Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

History and ethno-confessional relations



The study of the disciplines of the educational program   includes a study of the basic elements of historical and ethno-confessional relations, past, present and future of the world history and the history of the Republic of Kazakhstan as well. In addition, it includes a political history, the history of religion, issues of international relations, it also forms the skills of scientific  -  research  work.  In  future , the specialists,   trained by the trajectory can  be applied in various fields: in the management structures for the settlement of inter-confessional and ethnic relations, and in educational activities as future professionals to work in colleges, high schools, and schools. 



After the end of the study the subjects of the educational program "History and ethno-confessional relations" the students must:

know and understand:

• different perspectives and concepts of the historical science;
• the nature and social importance of the profession;
• topical issues of the fundamental disciplines of the specialty;
• about a person as about  an individual , the subject of activity and methods of his study;
• the role of psychological and pedagogical  problems and the means of solving applied problems in the field of training, education, communication and labor;
•  the place of man in the evolution of the Earth and the impact of his activities on the environment.
• socio-economic and ideological background of the world religions;
• specificity of the relationship between the state and the religious organizations in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
• the state policy aimed at maintaining RK inter-confessional peace and harmony.

be able to:
• do scientific analysis of socially significant problems and processes;
• use methods of humanitarian and socio-economic sciences in various kinds of social activity;
• acquire new knowledge, using modern educational technologies;
• organize the work on a scientific basis , own methods of data collection, storage and processing of information, applicable in the professional activities;
• classify the sources of the history of world religions and extract information from them;
• maintain a  constructive dialogue with representatives of traditional and non-traditional religions.

• the general methods of the organization  of the educational process;
• the proper use of the professional vocabulary in the activities ;
• The establishment of history studies at schools;
• the practical experience in the archaeological and ethnographic expeditions;
• the methods of reading public lectures.
• the methodology of educational-research and scientific-research work;
• methods of conducting classes on historical disciplines;
• methods of conducting classes on social - humanitarian disciplines  ;
• the general characteristics of the religious situation and the spiritual life of the Republic of Kazakhstan.



Catalog of the disciplines of the educational program


The catalog of the disciplines of the  educational program contains a description of each discipline separately, indicating prerequisites and post-requisites, the number of credits, the types of classroom studies, the information about the managers of the program.


Ethnology - 3 credits

Prerequisites: Introduction to the Regional Studies.
The course outline: The object and purpose of ethnology. Geographical, economic  and cultural,  racial, linguistic, confessional  classification. Sources  and historiography. Methods and methodology.    Problems  of ethno- genesis  and ethnic history. North, South  and  Latin America. Classification  of   native Americans. Paleo -Indians. Agriculture, material and spiritual culture of the people of America before European colonization. Family and  social  life. Religions  and  cults. The conquest and colonization of America  by  the  Europeans. Forcible  immigration  from Africa. Ethnic  groups of  different origin. Ethnic processes  in contemporary America.
Post-requisites: The political system in the region of the specialization.
Types of classroom studies: lectures, practical.
Program Manager: Ismailov.S.

Basic disciplines

Religion studies-1credit
Prerequisites: History of Kazakhstan, philosophy.
The course outline: 1.Religion as the subject and object of  religious  studies . 2. The emergence of religion. The structure  and  contents of  religion .3.The specific features of the Ancient East and Ancient world.4. Tengriism  as  an early form of religious consciousness. 5. Buddizm  6. Christianity, its origin and nature. The  sacred  book of the Christians. Main  trends  in Christianity.7 Islam. Quran, Sunnah,  Shariah.  Basic  trends. 8.  Religious  phenomenon  in  the modern world and Kazakhstan. The role of religion  in  the  society, the world's confessions.
Post-requisites: Political science, sociology, psychology, Kazakh and Russian literature, the history of the Ancient world.
Types of classroom studies: lectures, seminars.
Program managers: Shaimerden G., BondarenkoY.

Prehistory  -3 credits
Prerequisites: History, Philosophy.
The course outline: "Prehistory" is the story of an ancient man and his society. Therefore, many theoretical questions and the formation history of the origin of man and his society are  studied using the  methods of philosophical, psychological, and biological sciences. The problems associated with the origin of the various kinds of social institutions, primitive customs and attitudes and practices are usually investigated with the help of ethnological methods.
Post-requisites: Ancient History
Types of classroom studies: lectures, seminars.
Program managers: Shevnina I., NurushevaG.

Archaeology- 3credits  
Prerequisites: prehistory, history.
The course outline: The purpose of archeology is to familiarize the students - historians with its objectives, methods and development. Along with this, in the general course of the archaeology the history  of  the  investigation  and  the opening of the most important ( from a scientific point of view) monuments is included.  Special attention is paid to the ancient and medieval history of our state, and its relations with the countries of Eurasia, including  Central and South-West Asia and the Caucasus. The most part of the discipline is assigned to the archaeology of Kazakhstan.
Post-requisites History
Types of classroom studies: lectures, seminars.
Program managers: Eralina.A. Shevnina.I.

General History of State and Law - 3 credits
Prerequisites: History of the Ancient World
The course outline: The emergence of the state and law. State and   Law of the Ancient East slaveholding  states of Ancient  Greece  and  Rome. Feudal  state  and law in Western Europe. State and  law of  the medieval East . Feudal state   and  law of  Eastern Europe. The  emergence of  the bourgeois  state  and  law in Europe. State  and  law of the East in the new time period. State and  law of Russia in the period of  the formation  of absolutism. Creation and development  of   national states  in North and South America. Formation  and  development of the socialist   legal system. Development  of  the bourgeois state and law  in  Europe. State and law of Asia, Africa at the contemporary period.
Post-requisites: Constitutional law of the region under study.
Types of classroom studies: lectures, practical.
Program Manager: Lyogky.D.

Business Etiquette  - 1 credit.

Prerequisites: Philosophy, sociology.
The course outline: The discipline "Business Etiquette" is ATE , a component of choice. This discipline forms the professional knowledge and skills . The course is a scientific, theoretical and practical foundation of  the discipline "Business Etiquette." Its scope is the widest messages and studies that shed light on the communication in the business world. The main emphasis is on the analysis of the leading concepts  and their implementation in practice based on the research methods and projection. We consider the position of outstanding scientists of the past, as well as the concepts of contemporary theorists and practitioners. Teaching the course "Business Etiquette" should be done in accordance with the requirements of current research in this area.
Types of classroom studies: practical
Program Manager: Bayakhmetova.A  - Associate Professor of KSU.

Psychology of a competitive personality -1 credit    
Prerequisites: Philosophy, Sociology
The course outline: The concept and the structure of a personality. Stress-resistance of a personality. The development of a person’s capacities. Constructive communication.  Characteristics of constructive communication. Regularities of perception of  verbal  and nonverbal information. Constructive   and  destructive   forms  of   influence   on  the interlocutor. Polemic. Conflict and  its characteristics. Methods  of conflict resolution. Behavioral  strategies  in  conflict  situations. Preparing for  a  job interview. Self - presentation  as  a factor in the formation of impressions of a partner in dialogue. Strategies and  techniques  of self-presentation. Major  stages of professionalization. The phenomenon of  mental burnout. The notion  of  professional deformation and destruction of a personality . Ways to prevent destructive states.
Types of classroom studies: practical, lectures
Program Manager: Elchischeva.O

Paperwork in the Kazakh language - 1 credit

Prerequisites: Kazakh language.
The course outline: Paperwork as a scientific and academic discipline. The value  of  documents for the  implementation of management decisions. Current  state of  paperwork. Factors affecting its organization  and  technology  in  the  institutions of various levels of government. Organizational,  legal,  social  and psychological  aspects of record keeping. The concept  of "documentary maintenance of management." DMM  relationship with the psychology of automated document processing. User Records Management - the basic regulation on the organization  and  regulation of the production of psychology. Standard  or  customized instructions. Order  of  development,  the  structure of information, approval and implementation of the rules. Relationship departmental workflow and the document storage  organization.
Post-requisites: Professionally-orientated Kazakh language.
Types of classroom studies: lectures, practical.
Program Manager: Esetayeva.A , Irgizbayeva.K

History of international relations- 3 credits.  
Prerequisites:  New History of Africa, Asia, Contemporary History of Europe and America.
The course outline: The object of the history of international relations. The concept of "international  relations ". The purpose  and  objectives. The  main problems of  international relations in the XVI-XVIII centuries. Formation  of  colonial empires. International  relations in 1815-1850-ies. Main  trends  of international relations. Completion  of   the  colonial  division  of the  world. European  diplomacy. Collapse  of the bipolar system and the role of the largest states. Universal  world  process of  integration. The role of  international relations in the Creation of a new system of international relations.
Types of classroom studies : lectures, practical.
Program Manager: Lyogky.D

History of inter---confessional relations in mass media - 3 credits
Prerequisites: ethnic conflicts
The course  outline : Introduction to the profession. The  media  and  inter-confessional relations in the modern world.  The  role  of  media in clarifying the essence of inter-confessional relations. Specificity of the media coverage of inter- confessional  relations in Mass Media. The historical aspect of the development of inter-confessional relations and the role of religious  organizations  in modern society. Youth  and   inter-confessional relations. Forecasting and management of the processes of inter-confessional  relations in Kazakhstan. The role and place of  " The congresses of world and traditional religions" in this field.
Types of classroom studies : lectures, practical.
Program Manager: Makanov.J  


Sources Studies - 3 credits

Prerequisites: historiography.
The course outline: Theory of sources as an independent branch (the formation and development). Along with the historiography it refers to the fundamental disciplines providing theoretical and methodological training of historians .The fundamental nature of sources studies is connected with the important feature of the historical science – the history of any society is not given to the historian in the sequent form , it can be cognized only through historical sources
Types of classroom studies : lectures, practical. 
Program Manager: Khusainov.B

Pedagogy and Developmental Psychology - 3 credits
Prerequisites: Philosophy, sociology, history, psychology.
The course outline: Pedagogy as a science of education. Value for education, development,  identity  formation. Holistic  educational  process. Education in complete pedagogical process: concept, features, functions. Forms of organization of teaching. Active and interactive teaching  methods. System tools, forms and methods of education and training of the individual. Theoretical  foundations of teaching technology. Priority teaching   technologies. The technique  of  forming the team. Vocational  and pedagogical communication.  Periodization    of    age   development. Features  of  the   development  in infancy. Cognition  and  behavior  at  an  early age. Development  of  cognitive processes in the preschool years. Development of younger schoolchildren. Development in adolescence and early adulthood. The role of  social factors in the development of personality. Communication and  its impact on the development of a personality. Achievement of children  in  this age. The emergence  and early development stages of a child's speech. Development  of   coherent speech. Formation of  a  personality traits and psychological formations. Assimilation  rules and norms of communication. Development of  motivation and self-sufficiency. Situation  of  personal development in adolescence.
Post- requisites: Methods of teaching history.
Types of classroom studies : lectures, practical.
Program Managers :  Berkenova.G Parkhomenko.I  

History of the Turkic peoples - 3 credits
Prerequisites: History of Kazakhstan.
The course outline: Sources, periodization, the main Turkic peoples and ethno-cultural area of their residence, the ethno-genesis of Turkic peoples, the Huns and the great migration of the peoples. Turks relationship with neighbors (China, Byzantium, Iran); Turkic state on the territory of Kazakhstan, the Khazar Khanate, Bulgars, Oguz, Kipchaks; Turkic peoples and states during the Mongol domination; Seljuk state. Ottoman  Empire.  Turkic  peoples  of  Eurasia in modern and contemporary times. Problem  of  the unity of the Turkic  peoples and the  idea of  Turanism. Culture  of  Turkic peoples. Actual  problems of modern Turkic studies in Kazakhstan and abroad.
Post-requisites: History of the Kazakh diaspora.
Types of classroom studies: lectures, practical.
Program Manager: Nurseitov.B

Contemporary history of Kazakhstan - 3 credits
Prerequisites: History of Kazakhstan.
The course outline:  Kazakhstan's contemporary history and its tasks. Contemporary history of Kazakhstan – a part  of  the history  of  Kazakhstan. The  sources  of contemporary times and their features. Historiography  of  the  course. The  periods of contemporary times. Adoption of new conceptual approaches to the study of modern times in  the  history  of  Kazakhstan. Forms   and methods  of  historical  processes of modern times. Objectivity. Historicism.
Post – requisites :  New History of Kazakhstan
Types of classroom studies : lectures, practical.
Program Manager: Koldybaeva.S

Historiography of History of foreign countries - 2 credits
Prerequisites : Sources Studies, the history of the Ancient World.
The  course  outline :. Historiography of the history of foreign countries is an important element in the teaching process of students - historians. Indeed, it was the ancient world  and  the  Middle Ages, on the basis of  which  almost all modern nations were formed. And  with the study of the medieval history , the formation of history as a science began . Studying the historiography of foreign countries, beginning with the ancient world and the Middle Ages, the student can trace the genesis and further development of historical science in Europe.
Post-requisites : Medieval History
Types of classroom studies : lectures, practical.
Program Manager: Lyogky.D



Historical Disciplines  - 3 credits
Prerequisites : Ancient history, general history of the state and law.
The course outline : Auxiliary historical disciplines such as paleography, chronology, metrology, numismatics, sphragistics, heraldry and genealogy are  an integral part of the historical sciences . The importance of these disciplines is  evident .  They  are  needed to restore  real historical events and their time and place in world history. The auxiliary historical disciplines enrich the available data and  make it possible to see historical events in perspective and from different angles.
Types of classroom studies : lectures, practical.
Program manager : Shevnina.I  

Archiving - 2 credits
Prerequisites : Sources Studies, records management, auxiliary historical disciplines.
The course outline : In the modern world with increasingly intensifying technocratic thinking many members of the public sphere speak about  the responsibility of the  society and the state to the past as one of  the conditions  of  preservation  of  mankind. An  archivist  and  a historian will  help the  society  to ensure this need , they will help to cognize the past , present and future .
Types of classroom studies : lectures, practical.
Program manager : Nurseitov.B

The Theory of the Historical Process and Historical Cognition - 3 credits
Prerequisites: Philosophy, historiography, sources studies.
The course  outline : The formation of "The theory of the historical process and historical cognition " as a scientific and academic discipline. The theory of  history - a specific form  of historical knowledge. The theory of the historical process and historical cognition - the foundation  of  historical sciences. The essence, the  general  trends and patterns  of  development, scientific and social status of historical knowledge. The need to define a conceptual study of the history of the provisions in the context of both domestic and foreign experience of modern historical  and methodological investigations.
Types of classroom studies: lectures, practical.
Program manager: Turezhanova.S

Methods of teaching history  - 4 credits
Prerequisites: Pedagogy, psychology, the history of Kazakhstan, the World History
The course outline:  The place of the discipline “ Methods of teaching history “ in pedagogy and the humanities.  Methods of teaching history as a  pedagogical  science . The subject, object, objectives  and  methods  of teaching  history. Methods  of  teaching social history. The  role  and place of teaching  techniques of history at school. The course structure. Specificity of the sources and methods  of methodical research. The main stages of formation and development of methods of teaching history.
Program manager :  Umbetova.SS

Methodology of Historical Science - 3 credits
Prerequisites : Philosophy, sociology, political science.
The course outline : Method and methodology. Classification  of methods.  Observation. Comparison .  Description .   Measurement .  Formalization .  Axiomatic  method .  Hypothetic  - deductive method.  The  ascent  from the abstract  to  the concrete.  Analysis .   Abstraction . Generalization.  Idealization.  Induction .  Analogy.  Simulation .  A  systematic  approach. Probabilistic - statistical methods. Introspection. Empathy. Analysis of documents. Hermeneutics .  Epistemology . Monographic  method.  Biographical  method. Historical - social methodology. Paleographic methods. Chronological  methods. Statistical  methods.  Philosophical  methods .
Types of classes: lectures, practical.
Program manager : Turezhanova SA

History of the Kazakh diaspora - 3 credits
Prerequisites: Ethnology.
The  course  outline : The purpose and objectives. Kazakh diaspora  -  theory of the formation and migration.  The history  of  the formation of  irredenta. Conditions and causes of the emergence  of  the  irredenta and  Kazakh diaspora. Economic,  political,  social and ideological roots of the diaspora. The evolution at  the modern stage. The history  of  the Kazakh diaspora. The importance  of  studying  the  Kazakh diaspora  and  irredenta. Historical  events of the XX century. Problems  and reasons for the  migration of Kazakhs. Labor  emigration  of Kazakh diaspora in the second half of the 20th century. Modern  development of  the Kazakh diaspora. The process  of returning the Kazakhs to their historical homeland.
Types of classroom studies : lectures, practical.
Program Manager : Ibrayev EE

Modern and Contemporary History of Europa and America, Asia and Africa-3 credits 

Prerequisites: General  history  of  state  and  law.
The course outline: The subject of the course " Modern  Time " and " Modern  History." Historical contents  of  the  epoch . General characteristics and main problems of the Modern History . The  place modern  age  in the history of mankind. Principles and criteria for the new periodization   of  the  history.  Formational  concept.  Historical  cycles. Contents  of  the  contemporary  history. Discussion of the problem of  the  periodization  of   the  contemporary  history. Formational  approach to the historical process.
Types of classes: lectures, practical.
Programme Manager: Kusainov GB Ermenbaeva GK

History of  the spiritual culture of the Kazakh people-3 Credits
Prerequisites: History of Kazakhstan.
The course outline: The course "History of the spiritual culture of the Kazakh people" covers the period from antiquity to the early 20th century. National culture   is  a  complex  multi-piece educational   system (which is becoming more  complex in the process of  the historical evolution), consisting of interrelated and hierarchically subordinate structural elements. The contents  of the  spiritual culture include  such components  as  religious and philosophical ideas and concepts, ideals and teachings  cosmogonic  knowledge, cults, customs, rituals, art, writing, fiction.
Program Manager: Nurushev GK

History  of  Kostanai  region - 3 credits

Prerequisites: Ancient and medieval history of Kazakhstan.
The  course  outline: The problems of  the history of  the formation and development  of Kostanai  region  from  ancient  times to the present day. The  formation  of  the  region's population. Ethnic  and  demographic  situation  in  the  XIX - early XX centuries.  Immigration policy  of  tsarism.  Changes  in  the   socio - demographic situation in the twentieth century. Industrialization, collectivization  in  the area.  Kostanai  during  the  Great  Patriotic  War. Development  of  the  virgin lands in the region.  Political,  socio-economic development of  the Kostanai   region  in  the 70-80-ies of the twentieth century. The  development  of  Kostanai region in  the  1990 - 2010.
Types of classroom studies : lectures, practical.
Program Manager: AE Eralina