Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Linguistics and Cross-Cultural Communication





The Program will prepare specialists in the direction of professional experience in management and marketing, and various types of translation work.




After finishing studying disciplines of the educational program Linguistics and Cross-Cultural Communication students must:

To know and understand:

  • method of translation (types of language knowledge and its transmission in the translation, the role of context and extra-linguistic situation in the translation, ways to achieve adequate translation, the main types of lexical and grammatical transformations translate realities, technological, socio-political terms, etc.);
  • Socio-political, cross-cultural, historical, cultural studies and data about your country and country of interest;
  • Modern equipment;
  • Sphere of the professional and linguistic competence (the implementation of various kinds of translation);
  • Human Resource Management, the basics of management and marketing in the translation business.

To be able to:

  • To use the technique of interpreter's note-taking;
  • Work with specialized, scientific, literary texts of varying complexity;
  • Independently solve practical problems;
  • edit the translated literature both on the foreign and native languages;
  • abstract and annotate foreign and domestic literature on the working languages.

To possess:

  • The evaluation quality of translation, editing, annotating, and annotation;
  • Various information retrieval systems in the Internet and the system of machine translation;
  • Modern office equipment (scanners, printers, copiers, etc.);
  • Business documentation on its working languages.


Educational program’s catalog of disciplines

Catalog of disciplines contains a description of each discipline separately indicating the prerequisites and post requisites, number of credits, kinds of activities, information about leaders of the programs.  


Paperwork in the Kazakh Language - 1 credit

Prerequisites: Kazakh language

Course Outline: Paperwork management. General rules for training, execution, management structure of documents. Document classification: Organizational documents, administrative documents; information and reference documents. drafting of different types of documents (description; order; contract; labor contract; briefing paper, etc.), filling out forms and patterns on topics, the development of the correct translation’s skills in two languages​​, good filling of samples of business papers in the state language.

Types of classroom teaching: practical

Program leader: Irgizbaeva K.B


Practical phonetics and listening - 3 credits

Prerequisites: Basic foreign language

Course Outline: The structure of the vocal apparatus, the specifics of the phonetic system of the target language, the concept of the phoneme, the principles of classification of vowels and consonants, articulation exercises for each vowel and consonant of studied language, the rules of reading, accentual-syllabic structure of the sounding word, voice intonation and its components depending on the purpose of statement, the model of oral-verbal communication, prosodic units

Post requisites: Basic foreign language (level B1, B2), the Special General professional foreign language

Types of classroom teaching: practical

Program leader: Nadobko Y.V


Basic foreign language (B2) - 5 credits

Prerequisites: Basic FL, Practical grammar and phonetics.

Summary: The course includes work on the further improvements of language skills and speech skills. Course material is presented in the form of monologue and dialogue and has complex vocabulary, grammar design than on the previous rate.

Post requisites: The theory of grammar, theory of phonetics, Lexicology, Stylistics of the English language, theory of cross cultural communication

Types of classroom teaching: practical

Program leader: Guchigova S.A


Foreign language (second, level B1) - 3 credits

Prerequisites: Basic Foreign Language, Introduction to Linguistics

Summary: The course "Foreign Language (second level B1)" provides extensive language training and is built on activities that implement oral and written forms of communication: speaking, reading and writing

Prerequisites: Basic Foreign Language, Introduction to Linguistics

Types of classroom teaching: practical

Program leader: Trichik M.V, Mustafina K.E (German)


Foreign language (second, level B2) - 3 credits

Prerequisites: Basic foreign language

Course outline: The course "Foreign Language (second level B2)" provides extensive language training and is built on activities that implement oral and written forms of communication: speaking, reading and writing, listening.

Prerequisites: Basic foreign language

Types of classroom teaching: practical

Program leader: Trichik M.V, Mustafina K.E (German)


Foreign language (second, level C1) - 3 credits

Prerequisites: Basic foreign language

Course outline: The course "Foreign Language (second level C1)" provides extensive language training and is built on activities that implement oral and written forms of communication: speaking, reading and writing

Prerequisites: Basic foreign language B2

Types of classroom teaching: practical

Program leader: Trichik M.V, Mustafina K.E (German)


Profile disciplines


Functional stylistics of Foreign language and Kazakh (Russian) - 2 credits

Prerequisites: Introduction to Linguistics, General Linguistics, the basic theory of language, literature, translation theory

Course outline: during the studying this discipline, students will learn with the general principles stylistics Bases of the style system, laws which govern the functioning of linguistic resources in different areas of communication, specific functional styles, the main methods of stylistic analysis.

Post requisites: theory of Translation, Practice of Fiction Translation, Special Foreign Language – General Professional.

Types of classroom teaching: practical

Program leader: Alpyspaeva Z.T


Practice of fiction translation-3 credits

Prerequisites: the practice of translation, theory of translation

Course Outline: translation of literary texts, using theoretical knowledge in the discipline of translation theory in practice

Post requisites: the practice of interpretation

Types of classroom teaching: practical

Program leader: Nazarenko O.S


Countrystudy - 3 credits

Prerequisites: Basic FL, Theoretic Basics of Foreign language, Introduction to translation Studies

Course Outline:  the discipline has practical value, enriches  thesaurus of  country-relevant vocabulary, phraseology and terminology, students learn about the geography, history, system of state apparatus, system of education, culture, the UK and the U.S..

Post requisites: Literature of studied countrie’s language and translation problems, linguistic and cultural studies, specially-General professional FL, stylistics.

Program leader: Samambet M.K


Business Foreign Language and Business Writing - 2 credits

Prerequisites: Basic FL, Conversational practice

Course Outline: a foreign language acquisition as a means of business communication in oral and written forms. Formation of special skills which are need to implement the communicative intentions in professional activities in the field of cross cultural communication, exercises to familiarity with the official-business style to study a foreign language, assimilation of the rules of business etiquette and intercultural communication. Learning the basics of business communication in oral and written forms in typical situations: acquaintance, talking on the phone, business trip, business meeting business negotiations and banking affairs, discuss and sign the contract, business correspondence.

Post requisites: specially-General professional FL, Practice of Informative Translation.

Types of classroom teaching: practical

Program leader: Samambet M.K

Special professional foreign language 2 - 3 credits

Prerequisites: basic foreign language

Course Outline: The course is aimed at achieving students professionally-oriented level of language training in the field of general professional disciplines unit, and professional communication. Interaction between students achieved in the social, political, general cultural and general professional spheres of communication and speech topics.

Post requisites: General professional FL

Types of classroom teaching: practical

Program Leader: ShandetskayaY.N


Translation of special texts - 2 credits

Prerequisites: Basic FL, special FL, practice of written translation, linguistics of fiction text and the translation.

Course Outline: The course forms the professional knowledge and skills in the assimilation of the translation studies, focusing on the translation of legal and economic texts, the course seeks the skills of work with special reference materials which are required for translating specialized texts, and also the vocabulary for specific topics and areas.

Post requisites: manufacturing practice

Types of classroom teaching: practical

Program leader: Nikiforova E.Sh


Theory and practice of cross cultural communication - 3 credits

Prerequisites: Basic FL, second foreign language, general professional FL, Conversational practice, introduction to the translation studies, Basic of Professional Activity of Translation, practice of written translation, practice of fiction translation, Literature of the Country of Object Language and problems of translation, theory of translation.

Course Outline: forms professional knowledge and skills in the development of the specialty "Translation Studies"

Post requisites: Manufacturing Practice

Types of classroom teaching: practical

Program leader: Zhabayeva S.S


Literature of the country of object language and problems of translation - 3 credits

Prerequisites: Basic FL, General professional FL, introduction to linguistics, countrystudy, practice of translation

Course Outline: The course gives a general idea about ​​the literary heritage of Britain, the interaction, the literary influences, the typological similarity, the law of development and the evolution of literature in general.

Post requisites: Special professional FL, functional stylistics, the practice of interpretation, theory and practice of cross cultural communication, stylistics

Types of classroom teaching: practical

Program leader: Samabet M.K


Lingvo cultural studies - 3 credits

Prerequisites: Basic FL, special professional FL, introduction to linguistics, countrystudy, theory of translation, the foundations of linguistic, theory and practice of cross cultural communication

Course Outline: Culture - approaches to learning, aims of culturology, culture and people, culture and civilization, the history and theoretical foundations of cultural linguistics, objectives and goals of linguistics, the object and the subject of research in linguistics, the basic concepts of linguistics, language and culture - the problem of the interaction the relationship of language and culture, linguistic world image.

Post requisites: Theory and Practice of cross cultural communication

Types of classroom teaching: practical

Program leader: Zhabayeva S.S


Practice of speech in the second language - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: foreign language (second, A2, B1).

Course Outline: forms professional knowledge and skills in the development of translation studies, such as skills of communication on the second FL by studying other subjects, using advanced grammar.

Post requisites: Foreign language second

Types of classroom teaching: practical

Program leader: Alpyspaeva Z.T, Trichik M.V.


yle='m� %ni�DB��@:EN-US'>Post requisites: General professional FL


Types of classroom teaching: practical

Program Leader: ShandetskayaY.N


Practice of informative translation - 3 credits

Prerequisites: Theory of Translation, practice of written translation

Course Outline: The course is devoted to the translation of informative texts from the source language to the target language and vice versa.

Postrekvizity: General professional FL

Types of classroom teaching: practical

Program leader: Nikiforova E.Sh


Translation of special texts - 2 credits

Prerequisites: Basic FL, special FL, theory of translation

Course Outline: The course forms the professional knowledge and skills in the assimilation of the translation studies, focusing on the translation of legal and economic texts, the course seeks the skills of work with special reference materials which are required for translating specialized texts, and also the vocabulary for specific topics and areas.

Post requisites: the practice of interpretation

Types of classroom teaching: practical

Program leader: Nikiforova E.Sh


Literature of the country of object language and problems of translation - 3 credits

Prerequisites: Basic FL, General professional FL, introduction to linguistics, countrystudy, practice of translation

Course Outline: The course gives a general idea about ​​the literary heritage of Britain, the interaction, the literary influences, the typological similarity, the law of development and the evolution of literature in general.

Post requisites: Special professional FL, functional stylistics, the practice of interpretation, theory and practice of cross cultural communication, stylistics

Types of classroom teaching: practical

Program leader: Samabet M.K


Theory and practice of cross cultural communication - 3 credits

Prerequisites: Basic FL, second foreign language, general professional FL, Conversational practice, introduction to the translation studies, Basic of Professional Activity of Translation, practice of written translation, practice of fiction translation, Literature of the Country of Object Language and problems of translation, theory of translation.

Course Outline: forms professional knowledge and skills in the development of the specialty "Translation Studies"

Post requisites: Manufacturing Practice

Types of classroom teaching: practical

Program leader: Zhabayeva S.S


Practice of speech in the second language - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: foreign language (second, A2, B1).

Course Outline: forms professional knowledge and skills in the development of translation studies, such as skills of communication on the second FL by studying other subjects, using advanced grammar.

Post requisites: Foreign language second

Types of classroom teaching: practical

Program leader: Alpyspaeva Z.T, Trichik M.V.