list of subjects prior to the study of the discipline . The list of related disciplines and their relationship to a given discipline.

Postrequisites : diploma design

Types of academic classes: lectures,practical

Program Manager: A. Baimagambetova


Теоретическая механика / Теориялық механика / Theoretical Mechanics - 2 credits

Prerequisites: descriptive geometry and engineering graphics , physics and higher mathematics .

Course Outline : Mechanical movement as a form of motion of matter. The subject of theoretical mechanics . Static. Basic concepts of statics . Algebraic and vector torque about the center . Bringing the power to this center. Kinematics . Subject and kinematics problem . Kinematics of a point . The kinematics of a rigid body . The translational motion of a rigid body. Dynamics . Introduction to dynamics. The dynamics of a point . The relative motion of a material point . The mechanical system of moments of inertia of the system and solid relative to the plane and the axis of the pole. Analytical Mechanics .

Postrequisites : Technological basics processing of structural materials

Types of academic classes: lectures,practical

 Program Manager: G.Assanova


Сопротивление материалов / Материалдар кедергісі / Strength of materials - 2 credits

Prerequisites : physics , higher mathematics , theoretical mechanics

Course outline : The course aims to study the strength of materials stress- strain state and performance of the simplest and typical structural elements of machines. Tension and compression . Mechanical properties of the materials in tension and compression . Calculations of strength and stiffness in tension and compression . Theory of stress and strain state. Shift (cut) . Geometric characteristics of the cross-section of the rod. Torsion. Bending of straight bars . Movements in elastic systems with arbitrary loading. Coil springs . Theory ( hypothesis ) ductility and strength. Complex resistance . Statically indeterminate system. The stability of the deformed state of elastic systems . Calculations beyond the elastic limit . Tensile stresses cyclically changing in time. Dynamic load .

Postrequisites : Technological basics processing of structural materials

Types of academic classes: practical,laboratary

 Program Manager:  F,Tulubaev


Деловой этикет / Іскерлік этикет / Business etiquette -  1 credit

Prerequisites: Philosophy , Sociology.

Course Outline : The discipline of "Business Etiquette " is the Far East , a component of choice. This discipline forms the professional knowledge and skills for the development of the specialty . The course is a scientific, theoretical and practical foundations of the discipline of "Business Etiquette ". Its scope ө as broad communications and research that shed light on the characteristics of communication in the business world. The main emphasis is on the analysis of the main provisions and their implementation in practice, on the basis of research methods and project number are considered prominent positions of scientists of  past as well as the concept of contemporary theorists and practitioners. Teaching the course " Business Etiquette " must be entered in accordance with the requirements of current research in this area.

Postrequisites : the course " Business Etiquette " in university education has an important place in the training of specialists who are able to effectively solve problems in the process of business communication.

Types of academic classes: practical

Program Manager: A.Bayahmetova


Психология конкурентоспособной личности /Бәсекеге кабілтетті тұлға психологиясы /Psychology of competitive personality – 1 credit

Prerequisites: In order to develop the discipline necessary to know the students the basics of their profession, be a graduate student .

Course Outline : In the face of intense social and  economic transformation in the Republic of Kazakhstan , the special requirements for individual professionals. During training, the discipline students will learn to make an informed choice in favor of positive personal change; innovative approaches to solving problems , to learn the techniques of building plans, personal growth , productivity, work , career , get management skills , effective communication , self-regulation.

Postrequisites : Mastering psychology course of a  competitive personality is essential in the preparation of highly qualified specialists in their field. This discipline further contributes to the successful implementation of the graduates of the university as a competitive person and their professional growth.

Types of classroom teaching : lectures , practical

Program Manager: O. Elchischeva


Делопроизводство на казахском языке / Қазақ тілінде іс құжатын жүргізу  / Paperwork in the Kazakh language - 1 credit

Prerequisites: Kazak language

Course Outline : Introduction . Name of official documents. Autobiography. Summary. Statement. Order . Characteristics . The receipt . The power of attorney . Contract . Labor agreement . Help. Resolution . Congratulatory letters . Official letters .

Postrequisites : the ability to keep records in the state language .

Types of academic classes : practical .

Program Manager:K. Irgizbaeva ,  A.Esetaeva


Химия /Химия / Сhemistry/  - 3 credits

Prerequisites : To study the course "Chemistry" students need knowledge of  school courses of  chemistry , physics and mathematics.

Course Outline : Introduction . Chemistry as a branch of natural science, chemistry place in the natural sciences. Basic concepts and laws of chemistry. The structure of the substance. General patterns of chemical processes. Basic concepts of chemical thermodynamics . Water. Solutions . Water chemistry . Water is the solvent . Types solutions. Ways of expressing concentration. Oxidation- reduction reactions . Electrochemical processes . Oxidizing and reducing agents . Types of redox reactions. The electron balance , electron -ion method ( half-reaction ) . The direction of the redox processes . Electrochemical processes . The standard electrode potentials . Chemistry of the Elements , and their most important compounds. General properties of metals. Features d- elements. Complex compounds . Chemistry of non-metallic elements. p - elements of the fourth group. Chemistry of semiconductors. Chemical binders . Elements of organic chemistry. Organic polymeric materials.

Postrequisites : Knowledge of the discipline make it possible for  the students initiate to  the peculiarities of the structure , composition and properties of elements and their compounds , as well as their application in the national human activities , including construction materials , to develop students' thinking is an active chemical , as chemistry - One of the major technical subjects which form the scientific basis for use of chemical laws and processes in modern technology.

Types of academic classes: lectures, practical,laboratory

 Program managers : Senior Lecturer  L.Altynbayeva


Технологические основы обработки конструкционных материалов /Конструкциялық материалдарды өңдеудің технологиялық негіздері / Technological basics for processing of constructional materials  - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics , strength of materials .

Course Outline : Classification of machine tools , the types of treatment. The geometrical parameters of cutting tools. Cutting data . Physical basis of cutting processes . Cutting tool made ​​of steel, hard metal , non-metallic materials. Treatment for drilling, milling , grinding machines.

Postrequisites : the reliability of the transport machinery.

Types of academic classes: lectures, practical, laboratory

Program Manager:  L.Balakleysky


Организация перевозочных услуг и безопасность транспортного процесса / Көліктік процестің қауіпсіздіғі және тасымалдау қызметін ұйымдастыру/ Organisation of transportation services and safety of transport process  - 2 credits

Prerequisites: machine parts and design principles , basic unit of transport equipment

Course Outline : The transport process and its elements , the performance of the rolling stock , the cost of transportation , organization of the movement of rolling stock , the management of the transportation process , the security of the transport process

Postrequisites : maintenance and repair of transport equipment , transport logistics , technology is the use of modern means of diagnosing and servicing cars

Types of academic classes: lectures,practical

Program Manager: N. Kamysheva


Механика жидкости и газа, гидро- и пневмопривод / Сұйықтық пен газ механикасы, гидро- және пневможетек / Fluid mechanics, hydraulic and pneumatic  - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: strength of materials , machine parts and design principles .

Course Outline : Introduction to . The basic physical properties of liquids and gases. Hydrostatic . Fundamentals of kinematics. General laws and equations of fluid dynamics . Modes of fluid motion and the basis of hydrodynamic similarity. The local hydraulic resistance. The outflow of fluid through the holes and nozzles . Hydraulic calculation of pipelines. Unsteady fluid. The reaction stream with the walls. General information on hydraulic machines . Fundamentals of the theory of hydraulic vane . Fundamentals of the theory of hydraulic vane . Performance calculations vane pumps . Hydrodynamic transmission . General information about the volume of  hydromachines . Piston and plunger pumps . Rotary pumps . General information about the volumetric water hoses . Hydraulic motors . Hydraulic equipment and elements of hydro . Schemes hydraulic line and hydro system . Hydraulic servo system . Pneumatic .

Postrequisites : Fundamentals of technical operation of transport equipment , basic technologies of production and repair of transport equipment.

Types of academic classes : practical , laboratory

Program Manager: S. Balakleya


Проектирование предприятий транспортного сервиса / Көліктік сервис кәсіпорындарын жобалау / Designing of a transport service Проектирование предприятий транспортного сервиса / Көліктік сервис кәсіпорындарын жобалау / Designing of a transport service  - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: machine parts and design principles , the unit of transport equipment , maintenance and repair of vehicles.

Course outline : general principles of organization of car repairs . General procedure for the design and reconstruction of enterprises or technical services. Advanced forms of organization of production car repairs . Determination of the amount of repairs and maintenance for any real repair facility . Determination of parameters of the repair facility . Enterprise Mode . Determination of the annual fund -time workers and equipment. Process Flow Diagram ( traffic ) . Basis for the organization of the production process repair and maintenance companies. The repair methods

Postrequisites : diploma design , the discipline master .

Types of academic classes: lectures,practical

 Program managers : S.Spektoruk , S.Nurushev


Транспортная логистика / Көліктік логистика / Transport logistics  - 3 Credits

Prerequisites : mathematics , physics , machine parts and design principles , the unit of transport equipment , organization of transport

Course Description : concept , content and definition of transport logistics. The meaning and purpose of transport logistics in business . Road transport in the logistics system . Transportation " from door to door ." The growth of the average distance transport. Transport services and transport services , modern trends . The demand for services . Transport rates and rules for their application . The level of service . Ways to create a specialized transport and cruise companies . Comprehensive service. Features  of transport services . Evaluation of quality of service , etc.

Postrequisites : diploma design

Types of academic classes: lectures,practical

 Program Manager: N. Kamysheva


Охрана труда / Еңбекті қорғау / Labor protection - 2 credits

Prerequisites : basic unit of vehicles , power plants transport technology.

Course Outline : A theoretical framework for ensuring safety in relation to the production units of the enterprise. Principles , methods, and means of ensuring safety. Psychophysiological aspects of safety. Human Factors in "Man - machine - environment" . Safe human interaction with technical systems at work. Social and economic aspect of the prevention of injury and illness.

Postrequisites : diploma design .

Types of academic classes: lectures,practical

Program Manager: T. Nurmukhamedova



Использование технологического оборудования в автотранспорте / Автокөлікте технологиялық жабдықтарды қолдану/ Use of processing equipment in motor transport- 3 Credits

Prerequisites: materials science. Technology of construction materials , basic unit of transport equipment .Course outline : the study of structures of existing models and methods for optimizing the parameters of the process equipment.

Postrequisires: Fundamentals of technology production and repair of transport equipment, diploma projects.

Types of academic classes: lectures,practical

 Program Manager:  S.Spektoruk


Технология применения современных средств диагностирования и обслуживания автомобилей / Автомобильдерге қызмет көрсету және диагностика жасаудың заманауи құралдарын пайдалану технологиясы / The technology of modern means of diagnosing and servicing vehicles - 3 Credits

Prerequisites : Theory of machines and mechanisms , basic unit of vehicles.

Course outline : major scientific and technical problems and prospects of development of road transport in relation to the adjacent areas of technology. Main trends and directions of development of modern technologies in the automotive sector. Methods of techno- economic analysis and decision engineering and management decisions. Methods of study of the state of and demand for services in the current market conditions . Knowledge of  the basics of comparison and choice of transport technology. Management and regulation of road transport. The criteria for effective organization of enterprises ( SRT) of road transport. Best industry and international experience of using the service and road transport.

Postrequisites : diploma design .

Types of academic classes: lectures,practical

Program Manager:  A.Shayakhmetov


Трансмиссия және күш беретін агрегаттарды техникалық пайдалану/Техническая эксплуатация силовых агрегатов и трансмиссий/Technical operation of power units and transmissions - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: Electrical and electronic systems in motor vehicles , the dynamics of the transport machinery.

Course Outline : The main task of technical operation of engines and transmissions. Ensuring performance car. System maintenance and repair of engines and transmissions. Technical operation of vehicles with automatic transmission.

Postrequisites : Fundamentals of technology production and repair of transport equipment .

Types of academic classes: lectures,practical,lab

Program Manager:  S.Spektoruk


Сборка транспортной техники /Көліктік техниканы құрастыру / Assembly of transport equipment - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: Electrical and electronic systems in motor vehicles , the dynamics of the transport machinery.

Course Outline : Features of the development of the assembly process . General. The forms of organization of assembly work . The beat and the rhythm of production lines. Technological equipment assembly processes. Ways to ensure the accuracy of the assembly. Technique of the design  process of  assembly.

Postrequisistes : Fundamentals of technology production and repair of transport equipment .

Types of cademic classes , practical , lab .

Program Manager:  S.Spektoruk

The theory of automatic control / Avtomattyқ basқaru teoriyasynyң negіzderі / Fundamentals of automatic control theory - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: engineering mechanics , machine parts and design principles .

Course Outline : Introduction . The main problem of the theory of automatic control. Mathematical models of ACS. Methods for investigation of linear ACS. Methods for the study of nonlinear ACS. The stability of the automatic control . The quality of automatic rule. Random effects in linear ACS. Optimal control problems . Modern trends in the development of control systems.

Postrequisites : Fundamentals of technology production and repair of transport equipment .

Types of academic classes: lectures,practical

Program Manager: S.Chumatchenko


Основы теории автоматического управления / Автоматтық басқару теориясының негіздері / Fundamentals of automatic control theory - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: engineering mechanics , the theory of machines and mechanisms.

Course Outline : The content of training. The forces acting on the structure of the transport machinery. The dynamic characteristics of the transport machinery. Oscillatory processes of the mechanical system . External disturbance and vibration processes of transport equipment and its components . Methods for determination of the dynamic properties of the transport machinery.

Postrequisites: Fundamentals of technology production and repair of transport equipment .

Types of academic classes:lectures ,practical

Program Manager: J. Bekmuhambetova


Техническое обслуживание и ремонт транспортной техники /Көліктік техниканы жөндеу және техникалық қызмет көрсету / Maintenance and repair of transport equipment - 3 Credits

Prerequisites : basic unit of vehicles.

Course outline : the science of repairing cars in the acceleration of scientific and technical progress , the causes of failures of machines and equipment, methods of prevention , detection and elimination; modern technological processes of restoration of worn parts, as well as the health and life of machines in general , the advanced form of the organization of production the repair process .

Postrequisites : Fundamentals of technical operation of transport equipment

Types of academic classes:lectures , practical , lab .

Program Manager: S. Nurushev


Надежность транспортной техники / Көлік техникасының сенімділігі / Reliability of transport equipment - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: machine parts and design principles , basic unit cars.

Course Outline : Reasons for changes in the quality of technical systems and problems of its software. The reasons for changes in the quality of technical systems. Depreciation of technical systems. Reliability of transport technology and its properties . The efficiency of transport technology and management techniques reliability. The efficiency of recoverable objects . Fundamentals of the theory of disaster recovery of  technology systems , processes of recovery. Methods for reliability management in the operation of transport equipment . System of replacements. Variety maintenance.

Postrequisites : diploma design .

Types of classroom lectures , practical .

Program Manager:  B.Salykov


Основы технологии производства и ремонта транспортной техники / Өндіріс технологиясы мен көлік техникасын жөндеу негіздері / The basic technology of production and repair of transport equipment  - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: machine parts and design principles , basic unit cars.

Course Outline : The production and technological processes . Accuracy and deployment details. Basic concepts and notions.Precious work . Manufacturability of product designs . Design of machining processes .  The blank for auto parts . Technology of production of standard components for transport technology. Transport technology as an object of repair. The technology of repair and restoration of standard parts . How to restore parts. Repair  of frames and bodies. Preparation and painting. Equipment and control. Technological processes of repair and assembly processes . Features of the development of the assembly process forms of organization of assembly work . The beat and the rhythm of production lines. Ways to ensure the accuracy of the assembly.

Postrequisites : diploma design .

Types of  academic classes:practical,lab

Program managers :  S.Nurushev ,N. Kamysheva