Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Terms and Conditions of admission

  • In Kostanay state university of A.Baytursynov educational process is conducted on internal and correspondence forms of education. On specialties of legal and economic faculties training of specialists is carried out with use of distance technology of training.
  • Training is provided in the Kazakh and Russian languages. Within implementation of the program of polylingual education specialties with studying of disciplines in three languages are open: part of disciplines – in the Kazakh language, part – in Russian, part – in English. These are the specialties "Foreign Philology", "Translation Studies", "Regional studies", "Computer Facilities and Software", "Transport, Transport Equipment and Technologies".
  • In university the persons having the general average (an average the general), technical and professional (initial and average professional) and the higher education are accepted.
  • Reception is carried out on the budgetary basis through participation in competition on the state educational grants, and also on a contractual basis by training payment at the expense of means of the enterprises, the organizations, funds or own means of citizens.
  • Training on the main educational program is carried out in an internal form where the citizens can enter only participating in uniform national testing and complex testing of applicants according to points of certificates
  • The reception of citizens on the specialty "Journalism" is carried out taking into account two creative examinations.
  • Reception on the reduced educational program for graduates of colleges is carried out by results of complex testing according to points of certificates of CT. Thus, transfer is carried out only on related specialties of the higher education on the Table of correspondences of specialties of the higher and postgraduate education and professions and specialties of the technical and professional, postsecondary education, the Republic of Kazakhstan approved by the Ministry of Education and Science.
  • The reception of citizens on the basis of the higher education is carried out by results of interview on tuition by correspondence of economic and legal specialties and the specialties "Psychology" and "Philology (the Kazakh Language)".




Calendar of the entrant




Stages of work of the reception commission



Reception of applications for participation of complex testing

from June 20 to July 9


Reception of applications for the specialty "Journalism"

from June 20 to July 1


Carrying out creative examinations on the specialty "Journalism"

from July  2 to July 7


Carrying out complex testing of the applicant

from July 17 to July 23


Reception of applications for participation in competition on award of the state educational grants

from July 23 to July 31


Transfer on specialty of the higher education

from August 10 to August 25