Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Grants, privileges, scholarships

Dear university graduates!


Here we inform You what grants, privileges and scholarships you may have if you study a Master degree at A. Baitursynov Kostanai state university.


First of all, it is important to mention that you may study at the university for free if you win a state educational grant within the state educational order for training of scientific and pedagogical personnel.  Moreover, there is a possibility to win purpose grants which are sponsored by Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and specially allotted to Kostanai state university. You may get more detailed information at 8-7142-51-16-64 at the KSU office of science and postgraduate studies.


Otherwise you are to pay tuition fees at your own expense or by other resources. According to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On education", the payment of education on fee-paying basis has not to be lower than the cost of education by the state educational grant. At the same time, at the expense of own means, economy of expenses, economic activity, the university can allocate educational grants. 


Kostanai state university provides gifted young people who have achieved good results in studying and science with


Institutional grants – 100% discount for the whole period of training for the faces that enter Kostanai state university on a paid basis:


●  Rector’s educational grant «Білім» is provided for a Master’s Degree student who has achieved excellent results in studying, has a factual confirmation of success in sport, science or culture in republican or international competition and festivals;


● Educational grant «Тіл дамыту» is provided for a Master’s Degree student who is not a representative of the Kazakh nationality, and enters the Kazakh department of the university.


Starting with the second year, you may receive a grant from akim of Kostanai region, i.e. one-time payment for the support of talented youth.




University's privileges:

● Discounts equal to  25%, 50%, 100% from the total cost of education are given to students of Master’s Degree for the excellent achievements in science, culture and sport in republican and international level.


● In a case of advanced payment for the whole period of training all at once, regardless any privileges the sum of tuition fee is permanent till the end of the term of training.  


● There is also a possibility to study at any foreign universities which have a partnership with KSU. You need to participate in the program of Academic mobility, in a case of success the government will pay all expenses for you,  or win international scholarships.


Obligatory condition for awarding educational grants or privileges on payment is a participation of graduate students in the social, cultural and sporting life of the university.


● Educational grant «Тіл дамыту» is provided for a Master’s Degree student who is not a representative of the Kazakh nationality, and enters the Kazakh department of the university.


Starting with the second year, you may receive a grant from akim of Kostanai region, i.e. one-time payment for the support of talented youth.





● Graduate students of the university have rights to claim for the state nominal scholarships established by the President and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


● In addition, students have an opportunity to receive grants of the governors, enterprises and organizations in accordance with certain criteria.