Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Computer networks and telecommunications



Studying of disciplines of the educational program will get knowledge on digital communication technologies, radio engineering, computer architecture and peripheral devices, principles of work of various digital and analog devices, processors, computer networks, the organization of the operation and configuration of servers and local area networks, repair and maintenance of PCs and peripheral equipment.




After the end of the study of disciplines of the educational program «Computer networks and telecommunications», students must:


Know and understand:

  • rules and standards for the design, construction, installation and operation of radio electronics and communication lines, switching systems;
  • technical characteristics, purpose, design features, rules of technical operation of equipment of local computer networks, office equipment, servers and personal computers;
  • hardware and software of local computer networks;
  • principles of repair of personal computers and office equipment
  • languages and programming techniques.
  • fundamentals of information security, ways to protect the information from unauthorized access, damage or deliberate distortion;
  • the General technique of designing of local computing systems;

Be able to:

  • develop the structure of telecommunication devices and electronics, design communication systems and devices;
  • implement a range of analog and digital electronic devices perform circuit calculations and prepare concepts with regard to the implementation of the integrated execution;
  • installed on servers and workstations, operating systems and necessary software;
  • provides configuration of software on servers and workstations;
  • maintain it in working condition software, servers and workstations;
  • use server operating systems in the administration of a computer network;
  • take steps to restore the health of the local network failures or failure of network equipment;
  • monitor network, develop proposals for the development of infrastructure networks;
  • implement anti-virus protection of a local area network, servers and workstations.


  • design technology local area network;
  • technology of administration of computer networks;
  • technologies for the construction of structured cable systems;
  • the basics of networking in CISCO technologies;
  • relevant technologies and cloud computing;
  • technologies of wireless networks;
  • relevant telecommunication technologies.


Catalogue of disciplines of the educational program

Catalogue of disciplines of the educational program contains the description of each course separately indicating the prerequisites and postrequisites, number of credits, activities, information on managers of the program.


Basic disciplines

Religion / Дінтану / Religion studies - 1 credit

Prerequisites: history of Kazakhstan.

Brief course content: Religion as a subject and an object of religious studies course. The emergence of the religion. The structure and content of religion as a phenomenon. The specificity of the religious system of Ancient East and the Ancient world. Tengrianism, as early form of religious consciousness. Buddhism. Christianity, its origin and essence. The Holy book of the Christians. Main currents in Christianity. Islam. The Quran, the Sunnah, the Sharia. Main currents. Religious phenomenon in the modern world and Kazakhstan.

Postrequisites: sociology.

Types of classes: practical lessons.

Program leaders: Shaimerden GI, Bondarenko Ju.Ja.

Іскерлік etiquette, Business etiquette, Business etiquette - 1 credit

Prerequisites: philosophy.

Business etiquette – 1 credit

Prerequisites - history of Kazakhstan.

Brief course content: the History of development of etiquette. Peculiarities of business etiquette in different countries. Principles of etiquette of business relations. Formation of the image of a business person (clothing and appearance of a business man, a business woman). Business communication etiquette. Business communication, types, functions and levels. Rule of business etiquette. Ethics greetings, views. Business meeting. Presentation. Ethics of business telephone conversation. Business etiquette. Etiquette head. Etiquette Secretary. Everyday etiquette. Souvenirs and gifts in the business sphere. Code of honor of civil servants of the Republic of Kazakhstan (rules of ethics of civil servants). Code of ethics of students. Formation of corporate image. The modern Manager and its role in the formation of corporate image. Business rhetoric. Peculiarities of non-verbal means of communication. The basic precepts of business etiquette.

Postrequisites: sociology.

Types of classes: practical lessons.

Program leader: Bayakhmetova A.A.


Psychology of competitive personality – 1 credit

Prerequisites - economic theory

Brief course content: the Personality. Constructive communication. A conflict. Technology of search of work. The basics of self-presentation. Development of the individual professional. Professional deformation, destruction of personality and ways of their prevention.

Postrequisites: sociology.

Types of classes: practical lessons.

Program leader: Tashbaeva L.M.

Paperwork in the Kazakh language – 1 credit

Prerequisites - the Kazakh language.

Brief course content: Introduction. Name of official documents. Autobiography. Summary. A statement. Feature. A receipt. The power of attorney. Contract. The employment contract. Help. Resolution. Letters of congratulation. Official letters.

Postrequisites: the graduate's professional activity.

Types of classes: practical lessons.

Program leader: Kulbaeva M.M.

Number theory/ Сандар теориясы / Number theory (3 credits

Prerequisites: analytical geometry and linear algebra

Brief course content: the Concept of number theory and its development. Analytic and algebraic number theory. Theory Of A Sieve. The theorem on Prime numbers, Goldbach. The problem of Waring and the Riemann hypothesis. Tools analytic number theory: the circular method, Sieve methods and L-functions. The theory of modular forms. Fields of algebraic numbers. Theory of Iwasawa.

Postrequisites: Applied mathematics, mathematical modeling

Types of classes: practical

Program Manager: Askanbaeva G.B.

Analysis of functions of several variables/ Көп айнымалы function талдауы / Analisis of several variables - 2 credits

Prerequisites: Mathematical analysis, analytical geometry and linear algebra, probability theory and mathematical statistics

Brief course content: the limits and continuity of functions of many variables, differential calculus of functions of several variables, multiple integrals, curvilinear integrals, surface integrals, vector function of a scalar argument, elements of the theory of fields, introduction to complex analysis.

Postrequisites: Mathematical modeling.

Types of classes: practical

Program Manager: Ysmagul R.S.

Differential equations/ Дифференциалдық теңдеулер/Differential equations - 2 credits

Prerequisites: Mathematical analysis

Brief course content: the Key concepts. Equation ones with divided variables. Homogeneous differential equations of the 1st order. Linear differential equations of the 1st order. Differential equations of higher orders. Linear differential equations of higher orders. Linear differential equations of higher order with constant coefficients. A system of differential equations.

Postrequisites: mathematical modeling.

Types of classes: practical

Program Manager: Dospulova U.K.

Applied mathematics / Қолданбалы mathematics/Applied mathematics - 3 credits

Prerequisites: Algebra, geometry, calculus, Discrete mathematics

Brief course content : the General formulation of the problem of linear programming. A geometric method for solving problems of linear programming. The simplex method of linear programming. Dual task. Transport problem in a matrix form. Transport problem in the network statement. The problems of integer programming. Elements of the theory of games. The model of nonlinear and dynamic programming. The model of the network planning and management. Elements of the theory of mass service. Models of stock management.

Postrequisites: Mathematical modeling

Types of classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: Kalzhanov М.У.

Mathematical modeling/ Matematikalyқ модельдеу/Mathematic modeling - 4 credits

Пререквизты: Differential equations

Brief course content: the Main stages of mathematical modeling. Classification models. Model of the movement. Mathematical models of differential equations. Transport task. Mathematical models of physical problems.

Postrequisites: no

Types of classes: practical

Program Manager: Dospulova U.K.

Probability theory and mathematical statistics /Ықтималдықтар теориясы Zhane matematikalyқ logic/Theory of probability and mathematical statistics 3 credits

Prerequisites : Algebra, geometry, calculus, Discrete mathematics.

Brief course content: the Elementary events. The event and its frequency. Probability. Probabilistic space. Basic formulas of the theory of probability. Test sequence. Bernoulli Scheme. Limit theorems in a scheme of Bernoulli. Random variables. The random vectors. Numerical characteristics of random variables. Characteristic functions. Laws of large numbers. Central limit theorem. Inequality Of Chebyshev. Chebyshev Theorem. Basic concepts and elements of sampling theory. Estimation of unknown parameters of the distribution. Interval estimation. Testing of statistical hypotheses. The regression analysis. Elements of the theory of random processes.

Discrete Markov chain. Random processes.

Postrequisites: Applied mathematics, Mathematical modeling

Types of classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: Kalzhanov М.У.

Technique of teaching of computer science/ Информатиканы management әдістемесі/Methods of teaching informatics - 3 credits

Пререквизты: programming Languages and technologies, Bases of information technologies

Brief course content: the Requirements for teachers of computer science in the modern school. Computer technology in the educational process. Operating systems and software. The testing program of sentences. Packages of applied programs used in the educational process. Methods of teaching programming technologies in the school course of computer science. Methods of teaching the topic «Organization of databases. Database management systems». General methodological issues. Standard plan. Curriculum of the discipline. Organization of the lessons and extra-curricular activities. Methodology of development of test tasks. - Control of knowledge.

Types of classes: practical

Program Manager: Kudubaeva S.A.

Theory of electric circuits/ Syr Sandyk Bailanys технологиясы/ Technology of digital communication - 3 credits

Prerequisites: basic knowledge of school course of mathematics and physics

Brief course content: the DC Circuit of alternating current circuit. Circuits of three-phase current. Circuit magnetic current. The transition process. The transformer. The asynchronous engine. DC machine.

Postrequisites: the technology of digital communication

Types of classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: Lifenko V.M.

The technology of digital communication/ Syr Sandyk Bailanys технологиясы/ Technology of digital communication - 3 credits

Prerequisites: the basics of circuit design

Brief course content: the Classification of signals. Broadband signals. Modeling of radio channels. Signal transmission via linear systems. The concept of construction of multiservice networks. Integrated hybrid network of modern enterprises. Basic technologies of construction of access networks and secondary networks. Digital switching systems. Interfaces measuring channels and channels of communication. Measuring instruments, measurement of parameters of communication channels. Basic technologies of construction of access networks and transport networks. Wireless access systems. Fiber-optic communication lines. The basic technology of the PDH. Basis of SDH. Fundamentals of construction and architecture of digital PBX systems. Organization of typical transmission channels and paths. Sources of information. High-speed transmission of digital signals. Digital transmission systems. Communication channels in computer networks and control systems. Random signals. Low-frequency transmission. The correlation encoding. The methods of digital band modulation. Allocation of resource links

Постреквизиты: telecommunication systems

Types of classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: Tataev O.B.

Microelectronics/ Microelectronics/ Microelectronics - 3 credits

Prerequisites: the school course of physics

Brief course content: Basic terms and definitions microelectronics. Constructive-technological part of the chipset. General information about the technology of manufacturing silicon chips. Epitaxy. Diffusion of impurities. Ion doping. Etching. Lithography. Technology of hybrid circuits. Bipolar transistors integrated circuits. Multimeter transistors. Transistors with Schottky diode. Transistors type p-n-p Bipolar and field-effect transistors. MIS-transistors, integrated circuits. Transistors with an n-type channel itself combined with closures. Parameters and characteristics of transistors short channel. Practical activities are aimed at the study of electronic devices, diodes, transistors, thyristors. Research of the parallel and universal resistors. The study of field-effect transistors with managing the transition metal semiconductor. The study of simple passive elements. Semiconductor resistors. Capacitors and inductive elements. Study of the thyristor.

Постреквизиты: microprocessor complexes and devices

Types of classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: Lifenko V.M.

Administration of networks/ Желілерді әкімшіліктеу/ Administration of networks - 3 credits

Prerequisites: computer networks.

Basic configuration of the server. Server technologies for Linux. Configure server. Samba: Linux server for Windows clients. DNS name service. Optimization of the DNS server. Protection of the DNS server. The mail server. Installing and configuring sendmail. Configuring the FTP server. Maintenance utility FTP server. The Apache HTTP server. Installation and basic configuration of Apache.

Types of classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: Ismailov G.S.

Profiling disciplines

Organization and functioning of a computer/ ЭЕМ жұмыс істеуі Myung ұйымдастырылуы/ Organization and functioning of electronic computers - 3 credits

Prerequisites: Algorithms and data structures

Brief course content: the number System used in computers, means of transferring numbers from one base to another, binary arithmetic, logic elements, working with individual bits, basic devices included in the structure of modern CPU interrupt, the addressing of memory, video card, keyboard, Mouse, working with disk drives, programming system timer programming printer, obtaining system information about computer.

Postrequisites: Computer networks

Types of classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: Ilnitsky V.G.

Operating systems / Операциялық жүйелер / Operating Systems 3 credits

Prerequisites: computer science, Algorithms and data structures

Brief course content: the Evolution of operating systems. Classification and characteristics of operating systems. Basic principles of operating systems. Operating systems Windows, Unix. Prospects for the development of operating systems.

Postrequisites: the Automated control systems by the enterprise

Types of classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: Salykova O.S

Object-oriented programming / Объектіге бағытталған art / Object-oriented programming - 2 credits

Prerequisites: programming Languages and technologies

Brief course content: the Key concepts of object-oriented programming and the basics of the C++language. Object-oriented means of the C++language. Objects, classes, methods, means of limiting access. Inheritance and polymorphism classes. Virtual and static methods. Sharing functions, operator overloading, special class methods, constructors, and destructors. Means of I / o and threading. The mechanism of exceptions and error handling. Support modularity, namespace, and external linking. Preprocessor directives. Template classes and template functions. Standard container classes.

Postrequisites: Bases of programming on JavaScript, PHP Programming, Programming in MacromediaFlash

Types of classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: Ivanova I.V.

Computer networks/ Компьютерлік желілер/Computer networks - 3 credits

Prerequisites: Operating systems, Algorithms and data structures

Brief course content: the Concept and types of distributed systems. Principles of construction of network software. Server. Client. Network service. Classification and main characteristics of the COP. The concept of the Protocol, interface, a stack of communication protocols. Tasks and functions of the different layers of the OSI model. Agreement on the description of protocols. Standard stacks of communication protocols. Types and equipment lines of communication. . Standards cables. Methods of data on a physical level. The methods of switching to the CC. Technology мультипликсирования FDM and TDM. Principles of packet switching. The structure of the IEEE. 802.х. Methods of access to a shared transmission medium in the COP. The Ethernet Technology. Technology Token Ring. Technology FDDI, Fast Ethernet, 100VG-AnyLAN, Gigabit Ethernet. The functions, features and settings for network adapters. Repeaters and hubs. The logical structuring of the network with bridges and switches. Virtual local area networks. Principles and routing algorithms. Classification and main characteristics of the routers. TCP/IP Protocol stack. The IP Protocol. the structure of an IP packet. Routing in IP networks. Protocols RIP, OSPF. Transport protocols. Addressing in IP-network. IP address classes. The use of masks. Technology inter domain routing. Utilities TCP/IP. Protocols and service application layer.

Types of classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: Ismailova G.S.

Systems of artificial intelligence/Жасанды intelligence жүйесі/Artificial intelligence systems - 4 credits

Prerequisites: Linear algebra, mathematical logic, Informatics

Brief course content: the Concept of artificial intelligence. Pattern recognition. Methods of image recognition. The use of artificial intelligence. Semantic networks. Frames. The concept of expert systems. A technology for building expert systems. Application of expert systems. Knowledge representation in conditions of uncertainty. Deductive conclusion, based on the fuzzy knowledge. The application and use of neural networks. Perceptrons. Learning and self-learning systems. Models of neural networks. Fuzzy knowledge neural network models.

Postrequisites: no

Types of classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: Usembaeva А.U.

Methods and means of computer information protection/Компьютерлік ақпаратты қорғаудың әдістері Myung амалдары/ Methods and protection of computer information - 3 credits

Prerequisites: programming languages and technologies, bases of information technologies

Brief course content: the objects and buildings of information protection in computer systems. Methods of information protection in ASDP. Authentication and identification. Ways to identify unauthorized attempts to access. Protection of information in the PC. Cryptographic protection of data. Anti-virus protection. Information protection in computer networks. The system of identification and authentication in computer networks. Model protection networks. Site identification and verification mechanisms. Symmetric and not symmetric authentication methods. Generation, storage and maintenance of security keys. The security of network systems. Basic principles of the security of network systems. Conceptions of standards of network security. Systems administration. The role of firewalls in protecting systems from external penetration.

Постреквизиты: setup, repair, optimization and maintenance of computer systems

Types of classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: Stavrianidi P.M.

Peripheral interfaces/ Перифериялық құралдардың интерфейсі/Peripheral Interfaces - 3 credits

Prerequisites: architecture of computing systems

Brief course content: Hardware PC. Peripherals. I/o ports. Device controllers. Registers devices. How to transfer data. Principles of organization of input-output. The transfer of information. Direct memory access. Main principles of construction of the I / o systems. I / o channels. The main parameters. Peripheral interfaces. Use different logical and schematic diagrams interfaces. The connectors. Comparative analysis of the interfaces of computer systems. Design applied tasks with the characteristics of the external interfaces. The main principles of building interfaces. Interfaces used to the PC. Classic interfaces: parallel and serial. Mass storage interfaces. Interfaces I / o peripherals (scanners, printers, digital devices). In the course of study of discipline covering the main principles of design interfaces interfaces used in PCs, such as the classic interface, parallel and serial, mass storage interfaces, interfaces I / o devices. There is also a study of modern interfaces such as Serial ATA, PCI-express, and several others.

Types of classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: Sukhov M.V.

Telecommunication systems/ Телекоммуникациондық жүйелер/ Telecommunication systems - 3 credits

Prerequisites: the technology of digital communication

Brief course content: Basics of data, methods of digital transmission, methods of digital switching, the effectiveness of communication systems, noise immunity. Encoding and decoding of digital communications, digital modulation, methods of access, IP-telephony, satellite and cellular communication systems. Classification of signals: deterministic and random, analogue and digital, broadband. Modeling of radio channels, methods to improve the efficiency of telecommunication systems, integrated hybrid networks.

Постреквизиты: telecommunication systems

Types of classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: Tataev О.Б.

Microprocessor complexes and systems/Микропроцессорлық кешендер Myung жүйелер/ Microprocessor sets and systems - 2 credits

Prerequisites: architecture of computing systems, system programming

Brief course content: ways of development of microprocessor systems, common family of microprocessors, a technique of designing of microprocessor systems, basic models, their composition, appointment and interaction in the process of work, the use of microprocessor technology in the different systems, instructions and commands processors companies Intel, AMD, CYRIX, and their comparative characteristics. Directions of development of microprocessor technology, the most common family, methods of designing of microprocessor devices, basic models, their composition, appointment and interaction in the process of work, the use of microprocessor technology in the different systems.

Types of classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: Begalin A.Sh.

Graduate specialty 5B060200-Informatics is given an academic degree of bachelor of natural Sciences on the specialty 5B060200-Informatics.

The qualifying characteristic

Area of professional specialization are: communication network and switching system, multichannel telecommunication systems, information protection in telecommunication systems, information technology, regional and global information networks and Internet technologies.

Structure of the educational program

Structure of the educational program is determined by the model curriculum, the curriculum and the catalogue of elective subjects

Cycle GED. (General education disciplines) - a total of 33 credits prerequisite 30, component of choice - 3. As a result of studying of disciplines cycle Ltd. the student should know the main provisions of the history of Kazakhstan, philosophy, ecology and other social disciplines and Humanities; command of the Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages; to have computer skills as a management tool for working with software means of General purpose; to manage information received from the global computer networks.

BD (basic disciplines) - total loans 64, a mandatory component - 20 , the component of choice - 44. As a result of studying of disciplines cycle DB student should know the basic sections of mathematics, theory of languages and automatic machines, algorithms and data structures; have a basic knowledge necessary for the study of professional disciplines.

Cycle PD (Profiling disciplines) - a total of 32 credits, compulsory component - 5 , the component of choice - 27. As a result of studying of disciplines cycle PD student should acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for realization of all kinds of professional activity in the field of information technologies.

The specialty provides the carrying out of the professional practices.

Educational practice - 2 credits. The purpose of the practice is to strengthen the knowledge and acquisition of skills of work with modern information technologies and their use for solving technical problems. Designated practices: the computer classes of faculty of information technologies

Internship : 2 credits. The purpose of the practice is to explore the subject of the production activities in accordance with the type of professional activity, gaining experience in the implementation of the basic production processes, adaptation of students at the enterprises and organizations as qualified specialists. Designated practices of enterprises and organizations in accordance with the objects of professional activity. Bases of practice are: OJSC «Kazakhtelecom»LLP, «Картел», LLP «IT-COMP», LLP «Algorithm-service», KF JSC «Интерфарма-» LP «Office Service Plus».

Pregraduation practice - 2 credits. The purpose of the practice is the preparation and writing of the thesis (project).

Academic calendar contains a calendar of theoretical training, examinations, certification, professional practices, rest days (and summer holidays).

Recalculation of loans RK ECTS credits in the framework of the educational program

To ensure the academic mobility of students and recognition of educational programs of the structure of educational programs for specialty 5B060200-Informatics presents in terms of Kazakhstani credits in ECTS credits.

Recalculation of Kazakhstan credits in ECTS credits

To ensure the academic mobility of students and recognition of educational programs of the structure of educational programs for specialty 5B060200-Informatics presents in terms of Kazakhstani credits in ECTS credits.