Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Applied Physics




The physical laws that underlie the work of the majority of technical devices are universal. The rapid development of technology requires universal specialists who possess a wide range of skills for the design, construction and maintenance of modern machines and electronic devices.


The educational program is aimed at providing basic knowledge on the use of physical laws in everyday life. 




As a result of the subjects study of the educational program "Applied Physics" students must :


know and understand :

  • basic concepts, laws and models of general and theoretical physics;
  • physical description of the world.
  • the basic principles of the application of physical laws in technical devices .
  • how to find the physical foundations of mechanism or machine.
  • computer-based data collection, storage and processing of information ;
  • patent Law of Kazakhstan ;
  • know the structure , principles of operation and scope of various electronic devices and microprocessor ;
  • vehicles used for the placement and maintenance of web-pages ;


be able to:

  • describe the general principle of operation of the mechanisms.
  • evaluate the distribution of forces in the mechanisms.
  • dentify the driving forces and mechanisms of resistance.
  • determine the effectiveness of the machines and devices.
  • use the background and technical literature and other sources of information.


to own:

  • methods to synthesize, analyze, process information, goal setting and choice of ways to achieve it;
  • techniques to find the organizational and managerial solutions in non-standard conditions and in different views and willingness to take responsibility for them;
  • understanding of the driving forces of technology and the laws of the historical process, the individual's place in the historical process, the political organization of society, to the analysis of political events and trends, to responsible participation in political life;
  • basic methods of self, individual work, to make decisions within their professional competence.



Economic , organizational and managerial competence:

  • methods and forms of activities in various areas of public life , taking into account socially accepted moral and legal norms;
  • scientific techniques to analyze socially significant problems and processes , willingness to practice the methods of the humanities, social and economic sciences in a variety of professional and social activities;
  • proficiency in basic methods , ways and means of production, storage and processing of information , willingness to use the computer as a means of working with the information ;
  • techniques to practical analysis of various kinds of logic reasoning for public speaking , argumentation , management discussion and debate ;
  • method of understanding the nature and value of information in the development of modern information society , conscious of the dangers and threats that arise in this process , to comply with the basic requirements of information security, including with the protection of state secrets ;
  • skills of their own, methodically properly use the methods of physical education and health , willingness to achieve an adequate level of physical fitness to ensure full social and professional activities;
  • methods of analysis of the process as an object of management;
  • technique of solving specific problems in the field of organization and regulation of labor;
  • skills to systematize and consolidate information on the use of resources and the formation of the company;
  • the main methods of co-operation with colleagues and work in a team and to the organization of the work of small groups of performers;
  • skills further education at the second level of higher education, the acquisition of knowledge within one of the specific profiles in the field of research and teaching activities.


Catalogue of disciplines of the educational program


Catalogue of disciplines educational program contains a description of each discipline separately indicating the prerequisites and postrequisites, number of credits, occupations, information about the leaders of the program.




Basic disciplines

Религиоведение/Дінтану/ Religious Studies -1 кредит

Prerequisites: study of the subject " religion " implies knowledge of the history of Kazakhstan , philosophy, natural history , anatomy , physiology , chemistry, physics.

Course Outline : Religion as a subject and an object of religious studies course . The emergence of religion. The structure and content of religion as a phenomenon. Specificity of the religious system of the ancient East and the Ancient World . Tengrianism as an early form of religious consciousness. Christianity, Buddhism , its origin and essence. The sacred book of the Christians. Main Currents in Christianity. Islam. The Quran , Sunnah , Shariah . The main flow. Religious phenomenon in the modern world , and Kazakhstan. The course of discipline " religion " gives a systematic understanding of the content and the role of religion in society, the world's faiths .

Postrequisites : Knowledge of " religion " allows you to master the course of political science , sociology, psychology.

Types of academic classes: seminars

Program managers : G.Shaimerden Y. Bondarenko


Математикалық талдау және алгебра және аналитикалық геометрия/ Математический анализ и алгебра и аналитическая геометрия / Mathematical analysis and Algebra and Analytical Geometry -4 credits

Prerequisite courses : mathematics

Course Content : Introduction . Real numbers . Sequences . Limit function. The continuity of the function. Differential calculus of functions of one variable. The full study of the function and the construction schedule. The primitive function and indefinite integral. The definite integral . Improper integrals . Matrices and determinants . Solving systems of linear equations. Curves of second order. Direct the plane. Direct and a plane in space. Vectors. Complex numbers .

Postrequisites : Differential and integral equations and the basics of vector and tensor analysis , theoretical mechanics .

Types of academic classes : practical

Program managers : J. Dauletbaeva


Теориялық механика/Теоретическая механика/Theoretical MechanicsTheoretical Mechanics -3 credits

Prerequisite courses: Mathematical analysis and Algebra and Analytic Geometry

Course Content : Basic concepts. The conservation laws . Integration of the equations of motion. The collision of particles. Small oscillations . Motion of a rigid body. Canonical equations . The concepts of continuum mechanics .

Postrequisites : quantum mechanics

Types of classroom teaching : practical

Program Manager: G. Assanova


Дифференциалдық және интегралдық тендеулер және векторлық және тензорлық талдау негіздері /Дифференциальные и интегральные уравнения и основы векторного и тензорного анализа /Differential and Integral Equations and Basics of vector and tensor analysis  - 3 Credits

Prerequisite courses: Mathematical analysis and Algebra and Analytic Geometry

Course Content : Differential equations of the 1st order . Linear differential equation of order n . Linear systems . Boundary problems . The normal system of differential equations. Linear equations in partial derivatives. Elements of functional analysis. Integral equation. The basic concepts of vector analysis . Rotate the coordinate system. The product of vectors. Gradient , divergence, curl . The action of the nabla . Consistent application of the nabla operator . Integrating vectors. Gauss theorem. Stokes theorem . Coordinate Systems . Curvilinear coordinates . Cartesian, spherical, cylindrical coordinates . Differential operators in curvilinear coordinates. Tensor analysis . Introduction . Basic concepts. Coagulation, direct product. Generally private . Pseudotensors .

Postrequisites : optics , atomic physics , quantum mechanics , thermodynamics and statistical physics

Types of academic classes: practical

Program managers :  J.Dauletbaeva


Деловой этикет / Іскерлік этикет / Business etiquette - 1 credit

Prerequisites course: History of Kazakhstan .

Contents of the course: Business etiquette as the established order of business contacts . Terms of business communication. National etiquette and culture of verbal communication in Kazakhstan. Style businessman: appearance, the official business communication style and culture of speech . Ethics of business communication. Business rhetoric . Etiquette modulation of speech. Communication skills of speech: the correctness and normativity , accuracy and consistency . Body language ( nonverbal communication ) . Public speaking , speech image of the speaker. Mobile etiquette . Minutes of business communication, it rules . Protocol types of situations .

Types of academic classes: practical

Program Manager: A. Bayahmetova


Психология конкурентоспособной личности /Бәсекеге кабілтетті тұлға психологиясыPsychology of competitive personality - 1 credit

Prerequisites: In order to develop the discipline necessary to know the students the basics of their profession.

Course Outline : In the face of intense socio - economic transformation in the Republic of Kazakhstan , the special requirements for individual professionals. During training, the discipline students will learn to make an informed choice in favor of positive personal change; innovative approaches to solving problems , to learn the techniques of building plans, personal growth , productivity, work , career , get management skills , effective communication , self-regulation.

Types of academic classes: lectures , practical

Program Manager: O. Elchischeva


Делопроизводство на казахском языке/ Қазақ тілінде іс құжатын жүргізу Office Work in the Kazakh Language - 1 credit

Prerequisites course: high-school Kazakh language

Course content : Documentation . General rules for the preparation , execution , management structure of documents. Classification of documents: organizational documents , administrative documents , information and reference documents . Drafting of various types of documents ( description , order , contract , employment contract , certificate , etc.) , filling out forms and samples for Dunn themes , developing the ability to correct translation in two languages ​​, reliable error-free filling of samples securities business in the state language .

Types of academic classes: practical

Program Manager :A. Esetaeva


Математикалық физика әдістері/Методы математической физики/Methods of Mathematical Physics - 2 credits

Prerequisite courses: Differential and integral equations and the basics of vector and tensor analysis , calculus and algebra and analytic geometry

Course Content : Types of equations. Hyperbolic equations . Generalized functions . Sturm- Liouville problem. A parabolic equation . The equations of elliptic type .

Postrequisites : nuclear physics , quantum mechanics , thermodynamics and statistical physics

Types of academic classes: practical

Program managers : J.Dauletbaeva


Электроника және сұлбатехника негіздері/Основы электроники и схемотехники/ Basics of Electronics and Schemetechnique - 4 credits

Prerequisites course: Electricity and Magnetism , differential and integral equations and the basics of vector and tensor analysis.

Contents of the course: Fundamentals. Drawings of the products . Graphic design of electrical circuits and printed circuit boards. Conditional graphical notation electro - electronic components. Methods of analysis of linear and nonlinear circuits. Physical fundamentals of semiconductor devices. Electronic amplifiers . Sinewave generator . Digital electronics . Storage .

Postrequisites : Devices of electronic engineering

Types of academic classes: practical , laboratory

Program Manager: V.Poezzhalov


Общая теория измерений и измерительная техника / Өлшеуіш техника және өлшеудің жалпы теориясы/General theory of measurement and measuring technique - 3 Credits

Prerequisites course: mechanics, molecular physics

Course Content : Introduction . The purpose and content of the course . The concepts and definitions of the general theory of measurement. Characteristics of measuring instruments. General information about the measurement technique . The errors of measurement . Processing of measurement results. Transmitters of physical quantities. General Information. The structure of the transducers . Classification of transducers . Principle of operation properties and application of different transducers. Means for measuring electrical quantities . Measurement frequency time slots and the phase shift . Digital instruments and transducers . Means for measuring current and voltage . Means of measurement circuits with lumped parameters . Means of measuring non-electrical quantities . Methods of measurement of non-electrical quantities . Means of recording information in the measurements. Analog digital display device . Measuring information system. Elements of measuring information systems . Electromechanical analog gauges . Devices comparison. Recording Devices. Digital measuring device. Means for controlling the current and voltage .

Types of academic classes: practical , laboratory

Program Manager: D. Orazalinova


Альтернативные и нетрадиционные источники энергии/ Энергияның альтернативтік және дәстүрлі емес көздері / Alternative and unconventional power sources – 2 credits

Prerequisites : The course of general physics , chemistry and mathematics.

Course content: The current state of fuel - energy system. Traditional sources of energy and the environmental and economic problems. The theoretical basis for the use of wind energy theory the ideal wind turbine. The use of biofuels. Other non-traditional and alternative forms of energy. Environmental and economic problems of non-traditional and renewable energies.

Types of academic classes: practical , laboratory

Program managers : M. Poezzhalov


Концепция современного естествознания / Қазіргі заманғы жаратылыстану концепциясы /Theconceptsofmodernnaturalscience– 3 credits

Prerequisites course: mechanics, molecular physics , electricity and magnetism .

Course Content : Introduction . Natural science in the context of human culture. The main stages in the development of natural science. Corpuscular and continuum approaches in natural science. The fundamental properties of living matter. The origin of life and the evolution of its forms. Noosphere . Self-organization in living and non-living nature.

Types of academic classes: practical

Program Manager: M.Yaufman


Астрономия / Astronomy / Astronomy - 1 credit

Prerequisites course: mechanics, molecular physics , electricity and magnetism ..

Course content: The coordinate systems . Star maps and atlases. The ecliptic. Zodiacal constellations. The time. Positioning on the ground. Luna. Multiple systems and star clusters . Telescopes. The planet. Comets. Meteors. Variable stars.

Types of academic classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: T. Umerbekova


Компьютерное моделирование физических процессов / Физикалық процестерді компьютерлік модельдеу / Computermodelingofphysicalprocesses- 4 credits

Prerequisites: general physics , higher mathematics , computer science

Course Outline : Introduction . General Information. Modeling tools . An introduction to Mathcad. Language Mathcad. Algebraic calculations. Algebraic transformations . Differentiation . Partial derivatives . Integration. Integrals of a special kind. Algebraic equations. On numerical methods. Optimization . Search function extremum . The approximate solution of algebraic equations. Processing data. Monte Carlo methods.

Types of academic classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: O. Benyukh


Интерактивные методы обучения физике / Физиканы оқытудың интерактивті әдістер / Interactive methods of teaching physics - 3 Credits

Prerequisites : computer science , computer modeling of physical processes.

Course Content : Introduction . The subject of the discipline and its place in the training of specialists in the field of education. The use of computers. Classification of computers. External devices. Printers, scanners , digital cameras and cameras , projectors . Purpose, principle of operation , types, types, basic device settings . Using a multimedia projector in the classroom. The software package " Training Monitoring". The software package «test generator and lessons learned." Operating systems . Purpose and main functions of operating systems. Single-task and multi-tasking , multi-user , network operating systems . The operating system Windows. Application software. Classification of application software. Using a series of e-books by " Physicon ." Live Physics (InteractivePhysics), Physics tutor. Physics in Pictures, Physics on your PC. Classification topologies and types of computer networks. The data transmission protocols . Internet and Intranet. Internet technology. Control - training mode . Internet technology for both operational as well as for the delayed communication with colleagues and students: email, forums, and video conferencing.

Types of academic classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: D. Orazalinova




Теория и методика обучения физике/ Теория және физикаға үйретудiң әдiстемесi/Theory and methods of teaching physics - 2 кредита

Prerequisites course: mechanics, molecular physics , electricity and magnetism, optics .

Course content : The main objectives, methods and means of teaching physics. The principles of learning. The content and structure of the course Physics secondary institutions. The forms of organization of the educational process in physics in secondary schools . Extracurricular forms of school organization. Inspection and assessment of knowledge and skills of students. Planning the work of a teacher. Methods of forming the basic concepts of physics. Content, methods and techniques . Methods of solving different types of problems .

Types of academic classes: practical , laboratory

Program Manager: D. Orazalinova


Электро – и радиотехническое материаловедение / Электро-және радиотехникалық материалтану / Electrical and radio-technical material science– 3credits

Prerequisites course: mechanics, molecular physics , electricity and magnetism .

Course Content : Introduction . Physics and chemical basis of materials science. The basic properties and material parameters. Conducting materials. Semiconductor materials. Magnetic materials. Nanotechnology.

Types of academic classes: practical , laboratory

Program Manager: M.Yaufman


Физика конденсированного состояния / Конденсацияланған күйдi физика / Condensed Matter Physics-3 credits

Prerequisites course: Electricity and Magnetism , differential and integral equations and the basics of vector and tensor analysis.

Course content: The condensed state and the formation of the crystalline solid. Crystallographic classes and systems. Methods of X-ray study of crystals. The elastic properties of the bodies. Vibrations of the crystal lattice. The expansion of solids. Quasi-particles in a solid. The dispersion law. Thermal conductivity. Free-electron model. The model of nearly free electrons. Brillouin zone. The electronic specific heat of metals. Electrical conductivity of metals. Types of defects in the crystal lattice. Equilibrium and non-equilibrium defects in crystals.

Types of academic classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: M.Yaufman


Термодинамика и статистическая физика/ Жылу динамика жәнестатистикалық физика / ThermodynamicsandStatisticalMechanics- 3 Credits

Prerequisites course: mechanics, molecular physics , electricity and magnetism .

Course Content : The basic laws of thermodynamics and methods , the conditions of equilibrium and stability , the basic concepts of statistical physics , common methods of statistical mechanics, statistical theory of ideal systems , the statistical theory of imperfect systems , the equation for the distribution function , the fluctuation theory , the foundations of nonequilibrium thermodynamics , Brownian motion and random processes , the kinetic equation.

Types of academic classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: A.Baynyashev


Физические основы методов анализа / Талдау әдiстерiнiң физикалық негiздерi / Physical basis of the methods of analysis - 2 Credits

Prerequisites course: mechanics, molecular physics , electricity and magnetism .

Course Content : The basic laws of thermodynamics and methods , the conditions of equilibrium and stability , the basic concepts of statistical physics , common methods of statistical mechanics, statistical theory of ideal systems , the statistical theory of imperfect systems , the equation for the distribution function , the fluctuation theory , the foundations of nonequilibrium thermodynamics , Brownian motion and random processes , the kinetic equation.

Types of academic classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: A.Baynyashev


Физика электронных приборов / Электрондық приборлар физикасы / ElectronicalPhysics - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: basic electronics, materials, electronics , physics of condensed matter .

Course Content : Introduction . Physical processes in semiconductors. Physics of electron- beam devices. Physics of gas discharge devices. Physics of photoelectric devices .

Types of academic classes: practical, laboratory.

Program Manager: A. Valentová


Приборы и техника эксперимента/ Эксперименттің приборлары мен техникасы / Experimental equipment and techniques - 3 Credits

Prerequisite courses: the general theory of measurement and instrumentation, computer modeling of physical processes, the basics of electronics.

Course Content: Methods of data processing. Statistical distributions. Physical quantities. The measurement of physical quantities Creation and operation of experimental devices measuring and recording electrical quantities solar cells and amplifiers heat and high temperature vacuum technology. Apparatus for high-pressure light sources filters and optical instruments Electronic and Ionic devices in a lab technician working with nuclear radiation treatment of various devices.

Types of academic classes: practical , laboratory .

Program Manager: V. Poezzhalov


Практикум порадиотехнике и астрономии / Радитехника және астрономиядан практикум / PracticalworkonRaditehnikaandAstronomy - 1 credit

Prerequisites course: astronomy.

Course content: The coordinate systems. Star maps and atlases. The ecliptic. Zodiacal constellations. The time. Positioning on the ground. Luna. Multiple systems and star clusters. Telescopes. The planet. Comets. Meteors. Variable stars.

Types of academic classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: T. Umerbekova