Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Economics of АIC


Studying the subjects of this educational program allows to acquire modern and deep knowledge and  practical skills in the field of agricultural production and the organization of small business, standardization and payment of labor ,management , marketing , pricing , computer technologies and Internet solutions , the ability to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis of the enterprise work and simulation of business proсesses , to carry out a business plan and participate in the organization of foreign economic activity , to make independently optimal management decisions , to predict and plan the expenditures of the enterprise.






After the end of the study the subjects of the program   «Economics of AIC» students must:

Know and Understand:

  • basic concepts and categories, patterns of economic development of AIC;
  • the main legal documents regulating the sphere of professional activities related to the functioning of the economy agriculture, and businesses ; 
  • fundamentals of mathematics  analysis, probability theory, statistics for the solution of economic problems;
  • basic concepts and categories, the tools of the economic theory;
  • methods of state regulation of the economy, economic policies of the state;
  • modern methods of data storage and processing of information,   the basics of information technology;
  • theoretical foundations and patterns of the development of agricultural economy at the micro level , the economic mechanism of the enterprise;
  • basics of counting and auditing, financial management, personnel management, international economic relations;

Be able to:

  • to apply the methods and means of knowledge for the intellectual and cultural development and improvement of professional competence;
  • to use the basic and special methods of economic analysis of information , organize and synthesize information , prepare reviews , reports on issues of professional activity; 
  • analyze the relationship of economic processes and phenomena at the macro and micro level , identify problems , propose ways and means of solving them and appreciate the expected results; 
  • develop and substantiate the forms of effective business decisions;
  • be able to use computer technology in user mode to solve economic problems;
  • use the methods of economic-mathematical modeling and optimization of the performance of business using computer technology;

Be able to use:

  • the skills of independent learning new knowledge , using modern educational technology;
  • the  reasoning in the analysis of professional standard situations in future activities;
  • methods of economic analysis of production and economic activity of the enterprise and its divisions and assessing the market position of the company ;
  • technology development of investment projects on the basis of standard procedures with regard to the existing laws and regulations; 
  • methods of evaluating the performance of economic entities, their financial situation , determination of the level of competitiveness ;
  • methods of standardization of labor , principles and rules of organization and payment for labor , inventory management and expenditures of the enterprise ;
  • methodology of planning, the use of methods of developing  common and functional strategies of the company;



Catalog of the disciplines of the educational program.


The catalog of the disciplines of the educational program contains a description of each discipline including the indication of the prerequisites and post requisites, the number of credits , types of classes, information about the leaders of the program.




Basic  disciplines

The history of economic thought/ Экономикалық ілімдер тарихы / History of Economic Thought – 1 credit
Prerequisites: economic theory.
The course outline: Economic outlook of mercantilistsThe economic concepts of the utopian socialists. The formation of classical political economy  . W. Petty.  Physiocrats  . The economic doctrines of Adam Smith  and  David Ricardo. The  economic  doctrines of Karl Marx. The historical   school  in economics. The  origin  of Marginalism. The emergence of the neo-classical  economics . The  social -institutional direction. The  theory  of monopolistic and imperfect  competition. The economic  doctrines  of John Keynes. The neo- liberal  economic theory. The modern doctrines of Russian economic thought. The development of economic thought in Kazakhstan.
Post     requisites: macroeconomics, state regulation of the economy.
Types of  classroom  studies : practical. Program leader: Tastemirova Zh.A.

Religion studies/Дінтану/  -1 credit
Prerequisites: the history of Kazakhstan, philosophy, nature study, anatomy, physiology, chemistry, physics.
The course outline: Religion as a subject and an object of religion study course. The emergence of religion . The structure and contents of religion ,the specific features of the religious systems of the ancient East and the Ancient World .Tengrianism as an early form of religious consciousness.  Buddism . Christianity , its origin and essence. The sacred  book of the Christians. The main trends in Christianity. Islam. The  Koran  , Sunnah , Shariat. The  main  trends.  Religious phenomenon in the modern world and in Kazakhstan. The course of the discipline Religion studies gives a systimetic understanding of the contents and the role of religion in the society and the world faiths .
Types of classroom studies: practical
Program managers: Shaimerden G.I., Bondarenko Yu .Y.

Іскерлік этикет / Business etiquette – 1 credit.
Prerequisites: Philosophy, sociology.
The course outline: The course is a scientific, theoretical and practical foundation of the discipline ‘ Business etiquette’ . Its sphere  - the widest messages  and studies that shed light on the characteristics of communication in the business world . The main emphasis is put on the analysis of the main provisions and their implementations in practice , on the basis of research methods and projection .    The views of the outstanding scientists of the past are shown , as well as the concepts  of contemporary  theorists and practitioners. 
Types of classroom studies: practical
Program leader: Bayakhmetova А.А.- candidate of science\phyl., assistant prof of KSU.
Psychology of a competitive personality / Бәсекеге қабілетті тұлға психологиясы / Psychology of a competitive personality - 1 credit
Prerequisites of the course: sociology
The  course  outline: Personality. Constructive communication .Conflict . Тechnology of  a job search. Main self-presentations. The development of a professional. Professional deformations of a personality and the ways to prevent them .
Types of classroom studies : practical
The program leader : Yelchi shcheva О.V.

Paperwork in the Kazakh language / Қазақ тілінде іс құжатын жүргізу /  – 1 credit
Prerequisites: the Kazakh language
The  course outline: Өмірбаян. Құжаттарды топтастыру. Жарғы. Бұйрықтар. Бұйрықты дайындау. Өкімдер. Нұсқау. Шешім ( Қаулы ). Қызметтік хаттар. Түйіндеме.Өтініш, арыз. Мінездеме. Бұйрық. Хаттама. Бұрыштама. Хабарлама. Келісімшарт. Еңбек келісімі. Жеделхат.
Types of classroom studies: practical
The  program leader: Kulbayeva М.М.

Мathematics in Economy 1 / Экономикадағы математика 1 / Mathematics in Economy 1 - 2 credits
Prerequisites: Elementary Mathematics, Мathematics  in Economy
The course outline: Random events , addition and multiplication theorems of probability , the formula of total probability, Bayer’s formula , repeated independent tests , discrete and continuous random variables , the system of random variables, sampling method , statistical estimates of the distribution parameters , statistical hypothesis testing , analysis of variance, correlation analysis , regression analysis .
Post requisites: macro and microeconomics, the general theory of statistics, economic statistics, econometrics.
The types of classroom studies: practical classes
Program managers: Маyer F.F., Мuslimova А.Z.

Entrepreneurs Law / Кәсіпкерлік құқық / Entrepreneurs Law - 2 credits
Prerequisites: Foundation of Law
The course outline: The concept of business law. Types and forms of business in the Republic of Kazakhstan . Individual entrepreneurship. Business entities . Forms of the state entrepreneurship . Peculiarities of the organization of economic relations in the entrepreneurial sector . State regulation of business . State support of entrepreneurship . Fundamentals of competition  law . Protection of  consumers  rights .
Types of classroom studies: practical
Program leader: Аldabergenova  А. I.

 Statistics - 2 credits
Prerequisites of the course: mathematics for economists, computer science, economic theory
The course outline: The object and the purpose of statistics . Statistical  observation . Statistical  summary and grouping . Аbsolute and relative magnitudes . Mean values and performance variations . Selective survey . Time series . Indices . The statistical study of the relationship of socio-economic phenomena . Statistics of population and labor force . The system of national accounts , the main macroeconomic indicators . Statistics of living standards . Post requisites of the course : comprehensive diagnosis of business , accounting, econometrics .
Types of classroom studies : practical
Program leaders : Khasenova А.А., Kurmangaliyeva А.К.

Finance / Қаржы / Finance - 3 credits
Prerequisites: economic theory, microeconomics , macroeconomics.
The course outline : Essence , functions and the role of finance in social reproduction . The organization of the financial  system . The financial policy and financial framework . The finances  of businesses . General characteristics of the state finances . State revenue and expenditure . Taxes and the organization of the tax system . The state budget . The  state out of budget funds. State credit and debt . Household finances. Insurance. State financial management of the economy . Financial  market . Finance in the system of foreign economic relations. Finance and  inflation .
Post requisites: all subsequent base and main economic disciplines .
Types of classroom studies : practical.
Program leader: Sartanova N.Т.

Socio-economic  planning  / Әлеуметтік-экономикалық жоспарлау / Socio-economic planning – 3 credits
Prerequisites: State regulation of the economy, marketing.
The course outline: Research and methodological basis and essence of the socio-economic  planning . Peculiarities of planning in foreign  countries . The  basic principles and methods of planning. Organization  of  planning . Planning of growth and  economic  structure . Planning of scientific and technical progress and implementation of innovation  policy . Planning of the development of the sphere of material production.Planning of the development of industrial infrastructure  sectors . Planning of the development of the social  infrastructure . Planning of the rational use of labour resources and the standard of  living of the people. Planning of economic and social development of the regions . Planning of nature –protection activities and sustainable use of natural resources.The planning of foreign economic activity of the state .
Post requisites: economy of the production sector, standardization and labour payment.
Types of  classroom  studies : practical.
Program leader: Nurakhmetova G.S.

Bases and the organization of small business / Шағын бизнес негіздері және ұйымдастыру / Bases and the organization of small business  – 3 credits
Prerequisites: business economy, the basics of law .
The couse outline: the theoretical basis for the development of small business in the Republic of  Kazakhstan . State support for small business . Types  of  small businesses. Topical forms of the organization of small businesses.  Organizational  issues  of small businesses establishment . Conditions for the functioning of small businesses . Management  of  investment projects. Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of  investments . Personnel management of small  businesses . Problems and prospects of the development of small businesses in the Republic of  Kazakhstan . The development of small businesses in industry  and  abroad .
                    Post requisites : Entrepreneurship
Types of classroom studies : practical.
Program manager: Тоbylov К.Т.

Enterprise Investment Activity / Кәсіпорынның инвестициялық қызметі / Enterprise Investment Activity – 3 credits
Prerequisites: financefinancial markets and intermediaries , organization of  production .
The course  outline : The concept of investment , types and classification features of investment. The value of an investment in terms of macro -  and  micro-economics . The  forms  of  investment activities of an enterprise . The models of investment behavior of enterprises and motivational incentives of investors to make a decision  about  investing. Modern methods of evaluation of investment  projects . The sources of financing for the investment of a company .
Post requisites: entrepreneurship, forecasting and planning costs of an enterprise .
Types of classroom studies: practical.
The program leader: Тurezhanov S.U.

State regulation of economy / Экономиканы мемлекеттік реттеу / State regulation of Economy - 3 credits
Prerequisites: economics, history of economics, macroeconomics, economic policy, the fundumentals of  higher  mathematics .
The course outline: The contents of the discipline reflects the methodological approaches and theories in the  study of  the problems of the state regulation of the economy under such circumstances as in a developed market economy and in the new market states .

Post requisites: Socio-economic planning and forecasting .
Types of classroom studies : practical .
Program leader: Таstemirova Zh .А., Senior lecturer .

 / Қаржы нарықтары және делдардары / Financial markets and intermediaries - 3 credits
Prerequisites: school program ( 11 years ) , economics theory ,  mathematics for economists , market economy , finance , microeconomics , macroeconomics etc .
The course outline: The infrastructure of the financial market and its main elements. Capital  markets . Money  market . Currency  markets . Markets of  derivative  securities . The  world financial market. The activities  of commercial banks in the financial markets. Pension funds. Insurance  companies . Investment  companies and funds. Broker-dealer activities in the financial  market . The National Bank of Kazakhstan  as  the regulator of the financial market. Self-regulatory organizations . The strategy  of development of the financial market of Kazakhstan.
Post requisites: accounting, business economics, the organization of production, social-economic planning, business planning, state and local management , the foundations of a small business, an organization of foreign economic activiy
Types of classroom studies : practical
The program leader: Subbotina  Ye.I.

 Бухгалтерлік есеп және аудит / Accounting and audit - 2 credits
Prerequisites: statistics , microeconomics , business economics , school program (11 years), theory of economics, mathematics for economists, the foundations of market economy, finance , macroeconomics  and microeconomics etc .
The course outline : basic terms , definitions and forms of accounting, rules of filling out paperwork, the basic methods of calculation. The ability to idetify and prevent wasteful loss at all stages of the circuit   of economic means regardless of its cause .
Post requisites: the organization of production, social-economic planning, forecasting and planning the expenditures of an enterprise, budgeting in industry .
Types of classroom studies: practical
The program leader: Zhusupova G.B.

 Бизнесті бағалау / Business valuation – 2 credits
Prerequisites: business economics, the organization of production, entrepreneurship, pricing.
The course outline: modern concept of business valuation: the subject, objectives  , approaches. Value types and the basic principles of business  valuation  ( enterprise ). The formation of the information base for the determination of  the  business  ( enterprise ) valuation. The procedure of  valuing . The expenditure approach to business (enterprise ) valuation . The income approach to business  (enterprise ) valuation . The comparative approach to business  ( enterprise ) valuation .Assessment of the financial condition of a company . The formalization of the  assessment  procedure . Valuation of  land  plots .
Types of  classroom  studies : practical.
The program  leader : Zhazybayeva G.К.

 Аймақтық экономикасы / Regional economy - 3 credits
Prerequisites: economics theory, microeconomics, macroeconomics, state regulation of the economy .
The course outline : A regional economy is one of the most important branches of economics Studying  the discipline the students will learn the socio-economic situation of the regions in the whole system of relations of the national economy , reforms of the economy and its further stabilization and sustainable development which are closely linked to one or another regional factors and conditions . A specific state structure of  Kazakhstan , sharp differences of climatic , geographic and demographic conditions of the regions , the increasing unevenness of their socio-economic development make it necessary to study objectively the specifics of each region of Kazakhstan , to define a rational approach to their development and functioning , ways of reconciling the interests of the state and its regions .
Post  requisites : the economy of the production sphere
Types of classroom studies : practical.
The program  leader : Кеnzhetayeva А.Zh

Major  Disciplines

Кәсіпорын шығындарын болжау және жоспарлау / Forecasting and enterprise expenditures  planning – 2 credits
Prerequisites: business economics, production organization,  comprehensive diagnosis of an enterprise .
The  course  outline : The nature and contents of expenditures . Classification of the  production  expenditures . Determination of cost of the life cycle of the product . Costs quality . Inventory management and expenditures  of  the  company . Expenditures management in the production  process  . Cost management  system  . Buget  control . Expenditures management at small  businesses  .  Forecasting and expenditures  planning  .
Types of classroom  studies : practical .
The program leader: Tobylov К.Т.

Өндірістік саласы экономикасы / Production sphere economy - 2 credits
Prerequisites: economics, higher mathematics, microeconomics, macroeconomics .
The course outline: The economy of the production sphere is the  science that studies the actions and expressions in the branches of the manufacturing sector taking into consideration the objective economic laws , conditions and factors which ensure the achievement of the best results of functioning at optimum expences .
Post  requisites : the organization of the production .
Types of classroom studies: practical .
The program  leader : Кеnzhetayeva А.Zh.

Өндірісті ұйымдастыру / Organization of production - 2 credits
Prerequisites : business economics .
The course outline:  The economy of the production sphere is the science that studies the actions and expressions in the branches of the manufacturing sector taking into consideration  the objective economic laws , conditions and factors which ensure the achievement of the best results of functioning at optimum expences .
Post  requsites : The economy of industries .
Types of classrooms studies: practical .
The program leader: Dmitriyeva V.R.

 Мәліметтерді талдау және экономиканы болжамдау / Data analysis and economy forecasting - 2 credits .
Prerequsites: The mathematics for economists, economics theory, statistics, microeconomics,  macroeconomics , econometrics  .
The course outline: Statistical and regressive analysis. Time-series analysis . Time-series forecasting . Multivriate statistical analysis .
Post requsites: entrepreneurship, industry economics, invironmental economics , business economics, international economics .
Types  of  classroom  studies : practical .
The  program  leader : Vardiashvili N.N.

Сыртқы экономикалық қызметті ұйымдастыру / The organization of foreign trade activities  - 3 credits .
Post requisites : trade economics, international economics , the organization of production .
The  course  outline : International business transactions , the nature, contents and types. The selection and study of partners when entering foreign  markets . The  preparation of international trade transactions, the analysis and calculation of the contract prices . Basic conditions of foreign trade  contracts . Trade-brokering operations at the global market . Types of trade documents . The  preparation  of commercial offers and requests for a foreign partner . Preparing and  conducting  negotiations with foreign partners . The fundumentals of the business protocol . The main duties of the parties on the basis of delivery . Transport conditions of trade transactions . The main contents of the process of organizing the delivery of goods and  its management . The concept of logistics . Теchnical and economic characteristics of individual types of transport . Categories of goods . Types of communication . The concept and contents of cargo insurance. The relationship of the parties in the insurance  case .
Types of  classroom  studies : practical .
The leader of the program : Dmitriyeva V.R.

Еңбекті мөлшерлеу және еңбек ақы төлеу / Rationing and payment – 2 кредита
Prerequisites: business economy , production .
The course outline: norms and standards on labour. Labour process and the principles of its organisation. Methods for studing the processes of labour and working time. Methods of establishing standards of time , output , assignments rationing. The economic essence of forms and payment systems and their classification . Characteristics of the tariff system of the RK. Bonuses and allowances to the basic salary. Payroll deduction. The average salary. Payment of benefits and vacations. Foreign experience in the organization of wages.
Types of classroom studies: practical.
The leader of the program: Nurakhmetova G.S.

АӨК экономикасы / Agrarian and industrial complex economy – 2 credits
Prerequisites: economic foundation of agribusiness, production.
The course outline: Introduction to the discipline. General characteristics of the factors of production. Natural resources. Manpower. Мaterial resources. Capital investments. Specialization of production. The volume of production. The content of economic efficiency. Production of agricultural products. Costs of production. The prices for the production. Аgricultural marketing. Production profitability . The mechanisms of formation and development of business in the agricultural production.
Types of classrooms studies: practical.
The program leader: Dmitrieva V.R.
Entrepreneurship - 3 credits.
Prerequisites: economics, business economics, management, marketing, finance and accounting .
The course outline: Entrepreneuship in the economy should be seen as a major factor of accelerating of socio-economic development. The initiative, risk, knowledge and ability of entrepreneurs allow to maximize the use of all the economic resources in order to stimulate the economic growth. Formation of an entrepreneurial mindset is one of the essential conditions for the preparation of qualified specialists .
Types of classroom studies: practical.
The program leader: Кеnzhetaeva А.Zh.

Табиғатты пайдалану экономикасы / Economics of Nature Management - 3 credits
Prerequisites: The concept of modern science, philosophy,sociology, mathematics, basic economic theory.
The course outline: the acquisition of the necessary theoretical knowledge of natural resources, the state and protection of environment , the role of natural resources in the society and economy of the state, the unity and the relationship of socio-ecological-economic processes,economic nature management ,methods of rational nature management and scientific –technical progress in this field , the international experience of environmental protection.
Post requisites: socio-economic planning , distribution of productive forces in the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan .
Types of classroom studies: practical.
The program leader: Аbdikhalykova К. S.