Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Expert advisory activity 



Studying the disciplines of this program a student much  gets deeper knowledge of economics, politics of the country of specialisation, becomes an expert on the country or region under study . He knows all the special characteristics of this country - not just what attractions can be found there during a tourist trip , but also how to keep the business going , to develop  relations with the business community , attract their interest . Actually  it gives the opportunity to become an expert consultant on the region.





At the end of the  educational program " Expert advisory activities " , students must :


Know and understand :


  • Major trends in the field of political, legal and social and economic sciences;
  • scientific methods in professional and social activities ;
  • History of Kazakhstan , the main stages of development of the country within the region and in the whole of world politics ;
  • current trends and developments within regional and world politics ;
  • foreign policy and the domestic political situation in the region of specialization;
  • understanding of the processes and phenomena occurring in animate and inanimate nature , about the principal problems of the development of contemporary  situation in science and technology , to understand their social, economic and political consequences ;
  • peer basis - valuation;



be able to:


  • predict and simulate the regional policy in the sphere of international politics ;
  • possess the skills and abilities to work independently on the basis of information and educational technologies ;
  • determine and justify the interests and positions of Kazakhstan , as well as the country of  specialization;
  • identify the purpose and use of special studies in the work , be ready to work on interdisciplinary projects  .
  • to examine the organization's activities  respective  on the state policy.
  • provide advisory service



own :


  • Methods of analysis and prediction of phenomena and processes in the field of specialization ;
  • computer-based skills to use IT technologies;
  • basic knowledge in the field of political, legal and social and economic sciences;
  • electronic simulation methodology ;
  • knowledge of the history of Kazakhstan , the main stages of development within the region and in world politics ;
  • scientific methods in professional and social activities.
  • skills  to use IT technologies
  • communicative skills of communication ;
  • skills and abilities to work independently on the basis of information and educational technologies .




Catalogue  of the  disciplines  of the educational program


Catalog of disciplines  of the educational program contains a description of each discipline separately indicating prerequisites and postrequisites , number of credits , occupations , information about the leaders of the program.




Basic disciplines


Негізгі шет тілі деңгей А2 /Базовый иностранный язык уровень А2/ Basic foreign Language Level A2 – 2 кредита - 2 credits

Prerequisites School course "Foreign Language"

Course Description: Discipline "Basic English " is a component of choice for students of  "Regional studies ".  The content of the discipline is  aimed at developing students' communication culture in the formation of all the components of foreign language communicative competence , which takes into account the presence of a need to use a foreign language as  means of communication , education and self-education, cooperation and collaboration tools (translation) in the modern world

Postrequisites: "Practical foreign language of the region under study ," " The practice of oral and written language ", "Practice of Intercultural Communication"

Types of classes : lectures, practical .

Teacher Levshina S.M. Ph.D., Associate Professor

Негізгі шет тілі деңгей B2 /Базовый иностранный язык уровень B2/ Basic foreign Language Level B2 – 2 кредита - 2 credits

Prerequisites School course "Foreign Language"

Course Description Discipline "Basic English " is a component of choice for students of "Regional studies ".  The content of the  discipline is aimed at developing students' communication culture in the formation of all the components of foreign language communicative competence , which takes into account the presence of a need to use a foreign language as a means of communication , education and self-education, cooperation and collaboration tools (translation) in the modern world

Postrequisites "Practical foreign language of the region under study ," " The practice of oral and written language ", "Practice of Intercultural Communication"

Types of classes : lectures, practical .

Teacher Levshina S.M., Ph.D., Associate Professor

Еуропа және Американың жаңа және қазіргі заман тарихы/ Новая и новейшая история стран Европы и Америки / Modern and Contemporary History of Europe and America  - 3 credits

Prerequisites: History of International Relations

Course Outline : The concepts of " New Times " and " New History ." Historical content era. General characteristics and main problems of the history of modern times . Fitting new stories in the history of mankind. Principles and criteria for the new periodization of history. Formational concept. Historical cycles . Civilizational and typological , " spatial " dimension of the  world history. The mechanism of change of civilizations . The New History and the formation of modern civilization. Preindustrial and industrial civilization. Atlantic and western civilization. European and non-European cultural and historical types . Traditionalism and modernization . Historic Center , semiperiphery and the periphery. Development processes of modernization in the manufacturing period of capitalism. The Scientific Revolution and its effects . Completion of the agrarian revolution , the intensification of traditional agricultural production. " American " and " Prussian " model of the agricultural sector . Historical results of national revolutions in Italy. Territorial structure . Political system . Conflict of church and state . Protectionism . "Era D. Dzholitti ." Features of the development of national capitalism . Reign of anarchist ideology. Alliance with Germany and Austria-Hungary ( the Triple Alliance ) . The emergence of nationalist movements .

Types of classes : lectures, practical

Program Manager: G. Ermenbaeva

Коммуникативтік мәдениетаралық практикасы / Практика межкультурной коммуникации (английский) / Cross-cultural communication - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: Management Psychology .

Course Outline : Multicultural world . Regularities of the language of  intercultural communication ( basic terms ) . A map of the world. Geographical xenonyms. Translation of  major geographic terms. In English about Kazakhstan. Ehtnoyims , self-designation , xenonyms of  "third culture." Towns.Town's xenonyms . History . Historical xenonyms. Borrowings of idionims . Proper names . ( translation) . World Religions . The need to acquire knowledge of facts for the successful translation. Differences  in the original texts and the translation. Culture .Transliteration.Traditions of  describing foreign language cultures. Features of national character . Translation  of phraselogical units .

Postrequisites : Practice of speaking and writing .

Types of classes : lectures, practical .

Program managers :  M. Fyodorova

Азия және Африканың жаңа және қазіргі заман тарихы / Новая и новейшая история стран Азии и Африки / Modern and Contemporary History of Europe and Africa- 3 Credits

Prerequisites . History of international relations

Course Outline . Course " Modern and Contemporary History of Asia and Africa ," covering the period from 40 - ies of the XVII century until the end of the twentieth century, is of great scientific and practical value , defines the role of Asia and Africa, which they play in the modern world . Periodization of historical processes in the study of the history of the peoples of Asia and Africa , the role of traditional forms of periodization .  It determines the initial period of the rise of capitalism and its essential features in the East. Modernization of old , colonial and semi-colonial structures . National liberation movements . National development paradigms of Afro-Asian states . Laws of origin , rise and maturation of national liberation movements . Typology of revolutions and the role of army circles .

Types of classes : lectures, practical

Program Manager:  G.Kusainov

Мамандық бойынша оқылатын аймақ елдерінің шет тілі/ Иностранный язык стран изучаемого региона: Западная Европа / Foreign Language of the studied region countries - 3 credits

Prerequisites " Foreign language (English )" ( University program ) .

Course Description: Foreign language of the region under study . Western Europe is a compulsory basic discipline , is an independent and finished  course that has its content and structure , and focuses on achieving European standards of competence in foreign languages ​​adopted in the" Modern Languages ​​" : learning, teaching , assessment . CEF ", approved by the Council of Europe in April 1997.

Postrequisites: practical foreign language of the region under study , practice of oral and written language , practice  of intercultural communication.

Types of classes : lectures, practical .

Programm manager:S. Levshina , Ph.D., Associate Professor

Аймақ елдерінің тарихы: Батыс Еуропа/ История стран региона специализации: Западная Европа/ History of region of specialization: Western Europe - 3 credits 

Prerequisites Modern and Contemporary History of Europe and America

Course Outline : First Plantagenets . Henry II and his reforms . Expansion of British territories in France. A jury trial. Shield money . Richard I. His participation in the Crusades . John Lackland . Loss of French possessions . Struggle with the papacy . " Magna Carta ." Henry III. The struggle for power between the king and barons. Simon de Montfort and the baronial war . Civil War . " Provisions of Oxford ." First English Parliament . Edward I. Height Parliament. Respect for the principle of equal representation . Education English pale in Ireland. Edward II. Budget deficit . War with Scotland. Edward III. Two Houses of Parliament . Starting the Hundred Years War . Good Parliament . Richard II. Peasant revolt . End of serfdom. Wycliffe . Lollards . Dynasty of York and Lancaster . Henry IV. Starting the Lancaster . Henry V. The conquest of northern France . Henry VI. Loss of France. Starting Wars of the Roses . Edward IV. York dynasty . Richard III and his nephews . Battle of Bosworth . End of War of the Roses and the Yorks . End of History of the Middle Ages . England in modern times. Tudor . Henry VII. Fencing . Alliance with the king of the gentry . Absolute monarchy . Henry VIII. The English Reformation . Break with Rome . Act of Supremacy . Secularization of  monastic lands . Act of Union with England, Wales. Maria I. Catholic reaction . Elizabeth I. Mary - Queen of Scots . Conspiracies on its behalf. The defeat of the Spanish Armada . The golden age of absolute monarchy .

Types of classes : lectures, practical

Program Manager: G. Ermenbaeva

Батыс елдер мәдениетінің тарихы /История культуры Запада/ History of western culture -  - 2 credits

Prerequisites "History of Europe and America ", " The political system in the region of specialization : Western Europe ", " Modern and Contemporary History of Europe and America "

Synopsis : The course is a cultural history of the West is designed for students majoring in "Region ". The course enables students to acquire knowledge and skills to analyze a wide range of cultural knowledge that consider culture in the broadest sense , as a reflection of a variety of human activities and knowledge in the field of political science and the history of Western countries necessary to work in the field of international relations of various public and private organizations . The  cultural history of the West is studied in this course , the development process of culture in the region of specialization and features inherent in each particular country .

Postrequisites : Mastering the course in the future contributes to the successful development of related disciplines such as "The History of World Civilizations ", "Practice of intercultural communication ", " The practice of oral and written language ."

Types of classes : lectures, practical

Programm manager. E. Ibraev


Түркі халықтарының тарихы / История тюркских народов/ History of the Turkic Peoples - 3 credits

Prerequisites: History of Kazakhstan .

Course Outline : Sources , periodization , the main Turkic peoples and ethnic and cultural area of ​​their residence, the ethnogenesis of Turkic peoples , the Khuns and the great migration of peoples, Turks relationship with neighbors (China , Byzantium , Iran) ; Turkic state on the territory of Kazakhstan, the Khazar Khanate , Bulgars , oguzy , Kipchaks ; Turkic peoples and states during the Mongol domination ; Seljuk state. Ottoman Empire . Turkic peoples of Eurasia in modern and contemporary times . Problem of the unity of the Turkic peoples and the idea Turanism . Culture of Turkic peoples . Actual problems of modern Turkic studies in Kazakhstan and abroad.

Postrequisites: History of the Kazakh diaspora .

Types of classes : lectures, practical .

Program Manager:  B.Nurseitov

Использование Интернеттехнологий в образовательном процессе / Интернет-технологияны оқу жүесінде қолдану / The use of Internet technologies in the educational process - 3 credits

Prerequisites : Computer Science.

Course Outline : Introduction to the Internet - sites useful for production work . Internet activities . Working with search engines. Thematic search online . Working with electronic means : related sites and blogs, online magazines. Participating  in videoconferences , online seminars , participation and conduction of  online consultations. Browsers . Characteristics and capabilities . Services on sites . Hosting . Domain name. Creating  a portfolio , personal website , e-shop , guest books . Support, promotion and site optimization . Freelancing - earnings  online. Creating  flash - product of  launches or company. Account . Creating an account . Creating e-book ( electronic book ) , dictionaries and electronic library. Studing programs for creating self-extracting photo albums, slide shows, videos , e-cards and magazines , Internet galleries, digital catalogs, booklets , brochures, covers for CDs . Acquaintance with useful programs. Portals and forums. Creating a personal mailing list.

Postrequisites : global information resources

Types of classes : lectures, practical .

Program managers : V. Sinitsyna


Страноведение /Елтану /Country study(the USA) - 3 credits

Prerequisites: Foreign Language .

Course Outline : The geographical location of the United States. U.S. policy . Elections in the United States . Social and economic development of the United States. Religious life in the United States . Education, culture, customs and traditions of the United States. Status and prospects of U.S. Ties with the Republic of Kazakhstan . U.S. media . The relationship of the individual and society. Ecological problems in the United States .

Postrequisites  : The practice of intercultural communication.

Types of classes : lectures, practical .

Program managers : Z. Omarova




Аймақ елдерінің саяси жүйесі: Батыс Еуропа/Политическая система стран региона специализация: Западная Европа / Political system of the region of the countries of specialization: Western Europe - 3 Credits

Prerequisites History of the region

Synopsis : The course of the region 's political system is designed for students majoring in "Regional " course enables students to gain the knowledge and skills analysis of the political systems of Europe necessary to work in the field of international relations of various public and private organizations . The course examines general patterns  process of  political institutions creation in the region and  special featurest in each particular country . The reasons of military coups and the essence of dictatorships .

Types of classes : lectures, practical

Program Manager: D. Legkiy


Аймақ елдерінің сыртқы саясаты: Батыс Еуропа/Внешняя политика стран региона специализация: Западная Европа / Foreign Poliсy of the region of specicialization countries: West Europa- 3 Credits

Prerequisites: history of the region , the political system in the region of  specialization Western Europe.

Course outline : The course of foreign policy in the region  of specialization : Western Europe is provided for students in regional studies , specializing in the study of the region Western Europe . Upon completion of the course the student should be able to analyze the evolution of foreign policy conceptions of  leading European countries , to determine the internal and external factors affecting the formation and implementation of foreign policy during the existence of the bipolar system , as well as its evolution .

Types of classes : lectures, practical

Program Manager: D.Legkiy


Аймақ елдерінің экономикасы: Батыс Еуропа / Экономика стран региона специализация: Западная Европа / Economy of the region of the  countries of specialization: Western  Europe - 3 Credits

Prerequisites:History of the region , the political system in the region

Course Outline : External characteristic of the modern world economy is the dynamic development of interconnected and interdependent , contradictory trends of globalization of economic activities , and the regionalization of this activity , the creation of regional economic blocs . Economic convergence between countries on a regional basis takes the form of economic integration.

Types of classes: lectures, practical

Program Manager:  K.Abdyhalykova

Меңгерілетін аймақ елдерінің шет тілінің практикалық курсы: Батыс Еуропа (1 бөлім)/Практический иностранный язык стран изучаемого региона: Западная Европа (1-часть)/ Practical foreign Language  of the region of specialisation: Western  Europe (part 1)  - 1 credit

Prerequisites for the development of this discipline requires knowledge and skills obtained in the study of subjects   "Foreign Language" and "Foreign Language  of the countries of the  studied region ."

Course Description: Discipline "Practical foreign language of the region under study . Western Europe " is a compulsory subject from the majors . This discipline is an independent and finished  course that has its content and structure , which is focused on achieving European standards of competence in foreign languages ​​, adopted  by the document "Modern languages: learning, teaching , assessment . CEF ", approved by the Council of Europe in April 1997.  The discipline "Practical foreign language  of the countries of the  studied region : Western Europe " provides continuity of university and school courses of the  foreign language and reflects the specific university course.

Postrequisites : Mastering the course in the future contributes to the successful development of  the related disciplines such as "Foreign Policy of Kazakhstan ", "History of Europe and America ", "International Law", " The practice of intercultural communication ", " The practice of oral and written language ."

Program manager:S. Levshina , Ph.D., Associate Professor

Аймақтық қақтығыстар және оларды реттеудің әдістері / Региональные конфликты и методы их урегулирования / Regional conflicts and methods of adjustement- 3 Credits

Prerequisites:History of international relations .

Course Outline : This course focuses on the study of conflict and methods for solving them . The main purpose of the course is to : introduce students  to the  modern theories and concepts of conflict; analysis of historic  roots and causes of conflicts  and a discussion of these problems and phenomena in the various theories and methodologies; evaluation of the historical evolution of these concepts and a discussion of the various options and resolution mechanisms of conflicts in the years after the period of the "Cold war ", in particular , ethnic and national conflicts.

Types of classes : lectures, practical

Program Manager:  G.Kusainov



Меңгерілетін аймақ елдерінің шет тілінің практикалық курсы: Батыс Еуропа (2 бөлім)/Практический иностранный язык стран изучаемого региона: Западная Европа (2-часть)/ Practical foreign Language of the countries of the studied region: Western Europe (2 part) - 3 credits

Prerequisites for the development of this discipline requires knowledge and skills obtained in the study subjects "Foreign Language" and "Foreign Language of the  countries  of the studied region " ( part 1).

Course Description: Discipline "Practical foreign language of the region under study . Western Europe " is a compulsory subject from the majors . This discipline is an independent and finished  course that has its content and structure , which is focused on achieving European standards of competence in foreign languages ​​, adopted  by the document "Modern languages: learning, teaching , assessment . CEF ", approved by the Council of Europe in April 1997.  The discipline "Practical foreign language  of the countries of the  studied region : Western Europe " provides continuity of university and school courses of the  foreign language and reflects the specific university course.

Postrequisites : Mastering the course in the future contributes to the successful development of  the related disciplines such as "Foreign Policy of Kazakhstan ", "History of Europe and America ", "International Law", " The practice of intercultural communication ", " The practice of oral and written language ."

Program manager:S. Levshina , Ph.D., Associate Professor

Эпоха Возрождения как интеллектуальная формация / Қайта өрлеу дәуірі интеллектуалдық негізде / Renaissance as an intellectual form - 3 credits

Prerequisites: history of world civilizations.

Course Outline : Periodization of the Renaissance. The Italian Renaissance : Montesquieu , L. Da Vinci . The Renaissance in France : Voltaire, Diderot , Rousseau . The main contribution of Renaissance figures in the development of world culture and scientific thought.

Types of classes : lectures, practical .

Program Manager: D.Legkiy


История казахской диаспоры/ Қазақ диаспорасының тарихы / History of the Kazakh diaspora - 2 credits

Prerequisites: Ethnology .

Course Outline : The purpose and objectives . Kazakh Diaspora theory about the formation of the Kazakh migration,.historic irredenta . Conditions and causes of the emergence and irredentism of  Kazakh diaspora. Economic, political , social and ideological roots of the diaspora. The evolution of the modern stage. The history of the Kazakh Diaspora . Importance of studying the Kazakh Diaspora and irredentism . Historical events of the XX century. Problems and reasons for migration of Kazakhs. Labor emigration  of Kazakh diaspora in the second half of the 20th century . Modern development of the Kazakh diaspora . The process of returning the Kazakhs to their historical homeland .

Types of classes : lectures, practical .

Program Manager: E. Ibraev


Әлемдік ақпарат ресурстары /Мировые информационные ресурсы/ World information resourse - 3 credits

Prerequisites: For the development of this discipline  knowledge and skills obtained in the study of the discipline " Computer ." are required.

Course Description : The course of the global information resources  is designed for the  students majoring in "Region ". To main purpose of  the course " Global Information Resources " is to familiarize future professionals with the technologies and methods of ensuring the functioning of intensively developing world information network and use the knowledge gained to create the structure of information systems, ensuring the use of technology and the Internet. Course " Global Information Resources " is aimed at studying the following material : information and business . Markets Information Resources : Features of demand, supply , market equilibrium. Global information resources : definition, classification and characterization of the underlying database structures , networks on different grounds. Global information networks : structure  of information search rules workshop .

Postrequisites : Mastering the course in the future contributes to the successful development of disciplines " Using Internet technologies " and " History of world civilizations."

Types of classes : lectures, practical

Program manager: V. Sinitsyna