Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


Model of the graduate of the PhD

 of the educational program «Physics»


Physicist - is a specialist possessing complex and qualitative fundamental and professional training; qualified, competitive specialist in the field of pedagogy and pedagogical technologies.

The purpose of the educational program

Training of competitive specialists with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in certain areas of physics development, obtaining basic knowledge of higher education pedagogy, acquiring skills in the implementation of various pedagogical technologies.

Degree awarded
Doctor of philosophy (PhD) , specialty "8D05301-Physics "
List of specialist positions

Researcher, teacher, engineer, designer and designer

Objects of professional activity

- Secondary education institutions

- Vocational education and training institutions

- higher education institutions

- the pedagogical process in higher and secondary special education institutions

- Methods of teaching physics, mathematics and informatics in educational institutions;

- Holding physics classes in higher education institutions;

- information technology

- experimental labs;

- Analytical and numerical study of physical phenomena and processes

- application of research results in innovation activities;

Functions of professional activity

- administrative

- managerial

- research

- communicative

- educational

- educational

- innovative

- educational

- diagnostic;

- methodical;

- advisory;

- experimental and research;

Personal qualities

Личные качества: патриотизм, активная жизненная позиция, гражданское самосознание, законопослушность, толерантность, эрудированность, принципиальность, честность, наличие общей культуры, критическое мышление, понимание своих гражданских прав, свобод и обязанностей.

 Деловые качества: трудолюбие, ответственность, гибкость, адаптируемость, умение работать в команде, способность к принятию нестандартных решений в экстренных ситуациях, способность эффективно работать с людьми из разных социальных слоев населения, знание человеческой психологии, стрессоустойчивость, владение языками, информационно-коммуникационными технологиями, способность к быстрому обучению.

Learning outcomes doctors -electricity (Dublin descriptors) 

Upon completion of an educational program, graduates may:

1) Demonstrate developing knowledge and understanding gained at the level of higher education, which are the basis or opportunity for original development or application of ideas, often in the context of scientific research;

2) Apply knowledge, understanding and problem-solving to new or unfamiliar situations in contexts and within broader (or interdisciplinary) fields of study;

3) Integrate knowledge, cope with complexity and make judgements based on incomplete or limited information, taking into account ethical and social responsibility for the application of these judgements and knowledge;

(4) communicate clearly and concisely their findings and knowledge and their rationale to professionals and non-professionals;

5) to continue training independently