Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


Graduate model

educational program doctoral studies "Jurisprudence"


The purpose of the educational program

Preparation of highly qualified specialists with a high level of legal culture and legal consciousness, fundamental knowledge and professional competences in the field of law, law and order, legal training and education for the implementation of research, scientific, educational, law-making, law enforcement and law enforcement.

Degree awarded
PhD in the educational program "8D04201 Law"
List of specialist positions

Associate-professor (associate professor), professor in universities, teacher of special educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, leading positions: in the sphere of the judicial system, law enforcement service, public service related to legal activities, positions related to legal advice, law-making, management and expert activities.

Objects of professional activity

law enforcement agencies, judicial, executive and representative bodies of state power and administration, state and non-state organizations, advocacy, educational organizations.

Functions of professional activity

- lawmaking;

- law enforcement;

- law enforcement;

- expert and consulting

- organizational and managerial;

- research;

- pedagogical.

- the function of ensuring the rule of law and the law in all spheres of society and the state;

- function of continuous improvement of their professional level, the function of intolerant attitude to any manifestations of violation of legal laws

Personal qualities

- a heightened sense of justice;

- humanism;

- high level of professional knowledge;

- common culture and broad outlook;

- the desire for self-improvement;

- social activity;

- perseverance in achieving goals;

- punctuality, commitment;

- sociability;

- the ability to respect a different opinion and admit their own mistakes.

Learning outcomes of PhDs(Dublin handles)

At the end of the educational program, graduates can:

1) demonstrate a systematic understanding of the field of study, mastering the skills and research methods used in this field;

2) demonstrate the ability to think, design, implement and adapt the essential research process with a scientific approach;

3) to contribute by own original research to the expansion of the boundaries of the scientific field, which deserves publication at the national or international level;

4) critically analyze, evaluate and synthesize new and complex ideas;

5) communicate their knowledge and achievements to colleagues, the scientific community and the general public;

6) to promote the advancement of the technological, social or cultural development of a society based on knowledge in the academic and professional context.