Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program






The study  of the subjects of this educational program will provide knowledge on the application of them in the implementation of environmental activities such as organizational and managerial, experiment research , production and technology , education ( teaching ) projects .





Graduates of the educational program "Bioecology" must :

know and understand :

  • The basic principles of functioning of ecosystems and the biosphere as a whole;
  • basics of typology and classification of natural and man-made landscapes;
  • The basic objectives and principles of environmental safety ;
  • Key concepts of  regional, and global environmental issues and reasonable measures to eliminate violations of the structure and function of ecosystems;
  • making up and classification of ecological monitoring and its individual units , methods of observation;
  • the national and international legislation to control environmental quality , social, regulatory , antitrust pricing control on the use and protection of natural resources;
  • methods of prevention and elimination of pollutants , environmental remediation and disposal of hazardous waste;
  • basics of modern information technologies;
  • ways of collecting , storing and processing of environmental information;
  • the basic principles of environmental forecasting;


be able to:

  • analyze the dynamics of ecological processes related to anthropogenic impacts and natural disasters;
  • monitor and analyze the state of the environment;
  • organize and conduct field and experimental ecological studies;
  • conduct an expert evaluation and audit quality of the environment;
  • develop a predictive model of state changes in ecogeosystem ;
  • conduct educational and educational work among the population in the area of ​​ecology;
  • use the basics of environmental regulation ;
  • professionally solve some practical problems of  environmental activities of  businesses and organizations;


master :

  • technology for field and experimental ecological research ;
  • technology of the analytical work and documentation of the ecological expertise ;
  • technology of  development activities to prevent depletion and pollution of water , soil , mineral and biological resources;
  • technology assessment of the impact of economic and other activities on the environment;
  • technology of the pedagogical and educational work ;
  • technology of designing of  documents and commercial contracts;
  • technology  of meet the requirements of environmental safety in the workplace;
  • technology of the  assessment of the environment;
  • modern information technology .



Catalog of disciplines of the educational program

Catalog of disciplines of educational program contains a description of each discipline separately indicating the prerequisites and postrequisites , number of credits , occupations , information about the managers of the program.


Basic disciplines

Биология/Биология/Biology - 3 credits

Prerequisites : possession of knowledge on the biology curriculum  of a secondary school

Course Outline : The morphological , physiological and biochemical aspects of the activity of cells , tissues and the whole organism . Prokaryotes and eukaryotes , their distinctive features. Cell organelles , structure and function. Classification of tissue systems , their structure and functional features . Ontogeny , embryonic and postembryonic development , the processes of differentiation of cells and tissues of living organisms. Metabolism and its characteristics depending on the environmental conditions. Plant Physiol. Ecological and physiological basis of the water cycle , photosynthesis and respiration . Physiology of sustainability. Ways to improve plant resistance to environmental stress . The influence of environmental factors on the growth and productivity of plants. The subject of genetics. The concept of heredity and variation The manifestation of heredity and the manifestation of heredity and variation at different levels of organization of living things: molecular, cellular, organism and population. Darwin's theory of heredity , Nageli , Weismann . The main stages in the development of modern genetics , its goals and achievements.

Postrequisites : ecology of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems , plant ecology , animal ecology

Types of academic classes: practical

Program manager:  L.Shevchenko


Биологическая экология/ Биологиялық экология/Biologicalecology - 2 credits

Prerequisites : possession of knowledge on the biology curriculum  of asecondary school

Course outline : The history of the biological environment and its current state . The goal, objectives , methods, environmental studies (field , laboratory , pilot ) . The concept of the natural environment. Rule of forestalling, statsialny principle of loyalty, the rules of  change and habitat tiers. The most important abiotic factors and adaptation of organisms. The main living environment ( water, land , air, soil and living organisms as a medium of life). Biological rhythms. The life cycles of organisms and populations. The basic population model ( Lotka - Volterra ), the number of organisms and populations , dynamic and static characteristics . Genetic polymorphism in the population. Environmental strategies. Population as a self-regulating system. The structure of biogenesis. The value of biotic relationships in the regulation of the number of species. Energy ecosystems. Chains and nutrient cycles. Biological productivity. Ecological succession and energy metabolism in ecosystems and ecotypes of energy flows in different communities. Aquatic ecosystems, primary productivity of the oceans. Current state of the structure, evolution and stability conditions of the biosphere, biogeochemical cycles, human impacts and ecological prediction, ecological principles of nature and nature conservation.

Postrequisites : ecology of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems , plant ecology , animal ecology , environment and sustainable development.

Types of academic classes: practical

Program manager : S. Kozhevnikov


Глобальная экология/ Глобалдық экология/ Global Ecology- 3 credits

Prerequisites : ecology and sustainable development.

Course Outline : Challenges of Global Ecology . Integrity and stability of the biosphere . The global environmental crisis situation , the problem of ozone layer , climate change, earth , acid rain, desertification , loss of biodiversity . Global circulation of substances, nutrient cycles . The long-term strategy for the protection of the environment and the future of the biosphere.

Postrequisites : industrial ecology, agro-ecology , biogeochemistry ecotoxicology .

Types of academic classes: practical

Program manager: L.Shevchenko


Религиоведение / Дінтану / Religion studies – 1 кредит.

Course Outline : The phenomenon of " religion " and its role in the modern world. The historical basis for the relationship of world faiths. World religions and destructive religious movements . Islam and "Islamophobia ." The role and prospects of the religion of Islam in the modern world . The problem of religion in modern Kazakhstan. The nature of religious extremism in the former Soviet Union.

Postrequisites : sociology , political science , cultural studies .

Types of academic classes: seminars

Program manager :  G.Shaimerden ,Y.Bondarenko


Химия/Химия/ Chemistry - 3 кредита

Prerequisites : possession of knowledge in chemistry from the volume of the school program

Course Outline : The dual role of the chemical industry in the " nature - production." Fundamentals of chemical thermodynamics, kinetics basis, the doctrine of solutions and the basis of the structure of matter - the theoretical basis of chemistry. Periodic Law and its importance in the study of environmental chemistry. Biogeochemical cycles are the most important elements. Chemical ecology of the problem of the environment. Chemical ecology of the atmosphere, chemical reactions in the atmosphere. Environmental chemistry of the hydrosphere. Organic compounds and their transformation. Chemical methods of wastewater treatment. Chemical ecology of the lithosphere. The main chemical elements of the earth crust . The organic soil components. Chemical pollutants in the environment and methods of separation, purification and control. Chemical industry and the protection of the biosphere. Low-waste and non-waste production of the chemical industry .

Postrequisites : the origin and evolution of the biosphere , industrial ecology , agro-ecology .

Types of academic classes:: practical , laboratory

Program Manager: L. Altynbayeva


Физическая экология/ Физикалық экология/ Physical Ecology -  3 credits

Prerequisites : physics , mathematics , chemistry , biology in the volume of the curriculum.

The course outline . Physical factors of the environment. The noise and noise pollution . Electromagnetic waves and electromagnetic pollution. Basic concepts of Radioecology The concept of radiation contamination , the main sources of contamination. Natural sources of contamination. Man-made sources of radioactive contamination. Pollution in Kazakhstan artificial radionuclides . Activities to improve the radiological situation in Kazakhstan. Control of radioactive contamination of the environment.

Postrequisites : environmental monitoring , environmental quality .

Types of academic classes: practical

Program Manager: G.Kazkenova


Экология животных/ Жануарлар экологиясы/Animal Ecology- 3 credits

Prerequisites: Biology , biological ecology

The course outline . The value of animals in ecosystems as consuments , species and ecological diversity of the animal , the impact of the major abiotic factors of the environment on animals and animal responses , the influence of anthropogenic factors on the life of animals , commercial , medical and veterinary importance of animals .

Postrequisites: environmental aspects of natural science, the origin and evolution of the biosphere

Types of academic classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: A. Hasanov


Деловой этикет/Іскерлік этикет/Business etiquette - 1 credit

Prerequisites: Philosophy , Sociology.

Course Outline : This discipline forms the professional knowledge and skills for the development of the specialty . The course is a scientific, theoretical and practical foundations of the discipline of "Business Etiquette ". Its scope - the widest messages and studies that shed light on the characteristics of communication in the business world. The main emphasis is on the analysis of the main provisions and their implementation in practice, on the basis of research methods and projection. We consider the position of the outstanding scientists of the past , as well as the concept of contemporary theorists and praktikov.Prepodavanie course " Business Etiquette " should be done in accordance with the requirements of current research in this area.

Postrequisites : Pedagogy and Psychology.

Types of academic classes:practical

Program Manager: A.Bayahmetova


Психология конкурентоспособной личности/Бәсекеге кабілтетті тұлға психологиясы/ Psychology of competitive personality- 1 credit

Prerequisites: In order to develop the discipline it is necessary to know the basics of the profession.

Course Outline: In the face of intense socioeconomic transformation in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the special requirements for individual professionals are demanded. During training students will learn to make an informed choice in favor of positive personal change; innovative approaches to solving problems , to learn the techniques of building plans, personal growth , productivity, work , career , get management skills , effective communication , self-regulation.

Postrequisites: Mastering psychology course of a  competitive person in the future contributes to the success of the graduates as a competitive person and their professional growth.

Types of academic classes: practical

Program Manager:  O.Elchischeva

Делопроизводство на казахском языке/ Қазақ тілінде іс құжатын жүргізу / Paper work in the Kazakh language / - 1 credit

Prerequisites: Kazakh language

Course Outline : Introduction . Name of official documents.Autobiography. Summary. Declaration . Order  Features . Receipt . Power of Attorney . Treaty . Labour Agreement. FAQ . Resolution .

Types of academic classes: practical

Program managers :K. Irgizbaeva , A. Esetaeva,M. Kөlbaeva


Agroecology / Agroecology / Agroecology - 3 Credits

Prerequisites : biology , chemistry , ecology, animal , plant ecology .

The course outline . Basic concepts of agroecology . Comparing of  agrobiogeocenosis . Biotic communication in the agricultural landscape and their violation. Some agroecological areas of human activity. Ecological problems of chemicals used in agriculture. Ecological problems of plant protection products. Ecological problems of intensive farming. Agricultural pollution. Boomerang and the law of marginal returns. Optimization of agricultural landscapes and the organization of sustainable agroecosystems. Ecological farming. Agro-ecological monitoring in the intensive agriculture.

Postrequisites : soil science, soil ecology , social ecology and sustainable development.

Types of academic classes: practical

Program Manager: N. Naumov


Педагогика и психология/ Педагогика және психология/ Pedagogics and Psychology - 2 credits

Prerequisites : biology , philosophy.

The course outline . The main categories of pedagogy. The identity of the object and the subject of education. Holistic educational process . Theoretical foundations of learning. The system means, forms and methods of education and training lichnosti.Aktivnye and interactive teaching methods . Modern technology training. The theoretical bases of education . The technology team building . Vocational and pedagogical communication . Subject, tasks and methods of modern psihologii.Razvitie mind and consciousness in phylogeny . Cognitive processes : sensation, perception , attention , memory, idea , imagination , thought and speech. Personality structure of personality : temperament , character, ability , will, emotions , motivation. Activities : playing , learning , work , communication. Orientation and the motives of the personality. Interpersonal  relationship.

Postrequisites: pedagogical practice.

Types of academic classes: practical

Program Manager: G. Berkenova


Методика преподавания биологии и экологии/ Биология және экология пәндерін оқыту әдістемесі/ Methods of Biology and Ecology Teaching - 2 credits

Prerequisites : biology , pedagogy and psychology , ecology and sustainable development .

The course outline . The subject, purpose , objectives, and  methods of teaching biology and ecology. The content and features of construction of a school subject biology and ecology. The integrity of the educational, developmental and educational problems in the methods of teaching biology and ecology. Methods and instructional techniques . Interdisciplinary communication in teaching biology and ecology. The forms of school organization. Educational and training tasks . Lessons. Problem- building lessons. Preparation of annual , thematic plans and lesson planning by the job . Analysis of the requirements for the lessons of biology and ecology.

Postrequisites: pedagogical practice.

Types of academic classes: practical

Program Manager: S. Kozhevnikov


Промышленная экология/Өнеркәсіптік экология / Industrial ecology - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: ecology and sustainable development , physical environment , biological environment .

The course outline . Questions and problems of industrial ecology influence of natural conditions on the operation of enterprises and their complexes. Classification of industrial pollutants and the main characteristics of environmental pollution . Types energies. Pollution of  atmosphere by  industry. Cleaning of gas and dust emissions. Sanitary protection zones . The impact of land transport , air and space navigation environment. Classification of water . Sources of pollution of surface and groundwater, and methods for their treatment . Measures for the protection of air , water and land resources. Classification of subsoil use. The influence of the surrounding subsurface environment. Radioactive contamination and neutralize radioactive waste. Urboecology and construction. Utilization of associated products , recycled materials . Environmental activities in the industry. Environmental Passport  ofindustrial enterprise. Processes and devices (technology) to ensure environmental safety and resource-saving technologies .

Postrequisites : environmental monitoring , basic system environment , the quality of the environment.

Types of academic classes: practical

Program Manager: G.Yunusov


Экономика природопользования/ Табиғатты пайдалану экономикасы/Environmental Economics - 2 credits

Prerequisites: geoecology , industrial ecology , waste management .

The course outline . Basic concepts: the natural environment , natural environment , natural resources , environmental management . The essence of the concept of " natural resources" as the country's national wealth . Economy and ecology . Socio economic conditions and the effects of destabilization of the environment. Ecological and economic aspects of the development of natural resources. Environmental costs of production and ways to reduce them. The damage caused by pollution. The economic optimum environment  of pollution . Fundamentals of the theory of consumer choice , the need for high quality environment. Payment Methods conservation.