Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Commercial marketing


Studying of disciplines of an educational trajectory « Commercial marketing » will allow students to seize scientific, theoretical and practical bases of the organization of system of sales in the organizations which objective is extraction of profit.




After the termination of studying of disciplines of educational program « Commercial marketing » students should:

to know:

  • content, objectives and features of commercial marketing;
  • directions, methods and rules of marketing researches in area of commercial activity; 
  • features of development and coordination of a complex of marketing of the commercial organization or the certain goods in structure of: commodity, price, marketing and communication policy;
  • the general principles of marketing planning, the organization and the control of commercial marketing; 

to be able:

  • to apply various methods of marketing researches, to state their objectives, to collect the problem and-focused information and to interpret these data with objective of acceptance of administrative decisions in the commercial organizations;
  • to use varied types of commodity, price, marketing and communication technologies for conducting and perfection of commercial activity;
  • to estimate possibilities of carrying out of various types of marketing actions;

to have skills:

  • the independent organization and carrying out of marketing researches in the specific market, the analysis and interpretation of results; 
  • carrying out of the analysis of marketing problems and specific market situations;
  • preparations of marketing programs and plans of strategic and tactical character;

to be competent:

  • in application of special marketing terminology and lexicon of a speciality;
  • in realization of gathering, the analysis and the data processing, the put marketing problems necessary for the decision in the commercial organizations; 
  • in the organization and carrying out of marketing actions in the commercial organizations;
  • in preparation and realization of marketing plans and programs in the commercial organizations;
  • in the analysis and interpretation of marketing data about social and economic processes and the phenomena, revealing of tendencies of variation of social and economic indices of activity of the commercial organizations.

The catalogue of disciplines of educational program

The catalogue of disciplines of educational program contains the description of each discipline separately with the indication prerequisites and postrequisites, quantity of credits, types of employment, the information on heads of the program.

Base disciplines

Religious studies / Дінтану / Religion studies – 1 credit

Prerequisites: History of Kazakhstan.
The summary of a course: Religion as subject matter and object of a course of religious studies. Occurrence of religion. Structure and a content of religion as the phenomena. A specific character of religious system of the Ancient East and the Classical antiquity. Tengrianism, as the early form of religious consciousness. The Buddhism. Christianity, its origin and essence. The sacred book of Christians. The basic currents in christianity. An islam. The koran, Sunna , Sheriyat. The basic currents. A religious phenomenon in the modern world and Kazakhstan.
Postrequisites: sociology.
Types of lecture occupations: practical lessons.
Heads of the program: Shaimerden G.I., Bondarenko Yu.,Ya.

Business Law / Кәсіпкерлік Ù / Business Law – 2 credits

Prerequisites: bases of the Law.
The summary of a course: Concept of the Business Law. Types and forms of business in RК. Individual business. Business of the legal entities. Forms of the state business. Features of the organization of economic communications in the business sphere. State regulation of entrepreneurial business. The state support of entrepreneurial business. Bases of the competitive law. Protection of the rights of consumers.
Postrequisites: bases of entrepreneurial business.
Types of lecture occupations: practical lesson
The head of the program: Aldabergenova A.I.

The organization and technology of commercial activity / Коммерциялы қызметті ұйымдастыру мен технологиясы / Organisation and technology of commercial activity - 3 credits
Prerequisites: the economic theory.
The summary of a course: Essence and a content of commercial activity. Contracts in commercial activity. Commercial work on wholesale purchases and sales. Commercial work on the enterprises of retail commerce. Foreign trade activities it is wholesale-commercial structures. The organization advertising-information work on selling the goods. Container and tare operations in commerce. The organization of transportations of cargoes. Technology of warehouse operations. A retail trading network. An arrangement and bases of technological lay-out of shops. Technological processes on retail trade enterprises.
Postrequisites: technics of sales, commercial management, commercial marketing.
Types of lecture occupations: practical lessons
The head of the program: Kalkabayeva A.E.

Іскерлік etiquette / Business etiquette / Business etiquette – 1 credit
Prerequisites: philosophy.
The summary of a course: History of progress of etiquette. Features of business etiquette in the different countries. Principles of etiquette of business relations. Formation of image of the businessman (clothes and physical appearance business men, the business woman). Etiquette of business dialogue. Business dialogue, its types, functions and levels. Rules of business etiquette. Ethics of greetings, concepts. Business meeting. Presentation. Ethics of business telephone conversation. Service etiquette. Etiquette of the head. Etiquette of the secretary. Daily etiquette. Souvenirs and gifts in business area. The code of honour of civil servants of Republic of Kazakhstan (a rule of service ethics of state employees). The code of ethics trained. Formation of corporate image. The modern head and its role in formation of corporate image.

Business rhetoric. Features of nonverbal means of dialogue. The basic precepts of business etiquette.
Types of lecture occupations: practical employment.
The head of the program: Baiyahmetova A.A.

Psychology of the competitive person / Бәсекеге кабілтетті тұлға психологиясы/Psychology of competitive personality – 1 credit

Prerequisites: the economic theory.
The summary of a course: the Person. Constructive dialogue. The conflict. Technology of search of work. Bases of self-presentation. Progress of the person of the professional. Professional deformations of degradation persons and ways of their preventive maintenance
Types of lecture occupations: practical employment.
The head of the program: Tashbaeva L.M.

Office-work in the Kazakh language / Қаза тілінде іс ªáÔÙ¡ жүргізу/Paperwork in the Kazakh language – 1 credit

Prerequisites: the Kazakh language.
The summary of a course: Introduction. The name of official documents. The curriculum vitae. The resume. The application. The characteristic. The receipt. The power of attorney. The contract. The labour agreement. The information. The resolution. Letters of congratulations. Service letters.
Postrequisites: office-management.
Types of lecture occupations: practical lessons
The head of the program: Kulbayeva M.M.

Bases of entrepreneurial business / Кәсіпкерлік қызметт і негіздері / Basis of entrepreneurial business - 3 credits
Prerequisites: the economic theory, micro-economics, macroeconomic
The summary of a course: Theoretical aspects of entrepreneurial business. Organizational forms, functions of business. Rules and principles business-planning. A procedure of preparation business-plan of the company. Methods and receptions of marketing activity. Diagnosing of entrepreneurial business.
Postrequisites: management of marketing.
Types of lecture occupations: practical lessons
The head of the program: Kenzhetayeva A.Z.

Finance / Қаржы / Finance - 3 credits
Prerequisites: the economic theory, micro-economics, macroeconomic.
The summary of a course: Essence, functions and a role of the finance in public reproduction. The organization of a financial system. Financial policy and the financial mechanism. The finance of managing subjects. A general characteristic of public finances. Public revenues and expenses. Taxes and the organization of tax system. The state budget. The state extra budgetary  funds. The state credit and a public debt. The finance of house facilities. Insurance. The state financial regulation of economy. The financial market. The finance in system of foreign economic relations. The finance and inflation.
Postrequisites: the administrative analysis.
Types of lecture occupations: practical employment.
The head of the program: Sartanova N.T.

State regulation of economy / Экономиканы мемлекеттік реттеу / State Regulation of Economy - 3 credits
Prerequisites: the economic theory, macroeconomic
The summary of a course: Theoretical aspect of state regulation of economy and its object. Concept of methodology SRofE and its basic elements. Organizational bases of regulation of economy and its foreign experience. A general characteristic of transitive economy and its law. Economic growth: major factors and the state measures on its maintenance. Social and economic forecasting and planning. Directions of scientific and technical progress and a role of the state in its acceleration. State regulation of rational employment and social protection of the population. Formation and mechanisms of realization of investment policy of the state. System of the state measures on an effective utilization of agrarian resources. Financial-budgetary methods of regulation of economy. The basic mechanisms of realization of a monetary and credit policy of the state. State regulation of social and economic progress of regions. Regulation of foreign trade activities of the state.
Postrequisites: the international marketing.
Types of lecture occupations: practical employment.
The head of the program: Tastemirova Z.A.

Economy of the enterprise / Кәсіпорын экономикасы / Enterprise Economics - 3 credits
Prerequisites: the economic theory, macroeconomic
The summary of a course: the Characteristic of progress of economy of Republic of Kazakhstan and its state regulation. The enterprise as object of managing. An economic and social production efficiency. A fixed capital of the enterprise. Raw, material and fuel and energy resources. A working capital of the enterprise. A manpower. A payment at the enterprise. The investment and innovative policy of the enterprise. Production costs and realizations of production.

Marketing and industrial activity of the enterprise. Maintenance of competitiveness of production. The income and profitability of manufacture. The finance of the enterprise. Postrequisites: management of expenses and pricing, the administrative analysis.
Types of lecture occupations: practical lessons
The head of the program: Dmitriyeva V.R.

Accounting and audit / Бухгалтерлік есеп және audit / Accounting and Audit - 3 credits
Prerequisites: the finance, economy of the enterprise.
The summary of a course: Accounting balance. Accounting accounts and double record. The organization of accounting. A registration cycle and preparation of the financial reporting. The account of current actives: the Account of money resources and equivalents. The accounts receivable. The account of commodity-material stocks. The account of long-term actives. The account of current and long-term obligations. The account of incomes and expenses.
Postrequisites: management of expenses and pricing, the administrative analysis.
Types of lecture occupations: practical lessons
The head of the program: Zhusupova G.B.

Technics of sales / Сауда техникасы / Technology of Sales–2 credits
Prerequisites: the organization and technology of commercial activity, marketing.
The summary of a course: the Role of modern technologies and receptions of sales in conditions of a competition. The general diagram of process of sale. Preparation for sale. Ways of an establishment of contact to buyers. Types of buyers. Features of dialogue with various types. Motivation of the buyer. Revealing of demands of the buyer. Work on objections of the client. Skills of effective presentation of the goods. Receptions of completion of sales. Sale « in addition ». Techniques of removal of an emotional pressure. Methods of fast self-restoration. Motivation of the seller. Technics of self-motivation. Techniques of the confident behaviour in complex situations. Constructive ways of reaction to criticism. Dialogue with the client after completion of sale. Work on the future sales.

Postrequisites: marketing communications, management of marketing.
Types of lecture occupations: practical lessons
Heads of the program: Kalkabayeva A.E.

Development of administrative decisions / Басқару шешімдерді жасау / Development of administrative decisions – 3 credits
Prerequisites: micro-economics, management.
The summary of a course: Essence and a content of the administrative decision. Typology of administrative decisions and the requirements shown to them. The organization of management as system of formation of the decision. Target orientation of administrative decisions. Process of preparation and realization of administrative decisions. A role of the human factor, socio-psychological and ethical bases at acceptance of rational administrative decisions. The analysis of an environment and its influence on preparation and realization of administrative decisions. Receptions of preparation and realization administrative in conditions of uncertainty and risk. Modelling of process of development and a choice of the decision. Methods of preparation and realization of administrative decisions. Administrative decisions and the responsibility of the head. Quality and efficiency of administrative decisions.
Postrequisites: management of marketing.
Types of lecture occupations: practical lessons
The head of the program: Kalkabayeva A.E.

Commodity research (study) / Тауартану / Commodity research (study) - 3 credits
Prerequisites: marketing.
The summary of a course: Introduction in a course « Commodity research ». Objects and subjects of the foodstuff   activity. Methods of commodity research . Assortment of the goods. Quality of the goods. An assessment of quality. The quantitative characteristic of the goods. Physical properties of the goods. A chemical compound and properties of the goods. Maintenance of foodstuff  characteristics of the goods. Keeping factors. Commodity losses. Means of the commodity information.
Postrequisites of a course: commercial management, commercial marketing.
Types of lecture occupations: practical lessons
The head of the program: Kalkabayeva A.E.

Commercial management / Коммерциялы management / Commercial Management - 3 credits
Prerequisites: the organization and technology of commercial activity.
The summary of a course: the Concept of commercial management. System of management of commercial activity. Planning of activity of trading organization. Production process in trading organizations. Management of trading-technological process and the organization of work in constitutions. Motivation of activity of the personnel of the commercial organization. Management of the personnel of a trading enterprise. The control over a control system of the organization of the tenders. Business dialogue and process of communications. A management and leadership. Economic bases of trading management.
Postrequisites: commercial marketing.
Types of lecture occupations: practical lessons
The head of the program: Kalkabayeva A.E.

System of planning / Жоспарлау жүйесі / Planning system – 3 credits
Prerequisites: management, economy of the enterprise.
The summary of a course: Introduction in system of planning. Theoretical bases of system of planning. Process of planning and its content. Strategic planning and its realization. Business-planning and its realization. Tactical (operative) planning and its realization.
Postrequisites: strategic marketing.
Types of lecture occupations: practical lessons
The head of the program: Mishulina O.V.

Main subjects

Logistics / Logistic – 3 credits
Prerequisites: the organization and technology of commercial activity, marketing, management. The summary of a course: Essence of logistics, its concept and principles. Material streams, logistical operations and systems. Purchasing logistics. Industrial logistics. Distributive logistics. Transport logistics. Information logistics. Stocks in logistics. Warehousing, processing of cargo and packing. Logistical service. Logistical administration. Global logistical systems.
Postrequisites: commercial marketing.
Types of lecture occupations: practical lessons
Heads of the program: Kalkabayeva A.E.

The administrative analysis / Басқарушылы талдау / Managerial analysis – 3 credits
Prerequisites: statistical methods in economy, management, system of planning.
The summary of a course: Theoretical bases of the administrative analysis. The economic analysis of use of resources and results of manufacture. The analysis of expenses for production (works, services). Methods of the analysis of deviations of actual results from scheduled. The segmentary analysis. The marketing analysis. The investment analysis.
Postrequisites: strategic marketing.
Types of lecture occupations: practical lessons
The head of the program: Mishulina O.V.

Marketing communications / Маркетингтік коммуникациялар / Marketing Communications – 3 credits
Prerequisites: marketing, management, branding.
The summary of a course: Theoretical bases and modern concepts of marketing communications. Target audiences for marketing communications. Channels of marketing communications. Decisions in system of promotion – a mix. Advertising: essence and types. The organization of advertising activity. Planning and the control of advertising. Stimulation of selling. Public relations. Personal sales. Marketing of attitudes. New communication technologies. Branding. Development of the budget of promotion. Marketing communications in branches.
Types of lecture occupations: practical lessons
Heads of the program: Baranova N.A.

The international marketing / Халықаралы marketing / International Marketing - 3 credits
Prerequisites: the economic theory, macroeconomic, marketing
The summary of a course: Introduction in a course the International marketing. Subjects of the international marketing. The international marketing environment. Researches in the international marketing. Segmentation of the market in the international marketing. The international commodity policy. Packing and marks of the goods in the international marketing. Competitiveness of firm in the international market. A world policy of the prices. Movement of goods in the international marketing. The international communication policy of firm. Strategy of an output on a foreign market.
Types of lecture occupations: practical lessons

Heads of the program: Kalkabayeva A.E.

Direct marketing / Тікелей marketing / Direct Marketing – 3 credits
Prerequisites: marketing, marketing communications.
The summary of a course: Essence and a role of direct marketing. Planning of campaign of direct marketing. The organization of direct marketing. « Work on consumers ». Direct marketing concerning the corporate consumer. Areas of application of direct marketing. Direct marketing on the basis of a database. The integrated direct marketing.
Types of lecture occupations: practical lessons
The head of the program: Bairova G.D.

Strategic marketing / Стратегиялы marketing / Strategic Marketing - 3 credits
Prerequisites: marketing.
The summary of a course: the Basic stages of development and progress of strategic marketing. Modern principles and the factors of strategic marketing influencing its progress and management. Methodology of development of marketing strategy of the organization. Classification and a choice of marketing strategy for the enterprise in the market. Strategic and routine planning of marketing activity. Development of the strategic plan and calculation of the budget of marketing of firm. The control and an assessment of efficiency of strategic marketing activity of the enterprise.
Types of lecture occupations: practical lessons
The head of the program: Vitmayer L.M.

Commercial marketing / Коммерциялы marketing / Commercial marketing-3 credits
Prerequisites of a course: the organization and technology of commercial activity, economy of commerce, commercial management.
The summary of a course: the Concept of marketing in commercial activity. Marketing in area of the commodity reference. Commerce of area of production of goods. Intrafirm planning. Marketing of services of area of outsourcing. Organizational forms of management of commerce. Marketing of commerce. Marketing communications in commerce. Foreign trade activities. Efficiency of marketing in commerce.
Types of lecture occupations: practical lessons
The head of the program: Kalkabayeva A.E.