Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

The characteristic of Bachelor’s degree

Speciality-5B020700- Translation Studies


Speciality-5B020700- Translation Studies provides available educational programs

  • Translation in professional communication field;
  • Linguistics and intercultural communication.


The graduate of Speciality-5B020700- Translation Studies is awarded the academic Bachelor’s degree of Arts.


Course description:


The field of professional activity of specialty includes: field of administrative management,  field of education and science, field of culture and intercultural communication, field  of international relations, scope of publishing, the scope of the media, information and analytical scope.


Places of professional activity of specialists include: cultural institutions, international organizations, various information and analytical services, embassies and ministries, tourism agency, publishing Translation Bureau and other organizations and businesses.


Objects of professional activity:

  • Original texts of different genres and styles in different types of translation,
  • Reference books and other information sources ( Internet , electronic dictionaries ) .


Bachelor of "Translation Studies" shall be competent:

  • In matters of political and socio- economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the constitutional and legal basis for the functioning of Kazakhstan, its management structures, functioning of the institutions of education and culture;
  • In the field of intercultural communication in general and the cultures of countries interacting during the process of translation;
  • In the sphere of interpersonal contacts between representatives of different languages ​​and cultures, features of their behavior in various communicative situations;
  • In the field of professional and linguistic competence (during the implementation of various types of translation);
  • In the field of human resource management, the basis of management and marketing in the translation business.



The structure of the educational program


The structure of the educational program is determined by the curriculum and elective disciplines .


Cycle providing general subjects  - total 33 credits, credits of compulsory component - 33 .As a result of the study student should know basic provisions of history of Kazakhstan, philosophy , ecology, and other socio -humanitarian disciplines, know Kazakh language, know the basics of foreign language.


Cycle of basic disciplines - total 64 credits, credits of compulsory component - 20 , credits of selective component - 44. As a result of the study subjects of cycle BD students should gain fundamental knowledge in the relevant specialty.


Cycle of profiling disciplines - total 32 credits, credits of compulsory component - 5, credits of selective component - 27.  As a result of the study students should gain the knowledge to carry out professional activities in the following forms: translation, information- analytical, organizational and scientific research.


The specialty provides professional practices.


Training practice - 6 credits.  The aim of practice - The formation and development of professional knowledge and skills that needs a translator in his practice activity for the implementation of written and oral translation from a foreign language to a native one and vice versa.


Manufacturing Practice - 2 credits. The aim of practice - to revise the theoretical knowledge that was acquired during their studies at the university , to acquire professional skills. Place of practice: companies and organizations in accordance with the objects of professional activity. Bases of practice are : LTD " Santel " LTD "Stomed ", Joint-stock company " SSGPO ."


Pre-degree practice - 2 credits. The aim of practice - The formation and development of professional knowledge and skills that needs a translator in his practice activity for the implementation of written and oral translation from a foreign language to a native one and vice versa.


Academic Calendar contains the calendar of theoretical training, examinations, certifications, professional practices, days off (vacation and holiday).


Recalculation of accepted credits in Kazakhstan into ECTS credits in the educational program


To provide academic mobility of students and accept educational programs, the structure of educational programs of specialty 5B020700 - Translation Studies is presented in terms of re-count of Kazakhstan credits into ECTS.