Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

State management



Studying of the given program will allow students to get skills in realisation of administrative activity in various areas economic and social development of administrative and territorial units (districts, areas, cities, areas) and Republics Kazakhstans. The graduates who have chosen the given direction will get skills of carrying out of the comparative analysis of the parameters describing process of social and economic progress of territories, administrative areas and areas with objective of a formulation of conclusions and offers on perfection of is administrative-economic mechanisms of positive influence on this process.


After the termination of studying of disciplines of educational program "Government" students should:

to know and to understand:
- Legal and the ethical standards adjusting the attitudes in a society, defining business ethics of the expert:
- Bases of the organisation, realisation and increase of efficiency of foreign trade activities of the central and local controls by economy:
- Modern computer technology of gathering, processing, the analysis and storage of the information
- The state, Russian and one foreign language.

to be able:
- to spend appropriating scientific and organisational works on a background of economic policy of the state, on definition of purposes of the appearing period and development of intermediate term plans of social and economic progress of the country and it  is administrative – territorial tax on.
- to apply in the work foreign experience of state regulation and economic planning;
- to prove the concept and ways of optimisation of accommodation of productive forces of a society to the forthcoming period;
- to develop comprehensive plans economic and social development of areas, regions (areas in cities) and cities and to know methods of their realisation;
- to get and update knowledge, using modern educational technologies.

to master:
- Development of comprehensive plans economic and social development of areas, areas and cities;
- It is industrial – administrative activity;
- Creations of an effective control system by a national economy, its branches and regions;
- Applications in practice of all known principles of management.

Catalog of the educational program


The catalogue of disciplines of educational program contains the description of each discipline separately with the indication prerequisites and postrequisites, quantity of credits, types of employment, the information on heads of the program.

Basing disciplines

Statistics / Statistic - 2 credits
Prerequisite of a course: mathematics for economists, computer science, the economic theory, philosophy
The summary of a course: Subject matter and problems of statistics. Statistical supervision. A statistical report and a grouping. Absolute and relative sizes. Average sizes and parameters of a variation. Selective supervision. Numbers of dynamics. Indexes. Statistical studying of interrelation of the social and economic phenomena. Statistics of the population and a manpower. System of national accounts, the basic macroeconomic parameters. Statistics of people's standard of living.
Postrequisites of a course: the economic analysis, accounting,
Types of lecture occupations: practical lessons
The head of the program: Hasenova A.A., Kurmangaliyeva A.K.

Эконометрика / Эконометрика / Econometrics – 2 credits

Prerequisite: for development of this discipline are necessary knowledge, the skills received at studying of disciplines: mathematics for economists, statistics, the economic theory, micro-and macroeconomic, computer science
The summary of a course:  casual character of economic events and statistics law. Formation of factors and their substantial analysis. Mathematical bases regression correlation  analysis. Non-linear aconomical models. Plural regress and correlation. Dynamic number

Postrequisite: Cope of a course in the further will allow students to spend at higher and qualitative level study actual economic events and processes at performance of course and final works by them, at studying discipline an area of expertise.
Types of lecture occupations: practical lessons
The head of the program: Zhuaspayev T.A.

Micro-economics, Micro-economics, Microeconomics–3 credit

Prerequisite: the economic theory, history of economic doctrines, mathematics in economy, computer science.
The summary course: studing of the mechanism of functioning of modern economy, understanding of the reasons for decision-making by separate economic subjects, consumers, manufacturers, depositors of capital , owners of separate resources and separate firms, as well as forms of interoperability of consumers and the firms shaping the markets and industries.
Postrequisites: economy of the enterprise
Types of lecture occupations: practical lessons
The head of the program: Abdihalykova K.S.

Public service and management /Мемлекеттік қызмет және басқару/Public Service and management– 3 credits

Prerequisite: « the Theory of the state and the right », « the Constitutional law of Republic of Kazakhstan », « Administrative law of Republic of Kazakhstan ».
The summary of a course: Concept and principles of public service and management in RК. The Legal status of civil servants. The right of delivery to public service. The termination of public service. Working conditions and social security of civil servants. The organisation legal all studying civil servants. Legal certification of executives and experts of the state bodies. A legal status of administrative civil servants. A legal status of political civil servants.

Postrequisites: « Public service of foreign countries "," Bases of an anticorruption security », the Theory of the government ».
Types total employment: practical employment
Heads of the program: Aubakirova Z.B.

/Дінтану/Religion studies-1 the credit

Prerequisite: studying of discipline "religious studies" assumes knowledge of history of Kazakhstan, philosophy, natural study, anatomy, physiology, chemistry, physics.
The summary of a course:
1. Religion as subject matter and object of a course of religious studies.
2. Occurrence of religion. Structure and a content of religion as the phenomena.
3. A specific character of religious system of the Ancient East and the Classical antiquity.
4. Tengri, as the early form of religious consciousness.
5. The Buddhism
6. Christianity, its origin and essence. The sacred book of Christians. The basic currents in Christianity.
7 Islam. The Koran, Sheriyat. The basic currents.
8. A religious phenomenon in the modern world and Kazakhstan.
The course of discipline "religious studies" gives system concept about a content and roles of religion in a society, world faiths.
Postrequisites: the Knowledge "religious studies" allows to seize a course of political science, sociology, psychology, the Kazakh and Russian literature, ancient history.
Types of lecture occupations: practical
Heads of the program: Shaimerden G.I., Bondarenko Yu.Ya

Business etiquette / Іскерлік etiquette / Business etiquette – 1 credit.
Prerequisite: philosophy, sociology.
The summary of a course: the Discipline « Business etiquette » is VAS, a component at the choice of. The given discipline shapes a professional knowledge and skills at development of a speciality. The course represents scientific, theoretical and practical bases of discipline « Business etiquette ».Its area – at the most wide messages and researches which throw light on features of the communications in the business world. The basic accent is made on the analysis of key positions and their embodiment in practice on the basis of investigative techniques and displaying. Positions of protruding scientists of the past, as well as the concept of modern theorists and experts are considered. Teaching of a course
Types of lecture occupations: practical
The head of the program: Bayahmetova А.А..

Psychology of the competitive person / Бәсекеге қабілетті тұлға психологиясы / Psychology of a competitive personality - 1 credit
Prerequisite of a course: sociology
The summary of a course: the Person. Constructive dialogue. The conflict. Technology of search of work. The basic self-presentations. Progress of the person of the professional. Professional deformations of the person and ways of their preventive maintenance.
Postrequisites of a course: philosophy
Types of lecture occupations: practical
The head of the program: Yelchishcheva O.V.

Office-work in the Kazakh language / Қаза тілінде іс жүргізу / Paperwork in the Kazakh language – 1 credit
Prerequisite: the Kazakh language (a school rate)
The summary of a course: Omyrbayan. Kuzhattardy toptastyru. Zhargy. Buiryktar. Buirykty daiyndau. Okymder. Nuskau. Sheshym. Қызметтік хаттар. Түйіндеме.Өтініш, арыз. Мінездеме. Бұйрық. Хаттама. Бұрыштама. Хабарлама. Келісімшарт. Еңбек келісімі. Жеделхат.

Postrequisites: business Kazakh language
Types of lecture occupations: practical
The head of the program: Kulbayeva M.M.

/ Институционалды economy / Institutional Economics – 3 credits
Prerequisite: micro-economics, state regulation of the market
Postrequisites: macroeconomics, management of economy of Kazakhstan
Types of lecture occupations: practical lessons
Heads of the program: Turezhanov S.U.

Management of a labour market / Еңбек нарығын басқару / Managing of a labor market – 3 credits
Prerequisite: the Economic theory
The summary of a course: Subject matter and a method of a subject matter « Management of a labour market ». The Labour market: its modern structure. Wages and its role in stimulation of work. A policy of employment of the population. Labour exchange and its role in economy. A provision of pensions in Kazakhstan. Unemployment and regulation of a labour market.
Postrequisites: public service and management, management of economy of Kazakhstan
Types of lecture occupations: practical lessons
Heads of the program: Abdyhalykova K.S.

Economy of the enterprise / Кәсіпорын экономикасы/Enterprise Economics - 3 credits
Prerequisite: the finance; management; history of economic doctrines.
The summary of a course: the Characteristic of progress of economy of Republic of Kazakhstan and its state regulation. The enterprise as object of managing. An economic and social production efficiency. A fixed capital of the enterprise. Raw, material and fuel and energy resources. A working capital of the enterprise. A manpower. A payment at the enterprise. The investment and innovative policy of the enterprise. Production costs and realisations of production. Marketing and industrial activity of the enterprise. Maintenance of competitiveness of production. The income and profitability of manufacture. The finance of the enterprise.
Postrequisites: economy of public sector; institutional economy; complex diagnostics of activity of the enterprise.

Types of lecture occupations: practical (seminar) employment.
The head of the program: Dmitriyeva V.R.

Accounting and audit, Бухгалтерлік есеп және audit, Accounting and audit, 3 quantity of credits
Prerequisite: State regulation of economy, Economy of the enterprise.
The summary of a course: Accounting balance. Accounting accounts and double record. The organisation of accounting. A registration cycle and preparation of the financial reporting. The account of current actives: the Account of money resources and equivalents. The account debitor debt. The account of commodity-material stocks. The account of long-term actives. The account of current and long-term obligations. The account of incomes and expenses.
Postrequisites: the Administrative analysis, the Analysis of the financial reporting of the enterprises.
Types of lecture occupations: practical employment
The head of the program: Zhusupova G.B.

The financial markets and intermediaries / Қаржылы нарықтар мен делдалдар / Financial markets and intermediaries – 3 credits
Prerequisite: « the Economic theory », « Mathematics for economists », « Bases of market economy » the Finance, Micro-economics, Macroeconomic, etc.
The summary of a course: the Infrastructure of the financial market and its basic elements. The market of capitals. The monetary market. The currency markets. The market of derivative securities. The world financial market. Activity of commercial banks in the financial markets. Pension funds. Insurance companies. The investment companies and funds. Broker-dealer activity in the financial market.. National bank RK as adjusting body of the financial market. The self-adjusting organisations..
. Strategy of progress of the financial market of Kazakhstan.
Postrequisites: knowledge on the given discipline are necessary for studying following disciplines: Accounting, Economy of the enterprise, the Organisation of manufacture, Socio-economic planning, Business-planning, the State and local management, bases of the organisation of small business, the organisation of foreign trade activities, economic bases of agrobusiness, socio-economic planning.
Types of lecture occupations: practical lessons
The head of the program: Subbotina E.I.

Strategic management / Стратегиялы management / Strategic Management – 2 credits

Prerequisite: marketing, management
The brief description of discipline: Conceptual positions of strategic management. Development of strategy of the organisation: targeted stages. Development of strategy of the organisation: diagnostic stages. Development of strategy of the organisation: strategic alternatives, their versions and combinations. Development of strategy of the organisation: strategy of creation of competitive advantage. Development of strategy of the organisation: a choice of a direction of progress of the organisation. Realisation of strategy: reduction of organisational potential conformity with the chosen strategy. Realisation of strategy: management in a mode of actual time. Realisation of strategy: management in conditions of strategic variations.
Postrequisites: regional economy and management
Types of lecture occupations: practical employment
The head of the program: Baranova N.A.

/Экономикалы талдау/Economic analysis–2 credits
Prerequisite: mathematics in economy, the economic theory, statistics
The summary of a course: Theoretical bases of the economic analysis. A content, object, subject matter and problems of the economic analysis. Receptions and methods of the economic analysis. The factorial analysis. The administrative analysis. Bases of the administrative analysis. The analysis of marketing activity the enterprise. The analysis of manufacture and realisation of production. The analysis of use of industrial resources. The analysis of a net cost of production (works, services). The financial analysis. Bases of the financial analysis. The general assessment of a financial condition of the company. The analysis of liquidity of balance. The analysis of financial stability. The analysis of monetary streams. The analysis of profitableness of the organisation.
Postrequisites: regional economy and management, economic policy of the state
Types of lecture occupations: practical
Heads of the program: Kurmangaliyeva A.K.

/Экономиканы мемлекеттік реттеуд і шетелдік тәжірибесі / Foreign experience State Regulation of Economy – 3 credits
Prerequisite: state regulation of economy
The summary of a course: Features of realisation of state regulation in the countries with the developed market economy. Progress of market attitudes in economy and its state regulation in the countries of the East Europe and Southeast Asia. Practice aconomical and strategic planning in foreign countries and its role in conditions of progress of market attitudes in the CIS countries. Experience of use of financial-budgetary mechanisms of regulation of economy in foreign countries and expediency of its application in RК. A problem of expediency and possibilities of using of foreign experience SRE in conditions of Kazakhstan. Objective bases of a choice of Kazakhstan the evolutionary way of transition to the developed market attitudes.
Foreign experience of state regulation of the prices and lacks of a market mechanism of pricing.
Types of lecture occupations: practical lessons
Heads of the program: Tastemirova Zh.A.

Main subjects

State regulation of economy/Экономиканы мемлекеттік реттеу/State regulation of economy – 6 credits
Prerequisite: the Economic theory, history of economic doctrines, macroeconomic, economic policy, bases of higher mathematics
Postrequisites: Socio-economic planning and forecasting
The summary of a discipline: Theoretical aspect of state regulation of economy and its object. Concept of methodology SRE and its basic elements. Organisational bases of regulation of economy and its foreign experience. A general characteristic of transitive economy and its law. Economical growth: major factors and the state measures on its maintenance. Social and economic forecasting and planning. Directions of scientific and technical progress and a role of the state in its acceleration. State regulation of rational employment and social protection of the population. Formation and mechanisms of realisation of investment policy of the state. System of the state measures on an effective utilisation of agrarian resources. Financial-budgetary methods of regulation of economy. The basic mechanisms of realisation of a monetary and credit policy of the state. State regulation of social and economic progress of regions. Regulation of foreign trade activities of the state.
The head of the program: Tastemirova Zh.A.

The state and business / Мемлекет және business / The state and business – 3 credits
Prerequisite: the economic theory, bases of business and business, state regulation of economy
The summary of a course: character and the nature of relationships of the state and business through revealing, the analysis and prerequisite of their basic functions, the state and problems of stimulation of market attitudes, progress of business and business and its economic bases, conditions of business development in various sectors of economy, legal aspect of relationships of the state with business
Postrequisites: economic functions of the state, management of the small and average enterprises, the theory of the government, social management
Types of lecture occupations: practical
The head of the program: Zhiyentayev S.M.

Municipal management/Муниципалды management / Municipal management – 3 credits
Prerequisite: the economic theory, state regulation of economy, management.
The summary of a course: Essence of management. History of progress of municipal management. Relationships local representative and agencies of authority. Organisational bases of activity representative and agencies of authority and management. Planning in work of bodies of local management. A is material-financial basis of activity of local controls. The economic mechanism of local management. The central and regional bodies of economic management: distribution of the responsibility and mechanisms of interoperability. The regional policy in RК. Management of process of economic reforms in regions. Reform administratively - a territorial arrangement of Republic of Kazakhstan. Ways of increase of incomes of local budgets. Social and economic problems of regions.
Municipal management in the unitary states. Municipal management in federative states.
Types of lecture occupations: practical lessons
The head of the program: Panina G.V.

/ Мемлекеттік қызметті ұйымдастыру / Organization of Civil Service – 3 credits
Prerequisite: the theory of the government
The summary of a course: Public service as publicly-legal college. Concept, principles, functions and features of public service Legal regulation of public service in Republic of Kazakhstan. Ethics and ethical bases of public service.
The civil servant: concept, the status, the responsibility, legal and social protection the Analysis of modern qualitative structure of civil servants of Kazakhstan of the Problem of passage of public service Efficiency of public service and the control over system of public service of the Problem of increase of efficiency of public service Professional competence of the official of public service Formation of standards of the state services as the factor of increase of efficiency of public service Foreign experience of the organisation of public service and a problem of its adaptation to conditions of Kazakhstan.
Postrequisites: public service and management, experience of management abroad
Types of lecture occupations: practical lessons
Heads of the program: Zhiyentayev S.M.

Management of economy of Kazakhstan / Қазақстан экономикасын басқару/Management of the economy of Kazakhstan/-3 the credit
Prerequisite: the economic theory, macroeconomic, economic statistics.
The summary of a course: the Role and functions of the state bodies in management of economy of Kazakhstan. Objectives and objects of the government economy. An agrarian policy and state regulation of an agriculture. Monetary and credit methods of management of economy. The government of regional progress.
Postrequisites: economy of the enterprise, micro-economics, the finance, etc.
Types of lecture occupations: lectures, practical.
Heads of the program: Zhientaev S.M.

Economic policy of the state / Мемлекетт і экономикалы саясаты/Economic policy /-3 the credit

Prerequisite: « Bases of market economy », "Micro-economics", « the Economic theory ».
The summary of a course: Subject matter, object and subjects of economic policy. A role of the state in formation EP and the mechanism of acceptance of the governmental decisions. The characteristic of tools of macroeconomic policy. Credit mechanism EP. The financial mechanism of economic policy. Structural, tactical directions of economic policy. Strategic planning of regional progress. Progress of the industry and the industrial policy. Social policy of the state. The ecological policy
Postrequisites: "Macroeconomic", "Business economics", « the State budget »
Types of lecture occupations: practical lessons
Heads of the program: Tobylov K.T.

Experience of management abroad/Шетелдік басқару тәжірибесі / Management of experience abroad/-2 credits
Prerequisite: the economic theory, macroeconomic, economic statistics
The summary of a course: the Indispensability and principles of management of economy. Experience of Russia and the European countries. Functions and tools of the government economy. An operational experience in GTZ. Subjects of managing and management of process of their progress. An operational experience in Germany. Pricing and taxes. Experience of Germany. Financial-credit methods of management of economy in the European countries. The European models of management of economy. State-monopoly capitalism as the form of management of economy on a boundary 19-20 c.c;. Keysian  model of management of economy. An operational experience at the Cambridge university of England. Marxist model of management of economy. Experience of the USSR and the countries SEV. Progress of the state business as method of management of economy. Experience of France, Germany, the USA, China.

Postrequisites: economy of the enterprise, micro-economics, the finance
Types of lecture occupations: practical lessons
Heads of the program: Zhiyentayev S.M.

Socially - economic planning / Әлеуметтік – экономикалы жоспарлау / Socio-economic pianning - 3 credits
Prerequisite: « the Economic theory », "Macroeconomic", "Micro-economics", « the Theory of management », "Management", « State regulation of economy », "Business economics".
The summary of a course: Concept, objectives and problems of economic and social planning. The block of questions on perfection of strategic, branch and regional approaches to planning, as well as on development of in a complex-target programs for realisation of the priority problems which are resulting from economic policy of the state here enters.
Postrequisites: Economy of a labour market
Types of lecture occupations: practical (seminar) employment.
The head of the program: Nurahmetova G.S.