Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Description of bachelor

Specialty 5B021000 - Foreign Philology


Specialty 5B021000 - Foreign Philology provides available educational programs :


  • Applied linguistics and intercultural communication
  • Activities in the editorial media


The graduate 5B021000 - Foreign philology is awarded the academic Bachelor’s degree of Bachelor of Arts


 Course description:


The field of professional activity of specialty includes: the field of a philological education as a teacher of foreign languages ​​and literature in secondary specialized and professional after secondary professional institutions in humanitarian direction, and can work in research institutions of appropriate section as a philologist - researcher of junior managers.


The objects of professional activity :

  • Educational institutions of secondary education : gymnasiums and lyceums ;
  • Primary and secondary professional institution ;
  • Newspapers and magazines , radio and television , publishing ;
  • Profile research institutions , libraries, cultural institutions ;
  • Research organizations of  corresponding profile.


Subjects of professional activity:

  • Teaching of foreign language(theory and practice) and literature of studied languages in institution (including special) middle managers,
  • Development of scientific topics in research organizations and higher education institutions ,
  • Acting as correspondent and / or translators in newspapers and magazines, radio and television , publishing office and other interested organizations.


The Bachelor of " Foreign philology " should be competent :

  • while using foreign languages ​​as a means of intercultural communication in the whole complex of communicative competence:

    1) linguistic (language );

    2) sociolinguistic ;

    3) discursive (speech );

    4) sociocultural ;

    5) Strategic / compensatory ;

    6) social ;

  • In terms of socio - economic and political development of the Republic of Kazakhstan , the constitutional and legal basis of the functioning of the Republic of Kazakhstan, its management structures ;
  • In solution  the environmental and social issues in the field of professional activity in the social and professional communication , in interaction with others and the manifestation of tolerance , ethics and speech culture ;
  • in applying legislative and regulatory acts relating to the field of education and culture;
  • in  organization of functioning institutions of education and culture, and formation of healthy lifestyle .


The structure of the educational program


The structure of the educational program is determined by the curriculum and elective disciplines.


Cycle providing general subjects - total 33 credits, credits of compulsory component - 33 . As a result of the study student should know the basic provisions of history of Kazakhstan , philosophy , ecology, and other socio -humanitarian disciplines , know Kazakh language, know the basics of foreign language.

Cycle of basic disciplines - total 64 credits , credits of compulsory component - 20 , credits of selective component - 44. As a  result of the study students should gain fundamental knowledge in the field of philology .

Cycle of profiling disciplines - total 32 credits , credits of compulsory component - 5 , credits of component selection - 27. As a result of the study students should master the theoretical basics of the studied languages ​​and literature, in oral and written forms of studied foreign languages ​​in their various genres and styles.

The specialty provides professional practices.

Training  practice - 2 credits. The aim of practice – to be familiar with the activities of the institution of secondary education, with types ,functions and tasks of the future professional activity .

Educational practice - 6 credits . The aimof practice - formation and development of professional knowledge and skills in their chosen specialty , holistic preparation for implementation functions of a teacher of foreign language and the class teacher , to conduct system of educational work with students.

Manufacturing Practice - 2 credits. The aim of ractice – revise of key competencies , practical skills and professional experience in the specialty 5B021000 - Foreign philology . Place of practice : companies and organizations in accordance with the objects of professional activity. Bases of practice are secondary schools, teacher training colleges in Kostanay and in Kostana yregion .

Pre-degree practice - 2 credits. The aim of practice- formation and development of professional knowledge that needs a  philologist in his practice for the implementation of teaching and research work . To acquire theoretic knowledge and skills in solving real professional problems . Preparation and writing of diploma( project).


Academic Calendar contains the calendar of theoretical training , examinations , certifications, professional practices , days off ( vacation and holiday).


Recalculation of credits accepted in Kazakhstan into ECTS credits in the educational program

To provide academic mobility of students and accept educational programs, the structure of educational programs , specialty 5B021000- Foreign philology is presented in terms of re-count of Kazakhstan credits into ECTS.