Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Характеристика бакалавра

Speciality 5В051100 – Marketing

The speciality 5В051100- Marketing provides possible educational programs:

  • Commercial marketing;
  • Agroindustrial marketing.

To the graduate of a speciality 5В051100- Marketing the academic degree the bachelor of economy and business on a speciality 5В051100- Marketing is appropriated.

The qualifying characteristic

Sphere of professional work. Graduates on the given speciality can carry out various functions at realization of administrative, enterprise, commercial and research activity of managing subjects.

Objects of professional work of graduates are the markets, marketing possibilities of managing subjects, marketing researches, consumers, suppliers, intermediaries, contact audiences, competitors, the goods of industrial and consumer purpose, service, elements of promotion; official bodies, the enterprises of services, the industrial and intermediary enterprises, the international chambers of commerce, trading houses, transport and communications, a warehouse facilities, political formations, public organizations, individuals and societies.

Subject matter of professional work. Bachelors of the given structure should be able to carry out marketing researches in various directions (research of the market, the goods/services, consumers, intermediaries, competitors, the marketing environment and elements of a complex of marketing) for the subsequent acceptance of strategic decisions by managing subjects in the field of segmentation of the market, a choice of target segments, positioning  the goods/services of managing subjects, development of corporate and instrumental strategy. Realization of such marketing actions requires of the bachelor of possession of principles and methods of administrative activity, enterprise and business activity, skill to make effective marketing decisions on the basis of the high professional competence in the field of economy, management, the finance, crediting, the account and audit, econometrics .

The bachelor of economy and business on a speciality 5В051100 – Marketing should be competent of questions:
- Legal maintenance of activity of managing subjects;
- Applications and compliance’s with republican and international norms of standardisation and certification of production;
- State regulation of the country;
- Uses of ethics in marketing activity;
- Carrying out of the marketing analysis;
- Management of marketing activity;
- Development of strategy and tactics of marketing.

Structure of educational program

The structure of educational program is defined by the typical curriculum, the curriculum and the catalogue elective disciplines.

Cycle GED (general educational disciplines) – all credits 33, a mandatory component - 33. As a result of studying disciplines of cycle GED students must know the basic of history of Kazakhstan, philosophy, sociology, political science, ecology and stable progress, the economic theory and the right; to know Kazakh, Russian, foreign languages; to have skills of work on a computer as a control facility.

Cycle of a BD (base disciplines) - all credits 64, a mandatory component - 20, a component at the choice of - 44. As a result of studying disciplines of a cycle of a BD student must know the basic section of marketing, management, micro-and macroeconomics, statistical methods in economy; to own professional Kazakh, Russian, foreign languages; to have the base knowledge necessary for studying of professional disciplines.

Cycle MS (maior subjects) - all credits 32, a mandatory component - 5, a component at the choice of - 27. As a result of studying disciplines of cycle MS student must acquire knowledge, the skills necessary for realization of marketing activity of managing subjects on the basis of the creative, scientific and system approach.

On a speciality carrying out professional an expert is stipulated.
Educational practice - 2 credits. Objective of practice – acquaintance trained with bases of functioning of the organizations: an organizational-legal pattern of ownership, organizational and administrative structures, the normative documentation, directions and principles of work. Places of practice: the enterprises and the organizations according to objects of professional work.

Industrial practice - 2 credits. Objective of practice – purchase trained professional skills on specialities, fastening, expansion and ordering of the knowledge received at studying of special knowledge, as well as inculcation of professional skills, organizing activity in conditions of labour collective. Places of practice: the enterprises and the organisations according to objects of professional work. Bases an expert are: LLC " AaF ", joint-stock company " Kostanay printing Industry ", IC "IVA", LLC " Zaman-05 ", LLC " PEC-Consulting ", LLC « Nezhinka Yerke », CF "Gardener".

Predegree practice – 2 credits. Objective of practice – generalization and ordering of the materials which have been saved up trained during passage educational both industrial expert, and necessary for preparation and a writing of a senior thesis (project).

Predegree practice – 2 credits. Objective of practice – generalization and ordering of the materials which have been saved up trained during passage educational both industrial expert, and necessary for preparation and a writing of a senior thesis (project).

The academic calendar contains a calendar of carrying out of theoretical training, examinations, certifications, professional an expert, days of rest (a vacation and holidays).

Recalculation of credits RК in credits ECTS within the limits of educational program

For maintenance of the academic mobility students and recognitions of educational programs the structure of educational programs of a speciality 5В051100-Marketing is presented in recalculation of the Kazakhstan credits to credits ECTS.