Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Standard Admission Regulations of educational institutions implementing professional educational programs of postgraduate education

Standard Admission Regulations of educational institutions implementing professional educational programs of postgraduate education


General terms


1. These rules have been developed in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 27, 2007 "On education" and determine the order of admission of applicants to master course, doctoral candidacy of higher education institutions (hereinafter - university), residency of  universities and research organizations, graduate military course of higher military educational institutions.


2. The formation of contingent of undergraduates of universities, audience of residency of universities and scientific organizations is performed by placing the state educational order for the training of scientific and pedagogical staff, as well as tuition is implemented due to own expense of citizens and other sources. Formation of a contingent graduate military course, doctoral candidacy is implemented on the base of the state educational order. Stateless individuals permanently living in the Republic of Kazakhstan, can get free graduate education on a competitive basis in accordance with the state educational order if they receive the education of  this level for the first time, with the exception of military educational institutions. The right for foreigners to obtain free postgraduate education on a competitive basis in accordance with the state educational order is determined by the international agreements of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


3. Admission of individuals to master course, doctorate of universities, graduate military course of military schools, residency of universities and research organizations is carried out on a competitive basis based on the results of entrance examinations.


4. Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan with a certificate of naturalization test of a foreign language (English, French, German ) by programs Test of English as a Foreign Language, Test of English as a Foreign Language Institutional Testing Programm (TOEFL ITP), (TOEFL, a threshold point - not less than 560 ), International English Language Tests System (IELTS, the threshold point - not less than 6.0), Grundbaustein DaF (threshold score - C 1), Deutsche Sprachprfung fur den Hochschulzugang (DSH, the threshold point - C 1 ), Diplome d'Etudes en Langue franзais (DELF, a threshold point - In 2 ), Diplome Approfondi de Langue franзais (DALF, the threshold point - C 1 ) test de connaisances de franзais (TCF, a threshold point - not less than 400 ) should not pass the entrance exam of foreign language in magistracy, residency , adjuncture and doctorate.


5. Admission to the master course, residency, graduate military course and doctorate indicating the specialties is announced through mass media not later than fifteen calendar days prior to the beginning of  accepting the documents.


6. Acceptance of applications of individuals intending to study due to the state educational order, including in the framework of targeted training, carried out in universities, determined by the authorized body in the field of education (hereinafter - the base university), which prepare  masters and doctors.


7. Acceptance of applications enrolling to master course, doctorate of universities, military course of  military schools, residency of  universities and research organizations is conducted from June the 20th to July  the 20th.


Entrance exams to  master course, residency, graduate military course and doctorate are held from 1 to 20 August,  enrollment - till August 31.


The procedure of admission to  educational institutions implementing professional educational programs of postgraduate education

The procedure of acceptance documents for admission to  master course, residency, graduate military course and doctorate


8.The individuals who have mastered professional educational programs of higher education can be accepted to master course, residency, graduate military course


9. Universities creates a selection committee to accept documents and organize the holding of entrance examinations. The Chairman of the selection committee is the head of the university or research organization in the field of health service. The members of the selection committee is approved by order of the head of the university.


10. Individuals entering  master course and  graduate military course  appeal to the university, who enter the residency – to university or research organization with the  following documents:

1) an application to the head of the organization;

2 ) A copy of the document of higher education;

3) a certificate of completion of internship (for admission to residency);

4) A copy of the certificate of naturalization test by programs specified in paragraph 4 of current rules (if any);

5) Personal form of accounting personnel and document proving the labor activity (for those has seniority);

6) six photos of size 3x4 sm;

7) a medical certificate form 086-U;

8 ) A copy of the identity card;

9 ) a list of scientific and methodological works (if any).

With copies of the documents listed in this paragraph, the original should be given for verification . After the verification the originals will be given back.


11. Individuals who has  academic degree "Master" or completed training in the residency of Medical Specialties can be accepted to doctorate.


12. Individuals entering the doctoral program, prepare the following documents:

1) an application to the head of the organization;

2 ) The rationale for the proposed dissertation research, agreed with the alleged native or foreign scientific advisor;

3 ) a copy of the identity card;

4 ) a copy of the document on education;

5 ) A copy of the certificate of passing test  by programs specified in paragraph 4 of current Rules (if any);

6 ) a list of scientific and methodological papers (if any);

7) six photographs of size 3x4 sm;

8) a medical certificate form 086U;

9) personal form of accounting personnel and document proving labor activity (for those with seniority).

With copies of the documents listed in this paragraph, the original for verification should be given. After the verification the originals will be returned.


The procedure of the entrance examinations


13. Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan and stateless people applying for master course, doctoral candidacy, residency, graduate military course pass entrance examinations except foreigners.

1) one of foreign language electively(English, French, German);

2) specialty.


14. Foreigners applying for master course, residency, graduate military course and doctoral candidacy should pass the  entrance examinations:

1) State or Russian language (the language of studying);

2) specialty.


15. The examination board is appointed during the entrance examinations of master course, graduate military course and doctoral candidacy at the university, to the residency – at university and scientific organization.


16. Examination board of specialty is consisted of the staff of universities and research organizations having a science degree in relevant specialty.

The composition of the examination board of specialty consists of a chairman and three members, two of which should be PhDs.

The composition of the examination committee of specialty is approved by order of the head of the university or research organization in the field of health service.


17.  While conducting the examination of specialty the representatives of authorized body in the field of education are sent as observers to main universities.


18. Universities and research organizations  send  applicants to the authorized body twenty calendar days before the examination in the field of education dates of entrance exams in their specialty.


19. Entrance examinations for State , Russian and foreign languages ​​are conducted according to the technology developed by the National Testing Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


20. Authorized body in the field of education determines the order of entrance exams for State, Russian and foreign languages​​.


21. Entrance examinations for State, Russian and foreign languages ​​are held in universities, determined by the authorized body in the field of education.


22. Retaking entrance exams is not allowed.


23. In order to ensure compliance with the common requirements and dispute resolution the Republican committee is appointed the appeal committee for consideration  of appeals in every university. The Chairman and the Republican appeal committee is approved by order of the authorized body in the field of education.

The appeal committee at the university is approved by order of the chairman of the selection committee.

The appeal  committees are  created for review the  applications of individuals disagreeing  with the results of entrance examinations.


24. The appeal committee accepts and considers applications from individuals entering the master course, residency , graduate military course and doctoral candidacy according to content exam materials and technical reasons.

The appeal committee decides whether to add points to the person appealing the results of entrance examination  of the specialty.

The results of the appeal of the State, Russian and foreign languages are delivered to the Republican appeal committee .

Republican appeal committee considers the validity of offer of appeal Committee within one day after receipt of the proposal  appeal committee decides to add pointsto the person appealing the results of entrance examinations of the State , Russian and foreign languages​.


25. Application for appeal shall be addressed to the chairman of the appeal committeeby a  person entering the master course, residency , graduate military course and doctoral studie. Statements on the content of exam materials and technical reasons are accepted until 13.00 hours the next day after the announcement of the results of entrance examination and are considered by appeal committee within one day from the date of application.

Appeals Commission works with each person individually. In the case  of non-appearance of applicant  on the appeal committee his statement for  appeal is not considered.

26. In considering an application by the appeal committee, the person who applies for  the appeal, provides an identity document.

27. The decision of appeal committee is taken according to majority votes  of all members of the committee. In case of equality of votes, the opinionof  chairman of the commission is determinative. The issue of appeal committees is drawn in the protocol signed by the chairman and all members of the committee.


  Enrollment to the master course, residency, graduate military course and doctoral candidacy

28. The enrollment in a list on undergraduates of residency, graduate military course, doctoral candidacy is carried out by the selection committee.


29. For studying according to the state educational order applicants are accepted who get the highest scores on the entrance exams not less than 150 points on a 100-point grading scale in the annex to the current Regulation. 

Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, having certificates of naturalization test in a foreign language (English, French, German) stated in paragraph 4 of these Regulations, are got the highest score on a 100-point grading scale.


30. In case of  the same  indicators of competitive points preferential right of admission  is given to persons having the highest grade in the specialty, in the case of the same indicators of entrance examination in the specialty, the preferential right is given to  persons who have the highest grade in State, Russian and foreign languages. Then scientific achievements are taken into account which relevant to the chosen specialty.

31. Enrollment of individuals for targeted training of masters and doctors of philosophy (PhD) is carried out by the State educational order on a competitive basis among persons applying for this training.

32. Vacant places of the State educational order, including target ones, are given back to the authorized body of education for the further redistribution between higher education institutions.

33. Higher education institutions and research organizations represent the final report on the organization and conducting the reception to the authorized body in the field of education within 10 calendar days, as well as copies of orders of admission to master course, residency, graduate military course and doctorate course according to  the state educational order.






 100-point grading scale 

100-point grading scale

4-point grading scale 


Excellent (5)



Good (4)




Satisfactory (3)






Bad (2)