Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Passing grades



  • Educational grants are awarded on a competitive basis on concrete specialties, language offices and forms of the education according to the  points of the certificates of ENT and a complex testing according to the sequence of the specialties declared by  applicants.
  • In the competition on receiving an educational grant are considered  points  of Kazakh or Russian (the language of education),of history of Kazakhstan, of mathematics and a subject by your choice.
  • The minimum quantity of the  points, which are  necessary for the  participation in the competition must be not less than 50, including not less than 7 points in a profile subject (not less than 10 points on each creative examination), and in other subjects – not less than 4 points.
  • At  the coincidence of a subject by your  choice an applicant  in the statement can specify four specialties and four universities  (the code of the university must be indicated).



The order of awarding of educational grants

  • The competition is held at the same time on all specialties specified in the statement. If an applicant wins grants on several specialties, grants are awarded according to their sequence specified in the statement.
  • Educational grants are awarded first of all for the citizens, who  have the privilege (look here). 
  • Further the award is carried out on a competitive basis according to the points of the certificates.
  • After that candidacies of the applicants applying for a grant according to 30% by a rural quota are considered (if that is available for this specialty) (look here about a rural quota).




The situation of a semi-lowest passing score


When the competition is carried out on award of the  educational grants ,exist the concept "semi-lowest passing score" which is defined on the concrete specialty.

The selection of applicants for the awarding  of the governmental educational grants is carried out within the quota quantity of grants on each concrete specialty. For example, 50 grants were allocated for the specialty "Ecology" in Russian language of studying in 2012. The applications for this specialty was given about 150, therefore the competition wins 3 applicants for one place.

50 grants were allotted, points of an applicant, who is in the list of the owners of the  grants at 50 will be "semi-checkpoints" on the educational grant on above-mentioned specialty. If some applicants have 50 points, the selection will be among them according to the rules:

Orphans, disabled people of 1,2 groups, disabled people since the childhood, disabled children to whom  studying at universities  aren't contraindicated have the privilege in case of identical points.


Applicants often ask a question: And what size of a lowest passing score on the governmental  educational grant on this or that specialty?


As it was described above, the size of a lowest passing score on the governmental  educational grant is formed during carrying out competition on educational grants after drawing up the list of all applicants for grants. Therefore the size of a lowest passing score isn't known in advance. We can tell you  only for a reference point what was the size of a lowest passing score on each concrete specialty in previous years.







Privileges by  carrying out competition on receiving educational grants have: 


1) People awarded by the sign "Altun Belgi";

2) The winners of the international Olympic Games and scientific competitions in general education subjects, republican and international competitions and the sports competitions awarded by diplomas  during 3 last years on condition of the compliance to their specialty to a subject of the Olympic Games, the  competition or  the sports competition;

3) Orphans, disabled people of 1,2 groups, disabled people since the childhood, disabled children to whom  studying at universities  aren't contraindicated have the privilege in case of identical points.


The rural quota is allocated for citizens  among rural youth and draws up 30% of total of educational grants for the  specialty. The rural quota diffuses only on the specialties defining social and economic development of the village (the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 14, 2012 No. 211).


How the rural quota for receiving the state educational grants in Kazakhstan works? How many points are added to result of ENT?

First of all, we hurry to disappoint you : the rural quota doesn't add points to results of ENT. It works absolutely in a different way.

According to the Rules of the award of the educational grants in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the competition on  the specialties, on which the rural quota is established, is carried out in such way:

70% of grants of total number of their quantity on these specialties and language of studying are awarded as the general competition, and for other 30% of grants competition only among applicants among the rural youth is held. Thus, in the presence of a rural quota chances of receiving a grant increase, due to the  reduction of the number of the applicants on  a grant in the specialty.


Pay attention: the rural quota is established not for all specialties, but only for important for the village development. The list of specialties for which the rural quota works, changes from year to year.

Besides, having gained the diploma in a rural quota, you will be obliged "to fulfill" it, having returned after matriculations for working  in  the village.