Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program



Studying of disciplines of the given trajectory will make to students possible professional analytical, consulting activity in commercial banks and in other financial institutions-credit in view of possible bank innovations and the Internet-technologies, to possess skills of the organization of actions within the limits of a spent monetary and credit policy on different levels.



After the termination of studying of disciplines of educational program "Banking" students should:

to know and to understand:

-bases of the organization of monetary and credit regulation;
-theoretical and practical aspects of functioning of a financial system-bank;
-the basic directions of work of commercial banks in view of possible bank innovations, the Internet – technologies;
-world practice of using of financial-credit tools for regulation of the market.

to be able:

-to use knowledge under the theory of money, the credit, the finance and the right in the practical activities;
-to apply forms and methods financial-legal mechanism to stable, stable functioning commercial bank;
-to estimate seat of any financial-credit establishment in system of financial institutions and banks.

to master:

-computer methods of gathering, storage and processing of the information used for professional work;
-professional knowledge in the field of the finance and the credit, statistics, a securities market, marketing and management, economic-mathematical modelling, special financial-credit and legal disciplines;
-practical work in bank and insurance business, the share and currency markets, economic services of these areas in conditions of constantly changing economic conjuncture.

Catalog of the educational program


The catalogue of disciplines of educational program contains the description of each discipline separately with the indication prerequisites and postrequisites, quantity of credits, types of employment, the information about heads of the program.

Basic disciplines

Religious studies / Дінтану / Religion studies – 1 credit
Prerequisites : History of Kazakhstan.
The summary of a course: Religion as subject matter and object of a rate of religious studies. Occurrence of religion. Structure and a content of religion as the phenomena. A specific character of religious system of the Ancient East and the Classical antiquity. Tengri, as the early form of religious consciousness. The Buddhism. Christianity, its origin and essence. The sacred book of Christians. The basic currents in Christianity. An islam. The Koran, sunna, Sheriyat. The basic currents. A religious phenomenon in the modern world and Kazakhstan.
Postrequisites: philosophy, sociology

Types of lecture occupations: practical
Heads of the program: Shaimerden G.I., Bondarenko Yu.Ya.

Business etiquette / Іскерлік etiquette / Business etiquette – 1 credit
Prerequisites: philosophy.
The summary of a course: History of progress of etiquette. Features of business etiquette in the different countries. Principles of etiquette of business relations. Formation of image of the businessman (clothes and physical appearance business men, the business woman). Etiquette of business dialogue. Business dialogue, its types, functions and levels. Rules of business etiquette. Ethics of greetings, concepts. Business meeting. Presentation. Ethics of business telephone conversation. Service etiquette. Etiquette of the head. Etiquette of the secretary. Daily etiquette. Souvenirs and gifts in business area. The code of honour of civil servants of Republic Kazakhstan (a rule of service ethics of state employees). The code of ethics trained. Formation of corporate image. The modern head and its role in formation of corporate image. Business rhetoric. Features of nonverbal means of dialogue. The basic precepts of business etiquette.
Types of lecture occupations: practical employment.
The head of the program: Bayahmetova A.A.

Psychology of the competitive person / Бәсекеге қабілетті тұлға психологиясы / Psychology of a competitive personality - 1 credit
Prerequisites of a course: philosophy
The summary of a course: the Person. Constructive dialogue. The conflict. Technology of search of work. The basic self-presentations. Progress of the person of the professional. Professional deformations of the person and ways of their preventive maintenance.
Postrequisites of a course: sociology.
Types of lecture occupations: practical lessons
The head of the program: Yelchishcheva O.V.

Office-work in the Kazakh language / Қаза тілінде іс жүргізу / Office work in the Kazakh language - 1 credit
Prerequisites of a course : the Kazakh language
The summary of a course: Introduction. The name of official documents. The curriculum vitae. The resume. The application. The order. The characteristic. The receipt. The power of attorney. The contract. The labour agreement. The information. The resolution. Letters of congratulations. Service letters.
Postrequisites of a course: office-work
Types of lecture occupations: practical lessons
The head of the program: Irgizbayeva K.B., Mirkemelova A.B., Ispandiyarova A.T.

Mathematics in economy 1 / Экономикадағы mathematics 1 / Mathematics in Economics - 2 credits
Prerequisites of a course: mathematics in economy
The summary of a course: Integral calculus of function. The uncertain and certain integral. The differential equations. Numbers. Basic elements of probability theory and mathematical statistics.
The head of the program: Ryshchanova S.

History of economic doctrines / Экономикалы ілімдер тарихы / History of economic thought - 1 credit
Prerequisites a course: the economic theory
The summary of a course: History of economic doctrines as a science. Occurrence of an economic idea and its feature in precapitalistic societies. Economic concepts of socialists-utopians in representatives of economic romanticism. Progress of classical political economy. A.Smita and D.Rikkardo's economic doctrine. Occurrence neoclassic directions in an economic science. Theories of a monopolistically and imperfect competition. Neoliberal economic theories. An economic idea of Russia during up to middle ХІХ of a century progress of an economic idea in Soviet and a postsoviet-era. An economic idea of Kazakhstan during up to middle ХІХ of a century progress of an economic idea in Soviet and a postsoviet-era.

Postrequisites of a course: state regulation by economy, macroeconomic.
Types lecture occupations: practical lessons
The head of the program: Tastemirova Zh.A.

Statistics / Statistic - 3 credits
Prerequisites of a course: mathematics for economists, computer science, the economic theory, philosophy
The summary of a course: Subject matter and problems of statistics. Statistical supervision. A statistical report and a grouping. Absolute and relative sizes. Average sizes and parameters of a variation. Selective supervision. Numbers of dynamics. Indexes. Statistical studying of interrelation of the social and economic phenomena. Statistics of the population and a manpower. System of national accounts, the basic macroeconomic parameters. Statistics of people's standard of living.
Postrequisites of a course: the economic analysis, accounting, econometrics

Types of lecture occupations: lectures, practical lessons
The head of the program: Hasenova A.A., Kurmangaliyeva A.K.

Эконометрика / Econometrics – 2 credits
Prerequisites of a course: mathematics for economists, statistics, the economic theory, micro-and macroeconomic, computer science
The summary of a course: Accidental character of economic events and aggregate law. Formation of factors and their substantial analysis. Mathematical bases regression correlation analysis. Non-linear econometrics models. Plural regress and correlation. A dynamic number,

 Postrequisites of a course: the studying of a course  in the further will allow students to spend at higher and qualitative level study actual economic events and processes at performance of course and final works by them, at studying discipline an area of expertise.
Types of lecture occupations: lectures, practical, laboratory
The head of the program: Zhuaspayev T.A.

Macroeconomic / Macroeconomics – 2 credits
Prerequisites: mathematics, history of economic doctrines, the economic theory, economic policy
The summary of a course: Introduction in macroeconomic. Macroeconomic measuring instruments. Macroeconomic instability. Business cycles. Unemployment. Inflation. The national income: manufacture, distribution and consumption. Cumulative demand and the cumulative offer. Macroeconomic balance in the commodity and monetary markets. Model IS-LM. The open economy. Economic growth
Postrequisites: the finance, money, the credit, banks, financial management.
Types of lecture occupations: lectures, practical
The head of the program: S.Zhiyentaev

The State regulation by economy / Экономиканы мемлекеттік реттеу / State Regulation by Economy - 3 credits
Prerequisites of a course: the Economic theory, History of economic doctrines, Macroeconomic, Economic policy.
The summary of a course: Theoretical aspect of state regulation of economy and its object. Concept of methodology SRE and its basic elements. Organisational bases of regulation of economy and its foreign experience. A general characteristic of transitive economy and its law. Economic growth: major factors and the state measures on its maintenance. Social and economic forecasting and planning. A direction of scientific and technical progress and a role of the state in its acceleration. State regulation of rational employment and social protection of the population. Formation and mechanisms of realisation of investment policy of the state. System of the state measures on an effective utilisation of agrarian resources.

Financially-budgetary methods of regulation of economy. The basic mechanisms of realization of a monetary and credit policy of the state. State regulation of social and economic progress of regions. Regulation of foreign trade activities of the state.
Postrequisites of a course: the state budget, public finances

Types of lecture occupations: practical
The head of the program: Tastemirova Zh.A.

Accounting and audit / Бухгалтерлік есеп және audit / Accounting and audit – 3 credits
Prerequisites: State regulation of economy, Economy of the enterprise.
The summary of a course: Accounting balance. Accounting accounts and double record. The organisation of accounting. A registration cycle and preparation of the financial reporting. The account of current actives: the Account of money resources and equivalents. The account due from customers. The account of commodity-material stocks. The account of long-term actives. The account of current and long-term obligations. The account of incomes and expenses.
Postrequisites: the corporate finance, the financial account according to IFRS, the analysis of the financial reporting of the enterprises.
Types of lecture occupations: lectures, practical
The head of the program: Alimova D.Zh.

Economy of the enterprise / Кәсіпорын экономикасы / Enterprise Economics - 3 credits
Prerequisites of a course: Money. The credit. Banks. Financial-bank statistics. A securities market.
The summary of a course: the Characteristic of progress of economy of Republic Kazakhstan and its state regulation. The enterprise as object of managing. An economic and social production efficiency. A fixed capital of the enterprise. Raw, material and fuel and energy resources. A working capital of the enterprise. A manpower. A payment at the enterprise. The investment and innovative policy of the enterprise. Production costs and realizations of production. Marketing and industrial activity of the enterprise. Maintenance of competitiveness of production. The income and profitability of manufacture. The finance of the enterprise.
Postrequisites of a course: the financial account according to IFRS, modern theories of money, the corporate finance, a banking.

Types of lecture occupations, practical
The head of the program: Dmitriyeva V.R.

The financial account according with IFRS / ҚЕХС сәйкес қаржылы есеп/Financial records in accordance with IFRS – 3 credits
Prerequisites: Accounting, the Finance, Mathematics for economists.
The summary of a course: Principles of preparation and concept of the financial reporting. The account of material and non-material actives. Disclosing of the information on financial results. The proceeds, a recognition of incomes and expenses. Profit taxes. The account of obligations of the organization. The account of the capital and reserves. Influence of variation of rates of exchange. The consolidated financial reporting.
Postrequisites: the Analysis of the financial reporting of the enterprises, Financial planning and forecasting, the Financial control, Financing and crediting of investments.

Types of lecture occupations: practical
The head of the program: Kuzhukeyeva K.M.

Monetary and credit regulation of economy / Экономиканы ақша-несиелік реттеу / Monetary and credit regulation of economy  – 2 credits
Prerequisites of a course: Money. The credit. Banks, bases of the economic theory, economic policy.
The summary of a course- Theoretical aspects of monetary and-credit regulation. A role of the central bank of the state in monetary and credit regulation. A money supply and its regulation. Monetary base and its role in the offer of money. The monetary animator. Anti-inflationary regulation of economy. Methods and tools of monetary and credit regulation of economy. Forecasting of a monetary and credit policy. Emission-cash regulation of monetary circulation
Postrequisites of a course: bank supervision, payment system.
Types of lecture occupations:  lectures, practical
The head of the program: Subbotina Ye.I.

The international banking system / Халықаралы bank жүйесі / International banking system – 3 credits
Prerequisites disciplines: Money. The credit. Banks., the finance, a securities market.
The summary of a course: Progress of bank systems: modern lines and prospects. A banking of the United States of America. A banking of the Great Britain. A banking of Japan and France. A banking of Germany and Italy. Bank system of the Zone of Euro. Concept of currency systems and currency attitudes. The international currency-credit colleges. Bases of Islamic financing. Bank systems of the states of the Western Europe: history of progress and a state of the art.
Postrequisites of discipline: the account and audit in banks, the financial analysis of commercial banks.
Types of lecture occupations: lectures, practical
The head of the program: Abaeva G.I.

Credit business / Несиелік іс / Credit business – 3 credits
Prerequisites of a course: Money. The credit. Banks, a banking
The summary of a course: Methodological bases of crediting. Classification of bank loans. Stages of credit process. The credit policy of commercial bank and mechanisms of its realization. An assessment of credit status and paying ability of the borrower. The organization of work on problem credits. Management of risk during crediting. Credit monitoring and quality assurance of a credit portfolio. Regulation of credit activity in Kazakhstan. Prospects of progress of credit attitudes in Republic Kazakhstan.
Postrequisites of a course: bank risks, bank supervision, bank marketing, bank management.

Types of lecture occupations: lectures, practical
The head of the program: Sadu Zh.N.

Long-term bank investments / Ұза мерзімді банктік инвестициялар / Long-term bank investments – 3 credits
Prerequisites of a course: statistics, the economic theory, Money. The credit. Banks.
The summary of a course: Essence of investments and investment activity in bank area. An infrastructure of investment process. Investment process and bank system in conditions of market economy. Investment activity of bank colleges in the developed market economy. Forms of participation of bank colleges in progress of state regulation of investment process. Value of attraction of the foreign capital in a national economy. State regulation of investment activity. Management of investment projects. Design crediting (financing) as a new method of the organization of investments in actual sector of economy. Crediting of long-term investment projects by banks. Long-term investment projects. The financial and economic analysis of the long-term investment project. The investment policy of Republic Kazakhstan at the present stage. The international long-term investment projects. An assessment of efficiency of long-term investment projects.
Postrequisites of a course: financing and crediting of investments, bank management, bank risks
Types of lecture occupations: lectures, practical
The head of the program: Subbotina E.I.

Bank management / Банктік management / Bank management – 3 credits
Prerequisites of a course: management, a banking, mathematics in economy
The summary of a course: Stability as the basic concept of commercial bank. Essence, problems and functions of bank management. A supply with information-analytical of bank management. The financial analysis and its role in management of commercial bank. The analysis of financial results and profitability of banks. Management of liquidity of bank. Management of active operations. Management of passives of operations. Management of a percentage policy of bank. Management of a portfolio of securities. Management of expenses of bank. Management of organizational structure of bank. Management of financial risks. Management of a security of commercial bank.
Postrequisites of a course: bank supervision, the account and audit in banks
Types of lecture occupations: lectures, practical
The head of the program: Sadu Zh.N.

The financial analysis of commercial banks / Коммерциялы банкті қаржылы талдау / Financial Analysis of Commercial Banks – 3 credits
Prerequisites: the economic theory, money, the credit, banks, a securities market, a banking
The summary of a course: Theoretical bases of the financial analysis of commercial banks. The analysis of resource base of commercial bank. The analysis of active operations of bank. The analysis of performance of economic specifications of activity of bank. The analysis, an assessment and methods of management of bank risks. The analysis of incomes, expenses, profits and profitability of commercial bank. The analysis of the taxation of commercial bank.
Postrequisites: the account and audit in bank, bank risks, bank supervision, bank management, bank marketing
Types of lecture occupations: lectures, practical employment
Heads of the program: Sadu Z.N.

Main subjects

Taxes and the taxation / Салы және салы to bacon/Taxes and Taxation – 3 credits
Prerequisites: the Economic theory, Macroeconomic, Micro-economics, the Finance.
The summary of a course: Economic essence and the nature of taxes, Tax system of Republic Kazakhstan: stages of development, the characteristic of a state of the art, the Tax policy and its role in realization of economic policy of the state. The tax mechanism, Taxes to property legal and physical bodies, the Tax to vehicles, the Agrarian tax, the Value-added tax, Excises, Corporate income tax, Individual income tax, Features of the taxation of incomes foreign legal and physical bodies, the Social tax, the Taxation with mineral developer. The rent tax, the Taxation of a gaming, Special tax modes and features of their application, Gathering, duties and payments.
Postrequisites: « Taxes of the foreign states », « Tax management », « the Corporate finance », « the Taxation of managing subjects and the population »
Types of lecture occupations: IWT line, IWT practical lessons
The head of the program: Godunov V.V.

Corporate finance / Корпоративтік қаржы / Corporate Finance – 3 credits
Prerequisites: Finance, Management, Accounting, Macroeconomic
The summary of a course: the Finance of corporations: bases of the organization and a content of their financial environment. Mathematical bases of financial and economic calculations at acceptance of financial-credit decisions. Long-term actives of corporation. A working capital of corporation. Expenses for manufacture and realization of production and other expenses of corporation. Formation, distribution and an effective utilization of incomes of corporation. Own capital of corporation. Extra sources of financing of corporation. Cost and structure of the capital of corporation. Financial planning of corporations. An assessment of a financial condition of corporation and a way of achievement of financial stability. Financial inadequancies of corporation
Postrequisites: financial management
Types of lecture occupations: practical
The head of the program: Uakpayeva M.M.

Financial management / Қаржылы management / Financial Management – 3 credits
Prerequisites: Finance, the Financial markets and intermediaries, Management
The summary of a course: Objectives and problems of financial management. Base categories and concepts of financial management. Risk and profitableness. Management corporations risks. Models and methods of an assessment of actives. Cost of the capital. Methods of the analysis of investment projects. The analysis of risk of the project. Forecasting of a monetary stream of the investment project. Optimization of the budget of capital investments. Long-term financial planning. Cost of the companies and value based managment management. Management in cost of the companies with use of animators. Effect of the operational lever. Management of current expenses of firm. Effect of the financial lever. A policy of attraction of extra means. The theory of structure of the capital: models Model’yani-Miller, compromise models. Storekeeping Management debitor debts. Storekeeping Management debitor debts. Management dividend a policy Management of turnaround actives and short-term obligations
Postrequisites: financing and crediting of investments, bank management, tax management
Types of lecture occupations: practical
The head of the program: Uakpayeva M.M.

Financing and crediting of investments / Инвестицияны қаржыландыру және несиелеу / Financing and crediting of Investment - 3 credits
Prerequisites: the Economic theory, the Finance, the Corporate finance, Financial management.
The summary of a course: Investments into system of market attitudes. Investment activity and an investment climate in economy of Kazakhstan. The structurally-investment policy of the state. Financial institutions of Kazakhstan and their role in expansion of investment processes. Sources of financing: structure and structure of investment activity. Short-term bank crediting, as a way of financing of investment projects. Leasing, as a way of intermediate term financing of investments. Hypothecary crediting, as a way of long-term financing. Structure of the investment project its analysis and life cycle. Business planning of the investment project. The microeconomic fundamental analysis of investment projects. Methods of an assessment of efficiency of investment projects. An assessment of the investment project in conditions of uncertainty and risk. Financial investments, an assessment of investment qualities and efficiency. The international investments.
Postrequisites: Management of a portfolio of securities
Types of lecture occupations: practical, lecture.
The head of the program: Maljarenko O.I.

Budgetary system / Бюджеттік жүйе / Budgetary system - 3 credits
Prerequisites of a course: economic policy, the finance, macroeconomic, taxes and the taxation,
The summary of a course: Concept of budgetary system and its structure. Principles of functioning of budgetary system. A budgetary arrangement. Management of budgetary system. The republican budget and local budgets.
Postrequisites of a course: the taxation of managing subjects and the population, the financial control and audit, the tax control.
Types of lecture occupations: lectures, practical
The head of the program: Godunov V.V.

Bank supervision / Банктік қадағалау / Bank supervision – 2 credits
Prerequisites of a course: the analysis of the financial reporting of bank, the international bank system.
The summary of a course: Bank supervision, as branch of an economic science. State regulation and supervision of performance of bank license requirements. Bank supervision of compliance prudentially specifications. Bank supervision of compliance with the specification of sufficiency of own capital of bank. Bank supervision of compliance with specific and general bank risks. Bank supervision of compliance with specifications of liquidity. Bank system as object of bank supervision. The international approaches to regulation and supervision of bank activity. System of bank supervision of foreign countries.
Types of lecture occupations: lectures, practical
The head of the program: Sadu Zh.N.

Banking risks / Bank тәуекелдері / Banking Risks – 3 credits
Prerequisites of a course: the analysis of the financial reporting of bank, the international bank system.
The summary of a course: Concept of bank risks and their classification. Management of bank risks. The analysis and an assessment of market risk of bank. The analysis and an assessment of operational risk of bank. Credit risk: concept, the reasons for occurrence, methods of decrease. The analysis and an assessment of risk of liquidity of bank. Strategy of management by other types of bank risks. The intra bank control of activity of bank.
Types of lecture occupations: lectures, practical
The head of the program: Abayeva G.I.