Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Landscape design



The educational program "Landscape design" is necessary for the successful training of competitive specialists in the labor market. The study of the proposed disciplines on this educational program allows future bachelors of biology in greater depth and competence to understand the issues of landscape design, organise and professionally conduct their own business in this area of activity. Bachelors who have mastered the present educational program could work in urban greening, nature conservation organizations, floral nurseries, design forest and park cultural landscapes.






Graduates of the educational program "Landscape design " must :


know and understand


• forest and urban ecosystems of different levels and their components:

• flora and fauna, soil ;

• surface water and groundwater ;

• tropospheric air masses ;

• forest protected areas ;

• Systems and methods for planning of forest development ;

• methods of reforestation ;

• care of forests ;

• ways of protection of forests ;

• methods of design ;

• creation and reconstruction of the forest park spaces ;

• ensuring the creation of a favorable environment for the rest;

• tourism and other recreational activities in forest areas ;

• increasing the resistance to adverse factors and aesthetic expression.


be able to:


• develop and implement measures for the protection and the protection of forests ;

• the production of planting material of forest tree species and ornamental trees and shrubs ;

• care for forests, reforestation and afforestation ;

• reclamation of disturbed landscapes;

• the creation, operation, rehabilitation of forest park spaces ;

• increase their resistance to adverse factors;

• aesthetic expression ;

• comfort level of human presence in the forest, its overall aesthetic enrichment.


master :


• methods of analysis of natural compositional elements, their properties and use in landscaping ;

• technique of pruning and trimming  of elements landscape design ;

• methods of calculating recreational pressure ;

• ways of maintaining open spaces ;

• preparation of dendroplan ;

• techniques of the landscape composition .


Catalogue of disciplines of the educational program



Catalog of disciplines educational program contains a description of each discipline separately indicating the prerequisites and postrequisites, number of credits, occupations, information about the managers of the program.


Basic disciplines


Религоведение/ Дінтану/Religionstudies -  1 credit

Prerequisites: History of Kazakhstan

Course outline : The objectives of the development of the discipline " Religious " are: to prepare students to understand the role of religion as an integral phenomenon, the formation of the main stages of its development, the study of religious systems, education is not just as behavioral tolerance, but also the lack of hostility in the study of other religious views.

Types of academic classes: practical

Program manager:Y. Bondarenko


Экология растений/ Өсімдіктер экологиясы/  Plant Ecology – 3 credits

Prerequisites: Structural Botany

Course Outline : Basic laws of the relationship between plants and the environment. The influence of external factors on the life of plants. Responses  -Light as an ecological factor and its role in the life of plants. Heat treatment, water treatment and treated plants. Life forms of plants. Human impact on the vegetation. Protection of plants. The Red List of plants of Kazakhstan.

Types of academic classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: G.Zharlygasova


Физиология растений/ Өсімдіктер физиологиясы/PlantPhysiology- - 3 Credits

Prerequisites : biology , genetics , chemistry , physics

Course outline : the study of the vital processes of plant organisms . Physiology of the plant cell. Water exchange in plant cells. Photosynthesis. Breathing. Mineral nutrition, macronutrients, micronutrients. Transport of substances in the plant. The growth and development of plants. Plant resistance.

Postrequisites : microbiology, ecology, biotechnology.

Types of academic classes: practical

Program managers : G. Sultangazin


Деловой этикет / Іскерлік этикет/Businessetiquette -  1 credit

Prerequisites: Kazakh language

Course Outline : The discipline of "Business Etiquette " is intended to introduce students to the rules of etiquette means of business communication, to develop students' skills of positive communication in business and personal life and their applications in order to achieve success in their professional career .

Postrequisites : office

Types of academic classes: practical

Program manager : K.Irgizbaeva


Психология конкурентоспособной личности/Бәсекеге қабілетті тұлға психологиясы/Psychologyofacompetitivepersonality - 1 credit

Prerequisites: Philosophy , Sociology.

Course Outline : Creating conditions for learning by students of knowledge and the development of psychological foundations of identity formation, the formation of the students' abilities to analyze psychological phenomena in various fields of human activity, the development of skills of psychological introspection, self-awareness and effective communication.

Postrequisites : The Psychology of Business Communication

Types of academic classes: practical

Program manager: O.Elchischeva


Делопроизводство на казахском языке/ Қазақ тілінде іс құжатын жүргізу/ Office work in the Kazakh language - 1 credit

Prerequisites : Kazakh language .

Course outline : The aim of the study : the formation of theoretical and practical knowledge of business correspondence in the official language.

The regulatory framework  of office in Kazakhstan; The services for office work in the enterprise; basic terms of Documentation, Classification and details of the documents, details of documents; range of cases the company; Organizing and storing documents.

Postrequisites : Professional Kazakh ( Russian ) language.

Types of academic classes: practical

Program manager : A. Esetaeva

Биохимия/Биохимия/Biochemistry - 3 Credits

Prerequisites : Physics, Mathematics, Biology

Course outline : The objectives of discipline are to provide information about the biochemical processes that underlie the functioning of the body the metabolic system of the body, the properties of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, familiarize with the methods and management capabilities  of biochemical processes in the body, to form an idea of ​​the basic pathological processes occurring in vivo, their causes and methods of diagnosis and correction.

Types of academic classes: practical, laboratory

Program managers :  L.Altynbayeva


Физиология устойчивости растений к неблагоприятным условиям среды /Ортаның қолайсыз жағдайларына өсімдіктер физиологиясының орнықтылығы /Physiology of plants' stability to unfavourable environment - 2 credits

Prerequisites : systematics of plants, plant physiology, plant ecology

Course Outline : definitions of growth, differentiation, morphogenesis, development. Patterns of growth, characteristic of all living organisms. The specific features of plant growth. The ratio of growth, morphogenesis and development, metabolism, transport physiology and biochemistry of the action. Phenolic inhibitors. Synthetic growth regulators. The mechanisms of morphogenesis. Competence. Determination. Polarity. The effect of the provisions. Totipotency. Regenratsiya in plants.

Postrequisites : mycology , medicinal plants , soil science , regional floristry.

Types of academic classes: practical , laboratory

Program manager : G.Sultangazin


Анатомия человека/ Адам анатомиясы / Anthropotomy- 3 Credits

Prerequisites: Biology , genetics, human and animal physiology, histology, biochemistry, evolutionary theory

Course Outline : To give students an idea of ​​man as a biological species, the regulation of vital body functions to maintain a certain status, on the directions of ecological study of man

Types of academic classes: practical, laboratory

Program manager : I. Beyshova


Генетика /Генетика/Genetics - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: botany, zoology, inorganic and organic chemistry.

Course Outline : The concept of heredity and variation . The material basis of heredity. The basic patterns of inheritance of traits and principles of heredity. Monohybrid and polihybrid crossing. Genetics of sex and inheritance of characteristics of sex-linked . Variability of genetic material. Developmental Genetics. Population genetics and genetic basis of evolution. Human Genetics. The genetic basis of selection.

Postrequisites : Biotechnology

Types of academic classes: practical, laboratory

Program manager : I. Beyshova


Культурные и полезные растения /Пайдалы және мәдени өсімдіктер/Cultivated and Useful Plants - 3 Credits

Prerequisites : Structural Botany

Course Outline : The centers of origin of cultivated plants and useful shapes, geography, cultural and beneficial flora, quantitative and qualitative range of cultural and beneficial flora, cultural and intraspecific classification of mineral species. Cultural, industrial and utility plants , a collection of the most important commercial crops, the global gene pool VIR, the introduction of cultural and beneficial species .

Postrequisites : Biological resources of Kazakhstan

Types of academic classes: practical, laboratory

Program manager :  L.Braginets


Физиология человека и животных/ Адам және жануарлар физиологиясы/ Human Physiology and Zoophysiology- 3 Credits

Prerequisites: Human anatomy, zoology

Course Outline : provides insight into the physiological processes in the body and its relationship with the environment. Physiology of excitable tissues. Physiology of the endocrine system. Physiology of the cardiovascular system. Physiology of the respiratory system. Metabolism and energy. Physiological basis of mental activity. Hronofiziologiya. Age physiology. General patterns of adaptation.

Postrequisites : molecular biology, biology of individual development.

Types of academic classes: practical, laboratory

Program manager : I. Beyshova


Региональная флористика/ Аймақтық флористика / RegionalFloristics - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: Plant Systematics

Course Outline : The main stages in the history of the study of the flora of the world. A brief history of the study of the flora of Kazakhstan. Basic concepts florist. Types of floristic analysis. Systematic structure of flora. Ecological structure florist. Floristic analysis. Mathematical methods of comparative florist. Vegetation as a component of the natural complex. Natural zoning and types. Physico - geographical  zoning basic principles and methods. Geobotanical zoning . Succession of botanical and geographical areas. Floristic Zoning : principles and methods. Adventive flora. Nature conservation aspects of regional floristry. Nature reserves and national parks. Reserves and natural monuments . Red Book of Kazakhstan .

Types of academic classes: practical, laboratory

Program manager : L.Braginets


Декоративное цветоводство / Декоративті гүлдендіру /Flower Cultivation - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: Plant Systematics, structural botany

Course Outline : Plants and compositions. Terms of breeding and care. Tools and equipment for the care of plants. Types of indoor plants. Placing plants. Composition of plants. Making various premises. Growing plants.

Postrequisites : Biological resources of Kazakhstan.

Types of academic classes: practical, laboratory

Program manager : L.Braginets




Компьютерная графика/ Компьютерлік графика/ Computergrapics- 3 Credits

Prerequisites: high-school geometry, the solid geometry, drawing, computer science.

Course Outline : mastery of basic knowledge on the subject, obtaining the skills necessary to perform in a graphics program and read drawings and solutions for different purposes.

Postrequisites: course and diploma projects.

Types of academic classes: practical, laboratory

Program Manager: I. Beyshova


Педагогика и психология/ Педагогика және психология/Pedagogics and Psychology - 3 credits


Course outline : the theoretical foundations of education and psychology, the subject of pedagogy, the subject of psychology. Methods of educational and psychological research. The psyche and consciousness. Personality in the activity and communication, activities, communication. Psychology of small groups and the collective. Theory and practice of the educational process of the school, education in the pedagogical process, schooling, modern approaches to enhance the cognitive activity of students.

Types of academic classes: practical

Program Manager: G. Berkenova


Биоресурсы Казахстана/Қазақстан биоресурстары/Biological Resources of Kazakhstan - 3 Credits

Prerequisites : Structural botany, taxonomy of plants, invertebrate zoology, vertebrate zoology, ecology, biochemistry, chemistry, cultural and useful plants, medicinal plants, geobotany.

Course Outline : biological resources as the sources of the necessary people 's material and spiritual wealth as the objects of nature, the basic criterion of population viability, the history of development of the main raw materials of plant or animal origin, methods of determining the accounting inventory of medicinal plants and the basic accounting methods and their animals features.

Postrequisites : practice, the introduction of plants and animals, floristry

Types of academic classes: practical

Program Manager: K. Ramazanov


Методика преподавания биологии/Биологияны оқыту әдістемесі/Methods of Biology Teaching-  3 credits

Prerequisites: botany, zoology, anatomy and physiology, psychology and pedagogy

Course Outline : mastering the most important problems of education and training in the subjects of the biological cycle of the school, to familiarize students with the organizational forms of the educational process, methods and methodological techniques of biology lessons. A brief history of the development of methods of teaching biology. The forms of organization of the educational process in biology.

Types of academic classes: practical

Program Manager: V.Zhalkevich


Редкие и исчезающие растения / Сирек кездесетін және жойылып бара жатқан өсімдіктер/Rare and Endangered Plant Species - 3 Credits

Prerequisites : Structural Botany

Course Outline : A rare and endangered plant species - the unique products of the evolutionary process and a valuable gene pool. Geographic patterns of species and genetic diversity. Categories of rare and endangered plant species. Status. Engler system. Measurement and evaluation of biological diversity. The index of species diversity. Strategy for the conservation of rare and endangered plant species. Engler system. The list of plants included in the Book of rare and endangered plant species. The current state of nature. Educative education, environmental culture. Monitoring.

Postrequisites : structural botany, plant systematics, cytology and histology and genetics.

Types of academic classes: practical, laboratory

Program manager : L.Braginets


Дендрология/Дендрология /Dendrology – 3 credits

Prerequisites : Structural botany.

Course Outline : trees and shrubs in Kazakhstan. The main forest tree and shrub species in Kazakhstan. Systematics of plants. Gymnosperms. Angiosperms. Fundamentals of biology and ecology of woody plants. Phytogeography plants. Studying the properties of the plant - crown shape, height, color of leaves, flowers and fruits, decorative effect at different times of the year. For trees and shrubs to adverse environmental conditions habitation.

Postrequisites : Plant physiology , biological resources of Kazakhstan , environmental biology .

Types of academic classes, hands-on, laboratory

Program Manager:  L. Braginets


Зеленые интерьеры и зимние сады / Жасыл интеръер және қысқы бақ / Greeninteriorsandwintergardens - 3 Credits

Prerequisites : Structural Botany, Plant Taxonomy

Course Outline : Arts and deciduous plants. Liana. Curly or ampelnye. Epiphytes. Succulents. Making various premises. Greening offices. The art of bonsai. Bonsai Styles. Formation of plants and peresadka.Miniatyurnye landscape compositions. Accommodation in the interior. Winter gardens. History conservatories and their options. Construction of conservatory. The microclimate of winter sada. Composition of  winter gardens. Growing plants. Flowering wall on the balcony.

Postrequisites : Biological resources of Kazakhstan

Types of academic classes: practical

Program manager :  G.Sultangazin


Ландшафтное проектирование / Ландшафты жобалау / Landscape Architecture - 3 credits

Prerequisites course: Mathematics , Informatics

Course content : The theory of landscape composition. The objectives and design stages. Stages of the project. Materials research. Feasibility study and landscape- ecological study areas. Basis of architectural drawing images of objects and methods of design elements. Rules for the object. Design methodology for various functions of objects of landscape architecture. Norms and rules of design.

Postrequisites : Environmental Biology

Types of academic classes : practical, laboratory

Program Manager: M. Shepelyov


Ландшафтное проектирование / Ландшафты жобалау / Landscape Architecture - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: Plant Taxonomy, Plant Physiology

Course Outline : Civil Engineering at the sites of landscape construction, agrotechnical site preparation. Selection of assortment of trees, shrubs, flowering plants. Construction of the composition of green space. Features of the device lawns and care for them. Types uhodnyh works. Caring for underground and above-ground part of the trees, shrubs. Features pruning flowering trees and shrubs. Reconstruction of landscape construction.

Types of academic classes: practical

Program Manager:  G.Sultangazin