Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Psychology on production



Studying of disciplines of this educational program will allow receiving system of knowledge and skills in management of human resources of the organization, formation of social and psychological climate at the enterprise, achievement of professional skill, to develop skills of professional consultation and diagnostics.



After the end of studying of disciplines of an educational program "Psychology on production" students have to:


  • psychology history;
  • anatomy of CNS and HNA physiology;
  • fundamentals of psychotherapy;
  • psychology of deviant behavior;
  • bases of psychological training;
  • advertizing psychology;
  • psychology of sexual distinctions;
  • power psychology.

Be able:

  • to apply theoretical knowledge in practical activities;
  • to develop training programs;
  • to develop correctional programs;
  • to carry out the expert and psychological activity including procedures of an assessment and diagnostics in practice of professional selection, career guidance and certification of shots;

Have skills:

  • to carry out psychological service at manufacturing enterprises and the business organizations, formation of constructive social and psychological climate on a workplace;
  • to reveal and effectively to use psychological reserves of increase of labor productivity and harmonization of the interpersonal relations on production;
  • competently and deliberately to apply various methods of psychological consultation in individual and group options;
  • rendering a psychological assistance to the people who have appeared in crisis situations.

Be competent:

  • in various methods of research work;
  • in psychodiagnostic techniques;
  • in methods of carrying out psychological training;
  • in methods of psychological consultation in individual and group options;
  • in assessment and diagnostics procedures in practice of professional selection, career guidance and certification of shots.


The catalog of disciplines of an educational program

The catalog of disciplines of an educational program contains the description of each discipline separately with the instruction pre-properties and post-requisites, quantity of the credits, types of occupations, information on heads of the program.


Basic disciplines 


Религиоведение/Дінтану/ Religion studies-1 кредит  

Pre-properties: discipline studying "religious studies" assumes knowledge of the history of Kazakhstan, philosophy, natural study, anatomy, physiology, chemistry, physics.

Course summary: Religion as subject and object of a course of religious studies. Religion emergence. The structure and maintenance of religion as phenomena. Specifics of religious system of the Ancient East and Classical antiquity. Tengrianstvo, as early form of religious consciousness. Buddhism. Christianity, his origin and essence. Sacred book of Christians. Main currents in Christianity. Islam. Koran, Sunnah, Sharia. Main currents. Religious phenomenon in the modern world and Kazakhstan. The discipline course "religious studies" gives a system idea of the contents and a religion role in society, world faiths.

Post-requisites: The knowledge "religious studies" allows seizing a course of political science, sociology, psychology, the Kazakh and Russian literature, ancient history.

Types of classroom occupations: practical

The heads of the program: Shaymerden G. I.

Анатомия ЦНС и физиология ВНД / ОЖЖ және ЖЖІ анатомиясы мен физиологиясы/ Anatomy and Physiology – 2 кредита  

Pre-properties: Biology of a school course.

The maintenance of a course: Structure and functions of nervous system. Regularities of development of nervous system in a phylogeny and ontogenesis.

Post-requisites: The general psychology (2,3,4), medical psychology, clinical psychology, psychology of the personality, psychology of sexual distinctions.

Types of classroom occupations: the practical.

The head of the program: Elchishcheva O. V.

Практикум по общей психологии/ Жалпы психология бойынша практикум / Workshop on General Psechololgy – 3 кредита

Post-requisites: "Introduction in the general and comparative psychology", "The general psychology".

The maintenance of a course: the main techniques of psychological science, modes of work with them, their classification and features of application. Studying of psychological laws.

Post-requisites: "Social psychology", "Clinical psychology".

Types of classroom occupations: practical.

The head of the program: Klimenko A.I.

Деловой этикет / Іскерлік этикет / Business etiquette – 2 кредита.

Pre-properties: philosophy, sociology.

The course summary: The discipline "Business etiquette" is DVO, a component for choice. This discipline forms professional knowledge and abilities for specialty development. The course represents scientific, theoretical and practical bases of discipline "Business etiquette". Its sphere is the widest messages and researches which shed light on features of communication in the business world. The main emphasis is placed on the analysis of leading provisions and their embodiment on practice on the basis of research and projection methods. Positions of outstanding scientists of the past, and also the concept of modern theorists and practitioners are considered. Teaching of the course "Business Etiquette" needs to be conducted according to requirements of modern researches in the field.

Post-requisites: studying of theoretical bases and consideration of the latest approaches to the main problems of the present, assimilation of skills of business etiquette.

Types of classroom occupations: practical

The head of the program: Bayakhmetova A.A.

Теории личности в психологии / Психологиядағы тұлға теориялары / Personality thery in psychology

Pre-properties: general psychology, age psychology, pedagogical psychology.

The course summary: Introduction in discipline "Theories of the personality in psychology". Classical psychoanalysis and its modifications. Psychoanalysis development. Ego psychology. Eric Eriksson. The humanistic direction in the theory of the personality. The Disposition direction in the theory of the personality. The humanistic direction in the theory of the personality. The phenomenological direction in the theory of the personality.

Post-requisites: Development of the course "Theories of the Personality in Psychology" promotes successful development of professional activity.

Types of classroom occupations: practical

The head of the program: Klimenko A.I.

Делопроизводство на казахском языке / Қазақ тілінде іс құжатын жүргізу/ Paper work in the Kazakh language – 1 кредит 

Pre-properties: Kazakh language

Short contents of a course: Introduction. Name of official documents. Autobiography. Summary. Statement. Order. Characteristic. Receipt. Power of attorney. Contract. Labor agreement. Reference. Resolution. Letters of congratulations. Service records.

Types of classroom occupations:  practical

The head of the program: Kulbayeva M. M.

Практикум по возрастной и социальной психологии / Жасерекшелік психология бойынша практикум / Workshop on age and social psychology – 3 кредита 

Pre-properties: General psychology (1), social psychology, psychology of the personality

The maintenance of a course: After listening of this course students seize the following knowledge, skills: about the main levels of the organization of human identity, the individual distinctions based on the sexual, neurophysiologic and constitutional principles; the correct selection of criteria of the analysis of the individual distinctions answering their purpose and research problems; theoretically educated psychologist-researcher solving experimental problems of emergence and work with individual distinctions.

Types of classroom occupations: practical.

The head of the program:  Iskakova I.R.

Психология конструктивного общения/ Конструктивті қарым-қатынас психологиясы/ Сonstructive dialogue psychology – 3 кредит

Pre-properties: General fundamentals of psychology, social psychology, school course "Person and Society", culturologists, pedagogics.

The maintenance of a course: Techniques of effective communication, rule of conducting business negotiations, concept of business etiquette and image. Knowledge of a communication role in human life. Fundamentals of conflictology, ways of an exit from the communication conflict, leadership and style of the management. Leadership theories. Education in itself leadership skills, development of communicative abilities of the personality.

Types of classroom occupations: the practical.

The head of the program:  Iskakova I.R.

Организационная психология / Ұйымдастыру психологиясы / Organizational psychology - 3 кредита 

Pre-properties: fundamentals of psychology, social psychology, pedagogics.

The maintenance of a course: Techniques of effective communication, rule of conducting business negotiations, concept of business etiquette and image. Knowledge of a communication role in human life. Fundamentals of conflictology, ways of an exit from the communication conflict, leadership and style of the management. Leadership theories. Education in itself leadership skills, development of communicative abilities of the personality.

Types of classroom occupations: the practical.

The head of the program: Klimenko A.I.

Психология девиантного поведения \Девианттық мінез-құлықтың психологиясы\ Psyhology of Deviant Aktivities – 3 кредита 

Pre-properties: General psychology, age psychology.

The maintenance of a course: Concept of deviation, types of deviation, concept of norm and deviation, types of deviations; age features of manifestation of deviant behavior, action for their prevention and prevention.

Post-requisites: Pedagogical psychology, technique of teaching of psychology.

Types of classroom occupations: practical.

The head of the program: Iskakova I.R.

Юридическая психология / Заң психологиясы / Juridical psychology – 3 кредита

Pre-properties: Biology, Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, right Bases.

The maintenance of a course: accurate explanation of a place of legal psychology in system of sciences and in practice; acquaintance with features of a mental condition of the person, those mental phenomena which occur in the sphere of law-enforcement activity; adequate psychology-legal assessment of those mental phenomena which influence behavior of people participating in legal activity; psychological preparation for professional activity of the lawyer of various specialization; motivation of students to application of knowledge of legal psychology in everyday life and professional activity and to independent deeper studying of this scientific branch.

Post-requisites: Knowledge and the skills acquired as a result of passing of the course "Legal Psychology" is universal for studying of such disciplines as "Criminology", "Criminal psychology", "Judicial and psychological examination", "Trial psychology".


Types of classroom occupations: the practical.

The head of the program:  Sarkisyan L.V.

Психология труда / Еңбек психологиясы / Work psychology – 3 кредита

Pre-properties: Knowledge, the skills received at studying of the general psychology, psychology of the personality, age psychology, social psychology, pedagogical psychology, differential psychology, philosophy, economy is necessary for development of discipline.

The maintenance of a course: Work psychology – as science. History of domestic and foreign psychology of work. Methodological and theoretical bases work psychology. Basic concepts of psychology of work. Psychology of the subject of the professional activity. Subject of work and its structure. Formation and development of the person as subject of work. Development of the identity of the professional. Psychological studying of professions. Psychological classification of professions. Professiografiya. Inservice training as problem of the professional preparation. Mental conditions of the person, taken work. activity.

Post-requisites: Development of the course "Work Psychology" promotes formation at students of knowledge, the skills demanded in organizational psychology.

Types of classroom occupations: practical.

The head of the program: Elchishcheva O. V.

Основы психодиагностики / Психодиагностика негіздері / Psycyodiagnostics basis – 3 кредита

Pre-properties: "The general psychology", "Age psychology", "Differential psychology".

The maintenance of a course: Psychodiagnostics as science and as practical activities. Concept PD as scientific system of methods and methods of statement of the psychological diagnosis. Professional ethical principles. Short history of psychodiagnostics. Psychometric fundamentals of psychodiagnostics. Test norms and their check. Scales, types and levels of measurements. Psychodiagnostic technology. Psychodiagnostics of the personality. Patokharakterologichesky diagnostics. Intelligence psychodiagnostics.

Post-requisites: The knowledge gained within this course, provides higher level of theoretical, scientific and practical preparation being trained as expert.

Types of classroom occupations: the practical.

The head of the program: Parkhomenko I.A.


Main subjects


История психологии/ Психология тарихы/ History of Psychology – 3 кредита 

Pre-properties: The history of Kazakhstan of the school program.

The maintenance of a course: Introduction in discipline. Origin of psychological thought. Antique psychology. Psychology problems in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Psychology development within philosophical doctrines about consciousness. Origin of scientific psychology. Psychology of the XX-XXI centuries. Condition of modern psychology in Kazakhstan.

Post-requisites: Philosophy, general psychology (2,3,4), psychology of the personality, social psychology, ethno psychology, political psychology.

Types of classroom occupations: the practical.

The head of the program: Klimenko A.I.

Этноспихология / Этнопсихология / Ethnopsychology – 3 кредита 

Pre-properties: Philosophy; Cultural science; Sociology; Political science; History of Kazakhstan; Psychology of the personality; Psychology History; Social psychology; Political psychology

The maintenance of a course: Subject and problems of ethno psychology, its theoretic-methodological problems and methods. Personality as ethno psychological problem. National psychology as ethno psychological phenomenon. Psychological  determinant interethnic relations. Ethnic stereotypes in structure of modern ethno psychology. Psychology of the interethnic conflicts.

Post-requisites: power psychology

Types of classroom occupations:  practical.

The head of the program: Tashbayeva L.M.

Психология религии / Дін психологиясы / religion psychology – 2 кредита

Pre-properties: Political science, sociology, philosophy, history of Kazakhstan, general psychology.

The maintenance of a course: Psychological characteristic of elements. Archaic forms of religiousness and their manifestation in modern culture. The changed conditions of consciousness in the system of religious experience. The religion role in social type formation psychological sources of the social relations. Esoteric psychopracticians in religious traditions of the world. Tendencies of development of religiousness in the modern world.

Types of classroom occupations: the practical.

The head of the program: Tashbayeva L.M.

Клиническая психология / Клиникалық психология / clinical psychology – 3 кредита

Pre-properties: Development of this discipline requires knowledge of fundamentals of anatomy and physiology of CNS and HNA, the general psychology, bases of a neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, a neuropsychology, medical psychology.

The maintenance of a course: Schizophrenia. Maniac-depressive psychosis. Epilepsy. Aktsentuation of character. Psikhopatiya. Neurosis. Neurasthenia. Autism. Delay of mental development. Psychogenic diseases.

Post-requisites: Development of a course of clinical psychology is necessary in training of the practical psychologist who by the nature of the activity can deal with the sick person, in particular – with the mental patient. This discipline promotes further successful development of special psychological disciplines.

Types of classroom occupations: the practical.

The head of the program: Elchishcheva O. V.

Педагогическая психология / Педагогикалық психология / Pedagogical psychology – 3 кредита 

Pre-properties: knowledge, the skills received at studying of disciplines "The general psychology", "Age psychology" is necessary for development of this discipline.

The maintenance of a course: Subject, tasks, methodology and methods of pedagogical psychology. Main categories of pedagogical psychology. Education as object of system justification. Learning and training psychology. Problem of communications between training and development. Psychological features of educational activity. Learning ability problems. School difficulties of children. School student as subject of educational activity. Psychological features of the being trained. Analysis of professional activity of the teacher.

Post-requisites: the course is aimed at the solution of the tasks connected with further by studying of disciplines "Technique of teaching of psychology", "Social psychology", formation at students of psychological, psychology and pedagogical knowledge and the abilities necessary for implementation of future professional activity.

Types of classroom occupations: the practical.

The head of the program: Niyazbayeva N. N.

Методика преподавания психологии / Психологияны оқыту әдістемесі / Methods of teaching psychology – 2 кредита 

Pre-properties: For "Age and pedagogical psychology" knowledge, the skills received at studying of "The general psychology" is necessary for development of this discipline, "Psychology history", "HNA Physiology.

The maintenance of a course: This discipline acquaints students with psychological regularities, means and ways of the organization of process of training and education

Post-requisites: Discipline development "A technique of teaching of psychology" promotes development in students of professional knowledge and abilities.

Types of classroom occupations: practical.

The head of the program: Klimenko A.I.

Психология семейных отношений / Отбасылық қарым-қатынас психологиясы / Psychology of family relations – 3 кредита 

Pre-properties: General psychology (1,2,3), social psychology, age psychology, fundamentals of psychotherapy, basis of psychological consultation, practical work of specialization (1,2,3,4), workshop on psychology (1,2).

The maintenance of a course: A family as an object of psychology-psychotherapeutic research and influence. Violations of the main spheres of activity of a family as source of a mental injury rate of the personality. Problems in family relationship. Methods of diagnostics of a family relationship. Psychology - therapeutic consultation and correction of family relationship.

The head of the program: Sarkisyan L.V.

Основы психологического тренинга/Психологиялық тренинг негіздері/ Basics of psychological training – 2 кредита 

Pre-properties: General psychology, psychology of the personality, age psychology, social psychology.

The maintenance of a course: Rules, technologies of carrying out training occupation, working methods with group, the main training exercises.

Post-requisites: fundamentals of psychotherapy, advertizing psychology.

Types of classroom occupations: the practical.

The head of the program: Parkhomenko I.A.

Основы психотерапии\ Психотерапия негіздері\ Basics of Psychotherapy – 3 кредита 

Pre-properties: Bases of psychological training.

The maintenance of a course: Classical directions of not medical psychotherapy: psychoanalysis, behavioral, corporal psychotherapy, gestalt therapy, transactional analysis and others. Exercises for individual and group occupations.

Types of classroom occupations: lectures, practical.

The head of the program: Elchishcheva O. V.

Психология рекламы/ Жарнама психологиясы/ Advertising Psychology – 2 кредита

Pre-properties: General psychology, bases of psychological training.

The maintenance of a course: the general fundamentals of psychology of advertizing and marketing, the main theories and the approaches, existing in advertizing psychology, application of knowledge of psychology of advertizing in practice, receptions and methods of creation of advertizing texts and testing of advertizing production.

Types of classroom occupations: lectures, practical.

The head of the program: Parkhomenko I.A.

Психология половых различий / Жыныстық айырмашылықтар психологиясы / Sex differences psychology - 2 кредита 

Pre-properties: Age psychology, TsNS and VND Anatomy, Differential psychology

The maintenance of a course: Concept of a floor. Features of nervous system of the man and woman. Psychological distinctions of floors. Psychosexual development. Relationship of sexes.

Post-requisites: Fundamentals of psychotherapy


The head of the program: Elchishcheva O. V.

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