Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Characteristics of a Bachelor's degree

Specialty 5В050900-Finance


The speciality 5В050900- Finance provides possible educational programs:

  • Banking;
  • Financial management.


 The academic degree the bachelor of economy and business on a speciality 5В050900-Finance appropriates to the graduate of a speciality 5В050900-Finance.

  • The qualifying characteristics

Sphere of professional work of a speciality is: planning, forecasting, regulation, management and the organisation of the finance, the control and realisation of actions of spent monetary and credit and fiscal policy.

Objects of professional work of the expert are the state bodies of a republican and territorial level, banks, the insurance, pension, hypothecary and leasing companies, pawnshops, credit companies, the stock exchanges, managing subjects of various organisationally-legal forms, economic courts.

Subject matters of professional work:

- using of economic categories in regulation of social and economic processes;
- definition of directions of strategy of financial-credit policy and development of the mechanism of its realization;
- possession skills of the organization of financial interrelations, planning, budgeting and forecasting of financial and economic processes;
- preparation of the reporting of participants of the financial, insurance markets;
- possession of a procedure of currency-credit regulation and preparation of the balance of payments;
- studying the international experience of the financial organizations and its adaptation in a domestic practice;
- possession of a procedure of preparation of contracts and other legal documents.

The bachelor on a speciality the finance should be competent in the field of the financial-bank legislation, questions of monetary and credit and fiscal policy of the state, application of methods of the economic analysis in an economic practice, generalization and adaptation of positive foreign experience to domestic conditions.

  • Structure of educational program

The structure of educational program is defined by the typical curriculum, the curriculum and the catalogue elective disciplines.

Cycle GED (general educational disciplines) – all credits 31 mandatory components - 31.

As a result of studying disciplines of cycle GED student must know the basic sections of history of Kazakhstan, philosophy, ecology, other socially-humanitarian disciplines; to know Kazakh, Russian, foreign languages; to have skills of work on a computer as a control facility, works on software of a general purpose; to use the information obtained from global computer networks.

Cycle of a BD (basic disciplines) - all credits 68, a mandatory component - 20, a component at the choice of – 48. As a result of studying disciplines of a cycle of a BD student must know the basic sections of the economic theory, mathematics for economists, micro – and macroeconomics, statistics, management and marketing, economy of the enterprise, money and the credit, the theory of the finance, accounting and audit, econometrics, communications of the state and business; to have the base knowledge necessary for studying of professional disciplines.

Cycle MS (main subjects) - all credits 32, a mandatory component - 6, a component at the choice of - 26. As a result of studying disciplines of cycle MS student must acquire knowledge, the skills necessary for realization of all types of professional work in the field of insurance, the organization of a banking, conducting rated, currency transactions, management of risks, the theory and practice of the taxation, the state budget, financial management, the organization of operations in the financial market.

Professional practice on a speciality:
Educational practice - 2 credits. Objective of practice - acquaintance of students with principles of the organization and activity of object of entrepreneurial business, legal guaranteeing of the organizations of manufacture, the account and the reporting, planning and normalization, financing and the taxation, as well as purchase of skills of work on PEC and with applied computer programs. Places of practice: the commercial banks, managing subjects of various organization and legal forms, the state bodies of a republican and territorial level.

Industrial practice - 2 credits. Objective of practice - purchase of experience on planning and normalization, financing and the taxation, as well as in the field of the analysis of a financial condition of the commercial organizations. Places of practice: the commercial banks, managing subjects of various organization and legal forms, the state bodies of a republican and territorial level. Bases an expert are: КB joint-stock company " Tsesnabank ", КB joint-stock company « BТА bank », КB joint-stock company " Bank Tsentrkredit ", SM « Tax Management of Kostanay area ».

Predegree practice – 2 credits. Objective of practice – preparation and a writing of a senior thesis (project).



Аcademic calendar  contains a calendar of carrying out of theoretical training, examinations, certifications, professional an expert, days of rest (a vacation and holidays).


  • Recalculation of credits RK in credits ECTS within the limits of educational program


  • For maintenance of the academic mobility trained and recognitions of educational programs the structure of educational programs of a speciality 5В050900 - the Finance is presented in recalculation of the Kazakhstan credits to credits ECTS.