Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Entry Regulations

Approved by the Government resolution

of the  Republic of Kazakhstan of January 19, 2012 No. 111

(with changes of 11.02.2013).




Standard  entry regulations for studying  at universities, which have professional educational programs of higher education. 



1. Generalities



1. Standard  entry regulations for studying  at universities, which have professional educational programs of higher education  were created in accordance with the subparagraph 25 of the 4th article of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On  education".

2. At the universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which have professional educational programs   of higher education, is accepted people, who have secondary education,  vocational  and dual education systems, higher(Secondary vocational) education.

3. The  entry of people entering  universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is carried out by  means of getting governmental  educational grants, and also the payment for the education at the expense of people and other sources.

Statelessness, who live in the Republic of Kazakhstan and Kazakhs, who aren’t citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, have an opportunity to study for  free competitively, if  they are  educated of this level first time, aside from   military academies.

The regulation of foreigners  for getting  free higher education competitively, in accordance with a governmental  educational  order is defined by international  treaties of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. The entry of people  entering  universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is carried out by  their  statements  competitively  in accordance with the points  of the certificate, issued by results of ENT or complex testing.

5. A complex testing is held for school leavers last years, graduates of technical and professional (primary, secondary professional  and post-secondary education) organizations of the education, student exchanges, school  leavers, who haven’t taken part in ENT, school leavers of schools not in Kazakh and Russian studying, school leavers of republican musical boarding schools, and also people, who graduated from foreign universities.

6. The entry of people entering the universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan  for the education on fee-paying basis, is carried out by universities.

The entry of people at  universities, who have vocational  and professional, post-graduate education (colleges) on the related  specialties for the studying  on the reduced  terms on fee-paying basis, is carried out by the results of complex testing.

The enumeration of the related  specialties is approved by  the authorized body in the field of education.

The entry of people at the universities, who have higher education  for studying in the reduced terms on fee-paying basis is carried out by the admission regulations of universities.

7. The entry of  foreigners  on the allocated quota on the basis of the governmental  at international universities, which were built on the basis of international agreements, is carried out by universities independently.

The entry of foreigners  for studying at universities on fee-paying basis is carried out in the form of the interview conducted by admission regulations at universities.

 8. There is a quota of the entry  on a scale, which was  approved by the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan  at the entry for studying  at universities.

The enumeration of the  specialties of  bachelor’s  programme  and master’s programme according to them, there a quota  is established  for the entry  at universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is approved by authorized body in the field of education.

9. The entry for studying  by the governmental educational order  on the separate specialties of higher education demanding work with the classified information, is carried out at universities, which have a permission of the bodies of national security.

10. The entry for the specialties,  which have  special  or creative training (further - creative specialties),the entry is carried out by taking into account special or creative examinations.

The  enumeration of the creative specialties and the  order of the realization of special or creative examinations, which are approved  by the order of the  authorized body in the field of education.

The entry of  applications for creative specialties is carried out by the admission regulations of universities from June 20 to July 1.

Applicants  on creative specialties have to indicate only one  creative specialty.

11. Applicants on creative specialties have to pass creative examinations which are carried out by the admission regulations  of universities. They have 2 creative examinations.

A creative examination is carried out from July 2 to July.

The maximum points on creative examination  is 25.

People, who  got  less than 10 points on  a creative examination or haven’t been on the examination, they aren't allowed to a complex testing.

The  repeating an examination of creative examination isn't allowed.

For people, who enter on creative specialties, they have to   take into account points of 2 subjects of testing, they are Kazakh or Russian(the language of studying)  and history of Kazakhstan.

Universities have to submit the total report on the organization and carrying out a  creative examination and also the copies of orders about passing  creative examination in a ten-day term  within the authorized body  in the field of education .

12. At the entry  on creative specialties, and also at universities within the jurisdiction of Law enforcement and Special Agencies, the  reception of  the statements are  carried out  by a process agent of universities.


2. The order of entry for studying at universities.


Realization  of a complex testing


13. A complex testing  is held on the basis of the points of carrying out a testing( basic universities),the enumeration of which are approved by the order of the  authorized body in the field of education.

A complex testing  of people entering on creative specialties, and also entering the universities, which are within the jurisdiction of the  Law enforcement and Special Agencies, Is held at the basic university, to which the university is attached by a chosen person.

14. For the realization on places of an organization,  information and explanatory work and the maintenance according to the decision of the authorized body in the field of education, are created the governmental  regulations on the organization and carrying out a complex testing of people entering  the universities.

15. For presiding  of the maintenance of the  technology of carrying out a complex testing , the representatives of the  authorized body in the field of education visit  basic universities.

16. For participation in a complex testing, an applicant puts in an application in the  admission regulations  of the university on the form of the established sample, the certificate on leaving school or the diploma about leaving  vocational  and professional  education (original), the receipt of the payment for the testing,  2 photographs of 3 x 4 size, the medical certificate in a form 086-U, and also the copy of the  identity card.

17. The entry of the statements for  the participation in a  complex testing is carried out by the   admission regulations of universities from June 20 to July 9.

18. A complex testing is held from July 17 to July 23.

19. A complex testing is held at the request of applicants in Kazakh or in Russian in volume of educational programmes of  secondary education in four subjects: Kazakh or Russian(the language of studying), history of Kazakhstan, mathematics, and a subject by your choice.

The enumeration of specialties with the indication of subjects by your choice and profile subjects  of ENT and a complex testing is approved by the  authorized body in the field of education.

20. 2 hours 30 minutes are allotted on a complex testing. The repeating an examination of testing isn't allowed.

21. You aren’t allowed to change your seats, to exchange examination materials, to copy, to use textbooks, mobile phones.

22. In case of the  violation of the rule(which were described in  a 21 point), the  authorized body in the field of education draws up the statement of the detection of the forbidden things and the removal of the applicant, according to the annex 1 to the these Standard regulations  and takes a decision on cancellation of the  results of the testing.

23. In case of refusal  for applicants pass examination materials for processing after a lapse of time on a complex testing, the authorized body in the field of education draws up the statement in a form, according to the annex 2 to the Standard regulations. Thus, the results of an examination material of the specified person aren't processed.

24. The quantity  of tests in each subject are 25. The correct answer  on each test is estimated by a point.

25. The processing of the results of a complex testing is carried out at the university, where a complex testing was carried out.

26. The codes of the correct answers are hung out after the end of the processing of the results of the testing.

27. The results of a complex testing  are appeared by the governmental commission  in the day of its carrying out.

28. Each participant of the testing have the standard certificate by the  results of a complex testing, which s given by the governmental commission during  calendar days after testing.

29. For ensuring observance of the uniform requirements and the decision of moot points at the assessment of test tasks, the  protection of the rights of the  participants of a complex testing for the period of carrying out testing are created the Republican commission on consideration of appeals(further - the Republican appeal commission) and the appeal commission at each basic  university.

The appeal commissions are created for consideration of statements of people, who don’t agree with their results of a complex testing or/and he maintenance of test tasks.

The chairman and the structure of the Republican appeal commission are approved by the order of  the authorized body in the field of education.

30. The chairman of the appeal commission is approved by the order of the  authorized body in the field of education from its members, and structure is approved by the chairman of the governmental  commission on the organization and carrying out a complex testing.

31. The appeal commission accepts and considers statements from the participants of the testing according to the maintenance of the test tasks and to the  technical reasons, adds information  in the Republican appeal commission about the  addition of  the points to the person and informs him/her  about the results of the appeal.

32. The application is submitted for the chairman of the appeal commission personally by the participant of the testing. Statements according to the maintenance of test tasks and to the technical reasons are accepted till 13 o'clock next day after the announcement of the  results of a complex testing and are considered by the appeal commission during a day. The applicant must  have the identity card and the pass for the testing.

The appeal commission works with each person in an individual order. In case of  the absence of a  person on the meeting of the appeal commission, his application for the appeal isn't considered.

The work of the appeal commission is headed by the chairman of the appeal commission.

33. The decision on the appeal about the disagreement with the results of the  testing  are taken by  the majority of votes of the members of the commission. In case of the equality of votes the voice of the chairman of the commission is decisive. The work of the appeal commission is drawn up by the protocol  signed by the chairman and by all members of the commission.

34. The republican appeal commission considers the validity the offer about the  addition of points to a person by the appeal commissions and takes  a decision.

The decision of the Republican appeal commission is made by the majority of votes  from  the total number of the members of the commission. In case of the equality of votes the voice of the chairman of the commission is decisive. The decision of the Republican appeal commission is made out by the protocol which is signed by the chairman and all members of the commission.





35. The acceptance  of students are carried out by the admission regulations of universities from August 10 to August 25. Applicants must have the certificate of secondary, vocational and professional   or higher education(original), 6 photographs of 3x4, the medical certificate of a form 086-U, the certificate of ENT or a complex testing, and also the certificate about the  award of an educational grant (if you have it).

36. People, who have received the certificate about award of an educational grant, they  submit the application for the admission at the university and are enlisted in the number of students by the order of the rector of the university. The owners of the certificates about the  award of an educational grant on creative specialties are enlisted at the university, in which they passed special (creative) examinations.

37. At State universities on fee-paying education are enlisted school leavers of secondary schools of the current year, who had ENT, the participants of the complex testing who  composed by results of testing not less than 70 points, and on groups of the specialties "Education", "Agricultural Sciences" and "Veterinary science" not less than 60 points, at other universities not less than 50 points, and on " medicine" not less than 55 points, in the following subjects: Kazakh or Russian(the language of studying), history of Kazakhstan, mathematics and a subject by your  choice, including not less than 7 points in a profile subject (not less than 10 on each creative examination), and in other subjects - not less than 4 points.

38. In case of receiving on one of the subjects which are passed  in ENT or a complex testing, less than 4 points, a person  can’t study on fee-paying basis or take part in competition on award of educational grants.

The acceptance  is carried out separately on specialties and language offices.

The acceptance on specialties for which the creative examinations are established,  it is carried out by taking into account  the points of these examinations.

39. For people, who enter the universities, where the training of pilots  is carried out the medical examination in the medical and flight commissions of the  experts with the delivery of the medical certificate regarding the validity for studying at universities by pilots’ training.

 40. In case of the registration by an applicant an educational credit  is given out by banks of the second level, an applicant   is enlisted in number of students of the  university by providing the corresponding reference from a bank about the discussion of  the  documents.

Thus, he is granted a delay for the payment of the sum, which is determined in the contract of rendering educational services and  subject for payment before transfer of the citizen, for registration of the educational course  credit, but no more than four weeks from the moment of obtaining the reference from bank.

41. The documents submitted in a foreign language, must  have notarially testified translation into Kazakh or Russian. Documents of the education, which are given by foreign universities, undergo the notification procedure in the order established by the legislation after transfer of people , during the first semester of studying.

42. The acceptance in the number of students of universities within the jurisdiction of the Law enforcement and Special Agencies is made according to the decision of credentials committee of the university in accordance with the points of the certificate taking into account medical, physical and psychophysiological indicators.

43. Universities  independently of  form of ownership, provide in authorized body in the field of education information on the established forms and in established periods, and after carrying out the acceptance in ten-day time the total report on the organization and carrying out reception, the copies of orders about the acceptance of students, and also originals of certificates of the owners of the educational grant, which has refused from it , and data of people (Surname, Name, Patronymic name, Specialty),who have  not been at the university.

44. The questions which haven't been regulated by the Standard regulations, are solved  by the admission regulations of the universities independently.