Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Intercultural Communication 



Disciplines study of this program enables graduates to work in newspapers and magazines, radio and television, publishing and other interested organizations as literary staff, proof readers.
Practical activities aimed at bachelor studying and modeling the state and Russian languages ​​as a tool for displaying and organizing objects of human thought and culture.




After the end of the study subjects of the educational program "Intercultural Communication", students must:
Know and understand:

  • world historical, cultural and literary-historical process; 
  • supporting literary disciplines and their contents; 
  • basic vocabulary and phrasal rules and be able to evaluate the facts of speech in relation to these standards; 
  • basic literary terms and operate them correctly; 
  • basic methods of philological analysis of a literary text; 
  • literary and artistic trends of the times; 
  • the purpose, structure and content of the literature as an academic subject, methods and techniques of teaching literature in the school; 
  • The rules of cultural behavior in the Republic of Kazakhstan and in other countries around the world; 
  • norms of the literary language; 
  • Rules culture of speech and writing; 
  • basics of Cultural Studies; 
  • basics of records management; 
  • Business Kazakh language. 

Be able to:

  • conduct research in the field of literary criticism, have an idea of ​​modern scientific picture of the world, the social life, familiar with the basic methods of literary analysis, procedure summarization text methods of scientific knowledge at the level necessary to solve professional problems; 
  • critically evaluate their level of knowledge and skills, constantly work on their improvement, creative approach to the task of training and educating the next generation to freely navigate in the current study, research situations and to find optimal solutions, possess a high level of professional thinking; 
  • Use cultural skills in the process of business communication; 
  • apply the rules of the culture of speech and writing; 
  • independently produce texts for public speaking



  • information on issues of socio-economic and political development of Kazakhstan, the constitutional and legal basis for the functioning of Kazakhstan, its management structures; solving environmental and social problems in the area of ​​professional activity, the application of laws and regulations relating to the field of education and culture of the organization and functioning of organizations education and culture; 
  • the skills to use information devices: computer, TV, VCR, fax, in educational institutions. 

Catalog of disciplines educational program
Catalog of disciplines educational program contains a description of each discipline separately indicating prerequisites and postrekvizitov, number of credits, occupations, information about the leaders of the program.  




Basic disciplines

Религиоведение/ Дінтану /Religion studies - 1 credit
Prerequisites: History of Kazakhstan, philosophy, natural history, anatomy, physiology, chemistry, physics.
Course Outline: Religion as a subject and object of religious studies course. The emergence of religion. The structure and content of religion as a phenomenon. Specificity of the religious system of the ancient East and the Ancient World. Tengriism as an early form of religious consciousness.
Buddhism. Christianity, its origins and essence. The sacred book of the Christians. Main Currents in Christianity. Islam. Quran, Sunnah, Shariah. Main Currents. Religious phenomenon in the modern world and Kazakhstan. Rates subject "religion" gives an idea of ​​the content of the system and the role of religion in society, the world's faiths.
Postrequisites: political science, sociology, psychology, Kazakh and Russian literature, the history of the ancient world.
Types of classes: practical.
Program Manager: Shaimerden GI Bondarenko YU.YA

Русское устное народное творчество /Орыс халық ауыз әдебиетi / Russian oral national creative art - 3 credits
Prerequisites: History of Russian Literature (the curriculum).
Course Outline: Historiography folklore. Specificity and aesthetic nature of folklore. Genre system of Russian folklore. Communication with other folk art forms. Classification genres of folklore. Communication with other folk art forms. Classification genres of folklore. The historical development of Russian folklore. Of folklore in the XIX - early XX centuries. Postrequisites: Introduction to Literary Studies, History of Russian and foreign literature, the history of Russian literary criticism, literary theory, the history of the Russian language, dialectology, and folklore practices.
Types of classes: practical.
Program Manager: Toshomanova D.O

Фонетика современного русского языка / Қазiргi орыс тiлi фонетикасы / Phonetics of modern Russian - 3 credits
Prerequisites: Russian (curriculum) .
Course Outline: Experimental or instrumental phonetics. Researchers articulatory features of sounds (V.K
.Trediakovskii, M.V. Lomonosov, I.A. Baudouin de Courtenay, V.A. Bogorodiski, etc.). Russian study tool articulation sounds (AI Thomson, S.K. Bulich , L. Szczerba ). Articulatory phonetics. Acoustic Phonetics . Transcription. Alphabet, graphics and orphographiya.  Theory syllable. Super segmental means and supersegmental units .  

Postrequisites: modern Russian language, modern Kazakh language, general linguistics .
Types of classes: practical .
Program Manager: Bayahmetova A.

Введение в языкознание / Тiл бiлiмiне кiрiспе / Word-formation of modern Russian - 3 credits
Prerequisites: Russian (curriculum), an introduction to linguistics, phonetics of modern Russian.
Course Outline: The concept of the morpheme in linguistics. Value concepts of "morpheme" and "morph"; identity values ​​as a prerequisite association morph morpheme. The concept of "allomorph" and "variant morpheme", the principle of complementary distribution (distribution). Concept based on the words and derivatives. Derivative as a special language unit. Morpheme derivation and analysis of the word. Concept of morphonological phenomena.
Affixal derivation methods.  A method of derivation (without affixes).
Postrequisites: general linguistics, word formation of modern Russian language, lexicology and phraseology of modern Russian.
Types of classes: practical.
Program Manager: Bayahmetova

Деловой этикет/ Іскерлік этикет/Business etiquette - 1 credit
Prerequisites: modern Russian language, history of Russian literature, the Kazakh language.
Course Outline: Etiquette in historical retrospect. History of the development of etiquette. Features of business etiquette in different countries. Principles of etiquette business relationships. Formation of image of a business person. Clothing and appearance of the business man. Clothing and appearance of a business woman. Etiquette business communication.
Business communication, its types, functions and levels. Etiquette written business communication. Culture paperwork in business communication. Ethics greetings representations. Business card in business life. Business conversation as the main form of business communication. The art of business negotiations. Business meeting. Presentation. Ethics in business call. Office etiquette. Etiquette leader (manager). Etiquette Secretary. Etiquette requirements for the organization of the workplace and office space. Everyday etiquette. Table etiquette. Souvenirs and gifts in the business sphere. Code of honor of civil servants of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Adherence to the code of honor of civil servants RK. Code of Ethics manager. Code of ethics of students.
Postrekvizity: sociology, political science.

Types of classes: practical.
Program Manager
: Bayahmetova A.

Психология конкурентноспособной личности/ Бәсекеге кабілтетті тұлға психологиясы/ Psychology of competitive personality - 1 credit
Prerequisites: Social Psychology
Course Outline : Personality . Specific requirements for the individual specialists. Positive personality changes. Constructive dialogue. Conflict. Technology job search. Basics of self-presentation. Development of a professional. Technology of personal growth plans. Professional deformation destruction of personality and ways to prevent them. Innovative approaches to solving problems. Productivity activities, career management. Effective communication, self-regulation.
Types of classes: practical.
Program Manager: Elchischeva O.V.

Делопроизводство на казахском языке/ Қазақ тілінде іс құжатын жүргізу/ Office work in the Kazakh language - 1 credit
Prerequisites: Kazakh language.
Course Outline: The concept of the record keeping and document. Documentation and documentation. Requirements for the preparation and execution of documents: Form, form, details. Organization office.
Postrequisites: professional Kazakh language, modern Kazakh language, the theory and practice of translation.
Types of classes: practical.
Program Manager: Irgizbaeva K.

Практикум по орфографии и пунктуации / Орфография және пунктуация практикумы/  Practice of Spelling and Punctuation-2 credits
Prerequisites: Russian language school course.
Course Outline: Spelling and punctuation in the system of linguistic disciplines. Basic principles of Russian spelling and punctuation. And orthography. Orthograms concept. The structure of sentences and punctuation. Intonation and punctuation. Punctuation marks and their classification. Study spelling and punctuation in school.
Types of classes: practical.
Program Manager: Akhmetova B.

История русской литературы XХ века /XX ғасырдың орыс әдебиетiнiң тарихы /   History of Russian literature of XX c. - 3 credits
Prerequisites: Russian folklore, the history of Russian literature XI-XVIII centuries., The history of Russian literature of the XIX century.
Course Outline: Fate of Russian realism at the turn of the century and nachale20 century. Writers realistic currents. New trends in their realism. Formation and development of modernist literature in turn of the century and the first decades of the 20th century. Concept of modernism, decadence and symbolism.
Literary avant-garde. Neoclassical tendencies in Russian poetry of the 1910s. Literature, combining realistic and contemporary principles of artistic creativity. Literature 1920 - 1950-ies. Two streams of Russian literature: Russian Literature of the USSR and abroad. Features coverage of the topic of war in post-war poetry. Poetry "front-line" generation (V.Kogan, S.Gudzenko, A.Mezhirov, Simonov, A. Twardowski, N.Mayorov, M.Aliger etc.). Features of development of drama 50-70s. Strengthening conflict. Moral and psychological conflict plays. Genre-species processes in prose 50s. Adoption epopeynoy line in the development of epic narrative. Writers' attention to the dramatic and tragic collision era. Literature of the 1960s - mid 1980s. Becoming a "village prose" and ways of its development. Development of the historical novel. Expanding thematic range. Conditionally metaphorical prose. Conditionality of conditionally metaphorical prose under the censored literature.
Postrekvizity history of Russian literature of first half of the Twentieth century, the modern world literature.
Types of classes: practical.
Program Manager: Toshomanova D

История мировой литературы / Әлем әдебиетінің тарихы / History of world literature - 3 credits
Prerequisites: Russian folklore , the history of Russian literature XI-XVIII centuries . , The history of Russian literature of the XIX century, the history of Russian literature of first half of twentieth century history of Russian literature of first half of the Twentieth century.
Course Outline: History of world literature as a scientific discipline. Antique Literature - the first stage in the development of foreign literature. Literature of the Ancient World (East). Foreign literature of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Stages of development of the literary process in the 17-19 centuries. Main features of the literary process of the 20th century.
Postrequisites: modern world literature.
Types of classes: practical.
Program Manager: Toshomanova D.

История зарубежной литературы 20в./ 20 ғ. шетел әдебиетінің тарихы/   History of Foreign Literature of the 20th c. - 3 credits
Prerequisites: history of world literature, philosophy
Course Outline: Literary and artistic trends of the times. Aesthetics and poetics, and their interaction. Contemporary and realistic literature. Variety of forms, genres transformation. Symbolism, naturalism, decadence. Transformation of the novel. Ancient authors. Literature of ancient Greece and the ancient world.
Types of classes: practical.
Program Manager: Toshomanova D.

Современный казахский язык/ Қазіргі қазақ тілі/Modern Kazakh Language - 3 credits
Prerequisites: Kazakh language
Course Outline: Classification sounds Kazakh language. Typological features of the Kazakh language. Main types of word formation. Parts of speech. Noun. Adjective. Pronouns. Verb. Communion. Gerund. Conjunction. Particles. Official names. Utilities verbs. Interjection.
Postrequisites: Theory and practice of translation.
Types of classes: practical.
Program Manager: Dosova A.

Историческая грамматика русского языка / Орыс тiлiнiң тарихи грамматикасы / Historical grammar of Russian - 3 credits
Prerequisites: Russian dialectology , phonetics , morphology of the Modern Russian language .
Course Outline: History of the Slavic alphabet and writing. Common questions of history of the morphological system. Methods of historical study of language. Periodization. Sound System ancient language. Consonant. Vowels. Fall of reduced vowels. Categories and noun forms in the ancient language. History verb. Loss of the dual . History pronominal forms of adjectives. History forms the comparative degree.
Types of classes: practical.
Program Manager: Akhmetova B.

Методика преподавания русского языка / Орыс тiлiн оқытудың әдiстемесi/ Methods of teaching Russian - 2 credits
Prerequisites: Workshop on spelling, punctuation workshop on modern Russian language (all sections).
Course Outline: Methods of Teaching Russian as a science. Russian language as a subject. Means learning the Russian language. Modern technology learning Russian language. Forms of organization of the Russian language teaching. Method for studying the major sections of the course. Syntax section as grammar school course. Methodology development of speech. Dictionary work at Russian lessons. Control over the assimilation of knowledge.
Types of classes: practical.
Program Manager: Toshomanova D.

Методика преподавания русской литературы / Орыс әдебиетiн оқытудың әдiстемесi / Methods of teaching Russian literature - 2 credits
Prerequisites: Russian folklore , the history of Russian literature XI-XVIII centuries . , The history of Russian literature of the XIX century, the history of twentieth -century Russian literature.
Course Outline: Theoretical problems of modern methodical science. Main stages of development methodology of teaching literature. Stages of study of literature in school. Methods and techniques for the study of literature in school. The relationship of perception and analysis of works of art in literature classes. Reading and studying the works of art in their ancestral specifics. Monographic literature topic in the classroom. Study Overview topic. Study of literary- critical articles on literature class. Theory of literature in school.
The lesson of literature in the modern school. Speech activity of students in the classroom literature.
Types of classes: practical.
Program Manager: Toshomanova D.


Практика межкультурной коммуникации/ Мәдениаралық қарым-қатынас практикасы/ Practice of Cross-Cultural Communication - 2 credits
Prerequisites: foreign language
Course Outline: Introduction. Systems and technology transfer. Automated translation. Electronic dictionaries. Translation market. Translation tools. Translation ethics. Linguistic, thematic searches.
Types of classes: practical.
Head of the program:

Синтаксис сложного предложения современного русского языка / Қазiргi орыс тiлi құрмалас сөйлемi /Syntax of complex sentence in modern Russian - 3 credits
Prerequisites: Workshop on punctuation, syntax, simple sentence of modern Russian.
Course Outline: On the borders and typology of complex sentences. Communication means parts of complex sentence. Complex sentence as polypredicative syntactic unit. Grammatical nature of a complex sentence. Syntactic relations in a complex sentence. Three of the unit complex offers: formal organization, semantic organization, communicative organization. The formal organization of a complex sentence. The question of communicative organization of a complex sentence. The problem of system- syntactic status of a complex sentence. Compound sentence. Complex sentence. Compound sentences undifferentiated, disjointed structure. Text syntax. Trends in the syntax of modern Russian.
Types of classes: practical.
Program Manager: Bayahmetova A.

Теория литературы / Әдебиет теориясы / Theory of literature-3 Credits
Prerequisites: Russian folklore, the history of Russian literature XI-XVIII centuries., The history of Russian literature of the XIX century, the history of twentieth-century Russian literature.
Course Outline: The methodology of studying literature.
Comparative typology. And socially oriented methodology for the study of literature. Totalitarian literature and culture. Realism as a closed system and artistic direction of world literature. Social aspects of literary creation. Specificity of art. Literature as an art form. Specificity art of fiction. Modern range of skills and their classification. Shaped the nature of fiction. Criteria artistry. Problems typing. Worldview and the creative process. Types author emotion. Operation of literature. Hermeneutics. Receptor (the reader). Perception literature. Literary hierarchy and reputation. Poetics. Theoretical poetics. World of art. Objective world of work. Narrative speech. The theory of the literary process. Historical development of literature. Stage-wise development of literature. Stages and trends of world literature. Problems artistic method. Problems of literary movements, trends and styles. Childbirth and genres in historical development. Epic in historical development. Genres drama in historical development. Poetry in its historical development. Problems of literature at the intersection of disciplines. Problems etnosinteza literatures. Prosody. System of versification. Comparative-historical development of Russian and Turkic poetry. Metric rhythm, sound organization and specificity of modern verse.
Types of classes: practical.
Program Manager: Toshomanova D

История русской литературной критики / Орыс әдебиетi сынының тарихы / History of Russian literary criticism - 3 Credits
Prerequisites: Russian folklore, the history of Russian literature XI-XVIII centuries., The history of Russian literature of the XIX century, the history of twentieth-century Russian literature.
Course Outline: The specificity of the Russian literary critics of the twentieth century. Major trends in art criticism early twentieth century (before 1917).
Major trends of literary criticism of the 1920s. Formal method in literary criticism and criticism. Problems of methodology in literary studies criticized the 20-30-ies. Literary criticism and journalism during World War II and the early postwar years. Contradictory processes of socio-cultural renewal second half of the 50's - early 60-ies. Socio-literary battle mid-60s - 80s. The role of a writer of memoirs and journalism in the development of literary criticism. Comprehension of literary criticism and journalism tragic experience of the past, the works of contemporary and "return" of literature. Magazine critic of 80-90 years.
Types of classes: practical.
Program Manager: Akhmetov B

Современная русская литература / Кәзіргі орыс әдебиетi / Modern Russian literature - 3 credits
Prerequisites: Russian folklore , the history of Russian literature XI-XVIII centuries . , The history of Russian literature of the XIX century, the history of twentieth -century Russian literature, the history of world literature.
Course Outline: The current world literary process. Topical issues of the study of modern Russian literature. Contemporary Russian poetry. Modern Russian prose . Destiny "military prose." Fiction at the turn of the century. Typological commonality "other prose." Role sentimental romantic tradition in modern Russian prose. Prevalence of the documentary and pseudo- documentary literature.
Types of classes: practical .
Program Manager: Toshomanova D.

Взаимодействие литератур Востока и Запада/ Шығыс пен Батыс әдебиеттерінің өзара байланысы/ Interaction of Oriental and Occidental Literature - 3 credits

Prerequisites: History of World Literature
Course Outline : Literature - artistic movements of modern times . Modernist and realist literature. Variety of forms, genres transformation. Symbolism, naturalism, decadence. Create antiforms in paragraph II of the twentieth century. Transformation of the novel. Mysticism and fantasy. "Intelligent» novel and drama. Historical novel in the twentieth century. Synthesis of mass and elite literature. History of Oriental literature in the context of the general history of culture. Literary trends and schools. Interaction and mutual literatures.
Types of classes: practical.
Program Manager: Toshomanova D.


Старославянский язык/ Ежелгі славян тілі/Old Slavic Language - 4 credits
Prerequisites: Introduction to Slavic philology, phonetics of modern Russian
Course Outline: The origin of the Slavic alphabet and the emergence of Slavic Literature. Major monuments of Slavic Literature : Glagolitic and Cyrillic . Slavonic processes in Old Slavonic . Inscriptions . The emergence and development of literary languages ​​Slavs. Sound system of Old Church Slavonic. Mitigating consonants. Reduced vowels . Falling reduced. Monophthongization
diphthongs . Palatalization of consonants .
Postrequisites: historical Russian grammar.
Types of classes: practical.
Program Manager: Akhmetov B.

Педагогика/ Педагогика/ Pedagogics - 2 credits
Prerequisites: Philosophy
Course Outline: The main categories and pedagogy. Personality as an object and subject of education. Holistic educational process. Theoretical foundations of learning. System tools, forms and methods of education and training of the individual. Active and interactive teaching methods. Modern technology training. Theoretical bases of education. The technique of forming the team. Vocational and pedagogical communication.
Postrequisites: pedagogical practice
Types of classes: lectures, practical , S
Program Manager: Berkenova S.

Практический иностранный язык/ Практикалық шетел тілі/ Practical Foreign Language - 2 credits
Prerequisites: Introduction to Linguistics, English
Course Outline: The main theme of English Grammar: article, noun, indefinite pronouns, degrees of comparison adjectives, prepositions, use of time, passive, time sequences and indirect speech, impersonal verb forms, complex addition, conditional sentences and the use of the subjunctive.
Types of classes: practical.
Program Manager: Levshina S.

Логика/ Логика/ Logic / - 2 credits
Prerequisites: Philosophy
Course Outline: Subject and the meaning of the logic.
The basic laws of logic. Logical foundations of the theory of argumentation. Types of reasoning. Judgment. Structure judgments. Subject and predicate. Judgment and sentence. Inference: deductive, inductive analogy. Types of hypotheses. Working and scientific hypothesis. Hypothesis and its structure. Version in a court case. Construction and verification. Hypothesis. Methods of proof of the conjecture . Syllogisms, complex syllogism and its kinds.
Types of classes: practical.
Head of the program: Kacheev A.A.

Культурология/ Мәдениеттану/ Culture study / - 2 credits
Prerequisites: Philosophy
Course Outline: The concept and essence of culture. Culture as a man's world. Language culture. Forms of culture: art, religion, morality, science, law, and politics.
Culture and civilization. Typology and historical dimension of culture. Archaic culture of nomads. Types of ancient cultures and civilizations. Antiquity as the type of culture. Islamic type of medieval culture. Medieval Kazakh culture. Origins and main stages of development of the Christian type of culture. Russian Orthodox culture as a type of culture. Kazakh culture at the turn of the eighteenth and late twentieth century. Common features of modern culture. Kazakh culture in the context of contemporary global processes. Cultural policy of sovereign Kazakhstan.
Postrequisites: business etiquette.
Types of classes: practical.
Program managers: Bondarenko U.

Современные технологии связей с общественностью/ Қоғаммен байланыстың қазіргі технологиясы/  Modern technologies of public relations - 2 credits
Prerequisites: History of Kazakhstan, philosophy, sociology.
Course Outline: The essence and content of public relations. Social roles of public relations.
The institution of public relations in modern society. Public Relations in 17-20 centuries.: Operating history and history of ideas on the example of the United States. Features of the institute of public relations in the former Soviet space. Communicative space as the scope of public relations. Image of the structure of the communication space. Interaction with the public as a condition for democracy and efficiency of the government. Successful crisis management.
Types of classes: practical.
Program Manager: Zhusupova

Деловой казахский язык/ Іскерлік қазақ тілі / Business Kazakh / - 2 credits
Prerequisites: Kazakh language
Course Outline: Introduction. Business relationships - time requirement. Meeting. Selection of experts: image of a business man. Get a job . My work . Presentation of the company . My working hours. Planning work. Human relations . Planning meetings. Meeting of business people. Establishment of business connections . Starting prosperity - unity . Constitution and entrepreneurship. Ability to speak before an audience.
Postrequisites: modern Kazakh language , business etiquette .
Types of classes : practical .
Program Manager: Irgizbaeva K.

Социальная психология/ Әлеуметтік психология/ Social psychology - 2 credits
Prerequisites: philosophy, sociology.
Course Outline: Social psychology as a science. Interpersonal communication, its types and functions. Interaction in the process of communication. Social psychology group. Social psychology of a small group. Social psychology of large groups. Social psychology.
Types of classes: practical.
Program Manager: Tashbayeva L.


Казахское устное народное творчество/ Қазақ халық ауыз әдебиеті/ Kazakh Oral Arts and Crafts - 2 credits
Prerequisites: school course Kazakh literature.
Course Outline: Introduction to folklore, the subject task. Kazakh folklore, especially. Genesis and typological functionality Kazakh literature. Aitys. Proverbs. Sayings. Lyric and epic tales . Lyrical , household songs . Proverbs . Puzzles. Epics . Research Kazakh folklore . Artistic techniques folklore . Contemporary folk poetry .
Types of classes : practical .
Program Manager: Absadykov A.

Практическая грамматика/ Практикалық грамматика/ Practical Grammar - 2 credits
Prerequisites: foreign language.
Course Outline: Grammar. Grammatical phenomena and special structure of English. Grammatical, lexical-semantic and phraseological phenomena in translation.
Postrequisites: historical Russian grammar.
Types of classes: practical.
Program Manager: Levshina S.

Возрастная психология/ Жас ерекшелік пссихологиясы/ Developmental psychology - 2 credits
Prerequisites: philosophy, sociology.
Course Outline: Discipline "psychology" is studied in the block "Component Selection" and includes the following topics: Basic concepts and general development issues.
Determination of age. Periodization age development. Features of development in infancy. Cognition and behavior at an early age. Development of cognitive processes in the preschool years. Development of younger schoolboys. Development in adolescence and early adulthood. The role of social factors in the development of personality. Communication and its impact on the development of personality. Achievement of children in this age. The emergence and early development stages of a child's speech. Development of coherent speech. Formation of personality traits and psychological formations. Assimilation rules and norms of communication. Development of motivation and self-sufficiency. Situation of personal development in adolescence. Achieving mental development of the teenager. Worldview and self-identity in early adolescence. Psychological features of an adult. Physiological and psychological characteristics of old age.
Types of classes: practical.
Program Manager: Iskakova I.

  Психология формирования здорового образа жизни/ Салауатты өмір салтын қалыптастыру психологиясы/ Psychology of healthy way of life formation - 2 credits

Prerequisites: social psychology .
Course Outline: Modern identity in a competitive society. Psychodiagnostics personal characteristics and properties. Conflict. The emotional component of personality. Formation literate dietary habits . Prevention of tobacco- and alcohol addiction . Internet addiction prevention. Prevention of drug addiction. Prevention of mental and physical illness (psychosomatic). Development of stress personality.
Types of classes: practical.
Program Manager:  Elchischeva O.V.

Социальная педагогика/ Әлеуметтік педагогика/ Social pedagogics - 2 credits
quisites: philosophy, sociology.
Course Outline: The object and purpose of social pedagogy. Man as bio socio spiritual essence. Socialization of the individual. Socialization factors. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Legal and pedagogical foundations of social protection. Presentation about the culture of human health. Deviation, as a socio- pedagogical problem. Technique and technology of social work. Social environment and communication problem. The problem of development and prediction of human social behavior . The concept of social self-determination. Social problems of education and training of students.
Types of classes: practical.
Program Manager: Berkenova G.


Офис-менеджмент/ Офис-менеджмент/ Office-management - 2 credits
Prerequisites: Management , business etiquette .
Course content: The Evolution of a profession office manager. General office in Kazakhstan. Characteristics of organizational and administrative documentation . Characteristics of reference documentation. General characteristics of documents on labor relations. Document management . Ethics of business communication. Ethics of relations in the «supervisor-subordinate." Business etiquette. Image of a business man.
Types of classes : practical .
Program Manager: Panina G.

Русская диалектология/ Орыс диалектологиясы/ Russian Dialectology - 3 credits
Prerequisites : Introduction to Slavic Philology, introduction to linguistics .
Course Outline: An object of dialects, research methods, language and dialects in different stages of socio-historical development; dialectology in the context of linguistic disciplines. Northern Great- Great- South and adverb . Vowels . Consonant. Morphological features in the Russian national dialects.
Postrequisites : Historical Russian grammar .
Types of classes : practical .
Program Manager: Akhmetov B.

Русские говоры Казахстана/ Қазақстанның орыс говорлары /Russian Dialects in Kazakhstan - 3 credits
Prerequisites: Introduction to Linguistics
Course Outline: Classification of Russian dialects Kazakhstan. Vocabulary, phonetics, morphology, syntax Russian dialects Kazakhstan. Russian folk dialects in Kazakhstan; linguistic geography.
Postrequisites: historical Russian grammar.
Types of classes: practical.
Program Manager: Akhmetova B.


Вклад А.С.Пушкина в развитие литературного языка/ А.С. Пушкиннің әдеби тілге қосқан үлесі/ Pushkin's Contribution in the Development of Literary Language-3 Credits
Prerequisites: history of Russian literature of the 18th century.
Course Outline: A creative way Pushkin and problems of its study. Basics motifs and genres poetry of Pushkin: from romanticism to realism
. Russian romantic poem: the relationship with the poems of Byron and Zhukovsky. Of the poet from the poem - a fairy tale "Ruslan and Lyudmila" to the story in the poem "The Bronze Horseman." "Eugene Onegin" Pushkin: the composition and style. Pushkin poetry, stories, tales, drama. Look at the Pushkin literary language and the ways of its further development, the principle of nationality, the principle of simplicity, brevity, accuracy of expression.
Postrekvizity history of Russian literature 2 half 20c. Stylistic analysis of literary text
Types of classes: practical.
Program Manager: Kalyada A


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