Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


Graduate model

Educational program Master's degree "Economics"


The purpose of the educational program

Preparation of highly qualified specialists capable of shaping the strategy and tactics of the company’s behavior by developing undergraduates skills in analyzing and evaluating the resources of the company, developing development alternatives for the company and mechanisms for their implementation, identifying promising areas for investment, developing and launching new products and services.

Degree awarded

Master of Economic Sciences in the specialty 7M04101-Economics

Перечень должностей специалиста

The Master of Economic Sciences can work as a teacher in an educational institution, as a manager, specialist and other employee in the field of economics and statistics, financial and economic departments, analytical departments, a researcher of state and non-state scientific and research organizations, top and mid-level specialists, firms and organizations of various industries and forms of ownership.

Функции профессиональной деятельности

study of the actions and forms of manifestation of general, private and specific economic laws on the development of economic processes in the specific conditions of the industry or individual enterprise, as well as the conditions and factors for identifying reserves to ensure the achievement of the best results

- economics, analysis, indicative and strategic planning;

- forecasting, making financial and economic decisions at the levels of national, regional economics and enterprises, etc.

-technical and economic rationale for investment and innovation projects.

Personal qualities

1. General civil qualities: patriotism, expressed in love for the Motherland, citizenship, determined by an active lifestyle, civil consciousness, law-abiding, understanding of their civil rights, freedoms and duties.

2. Spiritual and moral qualities: humanity, honesty, conscientiousness, tolerance to other beliefs, world views and customs, decency, mercy.

3. Intellectual qualities: erudition, logical and critical thinking, knowledge of English, information and communication technologies, the ability to learn throughout life.

5. Business qualities: hard work, responsibility, flexibility, adaptability, ability to work in a team, ability to make non-standard decisions in emergency situations.

6. Organizational and volitional qualities: dedication, demanding of yourself, self-criticism, organization, sociability, the presence of a common culture, the will, the ability to achieve the intended goal.

7. Communication skills: communication with colleagues, the broad academic community and society as a whole.

Learning outcomes of masters in economics (Dublin descriptors)


  At the end of the educational program, graduates can:


1) demonstrate the knowledge and understanding gained at the undergraduate level, which is the basis or opportunity for the original development or application of ideas, often in the context of scientific research;


2) apply knowledge, understanding and ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar situations and context within the broader (or interdisciplinary) areas related to the field of study;


3) integrate knowledge, cope with complex issues and make judgments based on incomplete or limited information, taking into account ethical and social responsibility for the application of these judgments and knowledge;


4) clearly and clearly communicate their findings and knowledge to specialists and non-specialists;

5) continue learning by yourself.