Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Translation major



The study of disciplines of this program gives to the students in future in accordance with established procedure to carry out professional activity in the field of philological education and public connections as a specialist on philology, teacher of Russian and literature in middle profile and professional, after middle professional educational establishments, translators.






After completion of study of disciplines of the educational program «Translation major" students must:


know and understand:

  • fundamental positions of linguistics, basic concepts and terminology, laws of functioning and development of language, direction of theoretical linguistics, her connection with other sciences, methods of teaching of Russian and literature, to know history of the Russian and Kazakh languages, modern state and progress trends, family connections of the Russian and Kazakh languages,
  • receptions and methods of linguistic analysis of text;
  • factors influencing on the selection of language means;
  • general, inherent to the different Slavic languages lines;
  • aim, structure and maintenance of Russian as an educational object, methods and receptions of teaching of discipline at school.


be able to:

  • apply theoretical knowledge in practical translation and teaching activities;
  • perform linguistic analysis of texts of different genres;
  • Work with dictionaries;
  • conduct research in the field of linguistics , creatively apply best practices , have an idea of ​​modern scientific picture of the world, the social life, familiar with the basic methods of linguistic analysis , procedure summarization text methods of scientific knowledge at the level necessary to solve professional problems ;
  • command of the state language of the Republic of Kazakhstan , to be able to use it in various spheres of public life , including in the field of business communication, be competent in matters of language policy in Kazakhstan;
  • critically evaluate their level of knowledge and skills , constantly work on their improvement , creative approach to the task of training and educating the next generation to freely navigate in the current study , research situations and to find optimal solutions , possess a high level of professional thinking ;
  • acquire new knowledge, using modern information technology education.



  • editing skills , referencing and annotating the Kazakh / Russian language , documentation , conducting business talks , negotiations, communication culture , etiquette in dealing with people in formal and informal settings ;
  • different methods of research;
  • skills in sociolinguistic research ;
  • skills to work with different types of text editors , computer data processing , computer ownership methods of collection, storage and processing of information , the use of new information technologies;
  • developing training technology;
  • interactive technologies ;
  • information educational technologies ;
  • skills to work with different data sources : books , textbooks , reference books , atlases , maps, determinants , encyclopedias, directories , dictionaries , CD-Rom, Internet .


Catalog of disciplines of the educational program


Catalog of disciplines educational program contains a description of each discipline separately indicating prerequisites and postrequisites, number of credits, occupations, information about the leaders of the program.




Religious studies – 1 credit 

Prerequisites - history of Kazakhstan, philosophy, natural history, anatomy, physiology, chemistry, physics.

Brief course content:

Religion as a subject and an object of religious studies course. The emergence of the religion. The structure and content of religion as a phenomenon. The specificity of the religious system of Ancient East and the Ancient world. Tengrianism, as early form of religious consciousness. Buddhism. Christianity, its origin and essence. The Holy book of the Christians. Main currents in Christianity. Islam. The Quran, the Sunnah, the Sharia. Main currents. Religious phenomenon in the modern world and Kazakhstan. The course of discipline "Religious studies" give system idea about maintenance and role of religion in society, world confessions.

Postrequisites: political science, sociology, psychology, Kazakh and Russian literatures, history of the ancient world.

Types of classes: practical.

Program leader: Shaimerden G.I., Bondarenko Y.Y.


Русское устное народное творчество /Орысхалықауызәдебиетi / Russianoralnationalcreativeart – 3 credits

Prerequisites: History of Russian Literature (school program).
Brief course content:
 Historiography folklore. Specificity and aesthetic nature of folklore. Genre system of Russian folklore. Communication with other folk art forms. Classification genres of folklore. Communication with other folk art forms. Classification genres of folklore. The historical development of Russian folklore. Of folklore in the XIX - early XX centuries.

Postrequisites: Introduction to Literary Studies, History of Russian and foreign literature, the history of Russian literary criticism, literary theory, the history of the Russian language, dialectology, folklore practices.

Types of classes: practical 

Program leader: Toshomanova D.O.


Фонетика современного русского языка / Қазiргi орыс тiлi фонетикасы / Phonetics of modern Russian – 3 credits

Prerequisites: Russian language (school program). 

Brief course content: Experimental or instrumental phonetics. Researchers articulatory features of sounds (V.K. Trediakovskii, M.V. Lomonosov, I.A . Baudouin de Courtenay, V.A.Bogoroditskij, etc.). Russian study tool articulation sounds (A.I .Thomson, S.K. Bulich, L. Shcherba). Articulatory phonetics. Acoustic Phonetics. Transcription. Alphabet, graphics and orfografiya. Teoriya syllable. Super segment tools and  super segment units.

Postrequisites: modern Russian language, modern Kazakh language, general linguistics.

Types of classes: practical

Program leader: Bayahmetova A.A. 


Введение в языкознание / Тiлбiлiмiнекiрiспе / Introduction in lexicology – 3 credits

Prerequisites: Russian language (school program). 

Brief course content:  Experimental or instrumental phonetics. Researchers articulatory features of sounds (V.K. Trediakovskii, M.V. Lomonosov, I.A . Baudouin de Courtenay, V.A. Bogoroditskij, etc.). Russian study tool articulation sounds (A.I .Thomson, S.K. Bulich, L. Shcherba). Articulatory phonetics. Acoustic Phonetics. Transcription. Alphabet, graphics and orfografiya. Teoriya syllable. Super segment tools and  super segment units.

Postrequisites: general linguistics, word formation of modern Russian language, lexicology and phraseology of modern Russian

Types of classes: practical

Program leader: Bayahmetova A.A. 


Словообразование современного русского языка / Қазiргi орыстiлiнiң сөзжасамы / Word-formation of modern Russian – 3 credits

Prerequisites: Russian (school program), an introduction to linguistics, phonetics of modern Russian.

Brief course content:  A concept of morpheme in linguistics. Correlation of concepts of a "morpheme" and a "morph"; equality of value as necessary condition of association of the morph in the morpheme. A concept of an "allomorph" and "variant of morpheme"; principle of additional distribution (distributions). Concept of basis of word and derivation. Derivative as special language unit. Word-formation and morpheme analysis of word. Concept about the morphonologic phenomena. Affixation methods of word-formation. Non-affixal methods of word-formation.

Postrequisites: common linguistics, word-formation of modern Russian, lexicology and phraseology of modern Russian.  

Types of classes: practical

Program leader: Bayahmetova A.A. 


Деловой этикет/ Іскерлік этикет/ Business etiquette – 1credit

Prerequisites: modern Russian, history of Russian literature, Kazakh.

Brief course content:  Etiquette is in a historical retrospective view. History of development of etiquette. Features of  business etiquette in the different countries of the world. Principles of etiquette of  business relationships. Forming of image of a business man. Clothing and original appearance of  a business man. Clothing and appearance of  a business woman. Etiquette of  business communication. Business communication, its kinds, functions and levels. Etiquette of writing business communication. A culture of processing of documents in business communication. Ethics of greeting, presentations. A visiting-card in a business life. Business conversation as a basic form of business communication. Art of conduct of business negotiations. Business conference. Presentation. Ethics of  business telephone conversation. Official etiquette. Etiquette of a leader (manager). Etiquette of secretary. Requirements of etiquette to organization of workplace and official apartment. Everyday etiquette. Застольный etiquette. Souvenirs and gifts are in a business sphere. Code of  honour of civil servants of  the Republic of Kazakhstan. Observance of code of honour of civil servants of  the РК. Ethic code of a manager. Code of ethics of  behavior of a student.

Postrequisites: sociology, political science.

Types of classes: practical

Program leader: Bayahmetova A.A., Toshomanova D.O.


Психология конкурентноспособной личности/ Бәсекегекабілтеттітұлға психологиясы/ Psychology of competitive personality – 1 credit
Prerequisites: social Psychology 

Brief course content: Personality. Specific requirements for the individual specialists. Positive personality changes. Constructive dialogue. Conflict. Technology of job search. Basics of self-presentation. Development of a professional. Technology of personal growth plans. Professional deformation, destruction of a personality and the ways of preventing them. Innovative approaches of solving the problems. Productivity activities, career management. Effective communication, self-regulation.

Postrequisites: professional activities

Types of classes: lecture, practical, IWST

Program leader: Elchischeva O.V. 


Делопроизводство на казахском языке/ Қазақ тілін деісқұжатын жүргізу/ Office work in the Kazakh language – 1 credit
Prerequisites: Kazakh language. 

Brief course content:  Concept about the office work and the document. A system of documentation and documenting. Requirements to drafting and processing of documents : formular, form, essential elements. Organization of the office work.

Postrequisites: professional Kazakh, modern Kazakh, theory and practice of translation.

Types of classes: practical

Program leader: Irgizbaeva K.B.


Практикум по орфографии/ Орфография практикумы/ Practice on orthography – 3 credits

Prerequisites: Russian (school program), introduction to linguistics, phonetics of modern Russian, word-formation of modern Russian.

Brief course content:  History of  Russian orthography. Spelling of vowels. Spelling of consonants. Dividing ъ and ь. Use of ь at denotation on the letter of mildness of consonants. Use of ь for denotation of grammatical forms. Spelling of prefixes. Spelling of difficult words. Spelling of parts of speech.

Postrequisites: practical work on a punctuation, syntax of simple sentence, syntax of difficult suggestion.

Types of classes: practical

Program leader: Akhmetova B.Z.


Практикум по пунктуации/ Пунктуация практикумы/ Practical work on punctuation – 3 кредита

Prerequisites: Russian (school program), introduction to linguistics, phonetics of modern Russian, word-formation of modern Russian, practical work on orthography

Brief course content:  History of the Russian punctuation. Punctuation in a simple sentence. Dash is in a simple sentence. Punctuation marks in suggestion with homogeneous members. Punctuation marks at repetitive words. Punctuation marks in sentences with isolated members. Punctuation marks in sentences with specifying, explanation, joining parts of the sentence. Punctuation marks are in complex sentences. Punctuation marks in Compound sentences.

Postrequisites: syntax of a simple sentence, the syntax of a complex sentence.

Types of classes: practical

Program leader: Akhmetova B.Z.


История русской литературы І половины XХ века / XX ғасырдың І жартысындағы орыс әдебиетiнiң тарихы / History of Russian literature of the first half of XX c. – 3 credits

Prerequisites: Russian folklore, the history of Russian literature XI-XVIII centuries, the history of Russian literature of the XIX century.

Brief course content:  The fate of Russian realism at the turn of the century and the beginning of the 20th century. Realistic currents writers. New trends in their realism. Ivan Bunin . Bunin’s poetry. Prose of the 1890-1900-s. A.I. Kuprin. Kuprin and a tradition of a classical Russian literature of the 19th century. Gorky’s Drama . Plays of the intelligentsia . Literature of the 1910s . Paris literature realist writers of the new generation . S.A. Esenin . Poetry period " Radunitsa ." N.A. Klyuev. Myth-making of Klyuyev. A.T. Averchenko . Averchenko’s topics of satire . Taffy. Theme of "a little" man . Sasha Cherny. Satirikonskie poems. Modernism . Formation and development of modernist literature in turn of the century and the first decades of the 20th century. Concept of modernism , decadence and symbolism. D.S.Merezhkovsky . V.A.Bryusov . K.D. Balmont . F. Sologub . A.A.Blok. A.Bely prose . Viacheslav  Ivanov . N.S.Gumilev . Anna Akhmatova . O.E.Mandelshtam . Literary avant-garde. Mayakovsky . Velimir Khlebnikov . Neoclassical tendencies in Russian poetry of the 1910s . V.F.Hodasevich . Literature , combining realistic and contemporary principles of artistic creativity. B.K.Zaytsev . L.N.Anreev . A.M.Remizov . Literature of the 1920 - 1950-s. Two streams of Russian literature: Russian literature of the USSR and abroad. Mikhail Bulgakov. E.I.Zamyatin. A.P.Platonov, M.M.Zoschenko. M.M.Prishvin . M.A. Sholokhov . Mayakovsky . Anna Akhmatova . M.I.Tsvetaeva . Russian literature abroad. Ivan Bunin . B.K.Zaytsev . I.S.Shmelev . F.V.Hodasevich . A.M.Remizov .

Postrequisites: modern world literature.

Types of classes: practical

Program leader: D.O. Toshomanova


История мировой литературы / Әлем әдебиетінің тарихы / History of world literature – 3 credits

Prerequisites: Russian verbal folk work, history of Russian literature of XI - XVIII centuries , histories of Russian literature of the XIX century, history of Russian literature of І half of the XХ century is history of Russian literature of І half of the XХ century.

Brief course content:  History of the world literature as a scientific discipline. Ancient literature is the first stage of development of foreign literature. Literature of the Ancient World (East). Foreign literature of the Middle ages and Renaissance age. The stages of development of literary process are in 17-19 eyelids. Basic features of development of literary process of the 20th century.

Postrequisites: modern world literature.

Types of classes: practical

Program leader: D.O. Toshomanova


История русской литературы ІІ половины XХ века /XX ғасырдың ІІ жарты сындағы орыс әдебиетiнiң тарихы / History of Russian literature of the ІІ half of XX c. – 3 credits
Prerequisites: Russian verbal folk work, history of Russian literature of XI - XVIII centuries, histories of Russian literature of the XIX century, history of Russian literature of І half of the XХ century. 

Brief course content:  Features coverage of the topic of war in the post-war poetry. Poetry of the "front-line" generation ( V.Kogan , S.Gudzenko , A.Mezhirov , Simonov , A. Twardowski , N.Mayorov , M.Aliger etc. ) . A. Twardowski . "Vasily Terkin" : creative history, genre originality, composition, methods of typing. Features of the development of drama of the 50 - 70s . Strengthening conflict. Moral and psychological conflict plays. Genre- species processes in the prose of the 50s .  Claim of epic line in the development of epic narration. Writers' attention to the dramatic and tragic collision era. Literature of the 1960s - mid 1980s . Becoming a "village prose " and ways of its development . V.Astaf’ev.       "Natural philosophy " of V. Astaf'ev prose . V. Shukshin. Reflection of the moral foundations of the people's life in the collections of  the 60 - 70s . V. Rasputin. Combination of social , philosophical and aesthetic issues in the writer . Solzhenitsyn . Problems of a "small" prose writer. Yu.Trifonov . The many facets of the characters in the «thaw» novel writer «quench your thirst." Development of the historical novel. Expanding of the thematic range. Conditionally metaphorical prose . Conditionality of conditionally metaphorical prose under the censored literature.

Postrequisites: modern world literature, theory of literature.

Types of classes: practical

Program leader: D.O. Toshomanova


Современный казахский язык/ Қазіргі қазақ тілі/ Modern Kazakh Language - 3 credits

Prerequisites: Kazakh language

Brief course content: Classification of sounds of Kazakh. Typology features of Kazakh. Basic types of word-formation. Parts of speech. Noun. Adjective. Pronouns. Verb. Participle. Verbal adverb. Conjunctions. Particles. Auxiliary names. Auxiliary  verbs. Interjection.  

Postrequisites: theory and practice of translation.

Types of classes: practical

Program leader: A.T. Dosova 


Profiling disciplines

Историческая грамматика русского языка / Орыс тiлiнiң тарихи грамматикасы / Historical grammar of Russian - 3 credits


Prerequisites: Russian dialectology, phonetics, morphology of modern Russian.

Brief course content:  History of the Slavic alphabet and letter. General questions of history of the morphological system. Methods of historical study of language. Division into periods. Voice system of the Old Russian language. Consonantism. Vowelism. Falling of reduced vowels. Categories and forms of nouns are in the Old Russian language. History of the verb. Loss of dual number. History of pronominal forms of adjectives. History of forms of comparative degree.

Types of classes: practical

Program leader: Akhmetova B.Z.


Методика преподавания русского языка / Орыс тiлiн оқытудың әдiстемесi/ Methods of teaching Russian - 2 credits
Prerequisites: a workshop on spelling, workshop on punctuation of modern Russian language (all sections).

Brief course content: Methods of Teaching Russian as a science. Russian language as a subject. Means of learning Russian language. Modern technology of learning Russian language. Forms of organization of the Russian language teaching. Method of studying the major sections of the course. Syntax section as a grammar school course. Methodology of the development of speech. Dictionary work at Russian lessons. Control over the assimilation of knowledge.

Types of classes: practical

Program leader: D.O. Toshomanova


Методика преподавания русской литературы / Орыс әдебиетiн оқытудың әдiстемесi / Methods of teaching Russian literature - 2 credits
Prerequisites: Russian folklore, the history of Russian literature XI-XVIII centuries, the history of Russian literature of the XIX century, the history of twentieth-century Russian literature.

Brief course content:  Theoretical problems of methodical science . The main stages of the development of the methodology of teaching literature . Stages of study of literature at school. Methods and techniques for the study of literature at school. The relationship of perception and analysis of works of art in literature classes . Reading and studying the works of art in their ancestral specifics . Monographic literature topic in the classroom . Study of the overview topic. Study of literary- critical articles on literature class. Theory of Literature at school. A lesson of literature in modern school . Speech activity of students on the lesson of literature.

Types of classes: practical

Program leader: D.O. Toshomanova


Стилистика и культура речи / Стилистика және тiлмәдениетi / Stylistics and a culture of speech – 4 credits
Prerequisites: modern Russian (all divisions), business etiquette, practical work on orthography, practical work on a punctuation.

Brief course content: Stylistics as linguistic discipline. The article of stylistics in a wide and narrow sense. Concept of stylistic value. Stylistics of language. Phonetic and lexical stylistics. Morphostylistics. Syntactic stylistics. Functional stylistics. Stylistics of speech. Culture of speech as part of general culture. Theoretical bases of discipline. Communicative qualities of speech.

Types of classes: practical 

Program leader: Bayahmetova A.A. 


Синтаксис сложного предложения современного русского языка / Қазiргi орыс тiлi құрмалас сөйлемi / Syntax of complex sentence in modern Russian – 3 credits

Prerequisites: Workshop on punctuation, syntax, simple sentence of modern Russian.

Brief course content:  About the limits and typology of a complex sentence. Communication means parts of CS. Complex sentence as polypredicative syntactic unit. Grammatical nature of a complex sentence. Syntactic relations in a complex sentence. Three sides of the unit of a complex sentence: formal organization, semantic organization, communicative organization . The formal organization of a complex sentence. The question of communicative organization of a complex sentence. The problem of system- syntactic status of a complex sentence. Compound sentence. Complex sentence. Compound sentences undifferentiated, disjointed structure. Text syntax. Trends in the syntax of modern Russian.

Types of classes: practical 

Program leader: Bayahmetova A.A. 


Теория литературы / Әдебиет теориясы / Theory of literature– 3 credits

Prerequisites: Russian verbal folk work, history of Russian literature of XI - XVIII c., histories of Russian literature of the XIX century, history of Russian literature of the XХ century.

Brief course content:  Methodology of study of literature. Comparatively-typology and the socially oriented methodology of study of literature. Totalitarian literature and culture. Socialist realism as artistic close system and direction of world literature. Social aspects of literary work. Specific of art. Literature as type of art. Specific of art of fiction. Modern row of arts and their classification. Vivid nature of fiction. Criteria of artistic value. Problems of typification. World view and creative process. Types of authorial emotionality. Functioning of literature. Hermeneutics. Receptor (reader). Perception of literature. Literary hierarchies and reputations. Poetics. Theoretical poetics. World of artistic work. Subject world of work. Artistic speech. Theory of literary process. Historical development of fiction. Stadial development of literature. Stages and directions of world literature. Problems of artistic method. Problems of literary directions, flows and styles. Luing-ins and genres are in historical development. An epos is in historical development. Genres of drama are in historical development. A lyric poetry is in her historical development. Problems of literature on the joint of disciplines. Problems of ethnosynthesis of literatures. Poem. Systems of versification. Comparatively-historical development of Russian and turkic versification. Birth-certificate, rhythmics, specific and voice organization of modern verse.

Types of classes: practical 

Program leader: Bayahmetova A.A. 


История русской литературной критики / Орыс әдебиетi сынының тарихы / History of Russian literary criticism – 3 credits
Prerequisites: Russian verbal folk work, history of Russian literature of XI - XVIII c., histories of Russian literature of the XIX century, history of Russian literature of the XХ century.

Brief course content:  Specific of Russian literary criticism of  the ХХth century. Basic artistic directions in the critic of  the beginning of the ХХth century(1917). Basic tendencies of the literary criticism of 1920th. A formal method in a literary criticism and criticism. Problems of methodology of study of literature researches in criticism of the 20-30th. Literary criticism and publicism of  the period of the Great Patriotic War and the first post-war years. Contradiction of the processes of the sociocultural updating of the 2nd half  of the 50ths - beginning of  the 60ths. Publicly-literary fight of the middle 60 - 80ths. A role of writer of recollections and publicism in the development of literary criticism. A comprehension is in literary criticism and publicism of tragic experience of the past, works of modern and "returned" literature. Magazine criticism 80-90.

Types of classes: practical

Program leader: Akhmetova B.Z.


Современная мировая литература / Кәзір гіәлем әдебиетi / Modern world literature – 3 credits
Prerequisites: Russian verbal folk work, history of Russian literature of XI - XVIII cc., histories of Russian literature of the XIX century, history of Russian literature of the XХ century, history of world literature.

Brief course content:  Modern world literary process. Modern English, German, French prose. Second World War and literature. Advancement on the world arena of literature of the  countries of "The third world". Post-modernism as expression of the "spirit to time" as phenomenon of the second half of the XX century. Concepts and terms of post-modern aesthetics. Modern literature of the USA. Literature of Latin America.

Types of classes: practical

Program leader: D.O. Toshomanova


Теория и практика перевода/ Аударманың теориясы мен практикасы / Theory and Practice of Translation - 3 credits

Prerequisites: Kazakh language

Brief course content:  Word-combinations and suggestions are in Russian and Kazakh. Contents of Kazakh / Russian  texts. Features of the texts in the Russian and Kazakh languages. Basic types of word-formation. Noun. Paths. The official names  in Russian and Kazakh. Texts in Kazakh language and in Russian language.

Types of classes: practical.

Program leader: S.S. Tulegenova