Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Biotechnology in plant cultivation




The study  of the subjects of this educational program will provide knowledge on the introduction of genetic engineering and production of new varieties of plants; modern methods of cultivation of forage crops with high resistance to external environmental factors and increased nutritional value





As a result  of the study of  subjects of the educational program "Biotechnology in plant cultivation " students must :

 know and understand :

• Modern methods of plant breeding ;

• Modern methods of gene and cell engineering;

• biotech crop production.

be able to:

• Identify the needs of society in biotechnology products ;

• Implement a professional capacity ;

• use of laboratory instruments and biotechnology equipment;

• carry out research work in the field of crop production.

master :

•  methods  of selection and breeding ofcrops and plants;

• methods of cloning ;

• technological innovations in crop production ;

• the main biotechnological methods used in crop production.



Catalogue of the educational program


Catalogue of disciplines  of educational program contains a description of each discipline separately indicating the prerequisites and postrequsites, number of credits, occupations, information about the managers  of the program.


Basic disciplines


Религиоведение/Дінтану/Religious- 1 credit

Prerequisites: History of Kazakhstan, philosophy, natural science, physiology.

Course Outline : Religion as a subject and an object of religious studies course. The emergence of religion. The structure and content of religion as a phenomenon. Specificity of the religious system of the ancient East and the Ancient World. Tengrianism as an early form of religious consciousness. Buddhism. Christianity, its origins and essence. The sacred book of the Christians. Main Currents in Christianity. Islam. The Quran, Sunnah, Shariah. The main flow. Religious phenomenon in the modern world, and Kazakhstan. The course of discipline " religion " gives a systematic understanding of the content and the role of religion in society, the world's faiths .

Postrequisites : political science, sociology, psychology

Types of academical classes : seminar

Program Manager:  G.Shaimerden


Общая и молекулярная генетика/Жалпы және молекулалық генетика/ General and Molecular Genetics

Prerequisites : chemistry , biology , morphology of agricultural animals.

Course Outline : The structure and organization of the genome. Gene structure. The structure and functioning of chromosome. Chromosomal rearrangements. Genetic analysis: gene mapping. Variability of the hereditary material. Genetic analysis. The frequency of crossing-over and the linear arrangement of genes in the chromosome.

Post requisites : cell biotechnology, gene and cell engineering.

Types of academic classes : practical, laboratory.

Program Manager:  I.Brel  - Kiseleva.


Деловой этикет/Іскерлік этикет /Вusiness Etiquette -1 credit

Prerequisites : philosophy , sociology

Course Outline : The discipline of "Business Etiquette " is  a component of choice. This discipline forms the professional knowledge and skills for the development of the specialty. The course is a scientific, theoretical and practical foundations of the discipline of "Business Etiquette ". Its scope - the widest messages and studies that shed light on the characteristics of communication in the business world. The main emphasis is on the analysis of the main provisions and their implementation in practice, on the basis of research methods and projection. We consider the position of the outstanding scientists of the past, as well as the concept of contemporary theorists and practitioners. Teaching the course " Business Etiquette " should be done in accordance with the requirements of current research in this area.

Post requisites : professionally -oriented Kazakh ( Russian ) language

Types of academic classes : practical

Program Manager: A. Bayahmetova


Психология конкурентоспособной личности/Бәсекеге кабілтетті тұлға психологиясы/ Psychology of a competitive personality-1 credit

Prerequisites: Philosophy, Sociology.

Course Outline : Under the circumstances of intense social and  economic transformation in the Republic of Kazakhstan, special requirements for individual professionals are imposed. In the course of study the discipline students will learn to make an informed choice in favor of positive personal change; innovative approaches to solving problems, to learn the techniques of building plans, personal growth of productivity, career, get management skills, effective communication, self-regulation.

Post requisites : Mastering psychology course of a  competitive personality is essential in the preparation of highly qualified specialists in special  fields. This discipline further contributes to the successful implementation of the graduates of the university as a competitive person and their professional growth.

Types of academic classes : practical

Program Manager: O. Elchischeva


Делопроизводство на казахском языке /Қазақ тілінде іс құжатын жүргізу/Office-work in the kazakh language - 1 credit

Prerequisites: Kazakh language

Course Outline : The classification of documents. Autobiography. Summary. Characteristics. Statements. Orders. Contract. The employment contract. Help. Telephone messages. Classifieds. Visa. The receipt. The power of attorney. Explanatory note.

Postrequisites : professionally -oriented Kazakh ( Russian ) language

Types of academic classes  : practical

Program Manager: A. Dosov


Физиология человека и животных/ Адам жәнежануарларфизиологиясы/ Humanandanimalphysiology - 3 Credits

Prerequisites : biotechnology, physiology, cell biotechnology.

Course outline : the main manifestations of life and their regulation. System analysis of the function of the body. Questions neuroendocrine regulation and integration of functions. Reflex principle of regulation. The concept of homeostasis and homeokinesis. Physiology of excitation and muscle contraction. The internal environment of an organism. The internal organs and their regulation. Biotechnological methods of increasing the productivity of the animals.

Postrequisites : cell biotechnology, gene and cell engineering.

Types  of academic classes : practical, laboratory.

Program Manager: A. Krutalevich


Физиология и биотехнология растений/Өсімдіктің физиологиясы мен биотехнологиясы/ Physiologyandbiotechnologyofplants - 3 Credits

Prerequisites : Biotechnology in plant cell biotechnology.

Course Outline : The culture of plant cells. Principles and methods of cultivation. Nutrient medium. Biology of cultured cells. Callus formation. Morphogenesis and regeneration of plants invitro. The cultured plant cells as an object of biotechnology. Cell Culture for obtaining secondary metabolites. The stages involved in the creation of cellular technology. Breeding clones and recovery plants. Overcoming of incompetabiity by hybridization techniques of biotechnology. Embryo. Haploid technology. Cell selection. Selfclonal variation. Cell Engineering. Somatic hybridization. Genetic engineering. Vectors and methods for gene transfer to plants. Prospects and possibilities of genetic engineering of plants. Cryopreservation of plant cells.

Postrequisites : cell biotechnology, gene and cell engineering.

Types of academic classes : practical, laboratory.

Program Manager: G. Sultangazin


Микробиология и вирусология/Микробиология және вирусология/ Мicrobiology and Virology - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: Microbiology and Virology

Course Outline : microbiological evaluation of the sanitary condition of milk and dairy products. Microbiology of meat and meat products. Microbiology sausage, canned and semi-finished products.

Postrequisites : cell biotechnology, microbial biotechnology

Types of academic classes : practical.

Program Manager: R. Tuyakova


Клеточная биотехнология /Жасушалык биотехнология / CelluarBiotechnology- 3 Credits

Prerequisites : morphology of agricultural animals, animal physiology, general and molecular genetics.

Course Outline : DNA , RNA and protein synthesis. The basic concepts of genetics of microorganisms. Selection of mutants. The lethal and mutagenic effects of ultraviolet rays on the cell Escherichia coli allocation  and identification of autotrophic mutants Escherichia coli. Staging experiments conjugation. The study of chemical -induced mutagenesis using the Ames test. Statement of the experience of transformation and specific transduction. The polymerase chain reaction. Methods of embryo transfer.

Postrequisites : gene and cell engineering.

Types of academic clasess : practical, laboratory.

Program Manager: A.Akhmetov


Biotechnology of microorganisms / Микроорганизмдербиотехнологиясы / Biotechnology Microorganisms -3 credits

Prerequisites . Cellular Biotechnology, Human and Animal Physiology

Course Outline : Fundamentals of microbial biotechnology. Industrial microorganisms. Basics of managing the growth and metabolism of microbes. Raw materials are an important component of biotechnology. Preparation of the microbial biomass. Microbial synthesis of amino acids, vitamins, enzymes, and the technology of production of drugs. Biotechnological preparation of polysaccharides, lipids, organic acids, neutral products. Biotechnological production of drugs and preventive products. Biotechnology metals, biotechnology solar energy conversion. Biotechnology is providing food and drinks. The use of microorganisms for biotechnological wastewater treatment plants.

Postrequisites : Food Stamp and Veterinary Biotechnology

Types of  academic classe: lectures, laboratory and practical

Program Manager: N.Papusha



Экологическая биотехнология / Экологиялық биотехнология/ Environmental Biotechnology -3 credits

Prerequisites. food biotechnology

Course Outline : The formation and development of environmental biotechnology. The Role of Microorganisms in biodegradation of  organic substances of environment. Aerobic and anaerobic biological methods of sewage treatment and recycling of industrial and agricultural waste. Bioenergy technology. Non-conventional sources of energy. Production of ethanol, biogas hydrocarbons. Modification of photosynthesis. Biotechnological methods of cleaning sites contaminated with heavy metals and radionuclides. Prospects for environmental biotechnology.

Postrequisites : innovative methods of vegetable growing

Types of academic classes : laboratory, practical

Program Manager: G. Zharlygasova


Медицинская и ветеринарная биотехнология / Медициналық және ветеринарлық биотехнология/ Medical and Veterinary Biotechnology-3 credits

Prerequisites Cellular Biotechnology, Human and Animal Physiology

Course Outline : Advances in cell biochemistry, molecular biology, molecular genetics , immunology, medical diagnostics in the service of the medical and veterinary biotechnology. Natural compounds that control the level of protective forces of the body, fight infection, and malignancy objects biotechnology. Large-scale production of antibiotics farmoindustry of developed countries. Industrial utilization of biosynthesis of insulin, growth hormone and other hormones human interferon and interleukins into genetically engineered microorganisms. Preparation of immunologically active proteins with specific antigenic properties (vaccine) and monoclonal antibodies genetic engineering methods. The prospect of new therapeutic drugs.

Post requisites : biotechnology of  dairy and meat products

Types of academic classes : laboratory, practical

Program  manager: A.Kulpeisova


Пищевая биотехнология / Тағам биотехнологиясы/ Food Biotechnology -3  credits

Prerequisites . Biotechnology in animal breeding.

Course Outline : The biochemical transformations and properties of the meat. Influence on the properties of salted meat. Principles and methods of intensification of maturation and tenderizing meat. The use of enzymes and starter cultures. Prescription - component composition of meat systems. Heat treatment of meat raw materials and products. Effect of heat treatment on the properties of the meat.

Post requisites : Technology of the primary processing of raw materials of animal origin.

Types of academic classes : laboratory, practical

Program Manager: I. Brel - Kiselev


Инновационные методы овощеводства/ Көкөніс шаруашылығының инновациондық әдістері/ Innovative methods of vegetable growing- 2 credits

Prerequisites: biology curriculum

Course Outline : Biological characteristics of vegetable crops. The role of environmental factors in the life of vegetable plants, their characteristics and regulation conditions. Common processing methods of cultivation of vegetable crops. Features of the protected ground. Zone features of  the use of different types of protected ground. The technology of growing seedlings in a variety of protected ground. Technology of production of vegetables in a variety of protected ground. Agrotechnical features of cultivation of different vegetable crops under  conditions.

Postrequisites : Handling and storage of crops

Types of academic classes : practical, laboratory.

Program manager : V. Mishchenko


Биотехнологические методы рекультивации земель/ Жерді қалпына келтірудің биотехнологиялық әдістері/Biotechnologicalmethodsrecultivationterritories  - 2 credits

Prerequisites: Biotechnology

Course Outline : The subject of biotechnological methods  of reclamation of technodamaged areas. The main methods of soil remediation.

Postrequisets : Biotechnology in forage production

Types of classroom teaching : practical, laboratory.

Program manager : G.Zharlygasova


Обработка и хранение продукции растениеводства /Өсімдік шаруашылық өнімдерін сақтау және өңдеу/Processing and storage of production of plant growing – 2 credits

Prerequisites: Plant Physiology

Course Outline : The physical and physiological processes in plant production, plant production characteristics  of drying and storage facility, the current state of technology of cleaning, ventilation, drying, and a description of structures of all types of existing and new plants and machinery for post-harvest crop production; recommendations of  storage of grain, sunflower seeds, flour, cereals and animal feed ; recommendations on pest of grain stocks.

Postrequsites : Innovative methods of vegetable growing

Types of  academic classes : practical, laboratory .

Program manager :  N.Yakovlev


Биотехнология в кормопроизводстве /Мал азығын өндірудегі биотехнология /Biotechnologyinaforagemanufacture - 2 credits

Prerequisites: Biotechnology

Course Outline : Phytocenosises  of natural grassland. Grouping plants. Classification of meadows and pastures. Biotechnology preservation and storage of fodder. Seed production of forage grasses. Methods of improvement and rational use of land using in biotechnology plants and microorganisms.

Postrequisites : Biotechnological methods of land recultivation

Types of academic classes : practical, laboratory.

Program manager :  J.Zharlygasov