Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Computer graphics and Web-design




Studying of disciplines of the educational program will get knowledge on the application of graphic editors of various purposes for creation of illustrations, posters, business cards, photo processing, creation of animated movies, the development sites.





After the end of the study of disciplines of the educational program «Computer graphics and Web-design» students must:

Know and understand:

  • methods of design of web-site;
  • color psychology, the psychology of perception of images;
  • methods for processing and editing digital images.
  • principles of composition of the web site;
  • software tools by the client, used for creation of web-pages;
  • theory of the use of graphics to web pages;
  • vehicles used for hosting and maintenance of web-pages;
  • methods of optimization web site promotion in the Internet;
  • software side of the server used to create web pages;
  • software tools for creating databases;
  • software tools for development of the virtual server;
  • basic principles of real configuration of the web server.

Be able to:

  • use of graphical editors for image processing, placed on the web-site;
  • use graphics editors to create a design of pages of the web site;
  • use the hypertext markup language HTML to create web pages;
  • create dynamic web pages using JavaScript;
  • use object-oriented technologies for creation of web-pages;
  • access to databases when designing web-site;
  • set the configuration of a web server.


  • designing technology of the web-site as an information system;
  • a common methodology for designing web-site;
  • technologies of development and artistic registration of web-site;
  • technology of creation of web-site by means of client-side programming;


Catalogue of disciplines of the educational program

Catalogue of disciplines of the educational program contains the description of each course separately indicating the prerequisites and postrequisites, number of credits, activities, information on managers of the program.


Basic disciplines


Religion / Дінтану / Religion studies - 1 credit

Prerequisites: history of Kazakhstan.

Brief course content: Religion as a subject and an object of religious studies course. The emergence of the religion. The structure and content of religion as a phenomenon. The specificity of the religious system of Ancient East and the Ancient world. Tengrianism, as early form of religious consciousness. Buddhism. Christianity, its origin and essence. The Holy book of the Christians. Main currents in Christianity. Islam. The Quran, the Sunnah, the Sharia. Main currents. Religious phenomenon in the modern world and Kazakhstan.

Postrequisites: sociology.

Types of classes: practical lessons.

Program leaders: Shaimerden GI, Bondarenko Ju.Ja.

Іскерлік etiquette, Business etiquette, Business etiquette - 1 credit

Prerequisites: philosophy.

Business etiquette – 1 credit

Prerequisites - history of Kazakhstan.

Brief course content: the History of development of etiquette. Peculiarities of business etiquette in different countries. Principles of etiquette of business relations. Formation of the image of a business person (clothing and appearance of a business man, a business woman). Business communication etiquette. Business communication, types, functions and levels. Rule of business etiquette. Ethics greetings, views. Business meeting. Presentation. Ethics of business telephone conversation. Business etiquette. Etiquette head. Etiquette Secretary. Everyday etiquette. Souvenirs and gifts in the business sphere. Code of honor of civil servants of the Republic of Kazakhstan (rules of ethics of civil servants). Code of ethics of students. Formation of corporate image. The modern Manager and its role in the formation of corporate image. Business rhetoric. Peculiarities of non-verbal means of communication. The basic precepts of business etiquette.

Postrequisites: sociology.

Types of classes: practical lessons.

Program leader: Bayakhmetova A.A.

Psychology of competitive personality – 1 credit

Prerequisites - economic theory

Brief course content: the Personality. Constructive communication. A conflict. Technology of search of work. The basics of self-presentation. Development of the individual professional. Professional deformation, destruction of personality and ways of their prevention.

Postrequisites: sociology.

Types of classes: practical lessons.

Program leader: Tashbaeva L.M.

Paperwork in the Kazakh language – 1 credit

Prerequisites - the Kazakh language.

Brief course content: Introduction. Name of official documents. Autobiography. Summary. A statement. Feature. A receipt. The power of attorney. Contract. The employment contract. Help. Resolution. Letters of congratulation. Official letters.

Postrequisites: the graduate's professional activity.

Types of classes: practical lessons.

Program leader: Kulbaeva M.M.

Number theory/ Сандар теориясы / Number theory (3 credits

Prerequisites: analytical geometry and linear algebra

Brief course content: the Concept of number theory and its development. Analytic and algebraic number theory. Theory Of A Sieve. The theorem on Prime numbers, Goldbach. The problem of Waring and the Riemann hypothesis. Tools analytic number theory: the circular method, Sieve methods and L-functions. The theory of modular forms. Fields of algebraic numbers. Iwasawa’s theory.

Postrequisites: Applied mathematics, mathematical modeling

Types of classes: practical

Program Manager: Askanbaeva G.B.

Applied mathematics / Қолданбалы mathematics/Applied mathematics - 3 credits

Prerequisites: Algebra, geometry, calculus, Discrete mathematics

Brief course content: the General formulation of the problem of linear programming. A geometric method for solving problems of linear programming. The simplex method of linear programming. Dual task. Transport problem in a matrix form. Transport problem in the network statement. The problems of integer programming. Elements of the theory of games. The model of nonlinear and dynamic programming. The model of the network planning and management. Elements of the theory of mass service. Models of stock management.

Postrequisites: Mathematical modeling

Types of classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: Kalzhanov М.У.

Mathematical modeling/ Matematikalyқ модельдеу/Mathematic modeling - 4 credits

Prerequisites: Differential equations

Brief course content: the Main stages of mathematical modeling. Classification models. Model of the movement. Mathematical models of differential equations. Transport task. Mathematical models of physical problems.

Postrequisites: no

Types of classes: practical

Program Manager: Dospulova U.K.

Probability theory and mathematical statistics /Ықтималдықтар теориясы Zhane matematikalyқ logic/Theory of probability and mathematical statistics 3 credits

Prerequisites : Algebra, geometry, calculus, Discrete mathematics.

Brief course content : the Elementary events. The event and its frequency. Probability. Probabilistic space. Basic formulas of the theory of probability. Test sequence. Bernoulli Scheme. Limit theorems in a scheme of Bernoulli. Random variables. The random vectors. Numerical characteristics of random variables. Characteristic functions. Laws of large numbers. Central limit theorem. Inequality Of Chebyshev. Chebyshev Theorem. Basic concepts and elements of sampling theory. Estimation of unknown parameters of the distribution. Interval estimation. Testing of statistical hypotheses. The regression analysis. Elements of the theory of random processes. Discrete Markov chain. Random processes.

Postrequisites: Applied mathematics, Mathematical modeling

Types of classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: Kalzhanov М.У.

Technique of teaching of computer science/ Информатиканы management әдістемесі/Methods of teaching informatics - 3 credits

Пререквизты: programming Languages and technologies, Bases of information technologies

Brief course content: the Requirements for teachers of computer science in the modern school. Computer technology in the educational process. Operating systems and software. The testing program of sentences. Packages of applied programs used in the educational process. Methods of teaching programming technologies in the school course of computer science. Methods of teaching the topic «Organization of databases. Database management systems». General methodological issues. Standard plan. Curriculum of the discipline. Organization of lessons and extra-curricular activities. Methodology of development of test tasks. - Control of knowledge.

Types of classes: practical

Program Manager: Kudubaeva S.A.

Basics of WEB programming/ Web-бағдармалау негіздері/ Web programming bases - 3 credits

Prerequisites: foundations of information technologies

Brief course content: the hypertext markup Language HTML and rules of construction of HTML documents. Different types of formatting, all sorts of ways to design pages with lists, links, images, tables, maps, images, frames, forms. Cascading style sheets (CSS). Types of layout of Web pages: layout using frames, tables, and boxes.

Postrequisites: fundamentals of JavaScript programming, fundamentals of programming with PHP

Types of classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: Bermagambetov A.K.

Computer graphics/Компьютерлік graphics/Computer Graphics - 3 credits

Prerequisites: foundations of information technologies

Brief course content: the Types of computer graphics, color models and types of raster images, matching colors and color management, storage formats of graphic images, processes, screening frequency, and colour separating, fundamentals of screening and editing tools and higher-quality images, sources of digital images, input digital images.

Types of classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: Salykova O.S

Technologies of management of distributed databases/Таралған деректер қорын басқару технологиясы/ Management technologies of distributed databases - 3 credits

Prerequisites: theory of databases, basics of Web programming

Brief course content: the Principles for the development of distributed databases, tools distributed databases, database objects, operations with records, tables, and indexes, transaction management in multi-user mode. Principles of working with client-server model of this architecture, methods of organization for applications to interact with databases, basics of structured query language (SQL and its use in applications.

Types of classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: Akmoldina A.I.

Three-dimensional graphics and animation/ Үшөлшемді graphics and animation/Three-dimensional graphics and animation - 3 credits

Prerequisites: foundations of information technologies

Brief course content: the Main color models of computer graphics simulation, controls, commands and operations on the objects in the image editor, 3Dmax. Spline graphics, creating geometry or modeling. Processes animation and visualization of three-dimensional objects, versions of basic materials, types of toning. The basic techniques of the direction of light and camera, the principles of using texture maps, Maps. Image classification, input images, convert images. The functionality of the tool kit accompanying 3DMAX. The practical part of the course is implemented in a graphical environment 3D StudioMax.

Types of classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: Salykova O.S

Profiling disciplines

Organization and functioning of a computer/ ЭЕМ жұмыс істеуі Myung ұйымдастырылуы/ Organization and functioning of electronic computers - 3 credits

Prerequisites: Algorithms and data structures

Brief course content: the number System used in computers, means of transferring numbers from one base to another, binary arithmetic, logic elements, working with individual bits, basic devices included in the structure of modern CPU interrupt, the addressing of memory, video card, keyboard, Mouse, working with disk drives, programming system timer programming printer, obtaining system information about your computer. Постреквизиты: Computer networks

Types of classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: Ilnitsky V.G.

Operating systems / Операциялық жүйелер / Operating Systems 3 credits

Prerequisites: computer science, Algorithms and data structures

Brief course content: the Evolution of operating systems. Classification and characteristics of operating systems. Basic principles of operating systems. Operating systems Windows, Unix. Prospects for the development of operating systems.

Postrequisites: the Automated control systems by the enterprise

Types of classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: Salykova O.S

Object-oriented programming / Объектіге бағытталған art / Object-oriented programming - 2 credits

Prerequisites: programming Languages and technologies

Brief course content: the Key concepts of object-oriented programming and the basics of the C++language. Object-oriented means of the C++language. Objects, classes, methods, means of limiting access. Inheritance and polymorphism classes. Virtual and static methods. Sharing functions, operator overloading, special class methods, constructors, and destructors. Means of I / o and threading. The mechanism of exceptions and error handling. Support modularity, namespace, and external linking. Preprocessor directives. Template classes and template functions. Standard container classes.

Postrequisites: Bases of programming on JavaScript, PHP Programming, Programming Macromedia Flash

Types of classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: Ivanova I.V.

Computer networks/ Компьютерлік желілер/Computer networks - 3 credits

Пререквизты: Operating systems, Algorithms and data structures

Brief course content: the Concept and types of distributed systems. Principles of construction of network software. Server. Client. Network service. Classification and main characteristics of the COP. The concept of the Protocol, interface, a stack of communication protocols. Tasks and functions of the different layers of the OSI model. Agreement on the description of protocols. Standard stacks of communication protocols. Types and equipment lines of communication. . Standards cables. Methods of data on a physical level. The methods of switching to the CC. Technology of multiplexing FDM and TDM. Principles of packet switching. Principles of packet switching. The structure of the IEEE. 802.х. Methods of access to a shared transmission medium in the COP. The Ethernet Technology. Technology Token Ring. Technology FDDI, Fast Ethernet, 100VG-AnyLAN, Gigabit Ethernet. The functions, features and settings for network adapters. Repeaters and hubs. The logical structuring of the network with bridges and switches. Virtual local area networks. Principles and routing algorithms. Classification and main characteristics of the routers. TCP/IP Protocol stacks. The IP Protocol. The structure of an IP packet. Routing in IP networks. Protocols RIP, OSPF. Transport protocols. Addressing in IP-network. IP address classes. The use of masks. Technologies inter domain routing. Utilities TCP/IP. Protocols and service application layer.

Types of classes: practical and laboratory

Program Manager: Ismailova G.S.

Systems of artificial intelligence/Жасанды intelligence жүйесі/Artificial intelligence systems - 4 credits

Prerequisites: Linear algebra, mathematical logic, Informatics

Brief course content: the Concept of artificial intelligence. Pattern recognition. Methods of image recognition. The use of artificial intelligence. Semantic networks. Frames. The concept of expert systems. A technology for building expert systems. Application of expert systems. Knowledge representation in conditions of uncertainty. Deductive conclusion, based on the fuzzy knowledge. The application and use of neural networks. Перцептроны. Learning and self-learning systems. Models of neural networks. Fuzzy knowledge neural network models.

Postrequisites: no

Types of classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: Usembaeva A.U.

Computer-aided design systems/ Автоматтандырылған жобалау жүйелері/ Computer-aided design and production systems - 3 credits

Prerequisites: foundations of information technologies

Brief course content: the Concept of engineering design, types of collateral CAD, varieties of CAD, technical maintenance of CAD, system approach to designing. Mathematical and computer-aided design hardware. Designing subsystems serving subsystem CAE/CAD/Cam-systems. CAD on the basis of DBMS. CAD on the basis of computer graphics and mathematical modeling. CAD on the basis of a specific application package.

Types of classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: Salykova O.S

Fundamentals of programming on JavaScript/JavaScript-бағдармалау негіздері/Programming bases on java script - 3 credits

Prerequisites: foundations of WEB-programming

Brief course content: how to create dynamic Web pages by means of object-oriented programming language JavaScript. Alphabet language, control structures, browser objects: Window, Navigator, Screen, History, Location, Document, and their hierarchy, methods, and properties. Embedded objects: Global, String, Number, Boolean, Array, Function, Date, Math, RedExp, Object. Graphics on Web pages, creating various kinds of effects that are decorating the Web-page; working with forms, frames, styles and layers.

Postrequisites: Programming on PHP

Types of classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: Ivanova I.V.

PHP programming/PHP art/Programming in PHP 3 credits

Prerequisites: programming languages and technologies, foundations of Web-programming

Brief course content: PHP, currently, is one of the most popular languages for implementing web applications. This course is devoted to the study of its fundamentals. The emphasis is on the practical application of the acquired skills. Language PHP was designed to solve specific practical problems in the Internet environment. After that discusses client-server technology as the main sphere of the language of PHP. After this will be discussed a number of practical aspects: working with the file system, database, string sessions.

Types of classes: lectures, practical, laboratory

Program Manager: Sinitsina, V.B.

Programming Macromedia Flash/Macromedia-Flash-TA бағдарламалау/Programming in Macromedia Flash - 2 credits

Prerequisites fundamentals of information technology, languages and programming technologies.

Brief course content: Drawing and animation, buttons, menu. Symbols Flash. Transformation of character. Morphing (motiontween). Morphing Management. Morph shapes (shapetween). Fundamentals of programming in Macromedia Flash, complex and non-obvious properties of system programming Flash-based MXAction Script. Features of work with the interpreter, and the system of external objects (characters, frames etc), which are created in Flash manually. Comparative analysis of the system types and classes and comparison with other high-level languages. Creation of Flash-projects.

Types of classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: Omarhanova Ж.Т.

Automated systems of enterprise management/Кәсіпорын басқарудағы автоматтандырылғын жуйелер/Automated system sofbusiness management - 2 credits

Prerequisites: foundations of information technologies, the technology of programming

Brief course content: the Automated systems of enterprise management. The method of the creation, GOST. Application development environment. General configuration objects. Description of the built-in programming language. Design of business processes. Automated enterprise management system, functional components and modules, the design of the primary economic documents, reports, manuals, requests and other types of software modules, metadata, design of information modules (Personnel records, Payroll, Inventory accounting (logistics), Trade, Production account), user interactions with the system and etc.

Postrequisites: technology of distributed applications

Types of classes: practical, laboratory

Program leaders: Sinitsina, V.B.