Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Frequently asked questions

Dear applicants!

In the "Question-answer" section we will offer you the list of questions which is more often asked while entering higher education institution, and sure, answers on them. If you have another question, it is possible to find the answer in information placed in the section "Doctoral candidacy"  or look over the Rules of Admission in the organization of the higher and postgraduate education attentively, references on it are in this section. If you didn't find the answer on the arisen question, it is necessary to address to the Selection committee in A.Baitursynov KSU on contacts which are given in this section too.







 - Could you tell me who is eligible to enter the doctoral program?


People who have a master degree can be enrolled in the doctoral program



- Tell me, please, is there any reason why applicants may be freed from passing exams in a foreign language?


Citizens of Republic of Kazakhstan with a certificate of passing test in a foreign language (English, French, German ) don’t have to pass the entrance exam in a foreign language to master course by programs: Test of English as a Foreign Language, Test of English as a Foreign Language Institutional Testing Programm (TOEFL , the threshold point - not less than 560 ), International English Language Tests System (IELTS, the threshold point - not less than 6.0), Grundbaustein DaF ( threshold score - C 1 ), Deutsche Sprachprfung fur den Hochschulzugang (DSH, the threshold point - C 1 ) Diplome d'Etudes en Langue franзais (DELF, a threshold point - In 2 ), Diplome Approfondi de Langue franзais (DALF, the threshold point - C 1 ) Test de connaisances de franзais (TCF, a threshold point - not less than 400 ).



Last year my son passed an exam in a foreign language, and got 49 points. could you tell me, please, whether he is eligible to apply for an appeal? 


Yes, he was eligible to do so last year, however now it is not possible. Applications on the content of exam materials and of technical reasons are accepted until 13.00 p.m. the next day after the announcement of the results of entrance examination, and are examined by the appeal committee within one day from the date of statement.


When should people apply for the doctoral program?


Admission is held during the period from 20 June to 20 July.


What is the procedure and form of entrance exam of a foreign language? 


The entrance exam of a foreign language is conducted by method of blanks testing technology developed by the National Testing Centre of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


What examinations should be passed in order to enter the doctoral program of A. Baitursynov KSU?


According to the standard Rules of Admission for the training in institutional organizations, realizing the professional curriculums of post graduate education from January 18, 2012 № 109, entrants pass the following examinations:
1) one of the foreign languages (English, French, German); 2) a specialty exam


I graduated from A. Baitursynov KSU in 2011. Tell me please, is it required to make copies of the diploma and diploma supplements in three languages?


Individuals, who have graduated from universities in the Republic of Kazakhstan since 2009, must provide with diplomas or copies of the diplomas and their supplements (transcripts) in three languages (Russian, English, Kazakh) for admission to second higher or post graduate education. 


When are the entrance examinations for PhD held?


The entrance examinations are held from 1 to 20 august. The exam in a foreign language is held from 1 to 15 August, and the specialty exam is held from 16 to 20 August. The exact dates are assigned annually


 - Last year I did not get a grant to enter PhD "Veterinary Medicine". I was a kind of offended because one of the applicants won the grant, however our results were the same. Could you tell me please, if there is any procedure of awarding grants?


If you have the same results, a person who has a higher mark in the specialty will have a privilege in enrollment to get a grant. If you have the same points of entrance examination in the specialty, the privilege is given to the applicant who has a higher mark in a foreign language. Also scientific achievements in the particular area of the applicants will be taken into consideration.


Could you tell me what is the procedure of admission to PhD?


1) During the period from June 20 to July 20, you should pass the necessary documents; 2) from 1 to 5 of August you will get a permit on the test in a foreign language (where the date, place and number of the audience will be pointed); 3) from 10 to 13 of August the exam in a foreign language is held by blanks testing, and then a certificate is received; 4) from 18 to 20 of August, the oral examination of the specialty is held; 5) during the period from 25 to 27 of August – enrollment to PhD.


I am really disgusted with the technical secretary of the Admission Committee because I was refused to take my documents without the originals.  Was she right if all copies were notarized?


No, the technical secretary was not right.  But it would be better if you had provided  just copies of the originals. In that case the secretary needed the originals of the documents for checking, after the procedure of checking the originals would be given back.


My brother works in the Akmola region by specialty acquired in higher educational institution. He was refused by the admission committee to accept the documents without a copy of the employment history. It was rather expensive to come back home, and also there was no time. Tell me, please, is a copy of employment history obligatory?


According to the standard Rules of Admission for the training in institutional organizations, realizing the professional curriculums of post graduate education from January 19, 2012 # 109, the person who has seniority shall provide to the Admission committee a personal form of accounting personnel and a copy of the employment history.


 Could you tell me, please, if it is possible to enter the doctoral studies on a fee-paid basis?


No, it is impossible. Training in PhD at any universities is possible only within the state educational order.