Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

List of signed contracts between dual system of education and social partners

   Dual education is a form of personnel training, combining education in the organization of education with the obligatory periods of training and practice at the enterprise with granting of workplaces.


  Advantages of dual education:


1. Provides the high percent of graduates employment in so far as they completely meet the requirements of the employer. Training is maximum approximate to the inquiries of production.

2. The high motivation in knowledge acquisition is reached. Students study absolutely in a different way on the field classes and professional practices; they study more consciously and interestedly.

3. The principle "from practice to theory" works, the student works more not with texts, but with production situations. The difficult theoretical information understands easier through the practice and the solution of real professional tasks.

4. The quality assessment of specialists training is held not only by the teachers of higher education institution, but also employers. The employers have an opportunity to estimate the level of readiness of future experts directly in the production conditions.


The following is made for realization of dual education at Kostanay state university of A. Baitursynov:


- contracts are signed with leading enterprises of city and region (more than 250 contracts with bases of practice and more than 140 contracts for opening of department branches);

- the educational programs taking into account a competence-based approach and  modularity, focused on the prospect of labor markets and region development, are created and coordinated with employers;

- the practice-based classes and professional practice are given at leading enterprises;

- the lectures are given by the specialists and production workers;

- the final qualification works are performed and its protection is held at the enterprises.



The practice-based system of education is created practically on all specialties at university:


- on the first course: excursions on the production, educational practice, work in student's groups;

- on second-third courses: work practice, formation and fixing of professional skills through the field classes on the production, in branches of departments, in laboratories, design offices of higher education institution and its state and private partners;

- on the fourth course: the practice-based classes, work practice, implementation of diploma projects and introduction of results at the enterprises.




The list of contracts between KSU of A. Baitursynov

with leading enterprises of Kostanay region






Faculty of Agriculture and Biology


5B080100 - Agronomy

“Sokolovskoye Agro” LLP

“Terra” PA

“Sodruzhestvo - 2” LLP

“Sulu” LLP

“Kompleksny ispytatelny uchastok” SD branch

“Kostanayskiy NIISCh” LLP

“Sadovod” PA

“Invent plus” RDE

“Republican methodical center of phytosanitary diagnostics and forecasts” KB SD of Committee of the state inspection in the agro industrial complex of MA RK

 “Research and production Center of Land Cadastre” KB RSE

“Kostanay regional inspectorate on the strain testing of agricultural cultures” SD of MA RK

“Ak Biday Agro” LLP

“Karabalykskiy SKhOS” LLP

“Sheminovka” LLP

“Troyana” LLP


“Agro Innovatsiya” LLC


5B072700- Тechnology of food products


5В072800- Тechnology of processing industries


5В073200- Standartization, certification and metrology  


“Ivolga” LLP

"Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Certification" KB RSE with the right to engage in economic activities

“KostanayZelenstroy” LLP

“Melkombinat” JSC

“Azimut” LLP

“Bayan Sulu” JSC

“Sulu” LLP

“Altyn Nan” LLP


“Lider - 2010” LLP


“Spetstechmontazh” LLP

“Mega melprom” LLP

“KostanayTushpary” LLP

“Yantar” SMS

“Lim” IE

“Agrofirma Dievskaya” LLP

“Asaliya” LLP

Faculty of Veterinary and Livestock


5B080200 –Production technology of livestock products


5B070100 – Biotechnology

“Zarya” JSC

“Scientific Institute of agricultural biotechnology” LLP

“Karasu-Et” LLP

“Dep” LLP

“Sever Agro N” LLP

“Ayan - Ozat” LLP

“Turar” LLP

“Kostanayskiy pchelotsentr” LLP

“Kazakh Tulpary” LLP

“Nur Zhailay NS” LLP

“Kostanay Factory of Milled Footwear” LLP

“North Kazakhstan Research Institute of Livestock and Crop Science” LLP

“Korgay” LLP

“Kolom - M” LLP

“Karaman K” LLP

“Zarechnoe” EF LLP


5B120200 – Veterinary sanitation


5B120100 – Veterinary medicine


“Zhas Kanat – 2006” LLP

“Turar” LLP

"CVC and S Republican Veterinary Laboratory of MA RK " Kostanay regional branch  RSE with the right to engage in economic activities

 “CVC and S Kostanay Regional Territorial Inspection of MA RK” SD

“Sadchikovskoe” LLP

“Broiler plant Zhas Kanat” LLP

“Ak kudyk” LLP

“Balyk Zauyty” LLP

“Zarechnoe” EF LLP

“Korgau” LLP

“Kolos MP” LLP

“Karkyn” farm firm

“Ivolga Holding” LLP

“Krymskoe” LLP

Information Technology Faculty


5B070400 – Computers and Software


"Computer Automated Systems" LLP

“AgromashHolding” JSC

“SaryarkaAvtoProm” LLP

“Agrotekhmash” LLP

 “Kostanay tany” center of empirical researches of LLP RG

“Esbol Studio Prodycsion” IE

 “IT Consalting” LLP

“IT Bizenes Tsentr” LLP

“Arystan Holding” LLP


“Profi-Escort” LLP

“Komteko” firm” LLP


5B070300 – Information Systems


“Altair Corporation” LLP

“Control of archives and documentation” SD

“Vladimirovskaya farm firm” LLP

“Ruslana i Z” LLP

“Mezhraigaz” LLP

“Kostanay Tushpary” LLP

 Branch of “KTZ” JSC NC – Main Computer Center

“Information computer center on statistics of RK agency” branch  RSE with the right to engage in economic activities

“Yulianna” LLP


“Fart – T - Erra” LLP

“Fora Service” LLP KB

“LC Trade” LLP

“FirstBIT” LLP

Engineering Technical Faculty


5B071300-Transport, Transport Engineering and Technologies


 5B072400-Technological machines and equipment


“SaryarkaAvtoProm” LLP

“AgromashHolding” JSC

“Agrotekhmash” LLP

“Avtodom Kostanay” LLP

“Tobol Motors” LLP (“Toyota Center Kostanay” LLP)


“Karenin” LLP


5B080600- Agricultural Engineering and Technology



“Service Center Rostelmash” LLP

“SaryarkaAvtoProm” LLP

“AgromashHolding” JSC

“Agrotekhmash” LLP

“Eurasia Group Kazakstan” LLP

“Laura – K” LLP

“Agniy” LLP

“Borusan Makina Kazakhstan” LLP IE

“Ak Biday Agro” LLP

“Mezhprodtorg” LLC

“Kolos” CJSC


5B0071800–Electricity energetics


“SaryarkaAvtoProm” LLP

 “AgroExpert” LLP

“Kostanay Elektromontazh” LLP

“AgromashHolding” JSC

“Agrotekhmash” LLP

 “El – Nur - Servis” LLP Branch

“Mezhregionenergotranzit” LLP


“Polvset Kostanai” LLP

“Kazakh Energo Ekspertiza” JSC KR

“Kostanay Talan” LLP