Educational program
Agribusiness Management
Agribusiness Management is a complete line of branch management. The problem of effective management in the agricultural sector is the most acute in the market economy. The development of this educational branch will give an opportunity to acquire new scientific methods, theoretical and practical knowledge, providing a sound economic management, production and social development of agricultural enterprises of all legal forms considering the specific features of an industry, engineering, technology and organization of production.
After the end of the study of the disciplines of the educational program "Agricultural Management" students must:
know :
- scientific and practical principles , methods and forms of effective management of agricultural production under current conditions;
- basic functions of production management;
- scientific principles and methods of production planning;
- principles of rational organization of production processes;
- forms of organization and work motivation;
be able to:
- develop, adopt and implement rational management decisions, to carry out the organization of production, labor and management;
- mplement their knowledge in specific sites of production and services;
- provide analysis of the company and its divisions with the positions of the system, process and situational approaches;
- carry out the development of operational plans and their implementation;
- carry out a valuation of labor of workers and enterprises , to develop measures to improve its organization.
- have the skills of rational economic management, production and social development of the agricultural enterprises of all legal forms, taking into account specific features of an industry , engineering, technology and organization of production.
- • be competent to work in the economic services of the enterprises and organizations of the agricultural sector , to work in administrative positions in the agricultural departments, educational institutions, consulting firms.
Catalog of disciplines of the educational program
Catalog of disciplines educational program contains a description of each discipline separately indicating the prerequisites and post requisites, the number of credits, occupations , information about the leaders of the program.
Basic disciplines .
Introduction to the profession and self-management - 1 credit
Prerequisites: theoretical and practical knowledge of the school curriculum.
The course outline: The theory of management. Qualification characteristics of bachelor degree in "Management". Basics of credit system of education at the university. The essence and principles of personal management. Self-management: the basic rules.
Post requisites : Organizational behavior and organizational culture, management.
The program leader: Kalkabayeva A.E.
The history of management - 3 credits.
Prerequisites: theoretical and practical knowledge of the school curriculum.
The course outline: The management thought and practice in the early civilizations of the East. Management ideas and practices in the European civilization (pre-industrial). The industrial revolution and its impact on the development of management. Pioneers in the management of the industrial system . The formation and development of the school of scientific management. The formation of the administrative theory. The contribution of social sciences to the development of scientific management . Origination of the national scientific management .The formation of the school of human relations . Synthetic and integrated approaches to management .
Types of classroom studies : practical .
Post requisites: management.
The program leaders : Dyuzelbaeva GM, Panina G.
The history of economic doctrines - 1 credit
Prerequisites : the school course of the world history, the history of Kazakhstan.
The course outline : The history of economic thought as a science. The emergence of economic thought and its feature in the pre-capitalist societies. The economic concept of the utopian socialists and representatives of economic romanticism. The development of classical political economy. Economic doctrine of Adam Smith and David Ricardo. The emergence of a neo-classical economics. Theory of monopolistic and imperfect competition. The neo-liberal economic theory. Economic thought in Russia in the period up to the mid-XIX century, the development of economic thought in the Soviet and post-Soviet period. Economic thought of Kazakhstan in the period up to the middle of the XIX century, the development of economic thought in the Soviet and post-Soviet period.
Post requisites : business economics, management.
Types of classroom studies : practical .
The program leader: Tastemirova Zh.A.
Religion studies-1 credit
Prerequisites: History of Kazakhstan, the environment and sustainable development.
The course outline: Religion as a subject and an object of religious studies course. The emergence of religion. The structure and content of religion as a phenomenon. Specificity of the religious system of the ancient East and the Ancient World. Tengrianism as an early form of religious consciousness. Buddhism. Christianity, its origin and essence. The sacred book of the Christians. Main trends in Christianity. Islam. The Quran, Sunnah, Shariat. The main trend. Religious phenomenon in the modern world, and Kazakhstan.
Post requisites : political science, sociology.
Types of classroom studies : practical .
The program leaders: Shaimerden G. I , Bondarenko Y.Y.
Organizational behavior and organizational culture - 2 credits
Prerequisites: management, sociology, strategic management.
The course outline: Models of organizational behavior. Management of communications. Social system and the organizational culture. Empowerment and participation in governance. General characteristics of the organizational culture, its levels, the formation and development. Maintaining and typology of organizational culture. The influence of organizational culture on efficiency. The organizational culture of the individual. Management of the organizational culture.
Post requisites : personnel management, office management.
Types of classroom studies : practical .
The program leader: Panina G.V.
State and local government- 3 credits.
Prerequisites :The history of government.
The course outline: Scope and method of the theory of government. Theory of public administration as an independent body of knowledge. Political governance. State policy. Modern Kazakhstan’s model of governance. The system of state and municipal government of France. The system of state and municipal government of Italy. The system of state and municipal government of Great Britain. The system of state and municipal government of Japan. The system of state and municipal government of the USA. Modern Russian model of governance. The system of state and municipal government of Germany
Post requisites : Project management, innovation management.
Types of classroom studies : practical .
The leader of the program: Panina G.V.
Prerequisites: economics, microeconomics.
The course outline: Essence, functions and role of finance in social reproduction. The organization of the financial system, financial policy and financial framework. Finance businesses. General characteristics of the public finances: Government revenue and expenditure. Taxes and organization of the tax system. The state budget. State funds . Public credit and debt; Finance households. Insurance, State financial regulation of the economy. Financial market. Finance in the system of foreign economic relations. Finance and inflation.
Post requisites : business economics, business organization, cost management and pricing, and financial aspects of management.
Types of classroom studies : practical .
The program leader: Sartanova N.T.
Business Etiquette - 1 credit
Prerequisites: philosophy.
The course outline: The history of etiquette. The features of business etiquette in different countries. The principles of etiquette of business relationships. Creation of the image of a business person (clothing and appearance of the business men, business women). The etiquette of business communication. Business communication, its types, functions and levels. Rules of business etiquette. Ethics of greetings , introduction . Business meeting . Presentation . Ethics in business call. Office etiquette. The etiquette of a leader. Etiquette of a secretary. Everyday etiquette. Souvenirs and gifts in business. Code of honor of civil workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the rules of ethics of civil workers). Code of ethics of students. Formation of the corporate image. Modern leader and his role in shaping the corporate image. Business rhetoric . Features of non-verbal communication. Basic precepts of business etiquette.
Types of classroom studies practical .
The program leader: Bayakhmetova A.A.
Psychology of a competitive personality - 1 credit
Prerequisites: economics.
The course outline: Personality. Constructive communication. Conflict. Technology of a job search. Basics of self - presentation . The development of a professional. Professional deformation , destruction of a personality and methods of its prevention.
Types of classroom studies : practical .
The program leader: Tashbayeva L.M.
Paper work in the Kazakh language - 1 credit.
Prerequisites: Kazakh.
The course outline: Office work as a scientific and academic discipline. The value of documents for the implementation of management decisions. The current state of record keeping. Factors affecting its organization and technology in institutions of various levels of government. Organizational , legal, social and psychological aspects of office management. The concept of "documentary maintenance of management." DMM relationship with the psychology of the automated processing of documents. Instructions for records management - the basic regulation on the organization and regulation of the psychology of production. Standard and individual instructions. The order of the development, the structure of information, the rules of the approval and implementation . The relationship of office management and organization of the departmental storage of the documents.
Post requisites: business etiquette.
Types of classroom studies : lectures and practical classes.
The program leader: Abilbekova B.
Econometrics-3 credits.
Prerequisites: statistics, economic theory, microeconomics, macroeconomics, computer science.
The course outline: the random nature of economic developments and statistical pattern. Formation of the factors and their content analysis. Mathematical foundations of the regression-correlation analysis. Non - linear econometric models. Multiple regression and correlation. The dynamic range.
Post requisites : The course will allow the students to carry out the analysis of real economic phenomena and processes during the preparation of course and final works , in the study of the professionally – oriented disciplines .
Types of classroom studies : practical .
The program leader: Zhuaspayev TA
Economic Foundations of Agribusiness - 3 credits.
Prerequisites : The economic theory, the foundations of law, microeconomics.
The course outline: The theoretical basis for the development of small business in Kazakhstan. State support for small business. Types of small businesses. Topical forms of small businesses. Organizational issues of small business establishment. Conditions for the functioning of small businesses. Management of investment projects. Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of investments. Personnel management of small businesses. Problems and prospects of the development of small business in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The development of small businesses in industry and abroad.
Post requisites: agribusiness management, agricultural marketing.
Types of classroom studies : lectures and practical classes .
The program leader: Dmitrieva .V.R.
Organization of Business - 2 credits .
Prerequisites: Management.
The course outline: The definition and classification of business , the organization of its development. The organization of small and medium businesses. The organization of a business venture. Forms of doing business. Procedure for registration of business entities. Bankruptcy and liquidation of an enterprise .The infrastructure of business. Business management. Fundamentals of business planning. Financial security and analysis of business performance.
Post requisites : Work with clients.
Types of classroom studies: practical .
The program leaders: Mishulina OV, Panina G.
Accounting and Auditing - 3 credits.
Prerequisites: Finance, business economics.
The course outline: Balance. Accounts and double entry. Organization of accounting . Accounting cycle and the preparation of financial statements. Accounting for current assets: Allowance for cash and cash equivalents. The account receivables. Accounting for inventories. Accounting for long -lived assets. Accounting for the current and long-term liabilities. Records of income and expenses.
Post requisites : Cost management and pricing, and management analysis.
Types of classroom studies: practical .
The program leader : Zhusupova GB
Logistics - 3 credits.
Prerequisites: Marketing, statistics, management, mathematics in economics, business economics, accounting and auditing.
The course outline: The essence of logistics. Material flows. Logistics operations and systems . Purchasing logistics . Production logistics . Distribution logistics. Transport logistics. Information logistics . Stocks in logistics. Warehousing, freight processing and packaging. Logistical administration. Global logistics systems.
Post requisites: Marketing management, management analysis.
Types of classroom studies : lectures and practical classes
The program leader: Kalkabayeva A.E.
Modeling in Management - 3 credits.
Prerequisites: Computer Science, Statistics , Mathematics in Economics, Econometrics.
The course outline: The concept of mathematical programming and simulation. Mathematical methods and models of rational decision- making . Linear programming . Integer programming . Dynamic programming . Nonlinear programming . Multipurpose optimization. Mathematical models of game theory. Model of network planning and management . Mathematical models of inventory management. Queuing model . Mathematical modeling of the human resources management .
Post requisites: Production management, strategic management.
Types of classroom studies : lectures, practical classes.
The program leader: Vardiashvili N N
Agricultural economics - 3 credits
Prerequisites: Mathematics in economics, microeconomics, macroeconomics, statistics, management, business economics.
The course outline: The content of the course. The place and role of agricultural production and its specific features . General characteristics of the factors of production. Natural resources . Manpower . Material resources. Capital investments. Specialization of production. The volume of production . The content of economic efficiency. Production of agricultural products. Costs of production. The prices of the products. Agricultural marketing . Profitability . The mechanism of formation and development of business in agriculture.
Post requisites: Agribusiness management, agricultural marketing.
Types of classroom studies: practical .
The program leader: Dmitriyeva V R
Marketing Analysis -3 credits.
Prerequisites: Marketing, business economics.
The course outline: Theoretical foundations of marketing analysis. The tactical marketing analysis (market analysis). Strategic marketing analysis . Analysis of the external environment. Analysis of marketing of a company.
Post requisites: The development of management solutions, marketing management.
Types of classroom studies: practical classes, lectures.
The program leader: Mishulina O.V.
Strategic planning - 3 credits.
Prerequisites: Marketing theory and practice of management.
The course outline: The theoretical basis for strategic planning. Development of a strategic plan for the organization: purposeful steps. Development of a strategic plan for the organization: the analysis of the external environment. Development of a strategic plan for the organization: the analysis of the internal environment. Development of a strategic plan for the organization: strategic alternatives, their variations and combinations. Development of a strategic plan for the organization: Selection of the direction of development. Managing the implementation of the strategic plan and monitoring its implementation.
Post requisites: The development of management solutions, marketing management, production management, financial management.
Types of classroom studies : practical .
The program leader: Mishulina O.V.
Agribusiness management - 3 credits.
Prerequisites: Microeconomics, macroeconomics, agricultural economics, technological bases of agricultural production.
The course outline : Methodological foundations of agricultural management. The organization and management of production. Control functions of agricultural production. Technology management . Management of an agro-industrial enterprise. Human resource management in agro-industries.
Post requisites: production management, personnel management.
Types of classroom studies : practical .
The Program leader: Obraz A.A.
Marketing management - 3 credits.
Prerequisites: Marketing theory and practice of management, economics of trade.
The course outline: The essence and principles of marketing management. The process of marketing management. Marketing management at the corporate level. Marketing management at the functional level. Marketing management at the instrumental level.
Types of classroom classes : practical .
The program leader: Baranov N.A.
Strategic Marketing - 3 credits.
Prerequisites: Marketing, management, and strategic planning.
The course outline: The main stages in the development of strategic marketing. Modern principles of strategic marketing and factors influencing its development and management. The methodology for development of the marketing strategy of the organization. Classification and selection of marketing strategies for the enterprise market. Strategic and operational planning of marketing activities. Development of a strategic plan and budget calculations of marketing of a firm. Monitoring and evaluation of the marketing strategy of the company.
Types of classroom studies : practical .
The program leader: Kuzmenko A.T.
Management of the regional economy - 3 credits
Prerequisites: theory and practice of management, business organization.
The course outline: The classification of regions of Kazakhstan and their brief characteristics. The role of the regions in the process of socio-economic development. The features of regional governance. Methods of management of regional economies , management system and determination of the strategic priorities of reforming the regional economy. An information system of regional governance. Regional characteristics of sustainable development.
Types of classroom studies : practical .
The program leader: Panina G.B.