Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Academic Mobility

Proclaimed by the European Union freedom of movement of labor power required to enable students to take part of their training in other universities in the country or abroad. In addition, the rapid obsolescence of knowledge also requires continuation of education after graduation. As a result in the mid 80s in Europe  student mobility programs began to develop.

Within the framework of the Bologna process one of the main goals was proclaimed - to increase academic and professional mobility through increased freedom of choice of educational trajectory and the possibility of accumulation of credits to European citizens throughout the training period.


Open educational space implies an increase of mobility of university students from different countries, which as it is expected, will contribute to the success of the citizens in their chosen profession, will improve the system of employment of university graduates and improve the status of these countries in the field of education.


In accordance with the State Program of Education Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011 - 2020. The development of academic mobility is one of the target indicators, as the realization of one of the principles of the Bologna Declaration. Academic mobility of students is one of the priorities of the university, which helps to improve the quality of education and the efficiency of research as well as the  establishment of internal and external integration ties.

Academic Mobility – is the movement of students, masters, doctoral students or lecturers for teaching, studying, training or carrying out a research during a particular academic period (a semester or an academic year) at another higher education institution (within the country - internal academic mobility or abroad - foreign academic mobility).

After training, studying or carrying out a research in the prescribed order the re-calculation of educational programs in the form of credits at the home university should be done.


Academic mobility of students of KSU named after A.Baitursynov  is made ​​within the framework of intercollegiate contracts / agreements or joint projects.

Bologna process - the process of convergence and harmonization of higher education systems in Europe with the aim of creating a common European Higher Education Area. The official date of the beginning of the process is considered  to be  the 19th of June, 1999, when  the Bologna Declaration was signed. The decision to participate in the voluntary process of creating a European Higher Education Area has been issued in Bologna by the representatives of 29 countries. At present the process includes 47 member countries from 49 countries which have ratified the European Cultural Convention of the Council of Europe (1954).

The Bologna process is open to accession by other countries. Russia joined the Bologna process in September, 2003 at the Berlin meeting of European Ministers of Education. The Bologna Declaration was signed by the Minister of Education of Ukraine in Bergen in 2005. The final decision on joining the Bologna Declaration was made by Kazakhstan in Budapest in 2011. Kazakhstan is the first state  in central Asia recognized as a full member of the European educational space.