Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Computer Engineering and Software

Graduate model

Philosophy Doctoral Education Program (PhD)

"8D06103 Computing and Software"


The purpose of the educational program

Preparation of science-oriented highly qualified specialists of new formation for science, education, economics and high-tech production, capable of conducting scientific research, production-oriented and scientific research, aimed at developing and using modern information technologies, as well as quickly adapting to the changing needs of society.

Degree awarded

PhD in the educational program "8D06103 Computer Engineering and Software"

List of specialist positions

Lecturer, Researcher, Systems Analyst (Business Analyst), System Architect, Software Testing Specialist, Software Tester, Technical Writer, Software Maintenance Specialist.

Objects of professional activity

Pedagogical activity in higher, specialized secondary, vocational and technical educational institutions, scientific activity in the information services of research institutions, government bodies, educational institutions, design organizations, industrial enterprises.

Functions of professional activity

- design and development of information systems, configuration of software and technical platform, configuration and administration of network infrastructure;

- architecture design of hardware and software components;

- creation of mobile software applications, software engineering;

- High-performance computing technologies; the use of computers and software for the implementation of computer systems, as well as to solve specific problems of science and technology.

Personal qualities

1.General civil qualities: patriotism, expressed in love for the Motherland, citizenship, determined by an active lifestyle, civil consciousness, law-abiding, understanding of their civil rights, freedoms and duties.

2.Spiritual and moral qualities: humanity, honesty, conscientiousness, tolerance to other convictions, world views and customs, decency, mercy.

3.Intellectual qualities: erudition, critical and emotional thinking, fluency in English, ability to learn throughout life.

5.Business qualities: hard work, responsibility, flexibility, adaptability, ability to work in a team, ability to make non-standard decisions in emergency situations.

6.Organizational and volitional qualities: dedication, self-demanding, self-critical, organized, sociable, having a common culture, will, ability to achieve the intended goal.

7. Special qualities: independently identify and solve scientific problems of the industry; demonstrate the understanding and ability to apply modern theories, models, methods and tools, software packages that meet the requirements of IT-companies; study and implement modern models, methods and technologies.

PhD Learning Outcomes (Dublin Descriptors)

At the end of the educational program, graduates can:

1) demonstrate a systematic understanding of the field of study, skills in terms of skills and research methods used in this field;

2) plan, develop, implement an integrated research process;

3) to contribute by own original research to expanding the boundaries of the scientific field, which may deserve publication at the national or international level;

4) critically analyze, evaluate and synthesize new and complex ideas;

5) communicate their knowledge and achievements to colleagues, the scientific community and the general public;

6) to promote the development of a knowledge-based society.