Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Participation in social program "Serpin 2050"

Within "Mangilik el" the program “Serpin - 2050” is realized in the republic. 5000 grants were given by this program, and 420 students are studied according to this program on 14 specialties of technical, information, agrarian and veterinary direction of  Baitursynov KSU.  The program purpose – to provide training and obtain employment to the youth from the southern regions of country with surplus of labour resources on the East, North and West of Kazakhstan - in the regions having the staff deficit. Last year this program was implemented on pedagogical specialties, this year the directions of this program are extended, included such specialties, as engineering technical, agricultural and veterinary. Since the beginning of academic year the organizational work was held on adaptation to the public life of university for participants of these programs.  


The maximum numbers of academic groups are 25-30 people for the students of the program “Serpin – 2050”. The educational, working curricula, and also working educational programs and EMCD are developed on all specialties, where lessons are conducted on the Kazakh language. To the quality of teaching disciplines on the Kazakh language is paid much attention. The training seminars on lectures holding, seminar and practical lessons, IWST are held. For employees and teachers the courses of studying of the Kazakh language, organized by the language training center, constantly hold at university.  The complex of the educational and educational and scientific laboratories providing holding of laboratory works in the volume, provided by curricula, standard and working programs on the disciplines of departments exists for high-quality education of students at Kostanay state university of A. Baitursynov.


The research and scientific and production activity is held on the basis of specialized laboratories for implementation of educational activity and high-quality preparation of the scientific and pedagogical personnel of academic teaching staff, master students, PhD students and students. The work on provision of the modern educational and laboratory equipment in the classrooms, laboratories, scientific and industrial workrooms, scientific centers is annually conducted for improvement of quality of training of specialists, conditions creation for scientific researches.